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Charity Begins at Church (Dec. 26 Morn)- Xmas 1677


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John, the Norfolks, Sophia, and Ursula


John suspected the secret would not keep. But regardless, he’d gotten as he wished. He smiled at Ursula, “Thank you for t-t-turning attention to charity.” He smiled too at the Norfolks, “Not that I begrudge… anyone a moment, so long as the commitment is honest and genuine.” John did think it was a bit vain, but so long as they actually turned to charity, his opinion of them would rise, not fall.


John then turned to Sophia, who’d been uncharacteristically quiet. He smiled back at her, “Do you have someone t-t-to sit with?” Her family was Catholic now, though it seemed she was not. She’d asked to be introduced, and while last night the Newcastles hadn’t seemed too eager to meet her, they could hardly object to John giving a lonely lady a seat. At least if the whole family was sitting together. If not she would at least meet his branch.

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Whitehurst & Whitehurst


By such standards Bradley rated still as pure as the driven snow, by such standards Charles had nothing to worry about.


"Well, I cant hardly court lovely ladies wearing my Oxford get up. Look at the wig on that guy, and he cant be much older than me. Look at his ribbons, bloody ridiculous if you ask me, but if that is what the women want, we ought to give it to them. Yeah?" No comment made of his older brothers reliance upon his dress uniform to get him by in all social occasions. If Bradley was a life guard, then perhaps it would work for him too, but he wasn't.


Quietly, he speculated, "What about, instead of a candle, you invest your five hundred pounds in me." it was an excellent idea, or so Bradly thought. "I need a new suit, or perhaps three, and one of those wigs makes a man look real impressive. See the way she's looking at him. Cripes, if she kisses him I am going to cuss, even in church. Well, no, later then." Strong words.

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Louis and Hen


"Ah, but I heard of some manner of queens charity work on the way in, there is Lady Davina, she shall be able to inform us no doubt. Come along Cousin." he encouraged Louis towards the queens lady.


Louis had interacted with Davina enough in the past 24 hours, although there was a certain appeal to being seen with her so regularly that there might begin a rumor with respect to the two of them. "You forget Hen that my sister is one of the Queen's ladies. Should I be inclined to learn what is afoot in that direction, I would just as soon ask it of her."


The church seemed to be filling. "Come, let's sit with Nicolette and I expect Lucy and her husband to join us in time." Unless the King, Danby or Buckingham appeared and looked his way, Louis was content to join his cousin near the front of the church. Perhaps he would learn something about the man that had been with her.

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Davina and the Ablemarles


The Ablemarles seemed biddable on the subject. "I shall seek out Lady Mountjoy" Elizabeth announced to her husband. "You should look for my parents and Frances and help them to their seats." The Newcastles were hale enough to not need assistance but Elizabeth preferred to speak to Ursula alone. She moved closer to the alter and paused when she saw the Norfolks there along with John and Sophia. Davina was now free to move away.


The Merry Gang


Roos seemed intrigued by Chatham's revelation that Nicolette had some inner struggle as to whether to be a tigress or a kitten. He imagined that he could like both.


As Charles slipped in beside them, Sedley asked "if it is so lacking in diversion we should have seen you here sooner I should think." Audley was no mere boy. "An extra long grand tour of the Continent perhaps?"

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The Merry Gang


"Rochester old man, you look like hell." it was Turnbulls voice cheerfully intruding upon the group, with a genial smile to those others he did not know, and a nod to Sedley and Chatham whom he did, "but what a daunting wall of fellows you here present, courts finest specimens, well, were a few years back... though well pickled, there's some good few years ahead of you yet. " he ribbed in that overly familiar way that he did so dreadfully with everyone.


He indicated to Rochester he'd slide past and join their ranks, with a murmured comment to the Earl as he did, "You could have warned me of the Doolittle girl though, so horridly serious. Now wonder you scarpered."

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James and Susan


“Ah, well, that is excellent to hear.” James smiled warmly. “Truly Her Majesty has the people’s best interests at heart.” And a deft hand at extracting funds from the courtiers to achieve her aims. Their Queen was no fool, and much as James loved his wife, he knew that Karoline fitted the role far better than Noni ever would have.


And the ladies in waiting were competing? Yes, the Queen was a deft manipulator of people, even those who served her closely. Still, the question regarding the Infirmary was unexpected. “Whom is in charge will, of course, be up to Her Majesty.” James demurred. “If it would please her then I would be more than happy to manage the institution in an executive capacity, though I don’t imagine that I shall be practicing there.” His practice these days was largely private patients.


