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The Christmas Ball (25/12 Evening)- Xmas 1677


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Charles and Lizzie, with Sophia departing


"Forget you, my lady?" Charles laughed at the absurdity. "Not even if I met Venus and Minerva."


Almost to his own surprise, Charles found he would have been perfectly content to spend to rest of the ball in this elaborate dance of flattery and polite flirtation. The cake provided with him with a moment to analyse his thoughts. He wasn't getting sentimental in his old age, was he? Horrible thought. No, he couldn't be. Just to be on the safe side, he resolved to do something reckless before the end of the ball.


I have an image to maintain, after all.


Perhaps fortunately, further introspection was prevented by the arrival of Hurricane Elizabeth. Nervous the interloper might have been, but it did not prevent her from unleashing a veritable flood of verbiage. Charles could not help but laugh, even as Sophia's whispered comment send a pleasant thrill through his blood. He gave her a smoky look before returning his attention to Elizabeth.


Not bad looking, and the chatterboxes can be fun...


"How curious. My uncle used to call me Trouble." A mischievous grin. "He wasn't teasing. I fear I was something of a fey youth." Charles gave a smooth bow. "Charles Audley, Earl of Chatham. Delighted to make your acquaintance, Mistress Elizabeth."


Sophia announced her departure, perhaps put off by Elizabeth's verbal torrent. Charles gave her a final smile and bow.


"I suppose I would have to fight an inconvenient number of duels if I attempted to keep two such treasures to myself. Until Monday my lady."


It was something of a wretch to lose Sophia's company but Charles gave no sign of it as he turned to face Elizabeth, a gentle smile on his lips.


"Popular, Mistress Elizabeth? How could you not be, given your obvious grace and gregarious charm?" An admiring glance and a florid hand gesture. "One would need to be wrought of stone to be unaffected. Now, you asked about the eye?" He tapped the patch and leaned in, voice lowering, almost caressing the words. "I traded it to an alchemist in Constantinople, in return for the ability to see into the hearts and minds of men. The wound is not a pretty sight, though, and I would not unveil it here. Perhaps in a more private setting, after the dance, if you desire."


He straightened up and quirked an inquisitive, almost challenging, eyebrow.

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John and Ogle


John had meant to follow as he walked towards his next partner, since Ogle had just said he was seeking another. He followed the young lord and was disappointed to find pastries. He idly picked up one and took a bite. Rather than answering Lord Ogle's question, John looked around, “D-d-do you see Lady Fiona about?” John had heard a great deal about her but hadn’t actually met her.

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Thomas and Fiona


"Oh this?" he raised the small note to show it to her "this is just someone asking for a dance" Thomas gave Fiona a small smile. The note had hardly been a request at all. It was more of a demand, but he wasn't complaining. Whoever this woman was, had the commanding confidence that Ms. MacBain had. It was very alluring.


"Of course, It's nothing to worry about, it's for the next dance, and I'm sure you have your mind set on more then just myself." Thomas said as he took the plate that was offered to him.


Thomas stood there for a moment tasting the cake, trying to think of something to say. He wanted to leave a good impression that he was at least somewhat personable and reasonable intelligent, and standing there grinning like an idiot would not help his case.


"Tell me a little about yourself, I'm quite curious. You're a fine dancer, and If I might be so bold to admit: quite alluring."


Thomas reckoned that was a good place to start.

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Charles and Lizzie, with Sophia departing


She felt a pang of jealousy as the pretty lady introduced herself. "Oooh you are the Ambassadors new wife. I heard he got married, you are so lucky. Have you visited Spain now?" she gushed. One day she might be married too, well she hoped. "I almost married a Scottish man once, I almost got to go to Scotland, that would have been exciting too don't you think. But. Well I suppose my adventures shall be somewhere else now." The sandy-haired girl's eyes swung now to the gentleman. Why, perhaps he was the one. You just never knew.


"Oh my." lashes fluttered as she was then impressed by the gentleman's title -- she'd unwittingly asked an Earl to dance! Sometimes she had wonderful good luck. "What a wonderful evening this is proving to be!" she beamed back to Sophia. And the Ambassadors wife, being so lovely as she was, then suggested she exit. Lizzie knew why. It was ladies code, Sophia was encouraging a romance!


"Lovely to meet you Lady Toledo, we shall meet again soon, just you see!"


She was determined not to let Sophia down, and now rounded her ardent attention upon Lord Chatham.


Goodness, he was rather charming, he had such a way with words. Elizabeth was entranced. Constantinople? she had no idea where that was, but it sounded somewhere far more exotic than Cornwall. Her eyes flared. "Ladies hearts too?" she already knew the answer, but had to ask anyhow. "Oh Lord Chatham, what an unfair advantage you have, can you tell what it in my heart already, or does it take a few minutes to work?" She put her hands to her bosoms, as though they might afford some barrier to his otherworldly interrogation... although she was almost tempted to withdraw them. Let him know how deathly interested she was! "Later?"


Although our Miss Dwight was not blessed with second sight, she had a feeling that perhaps he might love her (to want to see her alone like was her clue).

