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Charity Begins at Church (Dec. 26 Morn)- Xmas 1677


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Charles and Nicolette


Perhaps it was the laudanum. Were he to blame something, that would be it, but Nicolette's words stirred some part of him. Words spilled forth, voice quiet and reflective.


"Yes. I cannot comprehend how they can cling to their... anonymity. To know that you will be forgotten, overlooked like that. It goes against my every instinct. Wealth, power, influence... All just a means of keeping score. What counts is whether your name is remembered after you're gone. And their's won't be."


Her softly voiced confession drew him back to himself. He smiled at her.


"You are not so now, I think. That is what matters."


Not so now indeed, he thought ruefully as she replied to his suggestion in arch tones. He had suggested the park because it allowed one to be seen without being observed and was thus an admirable location for plotting. But it seemed that his new acquaintance wanted something more adventurous. Well, that could be managed. He chuckled quietly and eyed her sidelong.


"Can you really fault me for wanting to be seen with you on my arm? But I see that has not met with your approval. Well then, an alternative proposal. Do you shoot, perchance? I have a desire to test the range at Knightsbridge and your company would be greatly appreciated. "


The conversation staggered onward, Charles uncomfortably aware that he was far from at his best. He did manage to uncover the interesting fact that Nicolette was in contact with the King under the nom de plume of Mistress Envy. He arched an eyebrow.


"Another story, I see. Well, your secret is safe with me. I must think of a tale to share with you. Shared secrets make for stronger friendships, or so I hear."

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Davina taking her leave and approaching Norfolk


Glad that Sophia held no thought of being mistreated - or so she hoped - she offered a curtsey then turned in the direction of where her own Family members had stopped.


Her gaze did a quick sweep of the immediate area and seeing no one else close enough she smiled and walked onwards until she was close enough to be seen as well as heard. Noticed that Lord Maldon also seemed to claim the space as well. She 'knew of him' but had not offically been introduced and that he claimed the Cavendish's as kin


She made her reverance to the Duke who would have no difficulity in knowing who she was even tho she was from the Paulet side thu her Lady Mother and claimed the Dowager Marchioness of Winchester as great aunt there were ties still to the Howards and Davina was after all a second cousin to Norfolks Heir.


"Good morrow Your Grace, Madam," She addressed Norfolk and his Duchess then made another curtsey to the Ablemarles but did not address them. Norfolk was the Preimier Peer of the Realm and as such outranked All.


"Might I beg a boon Your Grace?" She quielty asked Norfolk. "I am on the 'Queens Business' this morn and so naturally I thought of You." She flattered.


"She has asked for a pledge to a Charity of her own naming of five hundred pound and in return the giver shall light an Alter Candle before Service - there are only twelve Your Grace - and so I hoped that I might come to You before any of the other Maids."


There was no simpering or coyness about Davina. She was not in the least afraid of Norfolk in regards to his person but she knew his Reputation and that she did not wish to anger.


Now she hoped that He would oblige and as she had asked with his Duchess at his side that might also add encouragement. She also counted on the fact that he had made so Public a conversion that the chance to further up his standing might be to hard to resist.

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Dukes Under Siege


Maldon was the first to approach. he addressed both couples, rather than just one. He was known to the Ablemarles but not Norfolk and his wife. Yet Maldon seemed to know them, because he addressed them by the correct honorific. "Lord Maldon," Henry Howard Sr. acknowledged. "A happy Sabbath to you." Curiously, the man wished to know which wing they chose for their seating. "The left," he replied. They were new enough to chapel that their pew placement was not long standing. "We are moving to find our seats now," Jane added, eager to get her husband to sit in the very front, where he belonged.


The Ablemarles were kin to John, so they gave him a polite nod. Elizabeth was looking about to see if Caroline might be present and Chris was waiting to confirm his own seating as well when Douglas approached. "Ah Captain, you remember my lady wife?" Chris declared as he turned to his wife Elizabeth, now leaving Maldon to converse with the Norfolks. Elizabeth nodded. She knew Douglas, though not well.


There was a moment of banter before Davina appeared with eager steps. She was seeking out Norfolk and seemed to be ignoring the rest, including Maldon. With nary an attempt at banter, the Queen's Maid made plain her purpose. "Good morning and happy Sabbath Mistress Wellsley," the Duke greeted formally.