“What do you say darling? Would you like to light a candle?” He asked his wife. To him she was an angel and just the kind of person to bring light to the suffering masses. “Yes, I think we shall purchase a candle.” He told Susan.

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Louis and Hen, then Hen and Davina


Ha, then I dare say you are already lighting a candle." Hen chuckled, knowing just a little of Lisa's spendthrift ways.


"I shall approach her untended then." he was still in a mind to talk to Davina, they'd not spoken since that day on the beach, he wished her to see the new and improved version of himself. Perhaps she'd ask him about the change. Perhaps he'd get to tell her all about his sweetheart.


"Shall catch up again later Basildon." and so the pair separated, with Heneage Finch jnr moving to approach Davina.


"Mistress Wellsley," Hen made what bow one might within the restrictions of the church isle space, "What is this I hear of the Queen Charities-come-to-Church"

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The Merry Gang


Charles took note of Roos's interest and smirked internally. That hook was well baited if he was any judge, but best to let it sit still in the water for now lest he spook the fish. Instead he nodded along with Sedley.


"It was as you say. I was with the Lord Admiral’s Regiment at Maastricht and then with Turenne in the Palatinate and along the Rhine. After that I spent some time in Paris to convalesce." He tapped his eyepatch and shrugged. "Then, inevitably, there was a girl and, well, I ended up in Vienna and then Italy. I kept meaning to return, but things kept coming up." He grinned at the older man, contriving to suggest that those things were often illicit and always interesting.


Further conversation was temporarily interrupted by the arrival of Lieutenant Turnbull, announced with what Charles was beginning to suspect was characteristic cheerful impudence. Charles beamed at his new fencing partner.


"Lieutenant! Good morning. You are just in time to commiserate with me. My charms have failed me, however temporarily."

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The Merry Gang


"Then I look how I feel," Rochester quipped in reply to Ambrose. The Earl moved sideways so that the soldier could join the group. There were nods from the others.


"Lieutenant, you know Sedley of course. Do you know Dorset, Roos, and Merriweather? Chaps that can rarely find better company than each other." The awkward part about age and pickles was ignored, but Johnny giggled merrily at the mention of the Doolittle girl. That had been entertaining.


It was clear that Ambrose knew Audley. Rochester allowed the two mates to exchange greetings before the conversation turned to Chatham's rendition of his Continental travels. The one-eyed Earl seemed to have a good military resume, or was even better versed in name dropping. He would not be the first.


"Who got your eye then?" Merriweather asked. "Was it a Bavarian then, or perhaps a Saxon? I forget which side they fight.


"I suppose that you may find London dreadfully dull in comparison," Dorset remarked.

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Douglas approaches the Lauderdales


Unfortunately the Ablemarles were distracted by John and Davina, so Lady Ablemarle never answered his question. Ah well, he was outranked by an Earl and a Queen’s Lady so that was simply something that happened. Clearly they were more interesting.


He looked about for others he recognised; Scottish peers, Anne Scott or perhaps the Osbournes. They’d been at the Ball the night before, and were an acquaintance he wanted to pursue. He was also looking to see whether lord Balcarres was at court this season, and church was a prime place to spot him if he was.


The combination of his extra height and the Life Guard uniform meant that he could see over everyone’s heads, and if he stood still they tended to treat him like furniture and drift around him. As Elizabeth Maitland had noted, being invisible could have it’s advantages. Speaking of the Maitlands…


“Yer Graces.” Douglas bowed deeply with doffed hat after a few steps brought him to the side of the Duke and Duchess of Lauderdale. “I trust that ye haed an enjoyable yestere’en.”* He added as he placed his hat back on his dark hair.



* “Your Graces. I trust that you had an enjoyable evening yesterday.”

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James and Susan


“Yes, she does.” Susan admired the Queen for taking her position seriously and trying to improve the lives of her subjects. She was not a frivolous woman who cared only for privilege, beautiful clothes, and expensive jewelry. Some people might find her dull because she was so straight-laced and pious, but she was intelligent, clever and wise beyond her years. It was sometimes hard for Susan to believe that she was around her own age. She acted much older.


She had thought that maybe her mistress had already appointed Lord Wentwood as head of her new infirmary, but apparently, she had not made a decision yet. There were probably quite a few doctors who coveted that position, and maybe the Queen would rather choose one who would practice there.


