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The Christmas Ball (25/12 Evening)- Xmas 1677


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Nicolette and the Cakemeister


There was no sweeter sound than that of disappointment of others. Nicolette flashed a gleeful smile to Rochester, who was sporting enough to express his loss outloud.


"Here it is." which was not to say she was not just a tiny bit nervous as Mr Killigrew approached. He cheerfully expressed his well wishes, after all everyone all night had been waiting for this moment, he in particular could relax once this next duty of his was all settled.


And so she gave him the cake soiled ring. Nicci was close enough to him now that she could hear his breathing, and he hers. Close enough that her gaze might meet his in an almost intimately close manner. "I am sure you shall find it all in order." her tone held a certain eyebrow raised insistence, while she was praying that he recognised it as The Duke of Buckingham's pinky ring - the Dukes generous hand in the Arts ought enable concessions.


The real ring was probably lost in the growing piles of crumbs surrounding the cakes - perhaps.


"And I have already chosen my Lady of Misrule's 'household', I shall take as my deputies Lady O'Roarke, and my Lady Kendishall." she declared cheerfully. It seemed hours ago that she'd told Louis just that, though at the time she had no idea that she might actually have a chance of accomplishing this little dream.

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Amelia, Sophia, and Diana


The Duchess of Ormonde suggested a Wednesday at six. Diana didn’t see any reason to object so her she looked their would-be hostess for confirmation.


Their conversation seemed to coming to a close, Diana noted the dance seemed to be over and the dancers were settling back into their groups. “Ah, it appears that the dance is over.” Diana murmured, lifting the glass up to her lips for another sip. “I am sure the girls will be joining us again soon. It would also appear I shall have to decide whom to ask to dance if I wish to dance this evening.” She smiled cheekily at her companions then looked around the room taking note of several possibilities. Diana sighed happily, “Decisions, Decisions…”

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His immediate expression almost caused her to burst out laughing, like a child caught stealing by their guardian. He swallowed then gave a fine comeback though, he really was the witty one she recalled from their initial encounter.


"Well, I am relieved I need not have to duel you for some then. And since you called me Hippolyta instead of my real name and I am not certain if you even remember it, I am Caroline by the way," she smiled. After what they went thru in the coach, she wasn't worrying about addressing each other with their proper titles.


"And yes, I would like a bite of the cake, thank you for your most gracious offer," she added.


Audley then addressed his absence at the end of the opera, though Caroline highly doubted he had been dragged all that unwillingly. But he was a man....they were weak when it came to such temptations so she forgave him. He ended with a rather bold offer though as a smirk came over her pert features.


"Oh? You would do that...right here in the presence of all these illustrious personages? For me?" she didn't believe him.


Just then there was some stirring not all that far from the pair, had someone fainted? Caroline turned to watch for a moment, naturally curious. It revolved around Nicci? She looked positively delighted, whatever it was? People were talking already. Ahhhhh, it seems her fellow Frenchwoman and good friend had just become the Lord of Misrule. Or would that be Lady of Misrule. Good for Nicci!


She glanced back at Audley, "Say...if you were gorging on all that cake to win the Lord of Misrule, I fear you are too late. Right over there...that young woman seems to have found it."


Of course there had yet to be an official announcement.

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Charles and Caroline


Still sharp I see.


Charles felt his smile widen as he answered.


"I doubt I could forget anything about you Lady Kendishall, least of all your spirit. Hence Hippolyta. Do you not think the comparison apt?" An eyebrow arched in challenge as he passed the full plate of cake over.


Blaming John seemed to have gotten him out of trouble for his absence the previous night, he noted with satisfaction, but Caroline's obvious scepticism as to the depths of his contrition spurred him irrationally further onwards. He stepped in close, mischief dancing in his eye.


"You doubt me?" His voice was a purr. "But say the word and I shall kneel at your feet and plead for pardon. I left all sense of shame behind a long time ago." The eyebrow arched again. "Of course, you might have a more interesting idea as to how I might earn your forgiveness. Do you?"


Their little interplay was interrupted by a nearby commotion. Charles listened idly for a moment. The Lord of Misrule appeared to have been found. Hopefully someone with a bit of life and spirit to them. He returned his attention to Caroline as she spoke, a faint smirk stretching his lips.


