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The Christmas Ball (25/12 Evening)- Xmas 1677


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John, Cordelia, CW, Lady Dunmore, and Mistress Dwight


Everyone at court likely knew something about Constance. After all, she was one of the oldest human beings at court, or so she seemed. Beyond that he had heard something of her being a matchmaker, but weren't all elderly matrons that? It seemed to be their favorite sport.


"An honor," Charles replied as he kissed the offered hand. The arrival of Cordelia and John was surprising at forst, as Charles was slow to understand the significance of the gathering. One old matron was dangerous, but combine her with another and who knew what might happen? He had met Maldon but briefly during a royal walk. His Davina had been accosted and he had left at once to run to her rescue. Some Irishman had accosted her.


Marriage? Blazing cannons! Charles was speechless for a moment as the gravity of the remark settled upon him. He knew nothing of the young lady beside him. It was one thing to talk about a dance and quite another to speak about a betrothal. Charles had little interest in remarrying quickly. It would only complicate his life further. Perhaps they were referring to the Earl of Maldon primarily.


Nothing witty came to mind for the young lord. Rather, he was feeling the growing urge to escape, as men often did when the subject of marriage was raised by ladies. Those sort of conversations needed to happen between men rather than women.


Charles offered a pleasant smile to the two matrons and Maldon, but said nothing. His eyes went searching for a servant to signal with drinks. Perhaps he could interupt the train of thought with some libations. Then he might be able to sneak away.

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Douglas and Lucy


Lucy wasn’t the only person who had complained of the somber nature of the previous season. It seemed to be a reoccurring theme. Even the King was looking forward to something more merry. Given that it was the Christmas season, surely it could only be a happy time. “Weel ye hae certainly made my season brichter.”* He said warmly. Lucy was pleasant company.


“Yer tae kind, Yer Grace.” The big man smiled when Lucy said he might ask whatever he would. Then his smile faded. “One o’ the thin’s that I tak great joy an’ pride in is servin’ Thair Majesties.”** As a Life Guard it was Douglas’s duty to do so, but it was also his pleasure, and something that he took very seriously. A little too seriously according to some people. But she had asked what he looked forward to that season.


He glanced to where Lucy’s mistress stood watching her husband dance, practically green with envy. “Unfortunately I seem tae annoy the Quin.” He said ruefully, as though this was some odd turn of fortune. It seemed to so him. “Hap ye cuid advise hou I kin best serve yer mistress wi’oot annoyin’ her.”*** He suggested, full lips curving wryly.



* “Well you have certainly made my season brighter.”

** “You’re too kind, Your Grace. One of the things that I take great joy and pride in is serving Their Majesties.”

*** “Unfortunately I seem to annoy the Queen. Perhaps you could advise how I can best serve your mistress without annoying her.”

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Amelia, Sophia, and Diana


Diana nodded her head in agreement with Amelia about preferring to visit only after the warring had concluded, however long that might be. “I was only in Italy for a brief period but I was pleasantly surprised. The culture was intriguing, the sights were beautiful, but the food… Oh, the food, was something not to be forgotten.” A lazy smile formed on her lips, “They have the most delicious frozen desserts that I’ve ever had. Truly mouthwatering. I was fortunate my stay was brief. They might have had to let my dresses out if my stay had been extended with the sheer number of desserts I could have ate during that time.”


She studied Sophia as she spoke of why she was married in Amsterdam instead of Madrid or even London. Her Spanish husband had chosen a city that he was not a native too, nor his wife, nor had he chosen London? How odd! Either way, Diana managed to keep her curious nature in control and go along with what the Baroness said.


What ever miss givings Amelia had had over Sophia were now weighing against some positive interactions. That was a good sign. Ever kind, the Duchess looked to Diana, drawing her from her quiet back into the conversation. “You two paint such a lovely picture of Amsterdam.” She sighed with a small smile, “I now shall have to add it to my list to see as well.”