Five hundred pounds to light a candle? Tis madness, Norfolk thought to himself. He and his wife exchanged glances. "Of course we will contribute," the Duchess announced, knowing that her husband would not naysay her. They were placed into a dilemma from which they could not escape, so they were inclined to embrace it. The sum was not especially significant to the Duke and he had need to win favor with the Queen and the Protestant community. The fact that the request was delivered by Howard kin was even better. "Tell us what we must do," Henry asked quietly, though Maldon would not be excluded from the conversation.

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Dukes Under Siege


She knew what she had to say next


"I am being Bold tis truth yet I have been charged by the Queen herself in this task as have all of her Maids - with a competition of sorts set amongst us - so my Pride is much involved Your Grace and so I hope you will forgive my manner?"


She spoke calmly yet there was a determination about her as well - a thing perhaps the Duke might understand? Her words would also be heard by John. And it was to him she then turned with a small dip saying


"I do beg pardon - You are Lord Maldon yes? I have noted your prescence about Court but until now have not had cause to address. Mistress Davina Wellsley, Maid of Honor to the Queen."


She provided the introduction which of itself was not that strange


She coud see some play of thought between the Duke and his wife and knew that her thought had been correct - he would indeed purchase. It was not the funds per say but the fact that it brought Him and the Family into the forefront and did much to convey the fact that at least, for the Duke and Duchess, they were very much a part of the Protestant Faith.


That it was a Catholic member of his extended family would not have escaped anyone either and so it also gave those those that watched the 'idea' that she too was leaning towards the path the Duke now walked. And even the Duke himself might think it so.


"I should think that Lady Blount is the one to answer that Your Grace - she has Her Majesty's power in this - and I am not privy to further information. I believe you will find here over there." She gave a small nod of her head in the general area.


"Her Majesty will be pleased that You are generous in this and You as well Madam. Tis a good thing that tis done on this day for those in need. The candle shall be lit Proudly."


She had made sure to add in the Duchess for it had been her voice not the Dukes that had committed after all.


Now if she were a truly BOLD creature she'd make Maldon the next target ... er ... Contribuitor.

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The Norfolk Half of the Ducal Siege


John was second cousin to the duke of Norfolk, as was Devonshire. Lady Devonshire was also first cousin to the Earl of Suffolk. Of course, the families were not close, considering the rivalry between the two family and religious differences. Lord Cavendish, anti-Catholic Whig that he was, had particularly fought them. John had not met them, or if he had he did not remember them, but knew of them.


He'd heard of their conversion too. John was hoping, with the duke's conversion, that the feud might be brought to a close. Or at least lessened. Besides, John was genuinely Anglican, and would welcome converts as a matter of principle.


As for the lady in waiting, John and Davina had met. For reasons that still escaped him the Duke of Buckingham had insisted they would make a good acquaintance. Though they hadn’t spoken since, she’d left him with a positive impression. Even if she’d shortly departed to try and gain the king’s affections. John smiled, "We m-m-met in the garden a few months ago." He reminded her gently. She'd defended him when the duke had tried to get him to run, and won no small gratitude for it. "It is a p-p-pleasure to see you again."


But the Scott was new. Nevertheless, they seemed to leave him with the Norfolks. "Hmm," was John's only response as he turned to the Norfolks. Not so far removed, eh was his only thought. So long as it was in an Anglican chapel, though, Arminians and low church fellows were tolerated in uneasy peace.


He smiled as Lady Norfolk agreed to donate, "It's the Queen's p-p-pleasure. I hear it is to go to charity." But it was certainly abnormal, at any rate.


Norfolk whispered a request of what they should do, "I'd be... glad to sit with you and show you." He thought their confusion was over how to worship correctly. John had attended seminary and was fairly religious. He wasn't an authority, but he knew the proper ways. He understood the pressures and laws that had brought them here, but it was vital the faith welcome them with open arms. Like the prodigal son. John thought.


John said to Davina, "You m-m-might go over to the Ablemarles with my recommendation, if you wish. The l-l-l-lady, I think, should agree easily enough."

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Whitehurst, Whitehurst & Co.


"Ah." So it was 500 pounds. That was a very large sum of money for a man in his situation. Fortunately, the German lady seemed to empathize with Bradley, causing Charles to look towards his youngest brother. It seemed that Bradley would be the one that escaped this encounter with his reputation enhanced, even though he had been the one to cause the mischief.


