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The Christmas Ball (25/12 Evening)- Xmas 1677


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Blonds & Brunettes


"I did not seek my Cousins assistance trying to get your brothers acknowledgment." Nicolette replied to Mall. It was painful going trying to break the Duke's silence- though she valiantly tried to battle on trying. Trying to make a little game of theatrics that hardly worked as Louis diffused her efforts making it all about himself. "Why really, he undoes my attempts. Cousin, where is your art?" Frankly, Nicci was peeved.


Finally the Duke spoke to her, but not in response to her show, instead it was like he'd given up on her. As though she'd failed.


"Your Grace, La, I did not see you there so shy and retiring you were." Nicci quipped with a slight edge to her voice. "Let me see, where is my garden fork, so I may prize the crocus from the soil. Ah yes, here it is." so he wanted English bluntness did he? Look, here came frank speaking and artless Davina, no doubt the Duke would find her boldness to be just what he wanted. He greeted her warmly the moment she arrived, with none of the evasion-game he'd played on Nicci.


A lump caught in the french girls throat. Of all the people, it was Davina. The single woman Nicolette sought revenge for. It had been Davina who'd stolen her Kiss from the King last autumn, and now, she would steal Buckingham too!


"I am going to dance now. Will you join me." Nicolette simply bluntly to Buckingham. Her mother would have passed out to hear such lack of feminine artifice from her daughters lips. Nicolette herself was dismayed of it - where was the fun in plain talk, where was the sport.


Elbow bent and fingertips raised to take his if he offered them, Nicolete walked towards the dance floor - though dancing alone was something never done, frankly she'd sooner shoot herself than actually do that.

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Charles and Sophia

Charles laughed gently at Sophia's downplaying of her linguistic abilities.


"That hardly seems possible my lady but, even were it true, I would still profit more, for your voice is infinitely sweeter to the ear than my own. You need but name a time convenient to you."


Besides, butchering French is quite in vogue at the moment, or so I gather.


He almost voiced his black little joke but this was not the right audience for it and he just managed to restrain himself.


Remember it though. John would appreciate it. Now, will she bring a chaperone to the gardens with her? Telling, either way.


Perhaps we could focus less on dark witticisms, and more on behaving ourselves? Just a suggestion.


A good one too, Charles admitted to himself, as Sophia expressed her gratitude for the offer of the spaniels. He gave her his best attempt at a soft smile.


"There is no need to thank me, my lady. I am but obeying my sovereign's command to select the finest ladies as candidates to adopt the pups. And he's heard you sing, so I doubt he could refuse you anything."


The suggestion of cake met with agreement and Charles finished his wine and offered Sophia his arm.


"Flattery will get you everywhere." A beaming smile. "Should chance favour me, I shall do my utmost to live up to your faith in me. 'Tis a pity you rule yourself out. I've a fancy you'd make an excellent Lady of Misrule."


God, what will I do if I'm Lord of Misrule?


Ideas began to percolate.


They reached a buffet table and acquired cake, plate and utensils in short order. Charles offered Sophia her choice of the two plates before, with an immense effort of will, gracefully nibbling at his own, rather than devouring it whole.

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Joining cake eaters Charles & Sophia


Sandy haired lass who'd been anxiously waiting, wondering who to ask, how to go about this, burst in upon the pair as they approached the table - it was plain enough that the woman was not asking him to dance. So carpe diem, and all that.


"Oh good evening!" she bobbed a cursty, flashed a smile, stepped forwards another step, then took half a step backwards. "I could not help but over hear that..." well actually she'd not over heard anything, she simply used that cliche as a conversation starter, but now. Well now she was lost for more to say.


"Um. Would you like to dance sir? I'm jolly good at it. You wont be disappointed." she flashed a smile to Sophia for bring the gent so near.

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Ladies Lucas & Dunmoore


"Unsuitable is an understatement!" Cordelia tutted in reply, "why even the nature of the dance was somewhat offensive if you ask me. Are we country bumpkins here? I think not."


Securing a small glass of sherry, she sipped.