Why didn't Lord Wentwood want to treat the poor? She had only just met him, but he did not possess any of the signs of arrogance and entitlement she had come to recognize. While that rampant curiosity of hers wanted to be satisfied, she decided not to ask him. Such a personal question might have appeared rude.


Her blue eyes lit up when James agreed to buy a candle. “Thank you, my lord! I know Her Majesty will appreciate your contribution. I don't know if the candles will be lit at the beginning of the service or the end, but I'm sure an announcement will be made that will tell you what to do.”

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The Merry Gang

"Keep your voice low or the Reverend might take that as a challenge." Ambrose winked to the Earl.


Rochester then asked if he knew the others. He'd hoped that the others in Rochester & Sedleys company might be the merry type, and was inwardly gleeful as hope was realised. "Only by reputation, your infamy and hijinks are cherry to Whitehall's allure. Gentlemen. It's an honor to meet you." He bent somewhat in a gesture of a bow, plainly enough a fan.


"You shall keep..." Ambrose eyes were creased with humor as he replied with faux-threat. But really, Rochester deserved the tables turned on him next time. He needed to come up with something apt.


"Wot? Not wearing your lucky shoes today Chatham? Ah, yes indeed, you look truly pitiful my friend. There." the out of uniform lifeguard supplied pitilessly with a dry laugh - knowing Chatham did not need an ounce of such sentiment. The audacious rascal deserved anything he got, just as all the gents here did really.


Merriweather asked an apt question. Ambrose turned to hear Chatham's answer. Anticipating a direct contrast to a similar question he'd spoken to Maldon some half hour ago, a smile already tugged at the edge of his mouth. This ought be good.

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The Merry Gang


Charles laughed at Turnbull's expected response, genuinely entertained by the Lieutenant's barbs.


"No lucky shoes, no, and no obliging Life Guard to duel in order to impress the desired object, alas." He shook his head in mock asperity.


Merriweather's question drew forth a snort of amusement.


"Half the time they don't either. The Empire is less an empire than it is an argument. But the eye..." Charles lolled back in the pew. "He was an Austrian, son of one of their grafs as I learned later. He was damnably brave, though, say that for him, regardless of where he was born. Irritatingly quick, too, and had quite frankly the most magnificent mustachios I've ever seen."


Charles mimed stroking an ornate pair of tusks to illustrate the point before continuing.


"I shall spare you the boring details of the campaign. Suffice to say that Turenne was a genius and that there is a reason the Hapsburgs won their empire in bed rather than in battle. Things only got interesting after we'd sent them reeling out of Turckheim itself. The village was the key to their position, and even they knew better than to let us have it. So they threw every last infantryman they had at us, and amongst those infantrymen, for God alone knows what reason, was a cocky little bantam of a hussar with the facial hair of a man thrice his size and gravitas. Utterly ridiculous."


He snorted.


"Anyway, I had just sent word to Turenne of our initial success when there came a noise like the sky falling and we were right back in the thick of it. There was a veritable tide of them and it was a stiff fight for once, quite touch and go. It was snowing, too, to make matters worse, and I was sliding about in the slush, having just put down an unfortunate fellow whose breath reeked of garlic, when I heard what I first thought was a woman shrieking. I turned and found that it was actually some strippling doing his level best to run me through. Well, we set to and, to my horror, I found that he had faster hands than I did. I tried to batter him down, slipped in the snow and he put his point right into my left eye. At which point I said 'sod this,' screamed, and shot him."


Charles smiled wickedly.


"There is a happy ending to my story, though. We found letters to a sweetheart back in Vienna on his person. Once hostilities had ceased, I did my duty as a gentleman and delivered them, along with whatever... comfort I could offer the poor girl." He laughed. "Her mother found me comforting her and damn near slapped the right eye out of my head."

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Hen and Davina


She had intended to move inside but then her name was called out and so she turned round seeing who it was. She smiled and gave her own curtsey adding


"Happy Christmas Lord Aylesford - how well You are looking."


Such a small thing easily said so hardly a lie.


"Indeed. Her Majesty has implemented a desire for some Charitable Works and so instructed some of her Ladies to see it heard. A pledge of five hundred pound to the Charity that will be named will allow the giver the privilage on lighting an alter candel this very morn - there are only twelve and two are taken."


"Any so desiring needs must see Lady Mountjoy who is inside."


She had answered him matter of factly without any attempt to charm her voice pitched low to match his.