"Hmm? Oh no. I've always thought that being sanctioned to make mischief rather misses the point, though I wish the lady well of it. My gorging was mere gluttony. I've been trying to introduce some variety to my sins, you see, though the comfort of the familiar always wins me over in the end."

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Francis & Frances with the others departing


"I expect only the best of vexations from you two, our family honour depends upon it," Francis joked, right back. "Do not disappoint me now." He winked at Susan and gave just ever so slight an eye-roll to George. Something seemed afoot.


Turning back to the Duchess, he said, "And what stories did my dear Uncle George tell you?" His eyes followed the retreating pair.


He contemplating asking her for a walk to avoid the dancing issue altogether but did not. At least yet.


"Did you enjoy the dance?" He raised a blond eyebrow and flagged down a servant for drinks. He, at least, needed another, and he was sure that the lady would not mind one, having just returned from a dance.

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Rejoining Mall and Lady Pembroke


She curtsied to the two Ladies then to Basildon and was about to comment back when there was some raised voices from not that far away. She turned to look but could not see much over all those standing about.


"Can you see My Lord?" She asked Basildon. "What has happened? It sounded like a Lady's voice but in all this crowd ...."


She hoped he might be able to asertain and if not mayhap the Duke returning or another could fill them all in.

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John, Cordelia, CW, Dwight, and Dunmore


It seemed to work. Cordelia took a kiss on her hand, which he was happy to deliver. Lizzie claimed Constance's kiss, which was gratefully accepted. He would rather kiss a younger lady anyway. Maldon seemed to play along.


Miss Dwight announced that she wanted to spread cheer and took Maldon's arm. To Charles that meant he was free to move in a different direction that Miss Dwight, whether she meant it or not. He was not inclined to associate closely with a lady on the prowl for a husband in such a manner.


"Ladies, it was a pleasure," he remarked to the matrons. "Miss Dwight, it was a pleasure to meet you." He cast a glance at Maldon as if to explain to Lizzie that she now had another escort. He offered John a polite nod. "Lord Maldon."


With that he was moving in the opposite direction of that group. He was not sure where he was headed, but he knew it was not going to intersect with those he left. Perhaps he might bump into Davina or Cat.


In this setting he heard Nicolette exclaim that the ring had been found. He moved in that direction naturally. The French lady was easy on the eyes and he was curious as to the outcome of the contest.

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Francis & Frances with the others departing


Off went George and Susan to enjoy the fourth dance of the evening, leaving Francis and Frances alone to their contemplations. The Duchess was only too happy to seek liquid refreshment. The dance had left her parched. She asked for and received mulled wine.


"Your Uncle George revealed to me your real reluctance to dance," Richmond explained. "I suppose that was a very embarrassing scene for both you and the lady in question. he did not tell me the name of the lady though and I am dying to know her identity," Frances cajoled.


It was clear that George had told Frances some form of story that was untrue. Knowing him, it would not be too scandalous. Rather, just something playful that would cause him to either play along or deny it.

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Nicolette and the Cakemeister


The ring placed into the hand of the King's Master of Revels was one much heavier than he had been expecting. The Duke's pinky ring was not designed to be light weight.


Killigrew's first instinct was to object, knowing this could not be the ring in question. Yet, he was experienced enough at court to know that impulsive responses were rarely the best ones. There was a quiet spreading around the pair as the seconds ticked by. Henry examined the ring in a thorough manner as if performing his duties in the most careful way possible. In reality it was to give him time to choose his response.


The first question in his mind was the ownership of the ring. By its make, it had to be someone wealthy. His mind reflected on the company that Nicci had kept during this event. She was the cousin of the Earl of Basildon, a man who had sought to discredit him before the King, if whispers were to be believed. Had he placed the ring in the cake? If so, they had waited a long while before triggering the faux discovery. He recalled too that she had been in the company of Buckingham earlier. Had he placed his ring in the cake to fool her, or was she complicit? It was hard to know. The Duke was known to enjoy a prank at the expense of a court beauty.