"Oh but don't look now. Young Ogle is trying to fend for himself, when will that young fellow learn? And whats a perfectly good Lord Kingston doing, going to waste on a strumpet like her. It's just as well we are here Cordelia, it's a veritable ocean of catastrophes."

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Choosing a new Toy-boy


Having sent young William off for his European tour, Lucinda was upon a loose end...


Lady Hawthorne's hair was a deep chestnut, eyes a deeper brown again, while her lips full bodied and sensual, smiled in enjoyment of the nights prospects. She was dressed in chic satin of indigo and fuchsia stripes, pink sapphires tickled around her neck and at her ears, while her hair was decorated with an exquisite mother of pearl comb. Bosom heaved, selling at the brim.


For a moment she noted Louis, her one time lover was doing very well, but she was not here to reminisce, she was more egocentric than that. So her gaze slid past the lordling, looking upon this one and then that. Hmm... one caught her note, who was that whom the McBain girl dallied over? A perfectly shaped eyebrow rose.


With a murmur to a servant, a message was sent... discreetly delivered to the gentleman hand.


Catching the gentleman's eyes she rose her glass.


Lucinda Hawthorn was one of those few independently wealthy women, who were used to a certain lifestyle of excess and opulence, who's life of self indulgence included treating themselves to a youthful lover. Said lovers discovered many benefits to her patronage, as Louis himself might testify.



* message sent to the gent via pm!

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Blonds and Brunettes


Nicolette had thought Louis was not helping her with getting Buckingham's attention, yet she had no need of it. Her yelp and dance would dispel any feigned disinterest. Rather, he had been concerned about the notion that she might have insinuated that he, like his virtue, might get under her skirt. It wasn't that he did not plan to get under her skirts. Rather, if she was to capture the King, there should be no hint of such an attraction.


Louis found himself enjoying Mall's wit about virtue. Laughing lightly, "indeed my lady. How can something be so highly prized at the same time so gladly lost," he quipped. It would make for a good riddle in the right setting.


"Bless you Lady Pembrooke," he laughed, "more often I am accused of being a provocateur."


The Duke awoke from his indifference and announced his intention to dance. Though Nicci showed a bit of valid peeve, she did not realize that men like himself and Buckingham liked to be in control. Whether the Duke did so consciously or not, Louis suspected it was about control. A man like him never surrendered control unless it was to achieve victory. He gave George a friendly nod to encourage him to follow his cousin.


It was then that Davina arrived. Though Louis did not fully appreciate the incident in the garden it was clear that the lady arrived to compete for Buckingham's attention, since he was the only other male present. In such a case, the Earl would rise to the occasion to see that Nicolette received prominence in her efforts. It was all about teamwork.


He had flirted in a coach with Davina before. She seemed to have a warm temperament that suggested she might be open to attention from someone as handsome, charming, witty and immodest as himself.


"Ah, Mistress Wellsley, Happy Christmas." He hoped to distract her while Nicci made off with the Duke. "Have you come to join the finest Villiers and Herbert ladies? Or, are you here to ask me to dance? It would wound me grievously if you were to state your presence is about His Grace instead. Lady Villiers, Lady Pembrooke and I were just discussing locating something I had lost. I had been hoping to enlist each separately to help me search for it upon the dance floor. However, my dance card is still relatively open thereafter." He gave her an inviting look that he hoped left her little recourse but to ask for a dance.

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Francis and George


"Well, Lord Kingston is happy to have your approval then," he said, trying to keep a straight face and not start laughing. He suddenly felt decidedly ridiculous surrounded by all this finery, talking so bluntly with George.


"Whiskey? Have you ever even been so far North or to Ireland before to have developed such tastes," Francis teased. Francis never had, but George had done a great many things before Francis, so he would not be surprised. "How barbaric of you," he added, with a with a quiet chuckle of amusement. "With that on our breath, nobody shall deign ask either of us to dance again!"

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Catriona left with Douglas. Lord Ogle took his leave of Caroline, unfulfilled. Titters went through the crowd at the arrival of the King and his escorts.


