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The Christmas Ball (25/12 Evening)- Xmas 1677


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Francis and Susan


Susan didn't think there was anything wrong with preferring not to dance. Yes, it was expected for both ladies and gentlemen, but one would not be banished from court for not dancing. She did wonder why Francis didn't like it. Dancing was a way to meet ladies that wasn't frowned upon. Maybe he had enough female admirers. She knew that some of her friends fancied him.


“Yes, I am.” Her smile was playful. “I'll do anything for my family.” She chuckled when he said he pitied the gentlemen. “They will get their chance. This isn't the last dance of the evening.”


Was he trying to get rid of her? “Perhaps, but if so, we can both be discourteous together. I would think that a lot of ladies are too shy to ask gentlemen to dance.” He would know that wasn't the case with her. Susan was quite an outgoing young lady. “So why do you avoid it, if you don't mind my asking?”

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Heather at a drift


The evening was whirlwind. James must have entered at some point, but the Countess had not seen him, being to busy at the dancefloor and plucking a kiss here or there of nobody important, just as long as they looked right soldiery. She was a social butterfly moving from person to person, never staying too long and laughing lightly at each turn.


Ought I kiss Prince Rupert? the redhead pondered idly as her green eyes moved over the crowd trying to look for her next target. Was there any soldier left in the bunch of them?


OOC: sorry, catching up by doing a little fodder here.

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Fiona alone - approached by Ambrose (&Ellen?) With Ellen Departing


She would be of no help to him as far as an introduction simply because she had no idea as to the identy of the younger woman.


"I am afraid I can not supply you with a name - that You shall have to discover!"


Her brown eyes danced merrily as she whispered to him then stood listening as he began to spin a New Tale.


"I must thank you Lt.Turnbull for the dance and if You have come to claim Him then I think me you shall be happy."


She had said his name a purpose so that the other might have knowledge of it if she indeed wanted to seek him out. She smiled at the other girl adding her own name "Mistress Doolittle" before turning her attention back on Ambrose.


"We shall speak again I am sure of it. Till then ...."


She gave him a nice curtsey and a small nod to the newcomer then turned and made her way back into the crowd. Her retreating back was as nice as her front and so she hoped that he appreciated the effort she made.

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John and William Cavendish Moving Towards Ormonde


"Nonsense," William replied to the notion that ladies would not kiss Maldon. He was about to say thatthey would kiss anyone on Christmas but that seemed hardly flattering. "Just you wait and see," he offered instead.


As for mistletoe, Cavendish was hardly as expert but rose to the defense of this parasitic plant. "It has always been associated with life, fertility, magic and warding off evil. Nothing wrong with that John. I always thought the priests would put an end to the practice, but perhaps they enjoy the kisses too," he chuckled.


Not surprisingly, John preferred to meet the Duke without delay. "Very well, let's go find him shall we?" His eyes scanned the hall unsuccessfully. "I should warn you that he is a man with few friends. His father was more warmly regarded. He treats me well enough I suppose, since I married his sister, but he has little time for anyone other than himself and the King. His daughters have turned out well despite having a sour father. It could be that the assassination of his father has taken a heavy toll on him. He seemed more ... approachable before then. So, if he ignores you, do not take it personally."


Spying some Butlers in the distance, William gave John a wave to beckon him to follow. "Let us go." They started moving in the direction of the Duke. The timing was good because the man was standing alone, at the moment. William paused to see if John was ready.

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Cavendish, Maldon, and the Butlers


John smiled wanly at William’s insistence they would enjoy kissing him. “As you say.” He was very willing to put himself in the hands of his relatives.


“We’re n-n-not Puritans.” John said sourly, though that sourness was directed at the likes of Cromwell rather than Cavendish. “God forbid. Small kisses are harmless and t-t-traditions are important.”


John sighed, “I’m j-j-just sour because most ladies d-d-don’t like me. Don’t pay it any mind.” John was not puritanical in his faith or his morals. He was just uncomfortable and inexperienced. Perhaps a bit resentful at his lack of success too.