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Charles and Juliana parting reluctantly


“I wasn't taught what to expect either. If my curiosity had not gotten the best of me, I might have been just like her.” Juliana shuddered. “A frightening thought. I would much rather experience pleasure than be married to an indifferent King.” Another saucy grin. “I guess I would make a better whore than a Queen.”


She pouted again when he mentioned being patient. “As I told you before, patience is not one of my virtues. But we have no choice, do we? I wouldn't be surprised if prolonging our ardor triples or quadruples our pleasure. I look forward to finding out.”


As for the intruder: “I doubt she will want to see either of us again. Her loss, indeed.”


Juliana had not expected him to kiss her again, and his passion nearly took her breath away. She returned the kiss in kind, her body humming with desire. If only they could go back to the center of the maze and continue where they left off. But that was impossible now.


“And you are simply amazing.” She, too, marveled at how similar they were in personality and attitude. She would never regret approaching him and asking him to dance. They had only just met and she felt as if they had known each other all their lives.


She laughed when he quoted Shakespeare. “How apt.” After the tranquility of the gardens, the cacophony of the ballroom sounded almost like a battlefield to Juliana. Or at least how she imagined a battlefield would sound, if all the soldiers were dressed in their best finery and fighting with words instead of swords.


A hot little thrill meandered down her spine when he implied that he would see her soon and gave her another tantalizing smile. “I would love for you to stay, but I'm afraid that I'll be trampled by herds of young ladies who want to dance with you. It is probably better that we go our separate ways.” In a sultry tone of voice she echoed his own words. “For now.”


Before she let go of his arm, her fingers wandered down his sleeve and gently stroked his bare wrist, which was the most she thought she could get away with in public. “Parting is such sweet sorrow,” she quipped, throwing him an impish wink over her shoulder as she disappeared into the crowd.

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Douglas and Lucy


“And you have made mine brighter too.” The tall Scot was quite charming and Lucy wondered why he had not been married yet. It seemed as if ladies would be falling all over him. Maybe he was one of those rare gentlemen who was married to his work and thought a wife would only drag him down. Or perhaps he had not found the right lady yet. She supposed she could introduce him to some of her friends who were looking for husbands. Better yet, she could ask Susan Herbert to do it. She seemed to have an endless number of unmarried friends.


His statement was not surprising. Almost everyone at court wanted to serve the King and Queen. He was already a life guard, which was quite an honor in itself. Yet that didn't seem to be enough for him. He wanted to serve the Queen as well. Considering that his sister was the King's mistress, that was not going to be an easy task. Even if His Majesty tired of Lady Alyth, the Queen would still see her as a threat because she was the mother of one of her husband's children. At least the child had been a girl.


Lucy was young, but she had been serving the Queen for quite some time and had seen various ways that courtiers tried to win her favor. After staring into space thoughtfully for a few short moments, she looked up at him. “I think the indirect approach might be best. Instead of trying to speak to her, let her see you doing things that she would approve of. Converse with those she already favors and speak highly of her. They might pass your compliments on to her, and eventually she will take notice of you.”

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Charles restores himself


Charles allowed himself the pleasure of watching Juliana stride away into the press before shaking his head in rueful self-exasperation.


Oh, don't be too harsh on yourself. She has a lovely walk.


The earl snorted to himself. True enough, but there was such a thing as discretion. Still smiling, he moved off to the nearest refreshment table and heaped a plate with cake for himself. He had hardly eaten anything that day, and the dancing and drinking were beginning to exert an effect on him. He needed solid sustenance.


Charles was also beginning to feel the need for some masculine companionship. Nibbling happily on his cake, he scanned the hall for sign of John Churchill. He still wanted to know what they had gotten up to after the opera, and John was his best chance of finding out.

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John, Cordelia, CW, Lady Dunmore, and Mistress Dwight


'oh dear. Constance has simply jumped into the fray and how shall I divert .....'


To John she said "Ah but I would wager that that Gentleman is nothing more than one being used to further the reversed course of this evening. If she had intended to dance then they would have not lingered. The Lady is Lady Dunmore. She and I have some acquaintance and she expressed a desire to secure an introduction to you."