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Douglas and the Lauderdales


The Duke looked to have gained some weight in the offseason. His wife recognized Douglas as he approached. There was a quick whispered work between them as the lanky Scot approached.


"Dundarg," the Duke acknowledged. "Happy Sabbath," added the Duchess. "Of course we did," the Duke replied neutrally. What are you after FitzJames?

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Whitehurst & Whitehurst


"Well, I cant hardly court lovely ladies wearing my Oxford get up. Look at the wig on that guy, and he cant be much older than me. Look at his ribbons, bloody ridiculous if you ask me, but if that is what the women want, we ought to give it to them. Yeah?"


Quietly, he speculated, "What about, instead of a candle, you invest your five hundred pounds in me."


"That man is a fop," Charles replied derisively. His eyes narrowed as he looked at the man Bradley mentioned. "It is what French dandies wear. Ladies like it because they want to wear those ribbons for themselves." Charles did not feel comfortable dressing like that, and there were many reasons for it.


"You need a uniform," Charles added knowing that Bradley had forsaken his military service in favor of different opportunities. "You speak as if I had 500 pounds to toss about. Bradley, you know that father's estate was all but bankrupt. It was only my marriage to Jeanne that gave me any money to spend. Most of that went to the Langdon Regiment," he attempted to explain.


"That gives me an idea." The thought had been occurring to him at times. "I'll make you a junior officer in my regiment. I'll get you a nice uniform to charm the ladies. I know you do not like the army life, but we will find you some duties that you do like. What do you say?" It would take care of two problems at once. He needed to find something for Bradley to do and he could give his brother the freedom from duties so that he could have more fun in the process.

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Douglas and the Lauderdales


Douglas hadn’t thought it possible for Lauderdale to get any fatter, but apparently he’d been wrong. Truly the old politician grew more gross with every season. No wonder Cat despised him so. With is experience of people being judged by their surface traits, it was almost reason enough to like the man. He almost seemed to make a point of being unlikable, as though it were a challenge.


“I’m pleased.” Douglas replied amiably. “T’was guid tae see Scots representin’, thou’ we were few enou’. The Maitlands, the MacBains, an’ the younger Osbornes.”* Even though Danby was an English title, the man had started off Scottish, and apparently left his Scottish title to his irascible second son.


As he listed the last he watched Lauderdale’s face out of the corner of his eye. What were the man’s thoughts on the subject of Danby and his spawn?



* “I’m pleased. It was good to see Scots representing’, though we were few enough. The Maitlands, the MacBains, and the younger Osbornes.”

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Whitehurst & Whitehurst


"I'm not joining your regiment." Bradley snipped, irritated that his brother waned to give him a one uniform wardrobe. He was so cheap.


Meanwhile Bradley knew Charles had a castle in Italy (or was it France). Had received a huge dowry. Had multiple incomes. Had brought a boarding house in Pall Mall. He took in waifs and strays then clothed and fed them. And had spent how many thousand so pounds to make his Viscount an Earldom.


"You are supposed to be looking after all of Langdon, why did you waste money buying an an Earldom and other titles, when you cant even clothe your own brother. Does blood mean nothing to you." he kept his voice down, but face grew flushed as Charles essentially told him he was not worth anything spent on him. "That guy is not a fop, he's simply dressing is court attire. Women like it because it shows that they have enough money to spoil their ladies a little too. Everyone but YOU has a sense of fashion Charles. Why don't you pull your head out of your..." he halted himself then, bit his tongue. They were in a House of God after all.


"I need to take a walk." he glared at his brother.

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The Merry Gang


"Bah," Rochester replied in good humor to Ambrose's caution. The men were pleased with Turnbull's appreciation of their notoriety. "You will have to join us some time then," Sedley offered, hoping the man was willing to keep quiet about the King's parrot.


Attention then turned to the Earl of Chatham. "Turkheim?" Merriweather tittered. "Sounds like the name of the Ottoman capital of Sweden."


"Bloody bad luck that," Dorset acknowledged about the lost eye to an Austrian; but, enjoyed the added tale about comforting the bereaved sweetheart. It sounded like they had found a couple new members of the Gang. They could be put to the test later.


Douglas and Lauderdale


"Yes, good to see more Scots at court," the Duke replied insincerely. It was becoming clear to the cagey lord that Douglas was trying to butter his bread. It made perfect sense. FitzJames' step sisters were hoydens that were losing favor amid neglect and scandal. The Scottish Captain was looking to hedge his McBain bets. No longer could he be secure in the influence of Catriona. The young officer was learning a valuable lesson at court. One did not hitch one's team to only one cart. The old Duke smiled inwardly at the speculation.