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Ellen With Ambrose


"My Lord." She curtsied in response to his greeting. And then watched as he quickly left them alone.


She made a guess that Rochester had no desire to remain - no doubt he thought she'd been 'sent' there by her father - so it was just them. A Merchants Daughter and a Soldier.


"You are Brave indeed Sir to trade quips with the Earl of Rochester. He has left you alone and without support. And your rhyming was near as good as His."


She smiled as she complemented him watching as he drank. If he too was far enough into his cups then there was no purpose in even asking him for a dance.


She continued


"He has made a quick retreat which, given the state of Things, I can hardly blame him. And I shall not hold it against you either Lieutenant if you follow him - my reputation proceeds you see."


A small curtsey and she introduced herself


"Mistress Ellen Doolittle. Daughter of a Baronet and Shiping Magnet. In need of a 'Husband' and as my looks are not worth a second glance my fortune suruly is."


Her words were said with a surprising lack of bitterness and was that a twinkle in those brown eyes as she waited for his response.


"You were kind enough the other night - at the Theatre - to shield me from the crowds. In case you do not remember me."


(edited as response to Rochester's greeting was left out)

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Maldon and Ogle


Henry took a bite of a pastry as well. He had something of a sweet tooth. Expecting to hear some fanciful names, Lord Ogle was not expecting to hear the name uttered. Not good at disguising his feelings, the young lord stopped eating, his merry look vanishing immediately. "What of her? I have not seen her. What do you imply?" He was afraid that the rumors of him and Fiona had spread further. He had hoped that they had died down over the recess. The Duke had forbidden his som from seeing her again.




There was quite a crowd, making finding anyone a chore. It would take several minutes before the young German would see Henry Howard. The Earl of Arundel was far from his father and standing with a lady in her late 20s. They seemed to be laughing about something.

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Ladies Lucas and Dunmore


"Actually I was not refering to the Dance. Tis a simple Country one that both You and I have partaken of!"


She followed the other woman's gaze and came to rest on "Young Ogle".


"And he is in need then of Our Help I think - who do you suggest? And Lord Kingston is the one with all that flowing light hair - best to select a girl with dark hair to complement them both - my what pretty babes they shall have! Tell about the one he is with."


She too took a glass and sipped waiting to hear more.


"Now that the King is here will He not dance as well? We must observe very carefully any girl that is bold enough to approach - there is something to be said for Confidence and it she is mated with the right man it can be an asset."


"But let us weed out those unsuitable Constance - why there is a certain red-haired one that has made quite the show of presenting herself - Ah. There she is."


She made a point of directing the other's attention to Heather


"You know who she is? Enlighten me."

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John and Ogle


John was surprised by Ogle’s reaction. He had heard rumors of Ogle and Fiona’s reputations separately, but nothing of the two of them together. “I’m implying she’d be amenable to dancing with you. And that I think she’d f-f-find you charming.” John stated flatly. “Nothing more. C-c-calm down. Have a drink.” John handed him a cup of punch and took one for himself. He was too polite to ask what had provoked such a reaction but there was curiosity in his eyes.

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Ellen With Ambrose

OOC: thanks for squeezing in a post while you are so busy!



Turnbull glanced after the departing Earl. "So that was Rochester?" Finally a name, and the Lieutenant tipped his head and nodded of it, "... though we were not quipping so much as, do you fancy the theatre?" he pulled his attention back to Ellen.


In the bright of the Ballroom she looked different, more polished, almost shiny in fact. Her breasts were still as pleasing as he remembered though, so that was good. And she was still like a brave though small pup in how she faced him, which he also found admirable.


"Now why would I leave? For a start, you intrigue me with talk of this reputation of yours... why perhaps I am fondest for ladies who are not all bleach and starch." His eyes crinkled at the edges as he smiled. It did not sit right for a woman to deride herself as she had, and the noble in him spoke to her own defense, though the rat bag still remained, and hoped that this repute was something of a certain lightness to her skirts.


... Ack. But her reputation she then supplied, and it was not of the sort a man with Ambrose specific need required.


"I remember you well, Mistress Ellen - my offer to give you assistance returning home was a warming prospect during a bitterly cold watch."


"I suppose your father, this Magnate, is also jealous and well armed?" he gave a mock-sigh, his eyes sparkling none the less, "perhaps it's just as well I'd not the chance for a warm fondle, I've no wish to anger your Papa, and my fingers were very cold. You might have squealed." Perhaps Ellen would have liked it more if he'd talked about snowflakes and angels (like Rochester had advised.)

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Ellen And Ambrose


His description of his 'type' of Lady drew a small chuckle and she wondered for a moment if he would be Shocked if she truly was that sort? Yet she also liked the way he looked at her and the warm tingly feeling in her tummy that it created. If his manner was perhaps abrupt she was used to that from being about the Docks.


"My Lord Father is neither of those things Lieutenant .... Just what is your Name or am I to guess it? He is a man with three daughters and no son - I am the eldest and my middle sister is married and now with a daughter of her own - all at ten and seven."