John was glad to receive both the advice and the reasoning. “I only n-n-need to meet him and get his permission to meet his daughters.” John replied, “After that, I’m happy to leave him to his devices.” It was just a banal politeness: meeting a woman from a man’s household meant the approval of a male relative, ideally their guardian. He had no politics to play with the duke or anything of that sort. A brief exchange and permission to meet with his daughters would see the entire matter satisfied.


Things haven’t been going well for your relatives, have they? Ormonde had been assassinated. Lord Leicester’s father had died of plague. Northumberland’s son had died leaving behind a young heiress. Well, there are good years and bad ones. John simply accepted assassination attempts and such deaths as normal, if uncivilized. He’d suffered some, as had many of his family members.


John followed easily. Unless Cavendish made to run there would be no issue. Upon arrival, he waited for Cavendish to introduce him to the duke with a small smile.

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Ambrose and Fiona, with Ellen departing


Preoccupied with probing her piece of cake with her fork to see if it contained the ring, Fiona didn't notice the couple approach her until the gentleman spoke. At first, she was alarmed. What had she done this time? Was it a crime to tear a piece of cake apart? What he said next, though, brought a smile to her face, and she met his eyes, instinctively straightening her posture as he looked her up and down. His companion didn't seem to be jealous of the way he scrutinized her, so perhaps they were only friends.


“Your superior will probably promote you for rescuing me then,” she teased, her eyes roving over him appreciatively. He was a handsome fellow, and tall enough that she had to look up at him. Like the rest of her family, Fiona was tall herself. She didn't recognize the lady, but she was grateful that she discreetly dropped the gentleman's name when she thanked him for the dance. So they had only been dancing together.


Mistress Doolittle introduced herself before saying her farewells and melting back into the crowd. Fiona gave her retreating back only a cursory glance and then turned her full attention back to Ambrose. “And now I know the name of my gallant hero.” She curtsied teasingly, giving him an eyeful of creamy cleavage. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Lieutenant Turnbull. I am Lady Fiona MacBain, the Viscountess of Lochend."

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Ambrose and Fiona


The transition was almost elegant even, which the Lieutenant credited Ellen for. It seemed he'd made a friend that evening. "and yourself." he gave her acknowledging bow as she continued along, before he turned back to Fiona.


"I like how you think!" he laughed a little too brazenly, while he enjoyed the sensation of her looking at him just as boldly as he'd looked at her, "... though the rank I truly desire is one you can appoint me to." yes he was intent upon chatting her up. Better yet, she seemed ripe for it.


Shite, a title, she's married. He bowed, kissed those pretty fingers, and pictured burying his face into her succulent bosom -- but he did not hide his dismay as he replied, "And let me guess, there is a highly jealous Viscount of Lochhead standing right behind me with his hand on his sword." Crap.


Yet still he ogled her attributes, perhaps her husband was a scrawny fellow with poor aim.

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John and William Joining the Duke of Ormonde


"Ladies are fickle," William imparted as they walked. John did not think they fancied him. Probably not, but he had good enough blood lines to attract a favorable enough marriage. "They will warm to you when they get to know you," he advised.


The Duke of Ormonde had moved away from his wife and family temporarily. Perhaps there was some sort of holiday spat between them, as the Duke had something of a scowl on his face. William did not hesitate in approaching. "Best move away quickly as you said," he whispered just before arriving in earshot.


"Your Grace," William beckoned formally. The ball did not lend itself to more informal greetings. "Lord Cavendish," Ormonde replied politely. "I wished to introduce you to my relation, John Bramston, Earl of Maldon. He has already met a few members of your family but was quite eager to pay his repects to you personally." With that, he turned to John to allow him to make his introductory remarks and seek the permission that had brought them together.



OOC~ Handing off this conversation to Defiance.

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Ambrose and Fiona


“Oh?” she asked with a quirk of one auburn eyebrow. “And what rank would that be? Dance partner, perhaps? Or are your aspirations even higher?” He was witty and bold, as well as handsome. Fiona hoped that he would agree to dance with her.