The Archbishop of Canterbury arrived, signaling that the royal couple was not far behind. It would be wise for everyone to begin taking their seats. There was still ten or fifteen minutes before the service began. The Queen wished to delay the royal arrival in hopes that her ladies would find more scions of charity amongst the attendees.

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John, the Norfolks, Sophia, and Ursula


As John turned away to address Sophia, Ursula excused herself from their company. She was going in search of her Queen. The Norfolks took the opportunity to move to secure a place in the second pew, leaving Jog=hn and Sophia an opportunity to find their own seat.

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Whitehurst & Whitehurst


Sometimes one had to wonder how any teenager made it to adulthood. They could be such selfish creatures, while at the same time thinking themselves clairvoyant when they knew few facts and had little life experience. If society permitted locking away one's teenage child or sibling, it might become a popular remedy to those terrible years. Charles was not one who needed much motivation to lock someone up.


"I earned those promotions Bradley," Charles replied between gritted teeth. Yes, there had been a bit of money given to Baptist May for Tintagel. It was so that his son might have a courtesy title one day. What did Bradley know of earning anything? Had he killed the King's would be assassin, saved his wards from the evil clutches of Silas Moorehead, rescued a kidnapped Duke's daughter, broken up a criminal enterprise enslaving English girls, and caught the Queen's assassins? No, Bradley had abandoned his responsibilities to the family in order to live upon his older brother's charity. yet, when his brother offered him a cushy and carefree position as an officer, along with a salary, Bradley scorned it as if he had offered but a single shoe with a hole in the sole. How many gentlemen would have been grateful for such an opportunity?


These were thoughts that crossed the young Earl's mind, but he gave them no voice. Instead, he sighed. "And what do you know of fashion?" Charles asked rhetorically. It was true that Charles had no sense of fashion; but, in his mind, he was one of the few that had not given themselves over to silly French fashions. "Yes, I will pull my head out of my ... hat," he corrected for his brother in case anyone overheard. In fact, he removed his hat as they moved into the church.


"Now where are Frances and Abigail?" He looked about for his wards. "We need to find room for the four of us. If you wish to go for a walk, best collect them and bring them here."

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John, Sophia, and Ursula


“No, I am quite deplorably alone,” she told John with a playful pout. “But if you are offering, I would love to sit with you.” Noticing Ursula departing, she added: “Will you save a seat for me? I need to speak with Lady Mountjoy for a moment.”


Hurrying after the other German, she called: “Lady Mountjoy! May I talk to you privately after the service is over?”

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Whitehurst & Whitehurst

Yet to Bradley his brother lived the life of Riley, and could not know the struggles that his brother had faced. The gruding adolescent hardly believed that Langdon had been left in quite the pickle Charles did claim, and in his mind any inheritance seemed hugely better than what he'd got, ie nothing at all.


"Yeah I know, you were first born so get all the good stuff." he grumbled ignorantly.


While Charles felt Bradley asked too much, this young man felt like he'd not asked much at all. Certainly not enough to deserve being signed off into the military as punishment (Charles already knew Bradley's feelings upon that career).


"I"ve seen how other men dress." he mumbled under breath. He knew his brother well enough to know Charles was right pissed off at the moment. Perhaps it was fortunate this ding dong had happened in the church, though there would be more ding dongs in less restrained locales no doubt. "You don't need to afford fashion to know what it looks like... perhaps I need find myself a patron."


Perhaps someone like Lucinda Hawthorn? Who knew who Bradley would find during this season of goodwill and opportunity.


Bradley needed time apart from Charles. "I'll go find the girls then."



OOC: Abigail wouldnt be attending, she's still in invalid status, not up to any socialising at court. Frances isnt far off, and shall be all but delighted to ultimately sit between her two favoratie gentlemen!

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The Merry Gang


"As long as you aren't stirring the wine, count me in." Ambrose quipped back to Sedey (there being a certain notorious tale of Sedleys use of prick in wise glass that explained his boyish snicker.)


Parrots were all but forgotten, though the topic was bound to come up again upon account of a 'Parrot swearing contest' he had with a proper lady (odds were that these gents here would become Ambrose guests to the big event.)


But with a grin attention fell upon Chatham, who's tale did not disappoint. The loud-mouthed Lieutenant guffawed and hooted at the story's twists and turns, then finally slapped his knee at the climax. Now that was the sort of tale Maldon needed for his limp!