"And here am I at near twenty with no prospects."


she took pity on him them adding


"But fear not for I am not hunting this night nor any other. In Truth yours was the first face I knew amongst all these ..." She waved her hand casually in the general direction of the Hall."And so I took courage and came even wth the presence of Rochester and I fear I may yet be the brunt of more Jokes especially from Him but I weathered the past Storms well enough."


"Hands can be made warm and I do not shock that easily. I am much about the Docks for that is where our Wharehouses are so corse words are an everyday occurance yet I will never be mistaken for those women that ply their trade there. I am a "Lady" even if not born one."


"You are new to London and to Court? Why have you come? Do you join in this talk of "War' and so seek a position? Have you a Sponser then or are you attached to one of the Great Families - I think mayhap a second or third son - "


Well this was different! She was talking to this unknwn man with a quiet calmness almost as if she'd known him far longer.

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Charles and Lizzie


Ah, fluttering eyelashes, my seventh greatest weakness.


If Elizabeth was not the conversational peer Sophia had been, she was at least not boring. Garrulous in the extreme, but not boring. There was even a certain degree of charm in her complete lack of any filter between mind and mouth.


Let us pray that she does not prove vacuous.


Charles curved his lips in a small smirk as he observed the effects of both his presence and his little bit of tale spinning. The flicker of movement as she drew her hands to her breasts drew his eye for a moment before courtesy returned it to her flared eyes. Most gratifying.


Oh, but I am a cruel man.


He paused for a moment, considering. It would be a relatively simple matter to make Elizabeth think he could see the shape of her thoughts- the girl wore her heart on her sleeve- but it lacked a certain something.


Huh. There's an idea.


Charles smiled sadly, with perhaps just a hint of bitterness leaking through. His voice was quiet but intense, hinting at a wealth of emotion barely repressed.


"An advantage, Mistress Elizabeth? So I thought too, to begin with. But the Turk laughed when we struck our bargain and again when he gave me the potion and in his place I would have laughed too. It seems a fine thing, to know the minds of one's fellows, but when one knows the nature of Man for what it is it becomes hard not to fall into bitterness and cynicism. And then to meet a lady such as yourself, possessed of such a bright spirit, such kindness and charity? It is a living reproach to me for not being so myself."


He drew back, the image of a man shocked by the strength of his feelings and appalled by his temporary loss of control. His voice contained ill-concealed anxiety.


"I must beg your pardon. It was... unbecoming to burden such a fair flower with such dark thoughts. Do say you forgive me." With visible effort, Charles reasserted his self-control.


In truth, the gambit was identical in nature to that he had suggested to Turnbull in the Fencing Hall. He had revealed vulnerability, an open emotional wound, and thus cast himself as a tragic figure. If he read her right and played his role well, Elizabeth might well seek to tend those hurts. And while the words, in retrospect, seemed a tad overwrought, they were mostly irrelevant. It was the (fake) emotions behind them that mattered.


Cruel, cruel, cruel.


A hopeful smile.


"Would you care for some wine or cake before the dance, Mistress Elizabeth?"

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Thomas and Fiona


“What a unique way to ask for a dance,” Fiona commented. “I should use it myself.” She was pleased that he took the cake. It meant that he still enjoyed her company and didn't plan on running off to join his next dance partner. “But how do you know which lady it came from? Did she describe herself or tell you where to find her? Or have the two of you met before?” The idea did appeal to her. Mysteriousness was enticing.


She shrugged when he mentioned finding other dance partners. “Of course. I plan on dancing with lots of gentlemen tonight. But I won't seek another partner until the next dance is announced.” Unless she saw Lord Langdon alone. At the moment, he was conversing with Lady Susan Herbert. She was too demure and proper to be competition for the Earl's affections, and she doubted Charles wanted to be on the receiving end of her brother's wrath. He was friends with Fiona's own brother and sister, which could be both good and bad. Maybe the only reason he hadn't slept with her while he was in his right might was that he felt he would be betraying them.


A bright smile curved her lips when Thomas called her alluring. “Why thank you.” Her eyes narrowed playfully. “I think you are alluring as well.” Perhaps this night would result in a pleasurable dalliance, if he meant what she thought he meant. “There's not much to tell, really. I love to dance, and ride, and meet new people. I also sing rather well. And I'm the sister of Lord Dundarg and Lady Alyth.” Spotting Catriona and Douglas conversing together, she gestured toward them. “See that tall gentleman over there in black and silver talking to the pretty lady in green and gold? That's them. Have you met them yet?”

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Sophia leaving Charles and Lizzie and approaching the Earl of Arundel


Sophia grinned at Lord Chatham. “Well, I was a goddess myself last night, but I am afraid that I could never compare to a real one.”


Her body hummed with pleasurable sensations when he favored her with a smoky gaze. Perhaps it was fortunate that Mistress Dwight had interrupted them. While she didn't want to leave Charles' company, it was probably better if she did before their flirtations went too far.