"So, this is Lady Mountjoy's idea to raise money for the Queen's charities?" he sought to clarify, speaking slowly to help her translation. Charles had arrived at court impoverished. His marriage to Jean had given him the resources to live comfortably and support his regiment; but, he was not a wealthy man. As uch, his love of coin exceeded his love of charity. He was in no particular need to win credit with the Queen. For a man like himself there were other avenues to gaining recognition. Yet, how could he decline without seeming to be a miser? He needed time to think.


"A worthy cause I am sure. We each do what charity we can. Er, let me pray on it at service, and speak with my brother afterward," he offered in a calm voice. That would afford him some time to better plan how to avoid such a financial commitment and to explain to Bradley why he needed to be careful.

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The Norfolk Half of the Ducal Siege


She had lied. On Purpose. Here in This Place.


How could she have spoken about that incident that Maldon had been privy to in front of Norfolk? Only those few present knew about her involvement and she wished to keep it that way which was why she had pretended no acquaintance and introduced herself to him. She supposed that at some future time there might come a chance for her to thank him.


But for now she intended to continue her ruse


She remained silent as John spoke to Norfolk but when he addressed her she replied


"Yes The Duchess is well enough known to me and will, as you say, agree. But I have no wish to appear as a bee fluttering from tree to tree even if tis in the name of 'Charity'."


Her voice was still low pitched but it now held a touch of amusement. She had after all fluttered to the biggest Tree with apparent success yet she needs must not be too smug and so arranged her features into one more befitting of the Occasion.


She would take her leave once Norfolk did or would excuse herself on the pretext of the "Queen's Business' and leave them to enter.


Her gaze already going to the Ablemarles and what was it that now tugged at her memory as if there was something not done ....

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Louis and Hen


"I have tasted enough misery for a lifetime." As anyone in the family would know. Jane Digby had nearly been the end of him, toying with him, and then shutting him down.


"Shall we come to dinner during the week?" Hen suggested easily, "Or we could go out somewhere, oh what about cards night on wednesday? We'll need find you a partner, so you aren't the odd man out." That was a first for Heneage. Usually he was the odd man out with no woman at his side. Life, it was a changing.


"Yes do," Louis agreed amiably. He would want to inspect this lady, and subject her to Nicolette's scrutiny as well. "My cousin Nicolette is staying with us. I do not recall if you have met. She could complete our foursome," he suggested. "Is your lady friend here? Will you introduce me?"

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Douglas and the Ablemarle half of the Ducal Seige


Many of the people crowding the entrance to the church were not personally known to Douglas, but such gatherings were always a good place to garner names. So the man with the limp was Lord Maldon, greeting the Norfolks, who Douglas knew only by reputation. They had been Catholics; interesting that they were now at the Anglican service. Since the other lord introduced himself to the group at large Douglas responded in kind. “Laird Dundarg. A pleasure.”*


He hadn’t specifically come looking for John however, but rather his commanding officer. Monck returned his greeting, asking if he remembered his wife. “Acoorse Yer Grace, hou coud ony man fergit?”** Douglas replied, smiling brightly at Elizabeth and holding out a hand for hers to be kissed, if she would permit it. No one was likely to forget her, she was mad as the proverbial meataxe, but that was no reason not to be polite. She was, after all, daughter of one Duke and wife of another, so really she could only be eccentric.


“Did ye enjoy the Ball last nicht?” Douglas asked the Duke and his wife, both of whom he’d seen there, dancing and talking with various people. “I saw the Cavendish clan was thair in full strength.”*** Including Lord Ogle, who was living up to his title as usual, and Lady Frances who seemed to fade behind her sister and brother.



* “Lord Dundarg.”

** “Of course Your Grae, how could any man forget?”

*** “Did you enjoy the Ball last night? I saw the Cavendish Clan was there in full strength.”

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Susan Herbert approaches James


Having been told to talk to Lord Wentwood about the charities the Queen supported, Susan went in search of him. Glancing back toward the group she had left, she saw only empty space. Mistress Wellsley and Lord Dundarg must have gone their separate ways. She still wondered what was between the two of them. They had seemed rather wary around each other. Susan would seek out the tall Baron after she discovered the answer to his question. She was a young lady who always kept her promises.


She found the doctor with his wife and she smiled as she approached him. “Happy Christmas to you, Lord and Lady Wentwood. Do you mind if I take a couple minutes of your time? I was told you would know which charities the Queen supports. Somebody asked me about it and I need to get back to him.”