So far, all of her dance partners had been soldiers. Were the Fates trying to tell her something? Marrying a soldier could actually be quite advantageous. They were often away for long periods of time and she would have the freedom she had always craved. She would just have to make certain whomever she married was not Lord Langdon's friend or he would never sleep with her again.


Lieutenant Turnbull's lips brushed lightly across her fingers, the warmth of his breath permeating her hand and spreading languorously through her body. She wondered what his lips would feel like on the rest of her and rather hoped she would get the chance to find out.


Fiona was pleased that he was disappointed by the notion that she might have a husband. “There is no Viscount, jealous or otherwise. My title is my own."

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Ormonde, Maldon, and Cavendish


And how will they get to know me better? It’s not as if I’m dancing. John wasn’t all that concerned about his marriage. Marriages were not made based off of romantic or sexual attraction. But tonight was predicated on dancing and kissing flirtation. It was precisely where he felt weakest.


John nodded to Cavendish’s advice and bowed upon his introduction, “Your grace.” John rose, “I’ve heard a g-g-great deal about you from my Lord Nassau. And Lady Henrietta’s t-t-taken some interest in my plants.” Actually, John had managed to meet several of his relatives before him, but Devonshire had recommended he bring up the Dutch. “So I thought I should m-m-make your acquaintance.”


John looked over at Cavendish briefly, signaling that was the whole of it. They were now acquainted, which meant John could meet with his household unless he forbade it. Or at the very least that he had fulfilled Henrietta's request.


OOC: Hello!

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Ashburnham, Caroline, the King, & Cat


"It is the ladies who do the asking," the King replied to the girl as Jack took her toward the dance floor. "And those who ask our gentlemen shall find us very well disposed." There was a playful nature to his tone.


"Alas, that very lesson never sunk in," he said to Cat with a chuckle. Herbert was a different sort of young man, that was for sure. The boy had his own fondnesses.


"And he isn't likely to thank you for Kingston, nor is Kingston for that matter, who seems to have avoided the first two dances."


Herbert was alarmed for a moment, but even the King was not that cruel.


"Ah, but look, we have distracted him long enough that a lady approaches."


Indeed, a pretty brunette approached the dashing young Herbert and asked him to dance, and the poor boy could never refuse.


Being King had its benefits.


"It seems we are free, my lady."


Both sets of partners would be near to Nicolette & Louis during the dance.

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Ormonde, Maldon, & Cavendish


Ormonde's cheeks had a ruddy pinkness to them. Whether he was annoyed, angry, or in cups already was anyone's best guess. He regarded the young earl. He was well-dressed enough.


That regard was somewhat short-lived, though. His plants?


He raised an eyebrow at Cavendish and then back at Maldon.


"A pleasure," came the polite reply. "And what sort of plants might those be?" he could not resist asking. He was more of a fan of hunting and horses, himself, which made him think of Lord Blount.

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Lady Pembroke


The lady smiled a knowing smile. "I think His Majesty more than wishes Herbert to dance." There was a certain mischievous twinkle in her eye. She had always gotten along with the King, one reason why the young earl, her eldest son, was still welcome at court despite his...tendencies.


"Intriguing that His Majesty should decree the ladies should pick the gentlemen, do you not think? But then again, he always did prefer his games."


As to the ambassador, she said, "A gentleman must always forgive a lady." Such was the mantra of court.


"I have yet to set my sights on a worthy partner, dear. I was enjoying the surprise and actions of others with the Duchess and my other cousins." The young always assumed so much meant something. The excitement and urgency of court wore off as one became more seasoned. There was little rush.

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Maldon, Ormonde, and Cavendish


John replied to the eyebrow with a look of subdued confusion, as if begging a clarification of what had caused the eyebrow to rise. John wondered if he was already starting to feel the effects of punch. “We were speaking of riding and the outdoors.” He clarified. “And we t-t-talked a bit about gardening and… forests and p-p-parks.”