She laughed as he confessed that he had also been called 'Trouble' in his youth. “It seems that the three of us have that in common. My former guardian thought that I was trouble too. Looking back, I think he was right.”


I am the wife of the new Ambassador,” she clarified to Elizabeth. “We were married before he was given the position. And yes, I visited Spain during recess and met my lord husband's family. It is a lovely country. And I do hope we meet again, Mistress Dwight. It was a pleasure to meet you.”


Lord Chatham bowed to her and said his farewells, and as she walked away, she threw him a saucy smile over her shoulder. Weaving between various groups and individuals, Sophia scanned the room for Lord Arundel. She was so petite that it was difficult to see through the crowd, and it took quite some time before she finally spotted him laughing with a lady. Hopefully, she had been his first dance partner, and he would be free for the next dance.


She moved toward them, wondering how to proceed. Walking right up to them and interrupting their conversation was probably not the best idea. Perhaps she should be sneaky instead. Remembering their first meeting, she smiled to herself and paused when she was standing close to the Earl, pretending to be interested in her cake. Turning to take a chalice of wine from the tray of a passing servant, Sophia made certain that her skirts swirled against his legs.


“Oh, I'm so sorry!” she exclaimed, raising her gaze to his. Her eyes widened and she feigned surprise, which quickly turned into a winsome smile. “Perhaps I should have expected this. I think this is the second time my gown has flirted with you, my lord.” The first time had been at the ball last spring when they had first met, the same ball at which she had been crowned the May Queen.


She curtsied prettily and smiled warmly at the lady he was with. “And speaking of gowns, yours is quite lovely, my lady.” As Sophia was known as one of the fashionable ladies at court, perhaps her compliment would be appreciated. If the woman was a close confidant of Lord Arundel's she could be a source of information as well. Or even better, she could become the blonde Baroness' friend.

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Catriona and Douglas


Cat shook her head at Douglas's idea of Fiona and Peregrin. "They already run in the same circle and are familiar, I believe," she replied. "We would be best suited looking for someone new to court, not familiar with her or the gossip." Then she waved her hand, as though to brush the topic aside. "I am not going to focus on finding her a husband this season. She's still young and there is time for the gossip to fade out as some young idiot is bound to get up to something more scandalous." Time can heal most wounds.


Douglas's question had her lips quirking. "Oh, just to thwart the Queen's choice of dance partner this evening." She opted not to say what Rochester's role was. Let him find out with everyone else. His words regarding the King made her smile, but not because she assumed she would have any part in that merrymaking. "I have no doubt He will have a most merry Christmas. Especially if he does as he has in the past. I wonder who will be on His matchmaking list this year?" She had been the recipient of that list two years ago. Thus thinking, she decided he would be the next to ask to dance, if only to make certain she wasn't back on that list. "Perhaps I should ask him to dance." She began directing them that way, though she would let Douglas free if he wished to be elsewhere.

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Francis, George, & Richmond


"Yes, I have been there," George replied indignantly. "It is why they need whiskey ... to forget the despair of their homeland," he laughed. "They won't smell it on our breath until it is too late. At any rate, a stiff drink is the best defense against being approached by an ugly lady." By that, he meant that most any woman looked good after enough alcohol was consumed. Presumably the same might be true for men.


It was then that Frances Stuart moved to join the duo, having just left the company of Douglas FitzJames. A playful smile was on her lips. "Happy Christmas gentlemen. I find I am in need of a dance partner for the next dance," she announced to both in a voice that seemed uncertain. After a good look at Francis, she turned to George. "I've heard you have a good leg." A pun was intended. "I'm your man Your Grace," George replied. All three knew that Frances was more interested in Francis, but at least two were playing ignorant of that fact.


The young-faced Francis, who was soon to turn twenty-nine, had already resolved on how he was going to meet any ladies asking him to dance, and that was to entirely play it as a lady might. It was little fun for the gentlemen otherwise.


When the duchess joined them, he bowed and returned a "Happy Christmas, Your Grace," with a mischievous smile of his own.


"You have infinitely good taste, madam, for Sir George is the far better dancer," Francis replied, in all honesty, offering a little tip of his glass to them both. Did a lady protest a gentleman asking the lady next to him, surely not! Neither would he. "With a far better example of the Villiers leg than I at the activity." The young baron chuckled to himself.

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Thomas gave an ungraceful shrug when Fiona had asked him how he knew where the letter came from. He wasn't entirely sure that it had been that chestnut haired older woman, but she was his best guess."There had been a lady who'd been discreetly making eyes at me once the dance had ended. I reckon it was her, I could be wrong." He found the situation more than a little exciting. He'd been dreading the dance, but now he felt a little anticipation and curiosity growing.


“I think you are alluring as well.”


That statement had kept ringing in his head. His face reddened and lit up with a big smile. He was lost for a moment, happily soaking in the joyous feeling that her reciprocation brought. Unless she was lying for whatever reason. Maybe she wanted something from him? Although he had nothing to give. He had no titles, and was certainly not rich.




I'm being a fool. Just calm down.