Tick tock tick tock


If he were to deny it was the proper ring, it would embarrass the lady. Some would accuse her of cheating, rightly or wrongly. In doing that, he would earn the wrath of her and Basildon, perhaps Buckingham as well. She had blurted out Heather O'Roarke's name as well. He was beholden to the redhead for supporting his Playhouse, and she had connections with York. That could cause trouble for himself. The King too was an old Cavalier and would be likely to frown upon a man more steeped in rules than fun, when it came to a lady especially.


Thus, there were ample downsides to refuting the ladies claim. The downside for allowing her claim was that some random courtier would find the brass ring soon enough and claim themselves the winner. Who knew who that might be? It might be no one. It might even be that the brass ring had been discarded by a careless courtier.


If it is found I could claim there were two rings placed, one mighty and one lowly and that I would honor whichever was found first. Who would have the standing to naysay him? He was judge and jury and likely to be supported by Buckingham and York, if not the King.


Impatience led to murmuring. Killigrew was aware of the change in the mood. It was far too serious for a merry event.


"It seems we have a winner!" Killigrew declared loudly to growing applause. "We have our first Lady of Misrule in the memory of this court. It tis fitting given the King's proclamation of ladies liberty this evening."

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Charles and Caroline


"Not knowing much about this Hippolyta you refer to, I shall take your word for it then for certainly you must be the expert in something more than just eating cake," she teased right back. The man stepped closer to once again state his willingness to kneel before her right here and now. Oh how she was tempted to call this bluff of his, for that is what she believed it to be. But he sweetened the offer with another option for her to take. Interesting.


"Actually, my dear Charles, I just might have something quite specific in mind and you will be happy to hear it will be something very pleasant so you should certainly enjoy it," Caroline declared with outward confidence.


The commotion over the discovery of a ring in the cake interrupted both of their trains of thought then. It seems her good friend Nicci had lucked into finding...or would that be biting the object which decided the Lord of Misrule. Make that Lady of Misrule.


Lord Audley did not seem impressed by the whole thing. He had a point too, in a way. She nodded then added, "Perhaps....however that is Mistress Vauquelin, a very good friend of mine so I am delighted for her. I also believe her to have the adventuresome spirit for making good use of this office."


She turned back to him, "And somehow I imagine your sins have both a certain variety to them in addition to quantity. Not that I mind for are we all not sinners in God's eyes?"


She finished that bit of a zing with a playful grin before getting back to an earlier subject.


"Anyhow, you can gain my complete and utter forgiveness for your opera night transgression if you agree to attend the party I am throwing this holiday season at my London residence. I can promise you it will be a fun time for all."

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Charles and Caroline


"My talents are wide and varied, yes." Charles nodded in a self-mocking parody of self-important pomposity. "Hippolyta, incidentally, was Queen of the Amazons and daughter of Ares."


A slow smirk spread across his features as Caroline declared that she did have some specific labour in mind for him. He had been entirely prepared to sacrifice some dignity in the cause of fun and, well, fun, but this seemed like to be less public, at least.


"Intriguing. Well, do not keep me in suspense. What shall my penance be?"


The moment of revelation was postponed, as the Lady of Misrule was crowned.


"An adventurous lady, you say? Capital. 'Twould be a great shame for one more concerned with propriety than fun to be granted the title. May her reign be long remembered." He gave Caroline a sidelong look as she playfully teased him. "Oh, we are all sinners (and some would do well to remember that) but I fear I could never content myself with merely being one of the crowd. If I am to be a sinner, let me be a prodigious sinner, excelling all others in quantity, quality, variety, scale and rate of sinning."


And now the moment of truth. In order to gain pardon for his transgressions, his penance would be... attending a party. Well, that was no hardship.


"But name a date and a time and I shall be there, for I find I cannot bear the thought of your displeasure."

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Amelia, Diana, and Sophia


“Six o'clock on Wednesday will be perfect,” Sophia replied. It would give her a few days to locate someone who could make gelato if her cook couldn't do it herself. Her fluency in Italian and familiarity with Italian culture would make that task much easier if she had to go searching London for the exquisite dessert. Her cook could probably offer suggestions on where to look and who to look for.


Her eyes wandered to the dance floor as well. She had missed the third dance but didn't intend to miss the fourth. The last dance would be Esteban's so she needed to locate the Earl of Sunderland for the next one. Or someone else interesting, if he was not available. “Decisions, indeed,” she replied, searching the room for the Northern Secretary. “Whomever shall we choose?” She didn't know if the Duchess planned to dance with anybody but her husband, but she included both of her companions in her question with a mischievous smile.