“I enjoy m-m-making gardens and parks, maintaining forests and lodges, you see. That… sort of thing.” He also liked overseeing farming and orchards and the like but that was dull even by his estimation. "And Lady Henrietta w-w-was interested in growing flowers."

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Around the King


Cat was not familiar with any particular gossip surrounding Herbert, but she hadn't been paying the closest attention to anything outside her family for the longest time. She laughed when the King noted that Francis hadn't been dancing then shrugged. "I can't say I'm too surprised," before cutting herself off. It wasn't her place to tell anyone about his lack of dancing skills.


Luckily, another lady came and claimed Herbert, leaving her with her quarry. "Alone at last," she said with a wry chuckle. If you considered alone in the middle of a crowded dance floor alone. "Let us dance and be merry, as the season requires and ifweI happen to end up under some mistletoe, so be it." The merry twinkle was back in her eyes as they made their way to join the dance.




To the dance floor

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Charles Moving to the Queen


Having returned from the dance, Charles began to move about the Hall to gain a better appreciation of who was present, offering nods and smiles as he went. It was good to be agreeable on Christmas Day.


He moved towards the King so as to see what might be afoot. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Ashburnham and Herbert were lured away and Charles noted that Cat was leading the King to the dance area. He had considered dancing with her next, but one could never top the King for a dance partner. The Earl found himself moving towards the Queen, as if to distract her away from the spectacle of seeing her husband dance with a lady that had been, or possibly still was, his mistress. How would my own wife feel seeing me dance with a mistress? He had to assume she would not appreciate it. That was a good enough reason to delay remarriage.


In one corner was Mrs. Trentmont, sitting with another woman, knitting. Perhaps he would visit with her later. His eyes looked for Davina, thinking she might be near the Queen, though he did not see her. She would have an easier time locating him, with his scarlet jacket.


Continuing to move nearthe Queen, he looked to banter with any of her ladies, or even the Queen herself should she wish to address him. It would provide a better excuse for Davina to approach and ask for a dance.

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"Then, perhaps, all that is needed is time to heal and calm things," Barillon exclaimed hopefully while, at the same time, doubting his own words. He nodded sympathetically at the picture Beverley painted.


It was then that Mary returned, having danced the first dance with Rupert, she had returned to her husband's side. "Gentlemen," she greeted them again. She would see whether her husband needed rescuing. "Husband, the second dance is about to begin." She hoped he would not shoo her away. Perhaps he was done and wished a dance.


Beverley was more than done, and quite thankful for an excuse to retreat for the time being, thinking it wise to discuss his little idea with Rupert first.


So he was quite happy when his lady wife arrived back after the first dance and called him away.


"Forgive me, my lords, one mustn't disobey His Majesty or one's lady wife," he said, holding his arm out for her. "Good evening."


He waited until they were a few steps away, and toward the dance floor, before he asked, "And how was your dance?"

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Davina and Lady Pembroke


She followed the gaze and focused her own eyes on him as well.


"Indeed Madam I agree and if I am honest twas one reason I came here - to secure a dance from him as well. He and I have an acquaintance here at Court. He has a liking for Potery."


She smiled at the memory of it and hoped that her 'seed' had been planted. That the two of them had shared time together was true and it might make her wonder but that could back fire as well yet she had to press her hand especially as the Queen was present.


Now if only The German and Charles might be found ....


"Tis an unusual occurance to be sure My lady but then tis Christmas and as I told my Brother and the two Ambassadors upon entering I think the Lord of Misrule has been chosen for this is something akin to what might be done."


"Well I hope HIs Majesty does not hope for another such as Last Season - that caused such upheaval - have you a knowledge of such things Madam?"


"Naturally he shall and I shall offer apologies as well and it will all go as usual."


An unconscience sigh followed her words


"Might I ask you - do you think the Duke will dance with me? I helped him in some small way and so tis ony just that it be returned. Tis all innocence I assure you."


Her eyes were all innocence as she regarded the other lady

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Francis & Susan


"Hm, I thought you knew I did not fancy dancing?" he asked, but then explained anyway. "I am not very good at it, even if I have been practicing the last few seasons, and would not wish a lady to be sad for asking me." He chuckled some and them turned the conversation back toward her.