He snapped his attention back to the ball, when Fiona had raised a finger pointing out two people he's never seem before. "I've never had the pleasure." He definitely saw the family resemblance.

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Buckingham & Nicolette


"I'Faith, I am sure you do not," she agreed with Nicolette, jovially almost giving Basildon a little "shoo" motion in play. She was equally as saucy as Buckingham and just as daring, only far less controversial politically.


"My brother does enjoy a lady fond of breeches, perhaps a family trait," she teased in a purr, batting her eyelashes at George in a most innocently ridiculous sort of fashion.


Considering the Duke had already commented that he wished rescuing from his female companions, it should be little surprise that Nicolette's boldness was easily met so favorably.


The Duke reached for her hand so that she only led for but a moment, with his long, graceful legs, he easily overtook her so to not leave her lonely or wondering for long.


"You have led your cousin to the crows," the Duke said to Nicolette, with a chuckle. "Poor man, if he survives it, perhaps he shall prove his mettle, unless Mistress Wellesley saves him. We, of the group, can have our triumph in departing."


Meanwhile, Mall declared, "Oh, why, my dear Basildon you surely shall not escape we daring matrons so very easily. By rank, I suppose I should command you first, my lord." She held out her hand, "Come, come, and do not fear Mistress Wellesley, you shall too get to torment his lordship. Lady Pembroke was just speaking of her son, I believe you are acquainted? You shall keep her company while I chastise dear Basildon for losing things and then expecting we ladies to save him by finding them, will you not?"


Oh but this was far too much fun. Intrigue did not need to be cutthroat, it was sometimes just as entertaining when benevolent and involving the romance of young people and the parents so desperate for sons to make babies.


Thereby, Mall had successfully made it easier to spy on her brother and to exchange witticisms with the handsome earl, while also giving her dear friend a chance to entertain the King's mischief of pretty Thomas, libertine romantic and just as ridiculous himself as such a notion! It would be very good for Mistress Wellesley; fortune favoured the bold, and she had been bold. Let her survive well done and truly deserve the bold moniker.


"You know my son, the Captain," the countess asked, almost benignly, as if she did not already know. "And my daughter as well, I should think."


She knew the King was going to have any lady coming up to him dance with Ashburnham or Tom, unless the boys earned their own partners, and so was the game. Perhaps they could nudge one or both of them to marry in the coming months.

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Caroline, Ashburnham, Herbert, & the King


"My lady," John said to her boldly, having quite the healthy dose of ego to him, matching his incredibly rich costume, embroidered with silver thread, pearls, and sapphires. "His Majesty commands that if I do not earn my own partners, he shall find some for me. Surely, by your eyes you are bold enough to save me from my royal godfather's match-making?" He gave a little theatric bow in her direction, welcoming her over.


The King chuckled with laughter. "Ho! He has hooked one yet already. Well, Herbert, you shan't let Jack outdo you." The King said to Caroline, "You are wise in your company, my lady." He had seen her not only with his own person but now with more than one of his gentlemen, perhaps she did have lofty goals. One way to achieve more of the King's notice was to be in the company of his friends and household and run in those same circles.


Part of His Majesty was also on the look out for his mysterious admirer, though as she seemed for the chase and enigma, she would likely not approach him. There were any number of ladies on his list of suspects...

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John and Henry


Although he took the cup of punch from Maldon, Ogle did not seem very calm. "No, I know her." He paused to think of some reason to avoid discussing her. "She and I do not get along," he managed, though not very persuasively. He took a sip of punch to allow himself time to think. "Who else might you have in mind?" He needed to change the subject. "You sounded as though you had several names in mind."


It was then that a young lady appeared, awash in valuable jewels. "Excuse me gentlemen, Lord Ogle, may we have this dance?" Henry was only too happy, even though this was one of Danby's girls, and scandalized thereby. "Lady Bridget Osbourne, this is John, Earl of Maldon. He is a relation."


"A pleasure sir." She extended her hand to be kissed, but she was more interested in Ogle, hoping the rumors were not true that he was off the market.


Francis, George and Frances


Oh pooh. Francis was not playing along and jealous of the attention showed George. "Very well then," she announced. "On your recommendation," Frances replied to Francis, "I shall see what a fine leg Sir George has." George was all smiles. "However, if I am to have a basis of comparison. I suppose that I shall be required to dance with you next."




The gown swish ruse worked, but the dress only lightly touched him. Henry was distracted. "Ah, Lady Sophia, or should I say Baroness Toledo. Do you know my cousin Isobel Paulet, Dowager Lady Winchester?" Isobel had been married to the late Marquess of Winchester. "Happy Christmas Lady Toledo. I have heard you sing. You sing beautifully."




The Danish Ambassador was looking for the dark haired lady. He was under the impression that the second dance was his. Perhaps he had heard the lady incorrectly.




The musicians were warming up. It would not be long before the second dance was to begin. Already couples were moving towards the dance area.