John and Ablemarle


The lack of enthusiasm to discuss woman's bosoms was noted. Talk of a merry widow was more interesting. "Who is this widow?" He turned to look at Henry taking his leave from Caroline and heading back to rejoin the Duke. "What has Henry done now?" As they watched Caroline depart, Chris added "looks like she needs no rescuer." He felt pity for Henry.


Francis, George and Frances


"Yes, I have been there," George replied indignantly. "It is why they need whiskey ... to forget the despair of their homeland," he laughed. "They won't smell it on our breath until it is too late. At any rate, a stiff drink is the best defense against being approached by an ugly lady." By that, he meant that most any woman looked good after enough alcohol was consumed. Presumably the same might be true for men.


It was then that Frances Stuart moved to join the duo, having just left the company of Douglas FitzJames. A playful smile was on her lips. "Happy Christmas gentlemen. I find I am in need of a dance partner for the next dance," she announced to both in a voice that seemed uncertain. After a good look at Francis, she turned to George. "I've heard you have a good leg." A pun was intended. "I'm your man Your Grace," George replied. All three knew that Frances was more interested in Francis, but at least two were playing ignorant of that fact.

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Charles and Susan


Susan called his idea both fantastic and brilliant. Charles puffed out his chest and his head almost danced on his neck with the compliment. He nodded as she recited the next step in the library.


As for their next foray into the underworld, Charles was ready for it. "Perhaps tomorrow. A holy day to frighten off evil spirits. After church, or maybe in the evening. Be sure to wear old clothes," he counseled. They had been covered in dust last time. "What is it you hope to find? Maybe I shall bring a broom to clear away the dust. I shall see to it that the skeleton does not molest you," he added with a grin.

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Thomas and Fiona


“What an unexpected surprise!”


Thomas had doubted that. He let himself be dragged over to the mistletoe that Fiona had spotted. He quite liked having her take charge, but as he stood in front of Fiona his bright blue eyes gazing into hers he felt like he needed to do something. It had been a very long time since he'd kissed anyone, and it had only been a few times at that. He just hoped that his inexperience wouldn't be apparent.


He shuffled in closer to Fiona, his face drawing ever so close to hers, he took in as much as her delicate features as he could. Thomas closed his eyes and gently brushed his lips against hers. The mere touch sent his body boiling with a feeling he had not felt in an eternity.

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John with Ablemarle, approaching Newcastle and Ogle


John had a twenty-one-year-old virgin’s discomfort and unfamiliarity with sex and all its secondaries. Perhaps one day that would change, but it hadn’t yet. He was happy the subject passed and he no longer had to think of his failings.


It seemed there was nothing of note about John’s pastries. He finished them and washed it down with the brandy that Ablemarle had made no gesture towards. The slight burn made him feel better. He was starting to warm up, though perhaps that was alcohol.


“Lady Kendishall. The lady on his arm.” John said. “He stared at her chest openly and barely… took notice of what she said.” John sighed. He had tried to tell him to act better. “Even I know better than that.” John willingly held himself up as a standard of inexperience.


“All ladies n-n-need rescuing if you’re charming enough.” John replied. “From boredom if nothing else. And she is b-b-bored.” John looked over at Ablemarle. He still wasn’t quite sure what to make of the duke, though he at least had spoken of subtlety, “She’s having a p-p-party on the twenty ninth. You should ask for an invitation.”


With that, though John walked over to Ogle, who was near his father. He smiled apologetically at the young man, “How are you doing?” Things didn't look liked they'd gone well.

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Douglas and Catriona


Oh yes, Douglas knew all about MacBain stubborness; he'd a fair share of it himself. "We'll I'm pleased a broken axle was nae match fer ye. The roads frae Aberdeen were near snowed in."* But here he was; echoing her shrug with his own. It took a lot to keep the MacBains down.


He was a little surprised when Catriona bid a quick farewell to her erstwhile dance partner and hustled her brother away. "Shit Cat, ye cuid hae intraeduced me." He muttered once they were out of earshot. "Wha was that?"** Not that he doubted the other man knew exactly who he was.


Clearly Cat had something on her mind. There was the light of mischief in her deep blue eyes and something in the way she smiled that said she was up to something. "Whisit?"*** He asked, giving her a long look. What was his sister up to that had her looking so pleased.