It was then that they joined the other three and so Cordelia performed her own set of introductions


"Lady Dunmore, Lord John Bramston, the Earl of Maldon. Lord Langdon, a pleasure and Mistress Dwight - how charming you look. That color suits most admirably."


She had seen the pretty pout and so guessed that the young girl had taken umbridge at the interruption and so she sought to sooth those ruffled feathers.


Her manner was the opposite of the older woman and her voice was geared to offer a sense of calmness so it was to be hoped that it worked!


Now she had to think quickly to avoid some diaster afore their "Game" of Matchmaking even took hold.


"Do not take a fright Mistress Dwight for I can assure you that no contracts shall be agreed upon and signed in quickness. And the Gentlemen must feel flattered, naturally, that your keen eye and perception of this Night's Theme Constance! Tis so easy would you not agree to fall under the Spell of decorations and what not."


"Lady Dunmore has a kind and romantic heart I think and so would see those still unwed made aware of those of the same like."


She spared a telling look in that Lady's direction as if to say "Give pause! Do not Rush!"

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Amelia, Diana, and Sophia


“It is lovely now, but it will be even more beautiful when there is no more war.” Sophia had not seen any war-torn areas in Madrid, but maybe that was because she had not been allowed to explore on her own. She had only seen its most pleasant aspects.


“You visited Italy?” she asked Diana, her smile brightening. “I lived in Venice for nearly five years to train my voice. I, too, adored the food. If you wish to enjoy an Italian meal, you must come for dinner. My cook specializes in both Italian and Spanish fare.”


Sophia turned her attention back to the Duchess. “I would be honored if you came for dinner as well, Your Grace. I can show you both the paintings I bought in Amsterdam then. Or we could have tea during the day with antipasti, if you prefer.”

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Continued from the dancefloor...

Buckingham & Nicci


The Duke was in good cheer after, they were both upon a little high, the rush of blood that came with daring plots and plans. They approached the table, and the cakes. "Hmm... perhaps Master Killigrew shall need call upon His Majesty to be judge and jury over the discovery of the ring?"


"I shall try to keep your hand out of it. La, but then, if it is your ring then your interest might be betrayed?"


She blinked, then let go of his arm to fetch cake. She was tempted to tell Buckingham about the mistletoe in his hair, but, perhaps his evening would be more the fun for it's remaining.


"But really, my hope with His Majesty tonight was as humble as managing to secret my handkerchief upon him somehow. So that when he disrobes tonight he shall discover it initials, and he might perplex. It is the mystery you gift him with, yes? The revelation, it should not be too soon."


She passed the Duke a piece of cake.

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John, Cordelia, CW, Lady Dunmore, and Mistress Dwight


Constance sailed forth, barely aware of the distress in those around about - yet pleased with Cordelia description of her. "Well put." she smiled of that, and, remarkably left it at that.


Meanwhile Lizzie's usually optimistic smile was challenged, as first one then another pointed her out as unwed. Her mouth opened mutely, then closed again. Yes she was unspoken for, though not for the want of trying.

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John, Cordelia, CW, Dwight, and Dunmore


"It's a g-g-great pleasure, Lady." John said with a smile to Lady Dunmore. Then Cordelia went on to speak of how marriage talk was premature... correctly in John's estimation. Introducing unmarried young men and women of quality always had that as an undertone, but to actually state it was vulgar.


But Cordelia excused them well enough, "Yes. Well, it's an exciting topic." John said politely. He'd known they were matchmakers from the first. Whitehurst would probably marry again, he was young and childless. And John would undoubtedly marry, as a matter of rank and blood if nothing else. But neither had a reason to rush.


After Cordelia things seemed to fall quiet. Whitehurst seemed to be casting about for something. Lady Dunmore and Mistress Dwight failed to speak. John's smile stretched into mild awkwardness as he tried to determine what to do.


Then he burst out with a sharp laugh.