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Charles Taking HIs Leave from Susan


"Our servants would not be able to find the room from the river entrance. I am not sure we would either, even though I marked it. "I suppose we could bring them in with us and make an expedition of it. It might make things look more innocent ... though it would not be nearly as fun," he offered with a sly smile. It was clear that he was awaiting her judgement about bringing along the servants to carry the implements and to clean the room.


She turned the tables on him by asking who he might recommend as dance partners. How best to answer? "I suppose you should be kind and ask each of the multitude of gentlemen that asked you for a dance this week." She was a popular match candidate and he had no doubt that she did not suffer for lack of suitors. "Though, I would recommend someone with all his teeth, and hair, and limbs," he chuckled. "Does this narrow the field at all?" he teased. He looked around.


"Ask the King and Ashburnham," he suggested. "They are with your brother, so they would be certain to accept." The latter was probably a good match for Susan and Charles wondered silently whether he should be suggesting true competitors. He could not help feeling a bit possessive of Susan's admiration. It was his way with ladies. "I think you should dance with Baptist May," he piped up. "For a man who seems to relish good times I cannot remember the last time I saw him dance. He also has control of the King's purse, so he's a good one to know better," he offered conspiratorially. May was no threat to Charles. "You should dance with the Duke of Albemarle too. He has a softness for beautiful, intelligent, charming and witty ladies like I do," he offered as flattery. Chris Monck would be no threat either.


"I best go fishing for my own dance now. You have the advantage tonight Susan. Relish it. I shall wander the floor and see if there is any lady who might take pity on me," he offered with an amused smile. "I shall see you soon indeed." With a polite bow, he took his leave.


He did not see either Davina or Fiona. Cat was with Douglas. She would dance with him surely. He began to move that direction slowly as he looked about for other ladies who he might owe a dance.

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John, Ogle, and Bridget


“I see.” John said, “I d-d-did not know.” He added apologetically. It seems I do nothing but stumble with him.


Still, “Yes, I d-d-do. Perhaps a German princess that I’m sure you have no history w-w-with.” John looked across the crowds for a moment, but before he could look much a different lady appeared.


I’m surprised any of the Osbournes are still at court. John shook her hand with a small smile rather than kissing it. Kissing a lady’s hand was a somewhat intimate gesture to him. “My lady.” He replied.


“Go on.” John encouraged him. “B-b-but make sure to stay away from the King. He’s d-d-drunk and marrying people.” John advised.


With the dance starting, John looked out to see how his family was doing, his siblings and any of Devonshire’s family that were there.

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Lucinda Hawthorne & prospective company

As the Musicians made their noises, the shrill drag of horsetail bow across catgut strings, the peep peep peep of woodwind, and thumbed low notes of cello -- Lucinda set down her glass. It was time.


Like a swan she glided towards the Dancefloor, anticipating her company would join her as and when.


Ladies Lucas and Dunmore


It was tempting to snip at Cordelia's contrary reply, a show of unity would have been more pleasant, but Constance did not bother try to make that point. Instead she looked at Ogle, his relatives clustered. "Well the Duke shall be as useful to him as socks for a fish." she commented of the awkward-around-ladies Christoper.


"She was the Belle Stewart." Constance was sometimes surprised by who Cordelia did not recognize. "The Pox spoiled her appearance, while the King spoiled her repute. Quick as a whip, sharp as a tack, but not the sort of woman a man selecting a wife should frequent."


In fact, at times Constance felt as though she was being played. When Cordelia asked her for information about Heather, asked in that way, she paused. There was something wrong. Looking back to Cordelia then she asked, "Why dont you tell me what you already know?"



Charles and Lizzie


Much to her surprise, rather than reading hers, the poor gentleman bared his own heart. Delicate concern gathered a new crease on her porcelain clear skin, while eyes of ocean blue grew deep with compassion.


"Is it so much decay you see in the hearts of those around you?" she might have looked around at that moment, but she was too transfixed, attention absorbed by the romance of his story. "It it just like the three wishes." she breathed, "the first seems good for but a moment, the second tries to repair the first, till by the third they wish that all their wishes were undone. Lord Chatham, is there anything I can do to be the salve that might heal you?"


Her fluttering mind sought an answer, and smiled with fresh hope. "Let me soothe your cynic heart, by keeping you oft company. My Aunt oft says that I am too... ah, optimistic for my own good, so do you see, we are a perfect compliment for each other!" Elizabeth suspected she'd found her perfect match, and hoped he noticed that too. "If we look for good, Lord Chatham, then we can find it."


In horrid timing, the orchestra started to make sounds, just when he asked her if she wanted a drink or cake. "Have we time?" she nodded, "I want to find the token, can I have a big bit."

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Ellen And Ambrose


She chuckled. Her breasts giggled, an appealing wobble of soft flesh. Giggling suited her, he thought.


"I'd say that depends upon what you consider a prospect?" with eyebrow pitched he leaned in, "Perhaps you are a woman bound for a life out of the ordinary, in which case you might count your blessings that you've not been trapped into a life of the mundane."


The small brave pup was rather serious in her ways, yapping in that valiant and oddly challenging way. As though she was daring him.