Had he purchased a candle yet? Maybe she could make another sale, although the first one should really be credited to Davina.

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Dual Ducal Developments


Lady Norfolk was directed to seek out Lady Blount about the candle lighting. Henry judged that Jane might like to be the one to light the candle on behalf of the Howard clan. Davina did not recall meeting Lord Maldon, though he recalled the meeting. It was something of an awkward moment for all including the Duke who empathized briefly with the earl that was so forgettable to an ambitious lady. Davina's enthusiasm could be excused. She was kin after all.


As for Maldon, although he too was kin, he was Devonshire's ward. He had little time for the Cavendishes and their pretense. He had little doubt that they were one of the Anglican families stirring up furor against Catholics. Although he had converted publicly, his heart was his own.


Maldon's offer seemed a strange one. "Show me? I do not understand. Do you speak of the candle?" If so, Norfolk had to wonder as to the source of Maldon's information. If not, what was the young man attempting?


Davina received an encouraging smile from Lady Norfolk. "Husband, we should move inside and find Lady Blount." The Duke nodded. "Yes yes."


Meanwhile, the Duchess of Ablemarle extended her hand for Douglas to kiss. At least one gentleman did not forget his manners she thought. "The Cavendishes are a formidable clan Captain. The ball was lovely. Everyone was filled with pleasant spirits. If it could only always be so." She would have been less pleased to know his opinion of her two younger siblings.


"And you Lord Dundarg, what did you enjoy most about the Ball? Did you by chance see any Howards present. I was told that most were absent." She could not help but put in a dig, notwithstanding the near proximity of the Duke of Norfolk. Chris seemed to have missed the slight completely by not really listening to his wife. Rather, he was giving Davina a good look.

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Lady Mountjoy


The Queen's Mistress of the Stole was inside the chapel giving instructions to a curate as to how she wished the candles placed on the altar. She did not see Sophia approach initially.


"Oh, Lady Toledo. Happy Sabbath." She offered a pleasant smile. She knew Sophia better than the young blond beauty might know. "What is it? I am seeing to the final preparations."

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John with the Norfolks


John's reminder went without return. He didn't know of Davina's motives so he just felt it was another forgetting. There was a flash of melancholy. He did not like feeling jealous of people because, when they were promised meetings or follow ups, they actually occurred. Because when they met someone it actually meant something. Or when they had to remind someone they got an acknowledgement, maybe even an apology.


Not that Davina's transgression had been particularly bad, but as the number of courtiers who'd done so creeped towards double digits John began to wonder why he was here at all. It seemed like nothing he did mattered, or even was remembered. The answer was for his siblings sake and because Devonshire had promised him this season would go better. Hopefully it would.


“As you p-p-please.” John said with a smile to Davina when she seemed to turn him down. I thought bees buzzed. John began to wonder exactly how to describe the motion of a bee’s flight. Hover?


“No. I’m sorry, I think I misunderstood... you.” John smiled apologetically. And Davina seemed to be making ready to leave. John did likewise. Well, it could’ve gone worse Still, not an auspicious start. Though that was hardly surprising.


He debated approaching the Ablemarles but Davina appeared to be hovering or floating or whatever it was bees did. And the duke did his best impression of a flower. The Scott was already with the duchess. John wasn’t sure what to make of him. They’d never met but he’d heard all kinds of lurid things.


“I need to speak with Lady Mountjoy about... the c-c-candles as well.” John informed the duke he would be along. He waited for them to depart first. For politeness sake it was due to rank… but it was also to cover that he had no idea who Lady Mountjoy was by sight.

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Davina John and the Departing Norfolks


She made her curtsy to Norfolk and his wife adding a quiet 'thank you Madam' to the Duchess as she passed by then turned her attentions back to Maldon. Well no time like the present


"Afore you go might I have some small words?" She addressed the Earl. "It will take but a moment and then you shall be on your way and me to my next - contributor."


She smiled back at him, hands clasped in their gloves, waiting for him to answer. Yet silently hurrying him along as she wanted to get to Ablemarle.

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Sophia and Lady Mountjoy


Sophia was afraid that Lady Mountjoy might attempt to avoid her because of the opera, but either she hadn't heard about her performance or didn't fault her for her flamboyant portrayal of the goddess Diana. She greeted her pleasantly, willing to speak to her even though she was obviously busy overseeing the preparations for the candle-lighting ceremony.