"Well, l-l-look at that." John had glanced up a moment. There was a sprig of mistletoe hanging between Charles... and Lady Dunmore.

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Amelia, Diana, and Sophia


"Oh desserts," Amelia agreed. "I do love them." What sort of person did not? "Though I confess that a frozen dessert does not sound so appealing in the winter time What kind of dessert was it?" she inquired of Diana. "All this talk of sweets has me think we should find something sweet at the nearby table." She nodded in the direction of the nearest refreshment table.


As for the invitation to dinner, Amelia paused to consider the event and then turned to Diana. "Perhaps the two of us might come for dinner?" She preferred to be in the company of her sister-in-law when visiting the Spanish Ambassador's house.

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Francis and Susan, with Frances & George L


Frances Stuart and George Legge arrived to find the pair contently conversing. Frances could not imagine why such a pretty and eligible lady such as Herbert was not taking advantage of the situation to approach the most eligible lords at court.


"Lady Susan," Richmond declared as they arrived to make a foursome. "No luck in gaining a dance from this one?" she jested. She meant Francis of course. "I have brought you a more than adequate dancer in the form of another cousin." By this she meant George.


"More than adequate?" George feigned hurt, to which Frances giggled in glee.


There was little time to reply to Susan before they were joined by more blondes. He wondered if the Duchess was going to try to get him to dance, again. Though he had not said it, his honour, and his feelings, were a little pricked by the entire thing; he hardly expected ladies to fully understand such things.


"The ladies are cruel to me tonight, Your Grace," Francis replied, to both ladies' comments, with a cheeky grin. He gave George a nod.


"Sir George is in high demand!" He took a sip of his drink, clearly not one bit jealous of this fact.

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John, Cordelia, CW, Dwight, and Dunmore


Things only proceeded to be more awkward. Cordelia sensed it too. There was an uncomfortable, if not painful, smile on his lips.


Then, as if things could not become more awkward, John noticed the mistletoe over part of the group's heads. Blazing cannons. Two crones and a girl. The latter was not a chore to kiss. The other two were like grandmothers.


If John were to announce it to the group, then he would bloody well be drawn in for the festivities. "Ah," Charles laughed nervously as he looked above. "Right you are Maldon to note that the group is beneath mistletoe. I believe we owe these ladies a holiday kiss each." He turned to give Lizzie a kiss. "Happy Christmas." Then he turned to give each grandmother a holiday kiss, appropriate for their age. He offered holiday greetings to each Constance and Cordelia as he did so.


"Best I go share holiday cheer with others too," Langdon declared as a prelude to his imminent escape.

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Amelia, Sophia, and Diana


Lady Toledo asked about Italy and for a moment Diana wondered if she’d not had this conversation before? It was impossible to keep track of every conversation so she simply shrugged it off to ponder on it later on who it was that she’d told she’d been in Italy. “Yes. I have been to Italy. I stayed in Turin for a few months visiting with a friend but we did manage to visit Venice too, but only briefly I am afraid.” Shifting a glance to Amelia, “I wish I’d gotten the opportunity to visit Rome. I do love outstanding architecture and water works and have heard that the Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi was spectacular.”


“Oh, but winter is the best time to have them!” Diana insisted with a puckish smile and continued, glancing at her sister-in-law as she spoke. “They melt too quickly in summer and then begin to drip and before you know it everything is sticky.” She sighed with a small nonchalant shrug, “It doesn’t make them any less delicious but the stickiness is enough to drive you mad.”


Biting her bottom lip in thought, she tried to conjure up what her favorite flavors had been. “They are made of ice and milk, and I believe they contain egg yolks… Most of them are fruit based too.” She gave a slight ‘hmmm’ of thought. “Let me see… There was a strawberries and cream that makes my mouth water just thinking about it. And, a spiced almond that did quite surprise me in it's tastiness.” She fretted on her bottom lip a little more, “My favorite, I think, was this one they made with oranges and saffron. It was oranges and the cream, mixed with just enough saffron to keep it from being too sweet.”