It looked as if the dance might be postponed a bit because the Lord ... or rather Lady ... of Misrule was announced. "I am glad that a lady found the ring," she remarked. "I think Mistress Vauquelin will be splendid in the role."

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Nicolette and the Cakemeister


Mister Killigrew took a pause - it was lengthy - there being but two others who knew the manner of quandary he now wrestled with. Nicolette could only pray that those around about figured the man lapsed into a momentary state of dementia, while she awaited the announcement of her fate...


Still, if he did say it was the wrong ring, she'd laugh prettily and be forgiven. Ladies might titter apologies of a 'mistake' of any sort and put it down to the frailties of female intellect, and then men would simply nod sagely to themselves, and feel their authority affirmed. It happened all the time - with an unmeasured number of successes that made making such gambles a fair risk. Better to attempt, and fail a few times, than to live cautiously to no advantage.


Though right now Nicolette drew herself a little taller, in anticipation of an advantage of a most interesting sort, though never truly thinking it would actually happen. Tick tock tick tock. Any second someone would step forwards exclaiming that they had found the ring. Tick tock tick tock tic tock. Any second he'd reveal a subclause hitherto unknown, that foreigners could not hold such a title...


Nicci bravely smiled on the surface, inwardly starting to freak out.


So the announcement was a moment of surprise initially. Nicolette's eyes widened, her mouth did too, till her hand quickly moved to cover it.


"Aha!" she crooned, with a wave of relief sweeping over, she moved into a show of kissing Master Killigrews cheeks, though the action was but cover for a whispered message. "Lord Buckingham might express gratitude for his ring back."


Turning then, to the sea of envious well wishers Nicolette orated; "Ladies, Gentlemen, Merry revelers of King Charles Court, I gratefully accept my prestigious appointment, and promise not to let your cravings for mischief to go unrewarded." before she dipped into a elegant curtsy, a show of deference. Had any cheat accepted their unjust reward so gracefully before?


Her mind raced with possibilities. She still fancied some manner of shaming for the Queens ladies, well, one in particular, but to single someone out would be too obvious. She wished to command the Kings lips of course. And she would like to reward her dearest supporters somehow... but for the moment, it was simply fun!


Fun that bubbled a gleeful laugh from her lips, "I name my deputies Lady O'Roarke and Lady Kendishall, where are you my friends? We must plot the mischief for the next dance!"


She was quick to see Caroline not far away, though Heather was less visible. With Nicolette's knowledge of her mentor, she guessed she was up to hanky panky with some high ranked lord.

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OOC: I think we've allowed an apt period/chance for Cordelia to attempt to intervene, lets carry on separately now gentlemen.


The young ones escape!

Drunk of success (kisses are intoxicating after all) Mistress Dwight giggled as she took Lord Maldon's arm and fairly skipped apart from the matrons.


"Hurry before they come after us!" upon a hushed whisper to his ear.


Eventually she spun around to look behind, only to discover they had lost one of their number. "Oh dear. Don't say they caught Lord Langdon before he could escape." she flashed a grin to John then and supposed, "I must be a lucky charm for you, Lord Maldon." Quickly enough she abandoned her search for Charles. Langdon was gone.

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John and Mistress Dwight approaching Sophia, Lady Ormonde, and Diana while waiting for Lady Catherine and Lord Cavendish


John hurried away as best he could (for he was not much good at hurrying). “He died a social death to save us.” John smiled back. He laughed at her quip, “Well then, I ought to keep you close, shouldn’t I?” John meant the remark relatively innocently. He felt terribly unlucky in general. Though Mistress Dwight was pleasant company so far.


But the third dance was ending, so John expected that Cavendish and his sister would be back as promised. So it was time to seek Sophia and approach the Queen. “Ah, pardon, but I have t-t-to meet someone at the end of this dance.” Despite how that sounded he didn’t move off or let go of her arm. After a moment he realized, "Ah, don't worry, I'll b-b-bring you too." He looked out for both his sister and cousin and the ambassadress.