“I know that I cannot make a pledge in my lord husband's name, but I am certain he will wish to donate to the Queen's charities as soon as he learns of this.” She wanted to switch to German as she rarely had the chance to converse in her native tongue, but she thought it better to leave the choice of language up to Lady Mountjoy. “This morning, I would like to make a contribution of my own, if it would please the Queen. While the candles are being lit, may I humbly praise God with the gift He has bestowed upon me? I know quite a few Christmas hymns that would add ambiance to the ceremony.”


Hopefully, Lady Mountjoy had been present at the King's birthday ball and remembered how her voice had been the Queen's gift to her husband.

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Louis and Hen


Heneage jr. had arrived alone, though his bearing had shifted from 'the lonely man', it was little surprise that Louis thought that the woman responsible for this must be physically present.


"That sounds grand, I shall introduce you to Mistress Siobhan Devin then." Hen smiled, "And I shall properly meet this cousin of yours. That's her over there isn't it, who's she talking to?" It was like his eyes had been lifted from the clouds as he now looked with goodnatured interest towards some new fellow talking in the pews.

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Whitehurst, Whitehurst & Co.


Bradley was aware of some shift in Dorothea-Charlotte's mood, though inexperience had him uncertain of what to do with it. Her pleasant tones towards him as she let him off this hook was surely a come-one wasn't it? Charles looked towards him - but Bradley was not sure what that meant in this situation either. Was his brother goading him to sieze the moment? Was there mistletoe in the church, or did he need to ask her out somewhere that there was?


"Yes Lady Mountjoy." The young lady confirmed to Charles, and then nodded as the gentleman said he wanted to pray upon it. Such a devout reply improved her opinion of him no end, and she gave a small curtsy to him as she was about to move off.


Bradley saw he was loosing the moment, and suddenly spluttered, "Perhaps I help you do some charity work sometime?!"


A little surprised by the outburst, Dorothea paused long enough to give Bradley a smile and further nod. "I would like that." Before she moved on.


As soon as she was moving away Bradley turned gleeful eyes to his brother, "What do you think, am I in with a chance?!"

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James and Susan Herbert


A voice called their names and, as a pair, Baron and Baroness Wentwood turned to see the attractive young lady. James recognised her vaguely as amongst the Queen’s ladies.


“Ah, Lady Susan Herbert isn’t it? A Happy Christmas to you as well.” He said in amiable tones. “Have you met my wife, Lady Mignonette Winchester?” He asked, indicating the petite, doll-like woman on his arm. They suited each other, both being physically small with blonde curls, though James’s were ash where hers were golden. She looked almost childlike, despite being a new mother, where he always looked older than he was.


He smiled indulgently at her question. “Of course, my time is yours.” He allowed. On hearing her question it became obvious why she’d sought him out, being the Queen’s Minister for Charity. “Indeed I do. Her Majesty is very concerned with the plight and wellbeing of her subjects, and is currently particularly interested in establishing an orphanage for those young unfortunates, and a public infirmary for the treatment of those who cannot otherwise afford it.” The latter might have been due to some encouragement on his part.


“Does that answer your question satisfactorily?” He enquired. No doubt the Queen’s interests would change with time, but right now those were where she had been focused, as of their last conversation on the subject.

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Charles and Nicolette


"Thank heaven for those little fools, their lack of daring makes our task all the easier no?" a smile tugged at her lips, with thoughts of one such person in particular. "Hmm, though... sometimes I pray that a moment of rash shall strike one, I should so enjoy watching her attempt to leap over a fire. I mean... what's the worst that could happen?" Nicolette did not truly wish to see anyones dress catch up in flames, but, it was a pleasantly diverting thought nonetheless.


Come her confession, and then his reply. Yes, she had changed, for the better, and sat a little taller in acknowledgement.


"I cannot not begrudge your desire," he covered himself well with the hastily invented excuse. "But blue is not my best colour Lord Chatham." he was off the hook, and then daring a second option. He'd made his point already, and she understood that continuing a flirtation was off the cards now - it was not an intimate meeting he desired (which had been the actual cause of her peeve).


This second option appeared to be more to her liking, though she'd possibly agreed to anything now she was aligned. "It has been an age since I practised archery... and such an elegant sport." Nicci's vanity knew she looked very stylish with bow drawn. "For such sport as that, perhaps we invite a group? I would think my dear friends Lady O'Roarke and Lady Kendishall, and perhaps Nell would like to attend too."