Amelia nodded towards a refreshment table and Diana started towards it, “They are called gelatos and are quite famous in Italy now.” Ever one to enjoy a good story, Diana continued. “While we were there, we bought them from a stand in Turin and you know how some people talk. Well, he had a wonderful story about how when Catherine de Medici married Henri d’Orleans, she brought her own chef with her. Only to prove that Italian chefs were better than French chefs, of course.” Diana gave a small smile, “The poor chef was so good at making these desserts that he became hated by all the other chefs at the French court and he couldn’t bear it any longer and left to return to his former job selling chickens!” She paused for effect and held her index finger up, her grey eyes seemed to be laughing as they darted from Amelia to Sophia. “Ah! But not before he left his recipe with Catherine De Medici.” Rolling her eyes slightly, “And it just so happened that was his recipe that our gelato maker was using at that stand.” She started giggling, “He charged us a little more for them and I am not sure they were that much better but the story was entertaining.”


The Ambassador’s invitation to Amelia was cause for Diana to glance momentarily at Sophia. Amelia’s reply wasn’t a surprise and Diana was prepared with an affirmative nod of her head. “Of course, a dinner sounds splendid.” She laughed with practiced ease, “You can lead me anywhere with the promises of food and art! Remember that if I am ever kidnapped… that will be how they’ve done it.”

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Amelia, Diana, and Sophia


If Sophia had discussed Italy with Diana before, she could not remember it. She had met quite a few people who had visited Venice, and they all blurred together in her mind. Unfortunately, she had never been to Rome either and couldn't comment on any of its attractions. She was tempted to confess that she would move back to Venice and stay there forever if she could, but she didn't think such a statement would sit will with the Duchess.


She was more familiar with the Italian frozen desserts. The cook of the family she had stayed with in Venice had made gelati, and she had eaten so many of them in her first couple of years that she had grown tired of them. They had been refreshing in the summer, though. But eating them in the winter? Even in the milder climate of Italy, Sophia thought they would be too cold.


Following Diana over to one of the refreshment tables, she listened to her story. She had never heard that particular version before although she had been told about Catherine de Medici introducing gelato to France. Usually the teller of such stories spoke of the incident with disdain and went on the praise the superiority of the Italian version. Her favorite flavor had been a mixture of wild berries and vanilla that had been both tart and sweet.


She laughed at the Countess' comment. “If kidnappers lure you away with food and art, you might find that they have abducted me too. And if they give us plenty of food and all the art we can look at, I might not even try to escape.” Her mischievous grin attested to her teasing. In truth, she was frightened of being kidnapped and used against Don Juan.


As to dinner, she had invited both of them already. “Of course you must both come,” she enthused. “Your husbands are welcome as well, unless you would prefer it to be just us ladies.” Sophia didn't think that Esteban would mind eating in his office or the Embassy for one evening to let his young wife entertain some new friends. “What date would suit the two of you?'

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John, Cordelia, CW, Dwight, and Dunmore


At his words Cordelia's gaze travelled upward where she too saw that offensive piece hanging so innocently - much like an axe waiting to fall - directly over the heads of Lord Langdon and Constance!


She could not help the small chuckle


"Well! T'would seem Constance that tis your Night and how approproate that YOU should be the one to receive the Salute. Although by right simply due to age Mistress Dwight should benefit."


She smiled kindly across to the young girl aware that she must be feeling some unease at the situation and so her saying that the 'kiss' should be hers she hoped might brighten the sullen expression.


But Fate is seemed planned otherswise for Lord Langdon then offered up his own suggestion and in doing so included the three Ladies ....


"Well I shall accept in the Spirit of the Season and so Lord Langdon you may indeed kiss me."


She did not venture to him but rather he needs must go to her and when he came close enough he would see the amusement clear in her own eyes as they met his and she calmly offered her hand. What? Did any think she would offer him a cheek?


She was enjoying this immensley and applauded his rather ingeneous way of solving the matter without causing any difficulties. He had risen a bit in her eyes and so she now felt the need to see him matched to a suitable and, sorry to say, this Mistress Dwight was not the One.