He found Sophia first. The sight of her and Diana still engaged in an actual conversation with Lady Ormonde stoked a bit of envy after his own anemic exchange with the duke. Well, hopefully the matter with the Queen would go better.


He briefly looked for Caroline to make sure she was alright. She was with that roguish fellow. With his eyepatch and the marks of combat he looked much more abnormal than John did and he seemed to be doing alright with the ladies. That gave John hope.


It was then the announcement of the Lady of Misrule came. John smiled at that. She’ll do well. He wondered what she’d get up to. He’d no doubt she’d make a fine time of it. Nicolette seemed the sort to cause mischief with or without royal warrant.


But Sophia appeared ready to depart her current company. So John smiled, “Come now, I'm going before the Queen and I’ll need all the luck I can get.” And perhaps someone to help bear Sophia's pyramid. He walked over to the trio and bowed somewhat ineptly to the duchess.


He wondered if the duchess’s sister in law or brother had ever mentioned him. The duke himself hadn’t seemed to recognize him despite John’s relation with both, but he’d also not met either directly. “Excuse me, your g-g-grace, but I need to borrow your… c-c-conversation partners.” He smiled at Sophia and Diana. Hopefully Cavendish would find them soon. John hoped he would arrive before Diana departed so he could set the two up for a dance.

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John and Mistress Dwight


"That's just what I was thinking. He is a soldier fallen to the battle, that we might fight on. Hey hey!" He was very easy to talk to, or was it more that he bantered happily in a similar tone to her own. Light of heart, cheerful. That was the impression she gained of him.


It was all going just splendidly until he announced he had others he wanted to see. Any lady knew what that meant, it meant she alone was not satisfying company.


"Ah, no that is fine. I shall strike out on my own, blaze the battle field." Lizzie remarked, unperturbed really. It would have been lovely if he did want her company, but she was used to being passed by. One day her knight would come, she had to, and would, keep believing in that.




OOC: Elizabeth separates from there, leaving Maldon to join the group thread and carry along.

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John, Cordelia, CW, Dwight, and Dunmore - With Those Departing


(oc: apologies for holdng things up)




Well! Cordelia's eyes traveled over the form of Mistress Dwight with more intention then her fist glance. Was there MORE to this girl or had she simply wanted to escape? Clever Girl either way.


She had accepted her Salute then waited for Lady Dunmore but it seemed that the two Gentlemen were set on departing and so she could hardly prevent it could she?


It was then that the announcemnt came regarding the Lady of Misrule - and who should it be but that French woman she'd seen in the Palace gardens! My but this was a night for change.


Looking to Constance she asked


"Well it seems that we two are once again left to find our own way. Had you thought things would be this difficult? I think we might need to revise our Orginal Plan - what do you think?"


"In the mean time shall we make our way closer to see what excatly will happen with this turn of events - Lady of Misrule indeed"

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Cordelia and Lady Dunmore, nearing the Lady of Misrule, aka Langdon watching on.


"Perhaps my fault, to a degree, I should not have mentioned their single statuses. Still, I'd have thought the men to not be so skittish as that, nor Miss Dwight for that matter. No. I did not think it would be so difficult, it's like trying to corral rabbits."


Cordelia next suggested they move to witness the inaugural address of the Lord, no, Lady of Misrule. But perhaps there was more to it than that, for it seemed as though Lord Langdon had drifted into a quiet eddy there about. "Spreading the cheer indeed.. or do you think he was shy of being singled out in a group? Perhaps he would prefer to be approached for our assistance, separately to the others." Notably Lord Maldon was quick to surround himself with reinforcements.


The ladies moved towards the Lady of Misrule, or more significantly, Lord Langdon watching the Lady of Misrule. "I'll let you speak first this time, lest I jinx it again."

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Ahh, so the name was Greek. And the opera was about a Greek woman...goddess whatever. Personally she did not see this fascination with the ancient Greeks, they were long gone, well assuming they even existed. She sure did not believe in Greek or Roman gods, goodness how did they keep track of them all from what she heard of their sheer numbers? No matter, the conversation turned to his sinning and Nicci's possibly winning the Lord of Misrule, both far more interesting topics than dead Greeks.


He had no shame, boasting of his apparent sinful proclivities, but Caroline found him most amusing and refreshing even.