* "Well I'm pleased a broken axle was no match for you. The roads from Aberdeen were nearly snowed in."

** "Shit Cat, you could have introduced me. Who was that?"

*** "What it is?"

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Catriona and Douglas


There was no way in Hell Cat was going to spend more time than necessary couped up with her sisters. There was even a thought of just walking all the way after one particularly stupid argument between Fiona and Shona.


"Hmm? Oh, that was Danby's second born. Pretty, but not the smartest man. I do believe he thinks I want him," she replied, slightly distracted by noticing the King's arrival. His question had her looking up with confusion for just a flash before her smile returned. One he had seen often enough when they were children to know she was plotting something. "I have made a decision. Somewhere between Alyth and London that I am tired of being called wicked without the fun of it," she replied. " So, I plan to have some fun tonight. That is, if Rochester doesn't chicken out."

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Beverley & the Frenchies


Beverley could be very apt at the game of playing stupid, although it was probably very transparent as Beverley usually was.


"I assure your lordships, erm, my master would find any politicking sort of gentleman to not make a very good aide," he replied.


"I believe he favours me because I know my duties, and have excellent penmanship," he added, almost as a joke, with a little chuckle. It was much a joke as Beverley ever told, and it sounded like one he had used more than once.


"Unfortunately, I am no fit diplomat, I fear. I am sure, erm, His Majesty's privy councilors would be of far better service."


Then he shrugged some and said, "If you wish to know the squabbling of the, erm, English people in the streets, which is always of concern to Parliament, forgive the unsavory sentiment, is not my own, that after the attack on His Majesty, there were not, erm, significant enough reparations made."


He did know his duties. His master wanted money. England needed Rupertinoes. England did not really actually intend to ever go to war anyway. Why not try and get something out of the French to bribe them out of joining the war?

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Chris took John's comments about Henry's staring at Caroline's chest to heart. She must have excellent bosoms! He was determined to gain a closer examination later. "I see," he muttered, wishing he could. Already Caroline and Henry had parted, so there was no use chasing after the widow. The mention of her party was noted with interest, drawing forth his classic response. "I am not in the habit of inviting myself to parties hosted by ladies with whom I have no acquaintance." He was a Duke after all. He gained invitations to parties all the time because of his rank. "Perhaps if she invited me, after being properly introduced, I would consider it." The meaning was clear.


As the Earl encountered Ogle upon his return, Henry pretended to be delighted. "It could not have gone any better. I think she is quite taken with me, but there are more ladies here and I need to not devote myself to just any one. Disappointed surely, but I think she understands that I must mingle with others. Best not broach it with her as it might make her uncomfortable," he relayed cheerfully. "Now I seek out my next partner." He was thinking of walking by Fiona, knowing that she would ask him. His father would be furious; but, now that he was betrothed, there was less for his father to fear from the Scottish beauty.




"One should not undervalue penmanship," Paul replied in good humor. Henri chuckled.


"His Majesty offered your King reparations and more," Barillon insisted. "Just what do the English people expect. More importantly, what does Parliament expect in the way of reparations? I am only recently arrived and am seeking to learn all I can." Ruvigny said nothing, watching the new ambassador at work.

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Caroline and John Ashburnham


Lord Ogle took his leave of her then rather rapidly, not even an attempt at a kiss under any mistletoe. Now normally Caroline might have felt a bit slighted but she would not have wanted any further contact with the sot anyhow. She merely felt relief that was over. Anyone else would be an improvement.


Suddenly she caught a young dark haired man smiling at her, he was standing right next to the King too! Caroline was still too new to court to have any idea who the man was but he must be at least somewhat important and high ranking, she guessed.


She smiled back as she made a very deliberate effort to navigate closer to his orbit, internally debating if she should ask him for the next dance. She did not even know his name though? An added complication was he was so close to the King, one does not simply saunter up to such an august personage. Heaven forbid a monarch think you overbold.

Was that enough to stop her, as it was a night when the ladies actually had control over who they danced with. So far that had done her little good though. But the night was young.