"And who do you have thoughts of asking this evening? And do not say either of your brothers, for that is not nearly daring enough for you."

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"Lord Heneage Finch Earl Alesford, and Mistress Siobhan Devine."


Late arriving, their announcements were swallowed up by the parties hubbub, not that tousle-haired Hen cared at all. He was walking on air as he escorted Siobhan into the ball room, his free hand over hers where it rested on his arm, plain enough he did not wished to 'loose' her to the merry mayhem of the night.


"I need introduce you to my father, and my brother." Hen promised looking for his family. As he turned his head a purplish blotch became visible on his neck.

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Louis and Mall Rejoining Lady Pembroke and Davina


There was no reason to spy on Buckingham and Nicci. He wanted his cousin to have some privacy, as much as could be gained in a hall swarming with courtiers. As such, he led Mall back to where they started. He had the next dance with Davina and wanted to see what the young lady was attempting with the Duke.


Slowing as they passed a refreshment table, on the chance that Buckingham's sister might feel the desire to indulge in libations or a treat of some kind, he continued on towards their destination. He wondered whether Davina would even be there. She had seemed eager to depart for some ambassador's company instead.


There was time for banter on the way back. He knew very little about the lady that had been one of the most controversial figures of her generation. "If you do not mind me asking," Louis began in a conversational tone, "what sort of things amuse you at court these days?" Left unsaid was the fact that she had lived a long rich life already. Women of a certain age did not appreciate being reminded that they were old, so he offered no prelude to his question.


In the distance he could see that Davina had remained to converse with Lady Pembroke. They would be there shortly.

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Ambrose and Fiona


Her eyebrow rose precociously, her eyes goaded him on. "I aspire higher, though some would say lower," he winked, "whatever rank it would be that places me immediately beneath you. Hah, I'm rising to salute you already." perhaps he'd finally found one of the worldly wenches men of Whitehall were heard to brag about.


Even if she was married he'd take the risk, he daringly traced a few kisses further up her arm. Perhaps there would be a fight erupt (from imagined husband standing behind him), he did not care.


"For, I was going to say, I would hate to make you a widow, and on Christmas." he quipped, still holding her hand as she broke him the good news. Not married. A Vicountess in her own right, but that was nothing so grave to him was it? "... although, I would promise to make you a merry widow before the nights over." He dragged his eyes back to her eyes, appreciation of her beauty unconcealed.


Could you possibly be this lucky old man?

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Thomas and the Mystery Woman


His mystery woman turned out to be a joy to be around. She was quick to smile, laugh, and joke. She was full of life. It surprised Thomas, startled him even. It had been her eyes that drew him in. They spoke volumes with just a glance, they were lustful, needing. It frightened him, but he could not let himself flee, curiosity had kept him with her.


"You must drill often then."


He knew what she was insinuating, his went pink and he couldn't help but grin. Of course, he had no experience in the kind of drilling she mean, but she didn't need to know that.


"In more ways than one, aye." he said before he could stop himself. It wasn't like him to speak without thinking, probably from that confidence boost. It wasn't even a very seductive line, just a stupid one. Confidence did nobody any good. Fear on the other hand... Now was not the time for THAT sort of thinking.


Thomas was once again surprised by his mystery woman. He noticed during the dance that she had covered for his fumbling. As the music had ended and the dance was over, she pulled him away from the dancefloor.


"Well I think that went rather well, don't you."


He gave her an easy smile and a nod, he was just happy that the dance was over, and he didn't embarrass himself or her. She didn't stop there how ever, what she said next sucked all confidence he had out of him.


"We really must get you dance lessons my dear, I shall see to it directly after we get you out of those clothes."


It wasn't the dance lessons that sent ice water shooting through his veins (although it was a nice offer, and probably sorely needed). Thomas' face flushed red. He stood there a little dumbfounded. He knew what she wanted, and he wasn't surprised that she propositioned him, but it left him speechless just the same.