"Even as my good friend is now Lady of Misrule, I shall now proclaim you ...Prince of Sinfulness," she declared though careful not to say the words loudly, they were in public afterall, "Bask in your new title, Highness."


He did want to know what would be required of him though and it was only fair to end the suspense. She turned to him and looked up at his eyes...errr, eye. Then invited him to her upcoming party. He seemed more than willing to attend.


"Oh excellent! It is on Wednesday the 29th starting in the early evening and going on until we all drop. It shall be at my residence here in London. You would know of it's location had you taken me back home the other night but then I really should let that go, shouldn't I?"


She promptly gave him the exact address, "Look for the statues of naked nymphs in the yard, I bought it that way. But before the festivities are over that night, who knows who else might be naked?"


And then the big announcement again distracted her. Yes, indeed Nicci had won! How wonderful for her. Nicci seemed so happy and who could blame her? She also had an announcement of her own. Caroline's eyes went wide. Merde! Nicci had called for her? To be one of her deputies! Now this was truly exciting! Caroline clapped.


"It seems I am being summoned, my Prince. I must obey, one would not want the Lady of Misrule to be angry with one. But please do not disappear. I want to dance with you this next dance."

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Davina and Louis


"Can you see My Lord?" She asked Basildon. "What has happened? It sounded like a Lady's voice but in all this crowd ...."


Louis made an effort to look for Buckingham but that was soon forgotten when he heard an interchange between Killigrew and Nicolette. He drifted towards the sound of her voice, beckoning Davina to follow.


Somehow, it seemed, that Nicolette had either found the ring or have discovered a way to cheat. He would be more proud of the latter than mere good luck. nevertheless, a smile found its way to his lips as he drew closer.


God help this court if Nicci is the Lady of Misrule. Did she mention Heather as well? That would be a dangerous combination. He fought the urge to chuckle at the thought.


"It looks like my cousin has found the ring," he mentioned innocently to Davina. "This should be entertaining."

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Charles and Caroline


"Prince of Sinfulness." He spoke softly, tasting the words. "I rather like it, and shall endeavour to uphold the morals and principles inherent to the title." A swift smile. "I shall have to have new visiting cards drawn up."


This party of hers sounded like his sort of venture, and Charles could feel his smile become wolfish at Caroline's saucy invitation.


"Nymphs? How apropos. But yes, it would be a shame were we to make them self-conscious by being overdressed." His tone became musing. "I can't remember the last time I greeted the dawn." -technically true, the best kind of true- "How large a gathering do you anticipate?"


Further conversation was curtailed as Caroline's services were called upon by the newly crowned Lady of Misrule.


"I would be honoured to share the next dance with you Lady Kendishall. Shall I wait for you here or meet you at the floor?" He smiled. "Now go and make mischief Hippolyta. I shall attempt to silence the pain of your absence with more gluttony."

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Davina and Louis


Encouraged she followed behind drawing up beside him just as it was announced that Nicolette of all people had found the Ring!


Splendor of God


"So it appears." She said with just a hint of sarcasm. "Entertaining? Well we shall have to wait and see won't we? Let us hope that your cousin does not stray outside the boundaries My Lord for even so crowned she needs must obey them."


She was refering to the fact that Rank must never be forgot and anything she 'decreed' had to be a thing that did not cause injury - to person or reputation - and that their Majesties must never be put into a circumstance that makes them lose face.


"Mayhap her ambitious will prove too zealous - and I would hate to see that happen. She must be familiar enough with Court and its Customs by now for she has been under your own roof - and your sister a Queen's Lady as well."


The implication being that if Nicolette became too outrageous or failed to adhere to established Principles that every Lord or Lady of Misrule had to follow and used this Event for her own gains then many would look to blame Basildon.


Guilt by Associataion was after all the way of things


"Shall we move closer? I am sure you want to Congratulate your cousin - do you not?"


Davina was curious as to just what Nicolette planned and even more so were those she would chose to carry out her plans.


She knew without a doubt that her own name would not be amongest those brought forth.

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Charles Draws Closer


As he listened to Nicolette's words and found himself wondering how she might rule, Charles felt himself being watched and turned briefly to see that both Constance and Cordelia had followed him. He pretended not to notice as he returned his gaze to the French beauty ... only to be distracted by the arrival of his sweetheart. There was Davina on the arm of the Earl of Basildon of all people. He did not know that the two were friendly. It likely meant that she was friendly with Nicolette, he reasoned erroneously.