Almost as she was passing the trio, she turned her head again and gave a slight nod of acknowledgement and one more smile, going for eye contact with the fellow. If that didn't work, she would have to head to the refreshments, get a drink, and think on tactics further.

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Charles & Susan


Susan generally did not compliment gentleman for fear they might get the wrong idea, but Lord Langdon's reaction made her want to do it more often, at least with him. She would have thought that he was accustomed to praise from the lips of ladies, but he seemed quite pleased. The young blonde was more practical than fanciful, but she couldn't help but wonder if he wanted to impress her. No, why would he want to do that with ladies falling at his feet all the time? I should reign in my imagination before I become one of those silly girls who believe in fairy tales.


And he wanted to go back into the passageways with her tomorrow! “It might look suspicious if I am away in the evening, but I can ask for some time off tomorrow afternoon. Sundays are usually quiet in the Queen's household.” She would bring along a change of clothing so that she wouldn't get her good clothes dirty. “Bring a broom for me too. There was a lot of dust in there. It will probably take both of us to clear it away completely.”


Susan returned his grin. “I won't be afraid with you to keep me safe. We also need to look into the location of the inn eventually. I hope that it is still standing and that whoever owns it will let us inside.” If it had been turned into a private residence, there was little hope of that. It would have been refurbished anyway, and anything the Lion and Swan had hidden there would have been long since discarded.

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Thomas and Fiona


Fiona was one of those ladies who went after what she wanted instead of waiting until it came to her. She was, perhaps, a bit too aggressive in the way she went about it, but she usually obtained what she desired. So many girls she knew waited for gentlemen to make the first move, watching them longingly and hoping to be noticed. The direct approach worked much better, in her opinion, and it was more fun, specifically when a man did not expect it and was startled by her boldness. The expressions on their faces were priceless.


Thomas didn't seem to mind being led around, or maybe his objective had been to get her under the mistletoe too. He seemed eager enough to kiss her and she held her breath as he leaned toward her, closing her own eyes as his lips met hers. Pleasurable sensations danced through her young body and though Fiona was tempted to deepen the kiss, she didn't want to scare him away.


Pulling away from him she smiled brightly. “I admire your Christmas spirit,” she said playfully. “Come.” She began to steer him toward the nearest refreshment table. “Let's get some cake.”

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Charles and Sophia joined by a mysterious lady


Why did she feel so elated that he had agreed to see her again? Sophia was tempted to tell him that tomorrow would be lovely, but she didn't want to appear too eager. “Perhaps we can take a stroll Monday around noon, when the day is at its warmest?” Anna would be with her, of course, and Esteban would probably make her take Karl along as well. The bodyguard would likely report to him later, but that didn't matter. She would never betray her Prince and only wanted to spend more time in the intriguing Earl's company. The petite singer was quite curious about him and a stroll would allow them to converse informally. “If it rains, we can meet in the music room of the palace and I shall sing for you.”


She protested when he told her there was no need to thank him for including her name among the ladies worthy of receiving a puppy. “Oh, but there is a reason to thank you. I would never have known that one of the King's spaniels had given birth if you had not told me. And because of you, I may be able to adopt one. So gratitude is definitely in order.”


Sophia took his arm and let him lead her toward one of the refreshment tables. “I do hope you are right, but His Majesty may be more entranced by other ladies than he is by me.” Some of them did much more for him than sing. Still, she hoped he would never forget the opera or her concert last season, and that he would remember that her voice had been the Queen's gift to him on his birthday. Perhaps he would think of her as his angel of music, since she had dressed as an angel on that occasion.


Lord Chatham's smile made her heart flutter. “Perhaps getting everywhere is what I want,” she teased. “I do hope luck smiles upon you for you would do an excellent job of it. And how much fun it would be to play King for the rest of the season. Everyone will have to do your bidding. As for myself, I am not English. I do not think a foreigner who is experiencing her first English Christmas would be able to do the position justice. Next year, after I have seen how it is done, it might be something for me to hope for.”


