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The Christmas Ball (25/12 Evening)- Xmas 1677


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Sarah and Charles


"I never took you for an easy mark Mistress, or indeed for a mark at all." He answered her smile in kind. "I thank you for the fighting chance though. 'Tis all a gentleman can ask."


And, frankly, all Charles thought he needed.


Following Sarah's gaze around the room, Charles shook his head.


"Only, as I said, that they be 'most worthwhile.' What exactly that means has been left for me to interpret." He shrugged. "I imagine youth is one of those elusive criteria, and probably a certain joie de vivre, but beyond that?"


He listened appreciatively to her reasoning, which closely tallied with his own.


"I would be very surprised if whichever ladies end up gifted did not attempt to parlay their windfall into Royal attention. Of course the best way to do that would be to take excellent care of the dog, which matches our purpose well. Perhaps, than, we should seek out the most ambitious and intelligent young women of court." He grinned boyishly at her. "You wouldn't want one, perchance?"


As for how they would proceed, Charles turned his hands palm up and bowed slightly.


"I am entirely in your hands, Mistress. Proceed as you see fit."

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Around Ze King


"When challenged by your misrule, I must rise to the occasion to defend our royal honor," the King replied.


He smiled, trying to think of what gentleman would be hopeless enough. He was most observant of usefulness in its many ways.


"Shall it be to pair them together or merely to see them paired. Not in marriage but in bed?"


Herbert saw the Queen rise from her spot. One of the Queen's ladies had told him earlier that she was going to receive a few gifts at the conclusion of the ball. Such reasons to separate were convenient to His Majesty for many reasons.


He whispered in the King's ear.


(OOC - we shall be wrapping this thread up soon, so start tying up your actions )

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The Queen


It was getting late and the Queen was ready to depart. Not having the chance to dance, and having to watch her husband flirt with the ladies at court was not an agreeable pastime. She knew that Sophia wished to present a gift with her husband, so she signaled Ursula.


The Toledos


It seemed as the ball was winding down. Anna would be ready with the gift and the Toledos moved in her direction. Esteban did not see Maldon enter the ballroom, but Sophia would notice him. A servant was passing with a candelabra and Esteban reached out to relieve the holder of a single lit candle. The servant frowned at the loss but said nothing when the Ambassador gave him a serious look.


"Here is how we shall light the candles," he replied to his wife. It would be easier than seeking a match. Sophia might also see Ursula moving her direction.

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Around Ze King


Nicci thought he liked the game suggested, while his question of the ultimate goal brought her to grin and tease, "The bedroom is the best forum for success I agree." she batted lashes flirtatiously. He had brought the subject up afterall!


"But of our playthings, shall we play to first touch, then leave to them their own sport."


Herbert moved, and the air about them shifted, Nicolette perceived that soon this moment would be passed. She needed to select a contestant, to lock the game in place and with it a an opportune topic for future conversations with Charles Rex. "I choose," The first name that came to her mind was, the same name that haunted her day and night, "Mistress Davina." She was pleased with tge choice for various reasons.


It was then for the King to choose a gentlmen that he'd pit into a match, even as Herbert whispered into the royal ear.


"La, the next of your Royal pleasures awaits." The brunette suggested cheekily, doing her part in ssisting the men to make their chivalrous departure, by offering a genteel and accepting attitude.


Nicollette dipped into a curtsy d'adieu, "Might laughter and happiness fill your Christmas Season." she gave a Christmas wish, so terribly happy to be able to do so face to face. It was soo much better than merely writing a letter had been.




OOC: thank you so!

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The Toledos with Sophia beckoning to John


As they walked toward the door, Sophia continued to scan the room. Finally she saw Lord Maldon with Lady Kendishall. Hoping that he would see her as well, she waved to him and beckoned him over. She wasn't certain how much time they would have before the Queen left, and they needed to act quickly.


Esteban plucked a candle from a candelabra to light the candles with. She'd had the same idea earlier in the evening, although she had thought she remembered John saying that he would bring something to light them with. If he had forgotten, any candle would do, and there were many of them in the ballroom.


Her husband seemed more enthusiastic about this opportunity than she had thought he would be. “Do you want to say something before I present it to her?” she asked him. It was meant to be personal, but if Esteban wanted to make it more formal with a short speech, that was his prerogative as the Ambassador of Spain.


Now she noticed Lady Mountjoy heading their way. Was she to escort them to the Queen? “Do you think we should light the candles now or wait until we approach the Queen?” That decision, too, she would leave up to Esteban.

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John approaching the Toledos


“Excuse me, I think I n-n-need to hurry.” John said to Caroline with an apologetic smile. He hurried over as well as he could. He saw his sister and waved her over. The gifts were set up in a satisfactory arrangement, with one extra box to the side.


“Lady Toledo,” John said, smiling warmly. “Are we ready?”


Seeing that Lord Toledo was holding a candle, John took out his striker. It was a small device which, when snipped like a scissor, sparked and lit a bit of material on fire. It was how one normally lit candles. He held it out to Lord Toledo with a reproachful smile, almost saying You weren’t going to do this without me, were you?