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Francis and Susan, with Frances & George L


Frances Stuart wanted to ask Francis to dance, of course, but did not wish to do so in a common way. With a mischievous smile on her face she weighed the advantages and disadvantages of tormenting the new Lord Kingston, or satisfying her genuine desire to dance. Should she honor his reluctance to dance or should she foil it? Not being a cruel person by nature, she supposed she would just keep him in limbo, neither asking nor allowing him to think she was excusing him.


"Was Lady Susan cruel to you poor Lord Kingston?" She gave Susan a look that proved she was not serious. "Do your kin enjoy vexing you?" she continued with the theme of pity.


"Yes. Yes we do," George replied as if on cue, causing Frances to giggle at the jest. "Poor fellow," she tutted.


"Lady Susan, please ask Lord Kingston's uncle to dance. I fear he is all but begging to be relieved of all vexing relations. I shall see to it that no other relation vexes him during this next dance," she pledged insincerely. "If ... he brings me something with chocolate, I think."


George was eager to dance with Susan if she was so inclined.

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Amelia, Diana, and Sophia


"No more talk of kidnapping," Amelia chided. Words like that might attract the attention of Satan, or just bring about bad luck.


"I shall taste this gell-a-to," the Duchess proclaimed. "Do you know anyone in London that can make it? It must be easier in the cold weather."


The talk of Italy was not one that she could join, so the Dutch woman listened politely. When Diana agreed to join for dinner, Amelia felt relieved. "It should just be a ladies dinner I think." It was mostly suggested because she feared that her husband would not wish to attend. He was studiously avoiding Catholics these days.

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Amelia, Sophia, and Diana

Sending Sophia an amused glance, she shook her head. Diana doubted there would be much that would prevent her from at least trying an escape. Everything grew stale if it remained the same for too long, even food and art. Taking a deep breath, Diana reassured Amelia. “I meant it only in good humor, but it is a bit like I am thumbing my nose at fate isn’t it. I am sorry.”


“I do not think it will disappoint you in the slightest,” Off hand, Diana wasn’t sure who in England might could prepare it. Perhaps Lady Toledo’s chef could, she had mentioned he specialized in Spanish and Italian fares. Lifting her eyes to look at Sophia, “You said your chef specialized in Spanish and Italian fares, no?”


Diana hadn’t meant to steer the conversation so plainly to Italy, but it was what it was. She nodded her head in agreement, “Yes, I do think a ladies dinner would be best.” Glancing at Amelia, she sent her a small look of understanding and maybe something else. She wasn’t entirely sure if her own husband would be want to tear himself away from his own pursuits. Diana almost missed Sophia asking when would be the best time. “Oh! Whenever is the most convenient to the two of you. I will make time for such wonderful company.”

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Francis and Susan, with Frances & George L


If she were Lord Kingston, Susan didn't think she would like being talked to as if she were a child. Maybe he enjoyed it. The Duchess seemed to know him quite well. Maybe they fancied each other or were already lovers. It was none of her business, even though she admitted she was curious. And even more curious as to whether the Duchess would be able to convince him to dance. Somehow, she didn't think so.


“Absolutely,” she added after George admitted that they liked to tease Francis. She grinned up at her tall cousin. “And he vexes us right back.”


Hadn't she already asked George to dance? Maybe she had been too subtle. “Would you like to dance, Sir George? We can vex Lord Kingston even more by talking about him on the dance floor.” Another playful glance at Francis. “I know he will wonder what we're saying.”

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Amelia, Diana, and Sophia


Sophia echoed Diana's apologies when the Duchess asked them not to speak of kidnapping. Was she afraid of being abducted too? “Please forgive me as well. It was only a jest.” Joking about something she was afraid of made it less frightening, which was one reason she had agreed to play a Turk during Lord Maldon's snowball fight. Facing one's fears was easier with a bit of humor. It worked with everything but the young blonde's fear of water. That terror ran too deep to be laughed away.