"I-I-I think t-that's a-a..." he sputtered unsure how to respond "good idea?"

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Thomas and the Mystery Woman


She chuckled of his quip. It was not the reply of one of courts jades, it was not the stuff of great novels, it was the sort of jibe young lads made. Which shored him in her eyes as youthfully adorable, naive even, though she was unaware of just how innocent he truly was. (Though his reaction to her tease was then a clue!)


He spluttered, floundering, as though never propositioned before.


"Shh..." she soothed softly, "forgive my boldness, you thrilled me so, I quite forgot my restraint. I have a weakness you see, and you are the strength that might quench it. And I thought that perhaps you felt ... ah, but perhaps I read your signals wrong." her eyes still sparkled as she regarded him. While she verbally loosened her hold, the ambiance about Lucinda willed him closer.


The thought of being his first was erotic to her mind, the opportunity to sculpt and mould a lover to her pleasures, to tantalize and tease him.

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Francis and Susan


“Yes, I do, but I don't know why.” Ahh, so he didn't dance well. That could be fixed easily enough. “I doubt that the ladies would care how well you dance.” The way some of her friends talked about him, they wouldn't even notice if he stepped on their toes or stumbled into other couples.


“If you want to improve, I can help you,” Susan offered. He might feel more comfortable practicing with somebody who would not laugh at him or think poorly of him no matter how awkward he was. She had never taught a gentleman to dance before, but it would be a pleasant way to spend time with him, if he agreed.


“I won't dance with my brothers. It will be much more fun to see who will ask them. Lord Langdon suggested that I dance with the King, but I think that is too daring even for me. I would not want Her Majesty to think I fancy him.” She glanced around the room, her eyes lighting on various gentlemen. Most of them, she already knew.


“It's hard to choose.” Susan looked up at him curiously. “Now that our roles are reversed, I can see why some gentlemen are hesitant to ask ladies to dance. Too many choices. Do you have any suggestions?” Her eyes danced with mirth. “Or any dares?”

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Ambrose and Fiona


It was rare for Fiona to encounter a gentleman who was as forward as she was, and she planned to enjoy every minute of it. His words aroused her and when he said he was rising to salute her, her eyes briefly lowered below his belt. “I do love a good long salute,” she purred. “I will give you the rank of dance partner first, and if you perform that task well, I will promote you. Are you sure you want the rank directly beneath me or the one above me? Or maybe you would like both?”


She hoped Cat and Doug were not looking their way as he trailed kisses up her arm. The fire within her burned brighter and a hot little thrill shimmered down her spine. Perhaps she should yank her hand away and put a proper distance between them. She had promised herself she would act respectably all season, and she wasn't off to a very good start. I will enjoy myself tonight and become proper tomorrow, she vowed.


“How do you know that you would have beaten my mythical husband?” Fiona loved the way he looked at her, as if she were the most beautiful woman in the world. “What if his sword had been bigger than yours? Although I guess you could argue that it's not the size that counts but what you can do with it.”


She shrugged nonchalantly and moved a bit to the left. If he didn't let go of her hand, he would be pulled along with her. “Since I'm unmarried, you can't make me a merry widow.” Fiona pointed upward, to the mistletoe right above her. “You can make me merry, though … if you dare.”

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Juliana of Hesse-Eschwege approaching Charles Audley


Juliana of Hesse-Eschwege had taken full advantage of the role reversal and had asked two handsome gentlemen to dance. It turned out neither of them were of any real importance at court but they had been quite impressed with her and expressed their good fortune to have danced with a princess. The self-styled Princess of Sweden was actually the disgraced daughter of a German Landgrave, but she felt she deserved the title because she had once been betrothed to the King of Sweden. She could have been Queen if she had not had an illegitimate child, but she had never been attracted to her royal cousin and it was probably for the best that they had not wed.


She valued her freedom too much to be constantly watched, her behavior monitored and commented upon. And she would have never been faithful, which could have led to her being executed. She was quite tall for a woman, but she had no desire to be a head shorter. Here she could do what she wished without anyone breathing down her neck. Juliana was glad had manipulated her way into the English court.