"Stronger, or weaker." she supposed she'd said too much again, like how she'd told Lucas far too much and ended up breaking the friendship when he'd been unable to keep her stories to himself. "There is a scales between companions, when the sharing of secrets is out of balance, then great danger exists. It is a daring too, to risk placing your secrets on those scales." She did not truly expect Chatham to tell her his secrets, any more than she'd expected Lucas to tell her his.

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John and Davina


The Duke of Norfolk nodded his understanding. Maldon had meant something different. It seemed that he had the same destination as their own, but it looked as if he planned to tarry to discuss something with Davina. Henry Howard hoped she would persuade the young earl to sponsor a candle as well. "We shall take our leave then," he announced as the two Norfolks moved into the interior of the church.


Sophia and Ursula


It was for the Queen to ignore people. Her Mistress of the Stole, on the other hand, was tasked with being the voice of the Queen no matter how mute Karoline might choose to become.


Ursula would have been happy to speak in her native tongue, but assumed that Sophia wished to continue to practice her English. "It would be most welcome if your husband chose to make a contribution," she replied politely. "Bring him with you to me on the morrow and we shall put your funds to work on the new building."


As for Sophia's other offer, Ursula was quick to reply, "there is to be a hymn sung during the lighting. It is to be sung by all. I am sure that your voice will be a welcome addition to the chorus." There was no offer of an idea for a solo. This was a moment for the Queen and select contributor's to shine. Sophia had other opportunities.


The Duke and Duchess of Norfolk were approaching.

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Douglas and the Ablemarles


Kissing the Duchess’s hand respectfully, Douglas smiled faintly at her description of the Ball, and the power of her family. “I think that coort is eager fer more pleasant, carefree times, efter th’upheaval o’ las’ season.”* He observed. Burnings, warmongering and the plague; the last season had been heavy on all of them. It was a sentiment he’d heard several times in the last day.


Ah, now there was a loaded question, especially with the Howards so close. “I did indeed, as I entered the Ball.” It had been a bit bloody hard to miss them. Each clan had stood in front of one of the ice sculptures of the royal couple. He lowered his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “Thou’ t’was the Cavendishes that caught my eye. More fair lairdies.”** He added with a wink.


“Hou weel yer fam’ly be celebratin’ the season?” He asked, making conversation. “Please, dinnae let me keep ye frae yer seat.”*** He gestured that Elizabeth should preceed him in the direction of the Chapel.



* “I think that court is eager for more pleasant, carefree times, after the upheaval of last season.

** “Indeed I did, as I entered the Ball. Though it was the Cavendishes that caught my eye. More fair ladies.”

*** “How will your family be celebrating the season? Please, don’t let me keep you from your seat.”

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John and Davina


John took half a step when Davina made her request. He paused and turned back to her. He noted where the Norfolks were going (and so identified Lady Mountjoy as the lady with Sophia) but after that turned to Davina fully. He smiled, obviously waiting for her to say her piece.

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Charles and Nicolette


"They could all do with some fire in their lives methinks. Might liven them up a tad," Charles murmured, picturing Shaftesbury burning and smiling cheerily at the thought.


Perhaps it was that cheeriness that cudgeled his wits to wakefulness and allowed him to recover from his verbal misstep. He chuckled softly.


"I'd wager that you are a vision in any colour, but to argue with a woman on matters of fashion is utter foolishness, doubly so if she is French."


He cocked his head as she continued. He'd meant pistols rather than archery, but that hardly mattered. Of far more interest were her suggested companions for their little venture. Two ladies he knew to be of adventurous bent, and 'Nell,' who could only be the infamous Mistress Gwynn, which ws intriguing. For a woman who would be the next Portsmouth, befriending Nell was either rank stupidity or cunning of the deepest sort.


"I was suggesting pistols, actually, but far be it from me to deny a lady her pleasure. Archery shall serve equally well. I look forward to it. But come now, what is this of chaperones? Which of us don't you trust?" He smiled to show he was teasing. "No, truly, the more the merrier. Invite your friends, and we shall make a proper event of it. Though I'm like to have to fight half the gentlemen of court if I'm seen trying to keep so many jewels to myself. Perhaps I should bring reinforcements of my own, if we're forming a group." He raised a questioning eyebrow.


The eyebrow climbed again as she spoke of secrets and balancing scales.