“It is something everyone should try at least once,” she said about gelato. “It is so good that after you taste it, you will probably want more. With me, it became a bit of an addiction when I was a child. I ate it so often that eventually I got tired of it. I like it every now and then but I no longer crave it.” And that might be why she had no idea whether her cook knew how to make it or not. She had never requested it.


“I will ask my cook if she knows how to make it,” Sophia promised. “If she doesn't, she might know someone who does and we can have it for dessert.


“A ladies dinner it is then,” she agreed with a smile for both of them. Diana didn't have a preference as to the day and the petite Baroness turned to Amelia. “What day would suit you best, Your Grace?”

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John, Cordelia, CW, Dwight, and Dunmore


Constance faltered, this was unexpected. Cordela too seemed caught off guard. Perhaps it was the Matrons sudden nervousness that bolstered Elizabeth's gumption, for with a pleasant attitude she offered, "But I might be your proxy Lady Dunmoore."


Now she supposed she'd receive not just her own mistletoe kisses but Constance's also, and was rather delighted at her own cleverness, turning to assist both gentlemen fully with both compliance and some little initiative of her own. She felt entirely popular all of a sudden!


"Oh, yes I need to go spread cheer too." She was quick to tack on her own 'excuse me I want to leave" onto Charles own, "are you comeing also Lord Maldon?" the dainty extended her hand ready to take his arm.

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John, Dwight, and possibly Langdon, departing Dunmore and Cordelia


“We?” John said, bemused and seemingly aware of the vengeful nature of the comment. “Happy Christmas.” John said. Cordelia was easy enough to think of as a relative, and only offered her hand, so that was no trouble at all. Then it came to Mistress Dwight, who’d annexed Constance’s kiss for herself.


John was terribly inexperienced, he could count the number of unrelated ladies he’d kissed on one hand. But he was also drunk and becoming more accustomed to it. So it was only with a small blush and a bit of hesitation he kissed Mistress Dwight twice.


Langdon tried to escape and Mistress Dwight seemed set to join him. She offered to bring him along, which made John smile. It was only the second time a lady had asked him to join her and so far both had picked up his mood tremendously.


“We m-m-might talk at greater length another time. Tea p-p-perhaps.” John said, breezily enough, to Cordelia and Constance. He’d been feeling the fog of alcohol for a while but it was getting bad enough he didn’t feel comfortable with discussing serious matters. At least, not outside of close family.


With that, though, he took Mistress Dwight’s arm with his free arm and the trio, or trio if Langdon sought to escape them too, departed. John, for his part, was following them.

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Buckingham & Nicolette


Buckingham had an assortment of jewelry, and while the King would know his more signature pieces, there was a bit more chance in his royal master not recognizing a less used piece. The only such that he had was sapphire and diamond ensemble on his pinky finger, which he pushed into the middle of her piece of cake with one long, delicate finger, concealing the act between their bodies.


With a triumphant grin and a wink, he handed it back to her.


"Away you go, my dear." He chuckled at his game and then cast his eyes around for another dance partner. Surely he would be less suspect, if he was otherwise engaged.

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Davina and Louis


Louis had no reason notto return his dance partner back to the Villiers ladies, assuming that the Duke would return there. He did not know that Buckingham was still with his cousin, though he would have been impressed to learn of it.


Rejoining Mall and Lady Pembroke


"Ah, here we are," Basildon announced as he escorted Davina. "It seems as though HIs Grace has yet to return." He turned his attention back to the matrons present. "Ladies," he greeted them amiably. "I return with Mistress Wellsley." Then back to Davina again he added "My lady, thank you for a most pleasurable dance." He paused briefly to see if Lady Pembroke wished to ask him to dance, or whether Mall might have something to add.

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Caroline had left the Duke's pleasant company then made her way with a purpose to one of the refreshment tables, right up to Lord Audley who seemed quite taken with the cake given the heaped plate he held of it and his full mouth as she came upon him chewing away.


"Well, well, Lord Audley! You should take care to leave some cake for the rest of the ball goers," she quipped with a smile.