Had he not given her his name the other night? Surprising, I could have sworn I had. The Lieutenant leaned back again, collecting a pair of glasses from a passing tray he offered her one with a bow worked in, "Lieutenant Turnbull, at your festive service. With no title to recommend me, nor lofty story you might catalog..." It was apparent she was appraising him, but there just wasn't really anything to say. Except.


"...But I've an eye for adventure, and so perhaps in that we shall ally? Yours is to be a life out of the ordinary remember; Shall we begin it then with a challenge. Prove to me that you are a worldly wise dock frequenter, a walker on the fires of reputation, a navigator of merry men - and share with me your best limerick. Come come now, Mistress Ellen. I know you can do it."

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Charles and Susan parting


She did not want the servants to follow them through the passageways. It would definitely not be as much fun. And since he was thinking along the same lines, Susan hoped he was planning to kiss her again, maybe more passionately this time. Even if he didn't, they could still walk close together and she could pretend she was scared so she could press up against him. Her maidservant was paid by her brother and therefore loyal to him. She might have been ordered to report to him if Susan got into any mischief.


“Hmmmm.” This conundrum took some thought. “Do you think the servants know the location of the secret door in the royal wing? We could send them a bit earlier, or even late tonight with the supplies we need and everything will be waiting for us tomorrow afternoon right inside the entrance.” Her maid already knew she had been in the tunnels once. She had seen her enter the room and had immediately drawn a bath for her, taking care of her dirty clothes, and even washing the dust out of her hair.


Susan had not told her who she had been with, only that she had gotten lost in the passageways. Now she would be able to tell her that Lord Langdon had found her, as they had just agreed on a plausible story to explain their frequent meetings. If Philip found out, he might even reward Charles for rescuing his sister.


“If I danced with everyone who has asked me in the last two days, I would be dancing nonstop until next week's ball.” Perhaps that was an exaggeration, but not by much. She knew her worth as a bride and many gentleman hoped to win her favor so that she would persuade her brother to let them marry her. Or that was what she supposed went around in their minds. Gentlemen were impossible to understand. “Oh yes, that narrows it down a lot,” she laughed. “Fortunately no men who fit that description have expressed interest in me. Which is just as well, for I would have turned them down.”


Lord Langdon had quite a few suggestions for her. As perceptive as she was practical, Susan noticed that after he named John Ashburnham, who was handsome and eligible, he then picked gentlemen who were either old or married. Was he a bit jealous of other men who were interested in her? She certainly wouldn't mind if he was. She didn't miss his complement when he suggested that she dance with the Duke of Abermarle and her heart fllutered in her chest.


“I'm not sure if Her Majesty would want me to dance with the King, but I will keep your suggestions in mind. And don't worry. I'll make the most of this opportunity. Who knows when it will come along again?” Susan scoffed when he spoke of ladies taking pity on him. “Oh, I doubt that. As soon as you leave me, ladies will be shoving each other out of the way to get to you first.”


When he bowed to her, she curtsied. “I will see you tomorrow, my lord. Enjoy the rest of the evening.” Susan watched him for a few moments as he walked away, wondering which lucky lady would claim his next dance, and then went to look for another handsome gentleman to dance with.

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Thomas with Fiona leaving in search of Charles


So some other lady had been watching him while he was with her? That notion didn't sit well with Fiona. It seemed as if someone was trying to steal Thomas away. “Well, I guess you will find out soon enough,” she said flippantly.


She hoped the other lady was old, fat, and ugly and that Lieutenant Grey would have no interest in her. Maybe she would be a dreadful dancer and step on his toes. Or she would be repulsed by his own clumsy dancing. Fiona wasn't possessive of him. He wasn't marriage material, but he was intriguing enough that she wanted to know him better. Perhaps much much better.


She heard the musicians warming up just as he said that he had not yet met her siblings. “Find me a bit later in the evening and I will introduce you to them. It seems as if the next dance is about to begin.” Gazing around the room, she caught sight of a familiar figure in a scarlet uniform. Now was her chance. “I hope your next dance partner lives up to your expectations. It was a pleasure meeting you, Lieutenant Grey.”


Fiona homing in on Charles


Moving swiftly through the crowd, Fiona stalked her prey. He was, thankfully, alone, but if she didn't hurry, she was afraid she might lose the chance to dance with him yet again. “Merry Christmas, Lord Langdon.” She came up behind him, her voice a bit breathless. “Would you like to dance?”

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Sophia, Henry, and Isabel


The gown trick had worked again, and Lord Arundel seemed pleased enough to see her. And he even remembered her name. Maybe she had made more of an impression on him than she had thought. “In truth, I feel more like Lady Sophia than the Baroness of Toledo,” she confessed with a sigh. The remark was meant to be a subtle hint that she was disillusioned with her marriage.


Finished with her cake, she placed the empty plate on a servant's tray as he introduced her to his companion. Turning to Lady Winchester, she curtsied again, making certain not to spill any of her wine. “I do not believe I have had the pleasure. I am delighted to make your acquaintance, my lady.”