Trying not to stare at Davina, especially when being observed by matchmakers, Charles thought to give her a brief smile and look away when acknowledged. If that meant smiling and nodding to Basildon as well, he was prepared to do so.

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Douglas leaving Lucy and approaching Peregrine Osbourne


Lucy might be young, but she was a creature of court and of course a Basildon; Douglas’s question had hardly been an idle one and he was gratified that Lucy gave it full consideration. In turn he listened to her answer and thought carefully on what she told him. Not quite what he had wanted to hear, but useful advise all the same.


“Yer wise beyond yer years Yer Grace.” He said with a smile. “I kin see why Her Majesty values ye, an’ I weel amember whit ye sayed.” He promised. What he did with that information remained to be seen, but all information was useful. “Thank ye fer humourin’ me; I hope ye enjoy the rest o’ the Ball.” He added, holding out a hand for hers to kiss in farewell. He’d not trespass further on her time.


As the two parted Douglas heard Killigrew making the long awaited announcement. And the Lord of Misrule was in fact a Lady of Misrule, and none other than his friend Nicolette. He grinned and applauded, happy of her good fortune. When she listed Ladies O’Roarke and Kendishall as her deputies, the big Scotsman’s grin broadened; now there was a household likely to cause wonderful mischief this season. Why, it nearly made up for not being Lord of Misrule himself. Though a little nagging voice suggested that Nicci might just have a better imagination for such things.


Ah well, there was no risk of choking on a ring with the rest of the sweets, so Douglas helped himself to a fruit mince pie and a glass of whiskey, figuring it was late enough in the night and there were things to celebrate. Two dances with two Duchesses no less! So far a stellar evening. He thought about approaching the new Lady of Misrule but she would no doubt be busy. Perhaps another direction.


Munching on his mince pie, the big man scanned the room, looking for a likely target, and found a familiar one from earlier. Ah yes. Glass and pie in hand Douglas bore down on the elegant figure of Peregrine Osbourne. “Laird Osbourne! I mun apologise fer my sister’s behaviour.” He said as he reached his quarry. “Tis guid tae see ye returned tae coort.”** He added, a little more quietly.



* “You’re wise beyond your years Your Grace. I can see why Her Majesty values you, and I will remember what you said. Thank you for humouring me; I hope you enjoy the rest of the Ball.”

** “Lord Osbourne! I must apologise for my sister’s behaviour. It’s good to see you returned to court.”

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John approaching Sophia, Lady Ormonde, and Diana while waiting for Lady Catherine and Lord Cavendish


Both Diana and Sophia seemed to be in search of dance partners once the date for the dinner was set. "Good hunting," she encouraged, though both were married ladies, so their options were limited.


The Lady of Misrule was announced. Surprised by how well the two ladies took it, Amelia remarked "should a French woman be eligible?" It was clear by her statement that she thought not. It was highly irregular that a woman was chosen at all, and she disliked the French of late.


John arrived sans Lizzie. Amelia knew the man. "Lord Maldon," she acknowledged upon his arrival. Why did he wish to take both Diana and Sophia away to himself? If it had not been for his limp, she might think he was petitioning for a dance with both.


As for Lord Cavendish and Catherine, they were not yet in sight.

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Douglas and Peregrine


Having just encouraged his sister to seek out an eligible bachelor, Peregrine was alone for the moment at Douglas arrived. He was surprised to see the lanky Scot approach. Had he offended his step-sister somehow?


Instead, FitzJames was apologizing for some perceived slight given by his siter. "How so sir?" He did not understand.

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Nicolette and the Cakemeister


As Nicolette moved forward to kiss the Master of Revels, she revealed her complicity in a whisper. had it been the Duke's idea, or hers? The odds favored that it was the Duke's idea. What lady was so bold? "I am certain he would," Killigrew replied in a whisper. he had yet to return the ring to Nicci's hand, but planned to do so.


The French beauty's words drew light applause and some smiles. It was the most gracious acceptance speech that any could recall.


Killigrew stopped from asking her if she had any immediate orders for the court. He preferred to wait for the night to end and see what might happen. She could always begin with her commands in the morning ... after church perhaps.