"So how are you, my gallant rescuer the other night? Pity your gallantry seemed to vanish when it was a matter of giving me a ride home?" she bluntly addressed that little issue.


She wasn't truly angry with him, not after those kisses in his coach. Now that had been an eye opening and enjoyable ride!

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Buckingham & Nicolette


While inwardly Nicolette felt an almost macabre pleasure at first element of her plan, outwardly she dipped a pretty curtsy and gave a girlish laugh as though they were sharing some frivolous nonsense. It was a laugh designed to flatter her companion who now, upon shoes that where arguably prettier than her own, strode away to find his own distraction for the evening.


Lady of Misrule - discovered!


It is time. Nicci's heart beat accelerated, but this season she was learning to ignore her inner trepidations. This season she was learning to simply leap!


Taking pinch of cake, Nicolette gave a gasp and then cried out, "I have found it, I have found it!" and lifted dainty cake-covered-ring fingers to the air. Anyone nearby would plainly see the circular object covered in cake.


"Mister Killigrew, Mister Killigrew?" she turned and looked about for the previously-unknown-to-her master of revels, all while clasping her hand around the cakey ring so that none others around her got a proper good look at it.



Edit: missed the 'n' off, so that 'none' looked like 'one', and changed the sentences meaning entirely! Now fixed. Phew

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Charles, hoarding the cake...


Ordinarily, Charles preferred savoury to sweet but he was absolutely famished and in need of soakage. As a result, he abandoned his search for John and devoted his full attention to consuming his foraged cake supplies. It was difficult to balance the urge to inhale the confectionery with the necessity to appear dignified and urbane, but Charles was relatively certain that he managed.


Well, it is Christmas. A degree of hoggish excess is expected.


...and discovered by Caroline


He was startled from his thoughts by the voice of Lady Kendishall and barely restrained the ingrained childhood reflex to hide the plate behind his back. He instead swept an extravagant bow (so as to allow himself time to discreetly swallow his mouthful of cake) and straightened, smiling.


"If they want any, they are perfectly welcome to challenge me for it. You, however, need but ask." He proffered the heaped plate. "It is a pleasure to see you again Hippolyta. You look lovely."


His smile did not slip at her blunt chiding, though he did wince internally. Still, she did not seem truly incensed, and Charles had a long established procedure for just this sort of eventuality. He sighed and began to implement it.


"In truth, my lady, I would have been delighted to escort you home but, alas, I was waylaid at the opera. An old friend all but abducted me and insisted on dragging me out on a tour of all our old haunts. I could not get away short of using force. Still, it was undoubtedly remiss of me to neglect you so." His smile grew wicked, and his voice acquired a mischievous tone. "Shall I beg on my knees for forgiveness?"

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Amelia, Sophia, and Diana


Amelia seemed appeased by the contrition on display. One did not temptthe Fates idly, and the other two ladies seemed to agree. She awarded each with a brief smile.


It came to selecting a day and both deferred to her, as they should. "I should think middle of the week would be best. The weekends are far too merry during the holidays. Shall we say Wednesday?" The idea of tasting this Italian dessert held some appeal. "Shall we say six o'clock? I do not like staying out late."




The announcement that the one ring had been discovered caused all conversation near the French beauty to cease as each turned to look her way. There came a murmur that followed with congratulations, regrets, and laughter interspersed.


"Bugger" the Earl of Rochester could be heard to utter. He had sampled eight pieces of cake to no avail. He would be suffering stomach aches on the morrow that would accompany his daily headaches.


Master Killigrew was summoned by the whispers in the crowd. The heavyset older man approached to validate the prize, the crowd parting like the Red Sea. "Congratulations Mademoiselle," he called as he approached. He knew of the lady though they had yet to be introduced. A more diligent man would have withheld congratulations until after the prize was confirmed. There was a gaggle of courtiers watching the proceeding unfold with intent interest.


"May I see the ring please?" He held out his hand expecting to see the non-descript brass ring that he had ordered placed into a cake.

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