A glass of wine in one slender manicured hand, she scanned the room for her next dance partner. A gentleman dressed in carmine, gold, and sable caught her attention. He was also wearing a matching eyepatch, calling attention to the fact that he had only one eye rather than trying to hide it with the traditional black. That small hint of boldness beguiled her and she left her place by one of the refreshment tables and made her way toward him, her violet silk skirts swirling prettily with each seductive sway of her hips.


As the beautiful stately blonde approached him, she smiled warmly. “Happy Christmas, my lord. Has some lucky lady already claimed your next dance or are you free to share it with me?”

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Ambrose and Fiona

"An admirable career path, you've outlined for me there." his voice grew louder with cheer, "on top and under, in front and behind. Perhaps I ought warn Milady that it's been some weeks since my last, hah, 'promotion', you might thus need brace yourself for the force of my enthuse."


Oh yes, she was a prize! And like the pirates of the carrib he would plunder her. While a whisker of sane thought in the recess of his mind wondered where her protectors were, he sailed on in counting blessings that the coast (currently) was all clear.


"Ack, but a dance." becoming aware of the surroundings once more, he supposed the act was neccessary. "You've not a mind for a private, ah, interview then, we can find a cloakroom somewhere?" The surging feeling in his breetches was too good to go to waste.


“Pah, that is the propaganda from men with teeny swords, rest assured mine is a brute of a thing, your husband might have run screaming. I trust you however, have greater daring." he continued to flirt with her, the topic of cocks and cunts being his very fave. Perhaps a favorite of hers as well, as she wantonly pointed out the mistletoe, and Ambrose moved to draw her into a passionate kiss.


It was rather more than the brushing of lips that were commonly done - Ambrose tipped her as he wrapped his arms around her, disturbing her equilibrium as he planted his mouth on hers and violated her lips with his tongue. He wished to see her wild eyed and panting at the end of it, perhaps inspired to run with him immediately to some closet to hoist her skirts.

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Charles departing Lizzie...


Charles just about managed to hold his pose as he retreated, biting the inside of his cheek to suppress his laughter. He had been surprised by the girl's response and that surprise had, for want of a better word, redeemed Mistress Elizabeth Dwight. There was at least a spark of mischief and adventure there, enough to counteract the initial impression of boringly empty-headed chit. (He still thought her somewhat empty-headed, but at least now she was not boring.) Charles was genuinely tempted to seek her out later.


Might be worth making inquiries into her family. She's pretty enough and pleasant enough to make a decent wife, if the dowry and connections are sufficient. And you could probably keep an entire stable of mistresses without her noticing.


Let's not be hasty.


... and approached by Juliana


Charles was drawn from his idle musings by the arrival of a vision in violet. The Earl had a relatively good memory for faces and forms, particularly those of the attractive female variety, and he recognised the lady he had seen at the opera before he had been distracted by Churchill.


I wonder. Is there an anti-Charles somewhere, who leads a good and moral life, who possesses all the Christian virtues and who, despite all this, is constantly beset by failure and ill-fortune? Poor bugger.


Still, the trials of that gentleman (if he existed) were his business, and Charles had no compunction about making full use of his own surfeit of good fortune. He smiled lazily at his new companion and, as was only polite, ran an appreciative eye over her form as he bowed.


"And merry Christmas to you, my lady. Fortunately, 'twould seem that I have an opening in my dance card. Now, would you double my good fortune and favour me with your name, or shall I perforce call you Venus?"

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Thomas and the Mystery Woman


"I-I find your boldness refreshing, you just caught me by surprise. You certainly didn't read any signals wrong." Thomas let out a deep sigh, he might as well be honest with her. Lying to her would only bring more harm than good.


"I am going to be honest with you" he sputtered out "I am not exactly... experienced in these types of things. I am sure you have already presumed such." Thomas said trying to subdue the blush on his face.


He met her sparkling eyes with quick smile of his own. Her eyes shone with promises passion and patience, like she had when they danced.

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