A hint of color splashed across her cheeks when Isabel complimented her voice. “Thank you, my lady. I am pleased that you enjoy my humble talents.” She wanted to ask them if they had attended the opera, but she thought it best not to call too much attention to her scandalous performance.


“The good Lord blessed me with the gift of music and I believe He wishes me to use my voice to bring Him glory.” If they had not heard her at the opera, they would have been at the King's birthday ball, where she had sung hymns dressed like an angel.


The musicians were warming up again. Sophia glanced over at them and then smiled shyly up at Lord Arundel over the rim of her chalice. “Would you honor me with a dance, my lord?”

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Thomas' last moments with Fiona


Thomas gave her a bow as she began to march off in search for a new partner. "The pleasure was all mine!" he called after her.


That went well enough, I suppose.


Perhaps he would find her later in the evening. He did enjoy her company, and who knows maybe she genuinely enjoyed his?


Thomas and the search for the Mystery Woman


Now was not the time for thinking. The musicians began to make an awful racket announcing to the ball that they would soon begin. It marked the beginning of his little hunt. He began his march to the dancefloor and slipped between the crowds of people, keeping his eyes open to find any sign of the indigo and fuchsia dressed lady.

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Charles and Lizzie


I cannot believe this is working.


It stood to reason, though. Charles had been lucky in his female acquaintances at court thus far, every one of them exceptional. The streak had to end at some point.


And to give the girl her due, you are quite good at this.


Maidenly concern suited her, too. She had lovely eyes. Five years ago, Charles might have felt the faintest stirrings of what another man would call shame. Now, though, he continued to play his role to the hilt, bowing his head in thanks, his countenance screaming the gratitude he did not trust himself to voice.


I will confess to some concern about her intent to oft keep me company, but that's a problem for future Charles to deal with. He's a competent fellow, I'm sure he'll be fine.


Perhaps carried away by his thankfulness, Charles was bold enough to take Elizabeth's hand in his, long fingertips reaching out to brush the pulse point on the inside of her wrist. He held for a second, obviously adrift on the sea of his emotions, before recovering his senses and jerking back as if burned. Embarrassment was written plain on his features. He cleared his throat awkwardly.


If only I could blush on command...


"Ah. W-We might have a moment or two, so if you are quick."


He licked his lips in a nervous gesture. Anyone who had spoken to him for more than five minutes would know he was mugging, but he fancied Elizabeth would think it sweet.

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Buckingham & Nicolette

Mall almost seemed approving. Nicolette met her eyes, a look of appreciation exchanged.


And then; It was barely the tick of a clock, the swing of a pendum, that Nicolette's breath was held. Had she been too daring? (Her words had surprised herself) But perhaps it had been an effect of the Duke's own words - for barely had her breath (and regret teetered) than there he was with a long stride taking her hand then leading the way.


She wished she could look towards Louis then, but she would not turn to look back like Lots wife.


"I would not fear for him," upon a high she replied lively, "for my cousin considers himself avian sustenance, and shall no doubt delight at measuring himself out each their portion." and she gave a little laugh.


Her mind raced, what exactly had just happened? Somehow she'd lost her cool, abandoned her usual method of coy words and insinuation, and then in being more outspoken had managed a more dramatic, a more womanly even, stance. Were she to look behind her, was her own naive-debutantes ways standing there confused and gaping?


Looking to Buckingham she leaned closer to murmur, "There is more to the making of a woman than I'd ever imagined." she gave a small smile with whisper of her former self, before with head high and smile triumphant she declared, "But of your triumph, do they not say 'to the victor the spoils' - what trophy then shall you select Your Grace? There is mistletoe aplenty all about, but for you, perhaps something less... cliche?"


It was a style of interaction different, though possibly she was the only one who felt it, though the Duke was a keen eyed man. Did he realise Nicolette tried on a new styling over her old, wondering how it looked, if it suited her, testing the cut and shape, pushing a little, probing it's effect.

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She had to give in so gave Mall a nicely excuted reverance then added


"Your Grace will allow for me to concede and Lord Basildon shall expect me to ask again before the night is done and I hope in not too damaged of a State ..."


Mall had indeed played some mischief of her own and Davina had to smile back at that Lady for the cleverness in achieving her own goal.


Her eyes went to that Gentlemen and he might indeed take heed and think she would hold true to her words.


Then she turned her attentions to Lady Pembroke.


"Indeed Madam I am well acquainted with both. I had hoped to find him here but then there are so many that seek Him out as well. I shall have to try harder."


She needed to create a suitable impression with the Countess as her son was a silent contender in the Marriage Game. She then recalled that she had a partner already secured for the next dance and somehow it had slipped her mind.


She quickly began to scan the Hall hoping that she'd be able to see the Danish Ambassador or he might see her - it would be near impossible to simply walk about in the hopes of running into each other.


Oh why wasn't she taller!


"I am sorry Lady Pembroke but I am promised to the Danish Ambassador and I have managed to lose sight of him .... I shall remain here if I may the better to be found."

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