Sophia took the plate with the smallest piece of cake and took a delicate bite. “The cake is delicious, but it is not nearly as delightful as your company,” she flattered. The young Baroness would have said more, but another lady approached them and rather hesitantly asked Charles to dance. I knew I would not be able to monopolize his attention forever, she thought, but she couldn't help feeling a bit disappointed that their playful banter had come to an end.


“It looks as if you are going to be popular this evening, my lord,” she remarked with a mischievous grin. She smiled back at the other lady, hoping that she would introduce herself.

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John and Ogle


John smiled but slightly at Ablemarle. It was his right to ask to be asked, and John gave others their due just as he demanded his own. He would steer Caroline to him before the night was over if he could, or perhaps ask her to meet him. There was time before the twenty ninth, after all.


There was a small pause as John recalibrated to Ogle’s narrative. But he smiled after a moment, “I’m g-g-glad to hear it. If I m-m-might be so bold, it’d be gentlemanly to stay away from her for a while. M-m-make it easier for her to focus on other gentlemen without being distracted by thoughts of you.” John thought Ogle was, in an awkward fashion, trying to save face more than actually deceive. After all, it was the sort of lie that wouldn’t keep long, at least not to the man who’d brought Caroline with him.


Oddly enough, they had the same idea for his next partner. “Oh? C-c-could I walk with you? I know of a lady or two who might be interested.” John gestured that he would follow.

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Charles, Sophia and interloper


"Monday at noon. Excellent. I shall look forward to it." An amused quirk of his lips. "Would it be wrong of me to pray for rain?"


His attempts at gentlemanly self-deprecation were rebuffed and Charles nodded in acquiescence.


"Far be it from me to contradict a lady. You are most welcome. And, if you might permit me to be bold, should there be six ladies at court your superiors in accomplishment, beauty and charm, then I have come to Avalon rather than London."


Their back and forth continued as they moved off in search of cake. Charles gave Sophia a sidelong glance as they walked.


"If everywhere is your goal, my lady, you need but ask. I am completely in your power." A swift laugh. "Not that you need cease the flattery. Best to make certain after all."


Cake portioned out, Charles restrained himself from inhaling his share. There was such a thing as decorum. Despite his efforts, however, his mouth was full when Sophia offered further flattery. He had just managed to clear the way to reply when another voice cut in.


Overhear? Overhear what? There was nothing incriminating, was there?


Oh, she wants to dance.


Charles answered her curtsey with a nod of his head and a gentle smile, expertly concealing both his disappointment at having to leave Sophia's company and his amusement at the newcomer's nervousness.


"It would be a pleasure my lady. Now, might I have the inestimable honour of knowing your name, or are we spicing our relationship with mystery?"


Sophia's comment drew forth a boyish grin and Charles found he could not resist a final sally.


"The best way to attain popularity is to associate with those who already have it. My thanks."

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Thomas and Fiona


Thomas gave Fiona a weak nod after they came apart from their brief kiss. He yearned to deepen it, to really set a fire, but for whatever reason he could not. In just a matter of a couple seconds, Thomas went from feeling lukewarm towards the girl to feeling an unwelcome lust build up within him. Part of him wanted to give in to it, to throw caution to the wind, but he held himself back. He'd never actually laid with a woman before. Not really, anyhow. If he'd let his lust get the better of him, he'd probably land himself in a spot of trouble. It was better to avoid that all together and play the chaste knight.


As he followed Fiona once again he noticed an older woman had been gazing at him. Her charms were not lost on him. She'd been dressed a gown in colours of indigo and fuchsia. Her plunging neckline caused Thomas to turn a little pink, and as he returned her gaze he gave her a smile.


A few minutes later when he had returned his attention to Fiona and cake, Thomas felt a hand pat him on the back. He turned his head to see whoever rudely interrupted his talk with Fiona, when he felt a little note of paper being slipped into his hand, and the man who gave it to him slipped into the crowd. He carefully glanced at the note, and gave a slight grin. He knew who it was from.