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Douglas and Peregrine


“Fer her speedy departure acoorse.” Douglas explained mildly. “T’wasnae my intention tae steal her frae ye, indeed I rather hoped fer a proper intraeduction, but atimes a man mun make do fer hissel’. Baron Dundarg, but I’m sure ye kent.” The big man bowed politely. “At yer service.”*


Peregrine was a man that Douglas had heard much about, and being of Libertine inclination himself, he wasn’t one to dismiss the other out of hand.


“Thairs few enou’ o’ oor coontrymen aboot this season, more’s the pity.” Douglas observed. “Will yer Laird Father be joining ye?”** He could well understand Danby not being quite ready to show his face again.



* “For her speedy departure of course. It wasn’t my intention to steal her from you, indeed I rather hoped for a proper introduction, but sometimes a man must make do for himself. Baron Dundarg, but I’m sure you knew. At your service.”

** “There’s few enough of our countrymen about this season, more’s the pity. Will your Lord Father be joining you?”

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Caroline and Charles, then Approaching Nicolette



He liked the title she had given him, all in good humor of course, she liked that Charles was not prickly in the slightest. He would be a wonderful addition to her party, Caroline was certain of it....well, if he actually showed. She hoped he would.


Caroline laughed at his remark about cards, "Well, if you do. I would be highly selective about who you hand them out to. Churchmen perhaps? Or the devout individual? That might not be well received."


He accepted her invitation and she explained where she lived, mentioning what really set her residence apart from the rest in that neighborhood, the nymph statues. That drew a not unexpected wry comment from him but also a question too. How many was she expecting would attend?


"How many? Why all of them of course. Everyone I invited...honestly I forget how many that is now," Caroline shrugged.


But for now further conversation would have to wait until they got their dance as Caroline explained she was no doubt expected to attend on Nicci, the new Lady of Misrule. Charles graciously accepted her reasoning and agreed to wait until the dance would begin.


"Thank you, my Prince, I do not think I will be long. Even the Lady of Misrule would not dare prevent the dances from continuing, it would be most unpopular of her. I shall return here henceforth. Eat your cake," she smiled then headed straight for the excitement.


Nodding acknowledgement to a few who met her eye contact, Caroline excused her way thru the gather circle of onlookers until she was at the forefront before Nicci.


"My Lady of Misrule, Lady Kendishall at your service," she beamed, "I am honored to be chosen."

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Charles Draws Closer - Under Some Watchful Eyes


They had trailed at a languid pace behind the Earl talking of nothings but clearly in agreement of their direction and, can it be said - Target.


Cordelia was a keen observer and so she was watchful in her watchings taking note of how he turned his head and to what or whom he looked or spoke. Far enough back to not be able to hear she none the less took silent notes.


He paid some attention to the Lady of Misrule - that French girl it seemed was ever in danger of becoming 'known' and for all the wrong reasons - first in the Garden with the King Himself and now somehow she had managed to find that dam brass ring.


Her own eyes took in the Theatre that was being acted out before them all with a small look of distaste which Constance might be able to ascertain and even question if she had clear vision.


It was still possible to approach and so she made her way closer whispering to her companion that the "Iron is still hot so let us continue with Lord Langdon"


That he knew that they knew that he knew he was being watched made it all the better for then t'would be easier to place his character and level of patience. He had already expressed good manners but that had been in mixed company so she wanted to see how he handled it with himsef alone.


She also knew that a man only tolerated so much. Push too hard and he'd break the line and swim away. No. Better to hold back some for now. Plesantries and other such things also told much. She turned to Constance saying


"Now that he is alone shall we be simply about it? Let us be our charming selves naturally, and put him to ease, we do not want to frighten them Constance! There are several pretty faces all about let us observe ....."


Moving closer to where he stood she saw his glance then smile but the direction she could not see. That it was someone he know she deduced.


"Ah Lord Langdon we meet again."


Her voice was close enough so that he might turn in either direction and see them both


"It would seem much is topsy turvy this night - now a Lady of Misrule shall reign! I have never seen the like. Have you knowledge of Her? I have meet her but once and under some, well, let me say unusual circumstances." She smiled.


"What will happen do you think?"

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