John spoke to Esteban, “Are you g-g-going to go up? Mighty d-d-decent of you to help me… too.” He thought it would only make his sister's stock rise that the Spanish were so eager to be seen alongside her. John wondered if it would look like the ambassadors were under his patronage. He couldn’t imagine it would look the other way around, since he’d arranged much of this.

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John and Caroline Slightly earlier...


ooc: sorry about the delay


Once they were back inside they removed their coats first of all but John seemed to be looking around in all directions. Caroline realized why of course, he had big plans with Sophia to present some gifts to the Queen herself. He even asked for her assistance in spotting the ambassador's wife or his own sister. She took a quick look.


"No, I don't see them now...not that I know your sister really," Caroline admitted, not to mention all her imbibing was not helping either her vision or memory. Still she definitely would recognize Sophia.


He was antsy and she could tell, she certainly did not wish to keep him when he was needed elsewhere. If it was important to him, then it mattered to her.


"No, I'm fine. You go ahead. Let us keep the Queen's focus on you, your sister, and Sophia of course, I will content to watch from a distance," she replied and off he scooted, well not that John was exactly fast given his particular situation.

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Charles and Sarah


"Well if tis youth that is sought let us shy away from the Matrons then. There are many sisters and daughters about this Hall all eager, I am sure, to benefit."


"Me?" She stopped taken back by his question.


"I should very much like one! But mayhap I am not placed well enough for His Majesty - I serve the Duchess of York tis true and many know me - and I would ask nothing in return which might spoil the whole endeveour of this exercise."


"What do you think?"


"Brave of You Lord Chatham. Giving yourself over to me I mean! Why I could easily steer you off course but then there is no sport in that. None at all."


She began to walk a bit ahead of him looking over one shoulder, her eyes dancing with amusement, then she held out a hand. Would he take it?


Twas just a Game and Court was all about flirtations. She could easily hold her own and even if he were to press for more that too could be handled.


That she might be in over her head did not occur. This Gentleman was no 'boy' but a man who had seen many things and no doubt partook of the same. He was so different from Churchill and perhaps that was the draw for her. Either way she intended to enjoy whatever this was.

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Charles and Sarah


Charles rather enjoyed how taken aback Sarah was by the question. She was not, he thought, often stirred out of her wonderful, cool self-possession. Idly, he wondered what she would look like entirely unguarded, and resolved to find out.


"I think, Mistress Sarah, that you are most certainly 'worthwhile,' that it would cost nothing to submit your name, and that the submission could do no harm. On that basis 'twould seem a gamble worth taking. With your consent, of course."


He shrugged carelessly at Sarah's playful teasing.


"One of my few virtues," he said lightly. "And I rather enjoy risk. It adds a certain... bite to things, keeps them interesting." He looked at her through a half-lidded eye and reached out to take her hand. "Thank you for confirming that you aim to have sport of me, incidentally."


This was a different sort of flirtation than any Charles had indulged in earlier this evening, but it was fun, in a manner akin to the way fencing was fun. (And, were he to make a metaphor of the thought, Sarah was a talented enough fencer to make things interesting.) A most pleasant way to wile away what remained of the ball.


Speaking of which...


"But come, let us see these sisters and daughters."


As they walked, his thumb slid up to gently stroke the back of her hand. A brief action, lasting at most three heartbeats.

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Toledos and Maldons


Esteban was polite when John arrived. It was expected of diplomats. If he took umbrage from Maldon's look and words, he hid it well. This man was an earl and a friend of his wife, so there was little need for jockeying.


Esteban had warmed to the idea of Sophia's gift, but he thought it better to be more about Sophia's affinity for the common homeland with Karoline. A gift from Spain would be matched against later gifts from the French, Dutch and others. "I have no words to say Sophia," he whispered to her. "This is your gift. I am merely accompanying you."


Catherine appeared at her brothers side and was ready to follow John's lead. Ursula approached but stopped short of the small gathering. She nodded to Sophia as a signal that she could now approach with the gift. After providing the signal, she returned to the side of her mistress. Lucy Seymour was there, attending to the Queen as well.


All was ready for the presentation. The Queen moved her eyes to watch the group approach.

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Basildon, Chichester, Torrington and Bridget


The last dance had been called already? Gods, how late was he! As he looked around he saw that, quite rightly, the dance floor was emptying. Well, at least the response had not been an outright rejection which was something to be pleased with. In fact, all the better, it would perhaps have been a bad idea to rush straight into showing his unpolished steps without first having an opportunity to brush up on them. Another thing to note mentally - if he rearranged some items in his room he could have enough space to practice...


He suddenly realised that he must be staring into the middle distance. He shook his head to bring himself back to the present, Chichester and Basildon were engaged in their own conversation. Edmund sensed something between them. But what? They were conversing seemingly perfectly amiably enough but, he didnt know, it just seemed like there was more there than met the eye. Verbal fencing. Bah, he was probably imagining himself in some sort of Shakespearean court scene. He turned his attention back to the young lady and flashed her a smile.