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Charles, Sophia Lizzie


The pretty blonde lady seemed very nice, so did the gentleman, especially because he said yes straight away (Lizzie thought that was an admirable quality in a gentleman.) "Oh how silly of me, I did forget! My name is Elizabeth Dwight, but everyone calls me Lizzie, oh except for my aunts friends, they call me Mistress Dwight. And my aunt, she calls me Trouble! But she's only teasing of course." the girl spoke freely, seemingly unhindered by any sort of mental screening.


"And what are your names? And, what happened to your eye, can I see what it looks like behind the patch. But do you really think I am so popular? I am so pleased, I've been trying awfully hard, for just forever now."


Lady Hawthorne

Over another sip of her wine she watched the McBain girl snog like a pro. Perhaps her companion was well enough engaged already then, though his allure to the other woman only piqued Lucinda's interest more.


The note found it's way to him eventually - and though his head was bent at that time she saw his cheeks flare to a grin. Lucinda gave an indulgent chuckle, warming to him, though not yet met.

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Catriona and Douglas


“Peregine?” Douglas clarified, glancing back in the direction they had just come from. “Tha’s a man we shuid intraeduce tae Fiona.”* He’d heard of him but not seen him before. The two would be perfect for each other; Scottish Libertines with ruined reputations. They were each pretty enough to catch the other’s eye, or so he thought, and the man was from a good family. Douglas couldn’t recall ever seeing Danby’s eldest, or hearing whether he had an heir.


So Cat had decided to get up to some mischief. “Whit fun d’ye hae in mind?”** He asked, intrigued. Curious too that she was involving Rochester, after the man stood them all up at Fiona’s dinner. Clearly Cat had decided not to hold a grudge, which was unusual for a Scot.


“By the by, His Majesty tauld me this mornin’ that he’s luikin’ forrard tae a verra merry Christmas.”*** He added quietly, figuring Cat would pick up on the same implication that he had. The Queen was up the duff and the King was looking forward to returning to his old ways.



* “Peregrine? That’s a man we should introduce to Fiona.”

** “What fun do you have in mind?”

*** “By the by, His Majesy told me this morning that he’s looking forward to a very merry Christmas.”

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Maldon and Ogle


"Yes, yes, I quite agree. I should keep my distance." The advice suited him for Caroline seemed to be closed to conquest.


John asked to walk with him. Henry supposed he could afford a respite. "Surely." He walked slowly towards the nearest refreshment table. His new acquaintance professed some suggestions for ladies. "Oh?" He suddenly had Ogle's attention now. "Do tell." He wasn't certain what Maldon meant by interested but was looking forward to finding out.

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Davina Joins Buckingham But Then Changes Partners


She could see well enough that the Duke was occupied/in conversation with Nicolette and she guessed rightly that HE therefor must be the target for the French girl. She sent a 'polite smile' in her direction however aware that many sets of Eyes watched.


She never faltered in her stride but merely replied to the Duke but did not attempt to steal his focus away but instead turned to the assembly of Ladies and offered her reverence first to Mall then the others collectively adding a


"Felications of The Season"


Her gaze returned to the Duke and Nicolette who had continued her speech - but gave no greeting in return - then made so Bold a request that it almost seemed a Command as she held out a hand to Buckingham then began to take herself out to the floor.


Basildon then took up the conversation and she had to give him credit for not letting his cousin's actions be misunderstood. No doubt they had perfected this routine between themselves!


"Well then My Lord I can hardly allow you to be so 'wounded' can I?"


Her quip was accompanied by a smile and she, full aware of his Narcisitic Personality, and now schooled in the ways of flesh allowed her eyes to linger on his for longer than necessary before she continued


"And I shall offer my 'services' - with the permission of your Company - (her eyes moving to Mall and Lady Pembroke) and in return I shall ask for the next dance - tis only fair My Lord to exchange one favor for another."


"And let us hope twill be something slow-paced thereby allowing us both to search for what has gone missing - I hope it was not too costly?"


She would be true and 'aid' him as best she could yet she could not hide her amusement at the ploy wondering if his 'hint' was all a ruse to get himself onto the floor the better to observe is cousin with the Duke - was it possible that Nicolette was a pawn? Was he using her to feather his nest Politically? Both were indeed possible.


"Shall we then ..."


She offered him a small curtsey but then stood waiting for him to come to her. After all it had been all HIS idea.