The Archbishop and his attendants filed in, a cue for many to take places both their places and reserve - but Ambrose was unperturbed and cheerfully expressed, "Bravo Chatham, though I'll admit I was rooting for the Garlic breathed lad!" said in jest of course, for he and Charles were becoming stout friends.

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John with the Ablemarles


John smiled with a small puff of air at Sophia’s pout. “Well, that is intolerable.” He smiled as Sophia took him up on his offer, but not just now, “Of c-c-course. You know what I look like.” By which he meant she could come find him at the right time. He wondered what she wanted to talk to Ursula about. And privately. Though running after Ursula calling out, and in English, was hardly inconspicuous. He was tempted to pry...


He noticed the Ablemarles behind him, having failed to make contact with Ursula before she left. Since they’d approached just before Ursula ran off but he’d not seen them till after, he presumed they were approaching him and not her. “God keep you, your graces.” John said, though they’d talked just briefly earlier. “Do both branches sit t-t-together normally?”


Last time Cavendish had been off… John didn’t know, perhaps attending whatever churches MPs frequented. And Devonshire had been sick. John had hurried away to meet Henrietta so he’d not really gotten a sense of what church was like. He hoped they showed up so he could sit with them as well as the more distant family.


At any rate, the service seemed to be starting, so John needed to seek his family to sit with them.

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Louis Joining Nicolette


Now that Hen had departed to seek out a way to part with his money, Louis moved further into the church, nodding at each person he knew along the way. Holiday greetings were exchanged and he found himself sliding into the pew beside his cousin. He expected the Somersets to join them shortly.


"I hope you are not planning to stand up during the service and make the poor Archbishop deliver his sermon in rhyme or such," he chuckled, thinking of her title as Lady of Misrule. It would likely be in bad form to do something silly in a church. "That man you were sitting with ... ?" He meant Chatham. he had seen the two chatting and he was naturally curious.

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Louis Joining Nicolette


Nicolette had resumed her daydreams of life in Ranelagh mansion, a fantasy of springtime with fragrance drifting through a conservatory window, sunlight dappling a comfy chair, surrounded by her dearest friends Heather and Caroline...


A figure slid into the pew, drawing her back into the present, a finely shaped eyebrow arched as she turned to look. "Ah, Cousin." she addressed warmly as a lovers pet name, her smile softening upon Louis, lips tugging into a grin as he teased then asked of the other man. She should have known he would observe.


"Just another admirer." she gave a shrug, that speculative eyebrow again raising. She'd like nothing more than to see jealousy in her cousin, though more likely he was only curious to the latest colour on her palette. "He is bound to be trouble, but, we laugh to danger, no?"

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James and Susan


James didn’t know what Her Majesty’s exact wishes were with regards to the Infirmary. He considered his role to be that of facilitator; to present her with the options and she might then make her decisions for him to carry out. But then, perhaps he and Susan had that in common.


“We’ll be ready when the time comes.” James said on the subject of the candles. As the pair were speaking the Archbishop arrived, signalling that the service would begin soon. “Ah, we had best go in. Will you be sitting with Her Majesty, Lady Susan?”

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Douglas and the Lauderdales


Lauderdale was playing his cards close, but then one expected nothing less from the cunning old politician. Despite being roundly disliked he had risen to significant power at court, no doubt in part by not giving away more than he needed to.


As they walked the Archbishop arrived; that meant that the King and Queen would be here soon, and the service was about to start. There was little time for further conversation.


“Ye wanted tae speak wi me.” Douglas said quietly, referring to the letter that had arrived over recess from Lauderdale, little more than a ‘see me’. “Weel taemorrer suit?”* He asked willingly. Obviously here was not the time and place.



* “You wanted to speak with me. Will tomorrow suit?”

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James and Susan


Susan noticed the Archbishop's arrival too. It looked as if she would have to wait until the service was over to find Lord Dundarg and tell him which charities the Queen was supporting. Maybe she wouldn't need to tell him if that information was included in the announcement before the candles were lit. She would probably find him later anyway, because he was quite charming and she had enjoyed talking to him.


“I don't know,” she replied. “Sometimes we sit with her and sometimes we are allowed to sit with our families and friends. When she arrives, Lady Mountjoy will probably let us know if we are needed or not. I will keep watching her to see if she beckons us over. At some point, we will need to tell her how many candles we sold, but she may not ask us until after the service.”

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