"A risk? Perhaps, but we have discussed how it is important to take risks, have we not? Besides, I prefer to think of it as an investment." A momentary pause. "But it might be that I am talking nonsense. I am dosed to the gills with laudanum at the moment, after all. The only way I manage to even approach being functional some days. I am a martyr to migraines, you see. Quite embarrassing, but there you are."

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James and Susan


He seemed to know who she was already, and Susan nodded when he said her name. “No, I don't believe I have. It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Wentwood.” Both of them were small and blonde, just like she was. Unlike most of the blondes she knew, the Baron and Baroness were not related to her.


So Her Majesty was most interested in building an orphanage and an infirmary for the poor. “Yes, that is exactly what I needed to know. Thank you, my lord.”


She smiled at both of them. “I have another question for you. You might already know about this, but the Queen has offered the privilege to light a candle at the altar today to anyone who pledges five hundred pounds. Would you like to make a donation?”

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Sophia and Ursula


“Where and when shall we meet you tomorrow?” Sophia asked. She didn't know Esteban's schedule, but she believed he would make time to show Spain's support for the Queen's causes. It seemed like a smart political move, as well as a demonstration of compassion. If he was busy, perhaps he could give her written legal permission to donate in his name, if that was possible. She might also attempt to convince him to part with more than five hundred pounds. No one would expect the Spanish Ambassador to make the largest contribution.


“And may I inquire as to which charities Her Majesty supports?” The mention of a new building had piqued her curiosity and she wondered what its purpose would be.


Sophia was disappointed at Lady Mountjoy's response to her offer to sing, but her expression and voice remained pleasant. If she wanted to, she knew she could sing a solo without actually singing a solo. She was already one of the loudest singers in the congregation and she only used a fraction of her vocal power. If she used it all, she could drown out everyone else and it would sound as if she was the only one singing.


But that would be vainglorious and ruin the pious impression she wished the Queen to have of her. She would have to be content to sing as she usually did. Maybe God was trying to tell her to be more humble and not try to hog the spotlight for herself. “That is all I wish for,” she replied demurely.


She had one more question for the Queen's Mistress of the Stole, and this time she did switch to German. “Do you think it might be possible for me to meet with Her Majesty? Yesterday, I visited one of the institutions in London to sing for the residents, and I believe I discovered a case of neglect and injustice that was purposefully covered up. Would not the Queen wish to know that some of her most vulnerable subjects are possibly being mistreated?”


With the Queen's authority to investigate the situation at Bedlam, it would be more difficult for the warden to hide whatever was going on when she visited again, hopefully with both Lady Buccleuch and Lord Dundarg.


Sophia did not see the Duke and Duchess of Norfolk approaching.

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Charles and Nicolette


In this the pair shared a moment of sadistic pleasure. Had there been glasses about it would have been the moment to raise a toast, but as it was she merely enjoyed the smile formed on Charles face, knowing her own was an echo-of. "It is a treat to find a ... like mind."


In her estimation there was far too much niceyness at Whitehall, that simpering cloying sort that made the girl from Versailles feel nauseous. Charles was entirely capable of flattery, but did not simper on about it (or worse, even believe himself sincere of the sentiment!) He'd make a fine companion, or rival for that matter too. (Ah, how she missed Madeline!)


Her lips pursed a little pleasure as he denied her clam of blue (she'd meant becoming a popsicle out in the cold actually). But he was right, she even happened to have a blue gown given to her from Lisa that she looked stunning in. "Of that you might be correct." she attempted a little modesty, lest he come to think her a creature of pure vanity.


Nell was a very new acquaintance to Nicolette, Charles was correct to guess the friendship was strategically taken - and now mentioned to the Earl to make a further point. A point of which he seemed to appreciate. "That is what I was counting on, Lord Chatham. Such a gathering might give rise to any number of possibilities..." she could not help herself but wonder if he knew Lord Ranelagh, and what a treat it would be if he invited the Irish Earl along.


"M-hmm?" the young woman gave a nod. Did he pick up the gauntlet she threw down? Her brown eyes turned to quietly regard him... it was his choice in the end. While she did not expect it, she yearned for that gesture, a gesture of trust.