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Charles and Susan


"Tomorrow afternoon then," he agreed. Things would be equally quiet for him on a Sunday afternoon after taking his household back home from church. "What if we meet at the secret door in the royal wing at 3 pm? That should give me time to get home after church and find a broom to bring."


It would look odd for him to be carrying a broom, so he resolved to bring Elam with a broom. "See if your maid can fetch a broom for you too."


As for the inn, Charles needed to review what they knew about the place. "Let us discuss the inn when we are in the tunnels, rather than here." Charles saw her good brother in the company of the King. With luck, her pugilist brother would be out of sight. "We should part now and let you go ask other gentlemen to dance. Who are you planning to ask?" he posed with an inquisitive smile. Though he did not plan romantic pursuit of her, he nevertheless found himself oddly curious about his competition.

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Thomas and Fiona


He said nothing to her playful comment. Either he was shy or he was a man of few words. Fiona didn't mind either way. There were more pleasurable things to do with one's mouth than speak. She led him over to the refreshment table and looked at the slices of cake, trying to guess if one of them contained the ring. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw a man approach Thomas and slip him a piece of paper.


She turned toward him just as he grinned while reading the note. Some lady is probably too demure to ask him to dance in person. At least she took the initiative. Fiona scanned the room but didn't see any women staring at him.


“I hope that you did not receive bad news.” Her eyes strayed toward the note and then moved back up to his face, hoping that he would tell her what the missive said and that he wouldn't have to leave her immediately. Picking up two plates of cake, she held one out to him.

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Charles and Susan


He agreed that they should meet in the afternoon and asked her to have her maid bring a broom. “I will be there,” Susan assured him. “Perhaps our servants can use the river entrance and they can bring some extra lanterns as well. It would look rather odd if we are seen in the corridor with a strange assortment of equipment. It might raise questions that we would prefer not to answer.”


She nodded when he proposed that they discuss the matter of the inn in the tunnels. They had spoken long enough for a casual conversation after a dance. In truth, she wished they could talk longer, but propriety had be observed and they would have tomorrow afternoon all to themselves.


Susan paused thoughtfully when he asked her who she planned to dance with next. “I'm not certain.” She grinned mischievously. “Who would you suggest?"

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Charles and Lizzie, with Sophia leaving in search of Henry Howard


Sophia's smile was both shy and playful at the same time. He seemed quite eager to hear her sing again. “Even if it does not rain, we can stop by the music room after our stroll. I will sing for you in Italian and maybe you can help me with my pronunciation when I sing in French. I learned some of the arias from Lully's operas when he was at court last year, but the opportunity to sing for him eluded me …. which was probably fortunate, considering my poor command of French.”


Oh how she adored his honeyed words! Juan had a silver tongue as well. Perhaps that was part of the reason she was drawn to him. He reminded her of her Prince. “Oh, I am quite certain there are many ladies who are prettier, more charming and more sophisticated than I. And more talented as well, though perhaps not at singing opera.” She favored him with an impish little pout. “I would not be surprised if you meet so many accomplished ladies that you forget all about me.”


She knew she would never forget him.


“I will remember that,” Sophia teased him when he said that she only had to ask to get everywhere with him. “And do not worry. I shall not stop until you are completely under my spell.”


And she did flatter him again, but they were interrupted before he could respond. Charles was as charming to the newcomer as he was to her, and when he complimented her by implying she was popular, another pleasurable thrill meandered down her spine. Leaning close to him, the young Baroness whispered so low that only he could hear: “If you keep it up, you might get everywhere as well.”


Stepping away from him, she smiled as Mistress Dwight introduced herself. She certainly was a chatterbox. “I am Lady Sophia de la Cerda, Baroness of Toledo and wife of the Spanish Ambassador.” Mistress Dwight continued babbling and she decided to take her leave. “If the two of you will excuse me, I must find some unsuspecting gentleman to dance with.”


To Lord Chatham: “I will see you on Monday, my lord.” Carrying her plate of cake with her, she turned around and disappeared into the crowd, searching for Henry Howard, Earl of Arundel.

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