Her eyes softened as he placed the secret down. "Ah... I thought I recognised the smell." that sticky sweet smell, "I had a friend who also, depended on the pipe." she stopped at that, and reached to touch the gentleman's sleeve. He'd not told her this for her fix him. She gave a little smile, "I have tried this too, a little is grand fun, La, until your friend is jumping from a tree." Like Lucas had done. "I have an apothecary, if you ever want to try something else." and with a shrug she let that go by, offered, but not pushed.


"Though then again, I rather enjoy Lord Chatham 'the invalid', what if sober you are very dull." she teased him again, she did not want him to feel bad of himself. Lucas had felt bad of himself, and look how that had turned out.

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James and Susan


“Excellent.” James beamed when Susan said that was exactly the information she was looking for. “I’m pleased that I could assist.” He added. James liked to solve problems and help people, it was why he became a doctor.


Her next question caught James slightly amidships, and he paused whilst consulting his memory. “I wasn’t aware, we have in fact only just arrived in London.” He explained. “Her Majesty always has my support of course. But may I ask for what cause the donations are sought?” James enquired, slightly nonplussed. It was unusual for young ladies to solicit funds, even on behalf of the Queen.


James himself had donated a significant sum to Karoline in support of her efforts to become Queen, but that was between them and not something that Susan needed to be privy to.

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Whitehurst, Whitehurst & Co.


His ploy had succeeded, it seemed. The call to prayer was hard to refute. The German girl seemed to soften in attitude, perhaps allowing Bradley to escape a potential embarrassment. He gave her a polite good day as she took her leave.


As she withdrew, Bradley, like so many awkward teenagers, struggled to find a way to continue to have contact. Charles almost smiled. Was I ever that awkward? He had been far more awkward but a few years earlier, but that seemed an eternity to a 23 year old man.


"The key," came his advice to his younger brother, "is to learn who she is. If she is some daughter of some important lord of some state in the Empire, you give up. If she is just visiting for the season and she is one of many female relations to some minor lord, the Queen might not object to an Englishman being seen to pay court to her." His first instinct, of course, was to encourage a proper relationship. Then, in a lower voice he added "if you just want to have some fun, then she might need an enterprising man such as yourself to show her the sights of London I should think. You might pretend an interest in learning her tongue. Perhaps you go riding? Just be careful, If she is part of the Queen's retinue, there could be serious consequences if you were to be seen to take advantage of the girl. You are a gentleman after all." The irony of that warning was lost on the young earl in that moment.

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Charles and Nicolette


Charles smiled thinly.


"Any number of possibilities indeed. Such a gathering of the bold and daring, why the sky would be the limit!" His smile sharpened, acquiring a knife like aspect. " I wonder what the sheep will bleat when they see the wolves gather."


He paused to think a moment, considering options. He would have to invite John, of course, and possibly one or two others.


"Hmm. Will we be able to invite all these worthies in time for tomorrow, or shall we reschedule for the day after to ensure we manage?"


The revelation of his altered state of consciousness went over well, seeming to assuage Nicolette's worries about unbalanced scales. He gave her one of the gentle smiles that seemed so incongruous on his severe features and, almost without realising it, reached out and gave a brief, soft squeeze to the hand she placed on his sleeve.


"Oh, it is a superb recreation when properly used, as you say." His smile became boyish. "It does have a queer effect on those lacking experience or caution. I gave a friend some once, at his request. He woke up in a tree, missing both his shoes and his left stocking. But you are an apothecary, you say? What would you recommend in place of the poppy?"


Charles was genuinely curious. He had, in the years since he had first become afflicted, tried any number of treatments for his migraines, both conventional and unconventional. He did not truly expect Nicolette to recommend anything more efficacious than his laudanum, but you never knew your luck.


He glared in mock affront as she described him as an invalid.


"Less of the 'invalid,' if you please mademoiselle, lest I feel obliged to prove how fit for service I really am." His eye twinkled. "A church is perhaps not the best setting for such, I'm sure you'll agree."

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James and Susan


So had only just arrived in London and was not aware of the Queen's plans. “I think the contributions will go to the causes you just told me about,” Susan replied. “That was why I was sent to you. Another gentleman asked the same question and I told him that I would find out for him. It is the season of giving and lighting a candle is a public opportunity to show one's support of the Queen's charities.


“There will be only twelve candles at the altar and the other ladies-in-waiting are asking for donations too. We are competing with each other to see who can solicit the most contributions. I don't really care if I win, but I do think that it is important that Her Majesty receives the funds she needs. Are you going to be in charge of the infirmary she plans to build?”

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