"The loss is all mine, mistress," he said, "but next time I shall ensure that I am perfectly on time and at the front of the queue! Perhaps then I can trade in this promissory note, as it were, for a dance. Has the Christmas season been treating you well?"

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Basildon, Chichester, Torrington and Bridget


Bridget had noticed when Lord Chichester kissed her hand, but perhaps Sid Edmund had made more of an impression because he had been the last to do so and her mind had been churning with the humiliation of Lord Basildon's introduction. She thought the tall sophisticated Earl was quite handsome, although his suggestion that she dance the first and last dances with his companion was a bit puzzling. She had seen him around court and he must be aware that an unmarried lady never danced twice with the same gentleman.


“One dance for him and one for you,” she said with a charming smile. “Unless you do not wish to dance with me next week, Lord Chichester. I will be heartbroken if you refuse.” Her wit was finally returning, what little she had naturally been blessed with.


The two Earls began to talk among themselves, and Bridget turned her attention fully to Sir Edmund. “So you would like my first dance then? I will save it for you.” Her smile faded a bit when he asked how she was faring, but hopefully, he would not notice. “It has been pleasant so far,” she lied. “And what about you? Are you new to court? I do not believe I have seen you before and I'm sure I would have remembered you if I had.”

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Toledos and Maldons


John had obviously seen her signaling to him, for he soon joined him, followed shortly thereafter by his sister. “Except for lighting the candles, we are ready. Since Her Majesty seems to be waiting for us, I think we can light them now. It will make a much better impression that way.”


Sophia smiled when Esteban told her that he didn't plan on making any speeches but recognized that this gift was a personal offering to the Queen. Impulsively, she reached for his hand and squeezed it. “Thank you, dear husband. I appreciate your support.”


Ursula's nod was a sign that they could approach and once one of the gentleman lit the candles, she would start moving slowly toward the Queen, holding the pyramid carefully so that nothing they passed would burst into flame.

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Toledos and Maldons


John hadn’t intended hostility or offense. His tone had been sincere when he thanked Esteban for his help. He really was glad to have him along. He smiled as the two whispered to each other, politely shifting away rather than trying to eavesdrop.


John gestured for his sister to walk along with Sophia, holding a bright Christmas box. There was another still with Anna that he intended to give to Sophia in gratitude. He stayed back and smiled reassuringly if any of the ladies looked at him. He did his best to look at least somewhat dignified, helped by the fact his cane would even his gait.

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Francis & Frances


"Too right you are my dear duchess," he said. Dorothea was bad but surely not the worst. It was thankful for some people that Christian names were rarely used.


"Yes, perhaps you are right. Perhaps there is not much of interest that such a girl could have in comparison to a lady such as yourself." He smiled benignly. "So it is not worth the effort then?" he asked her, keeping his tone as serious as possible.


The evening looked to be winding down, and he was not about to let her forget that they were to exchange stories more privately on a later date.

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Around the Queen


The crowd parted for the entourage that approached with boxes and lighted candles. Some turned to get a good view of what was to transpire. The Queen stood beside her throne as Ursula returned to her side. Neither said anything, though they seemed curious to see Maldon approach. Rather, they awaited Sophia to make the proper introductions and presentation.


Frances and Francis


Frances did not wish to tell Francis to not seek to learn what he could. He is trying to make me come out and say it. She would not. "Far be it for me to tell you what to do or what is worth your effort." That would be clue enough she thought, though it was definitely subtle.


OOC~ Sophia and John go ahead and post a comprehensive pair of posts that summarizes the whole presentation. I will post the Queen's response once the gift giving is at an end.

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Charles and Sarah


"Really?" She smiled up at him. "You flatter Sir in this Quest I think - yet even you needs must know that any Ladies name that is put down will cause speculation of a kind not always welcom'd."


"The Duke nor my Mistress will think ill of me I am sure for I have never given cause yet, in all truth, I would much like to have such a fine gift."


Her teasing bothered him not as she had suspected and she was not surprised that he took her offered hand either.


"Only one of your virtues you say - suruly there are more? Why I'd think a man of your Talents has acquired much and I shall promise to not be too hard on you My Lord."


She caught the look and returned it with a steady one of her own


"Ah sister's and daughters are aplenty here now expecially as its a Christmas Court. Hmmm... Let me see .... There, amongst that group of Gentleman, you will see a pretty blonde yes?"


She indicated the area with a small nod of her head just as his thumb slid up the back of her hand like the brush of a feather then was gone. She was wise in the ways of Court yet remained chaste - a thing she had deciced she needed to change come the New Year.


She did not react to it but only smiled and exchanged speech with those she knew as they passed and once or twice made an introduction of the Earl to those she thought would be interested.


She guessed that they would circumnavigate the room so she would point out those that caught his eye and those that she thought might want to be on the list. She did however tell him that it would not be fortutious to include any of His Majesty's Mistress - no maatter how amusing He might think it.

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Charles and Sarah


Certainly Charles knew that intellectually, but he had a pronounced tendency to forget that that sort of thing mattered to other people. It was easy for him to lose sight of the fact that most people cared for the opinion of others. Sarah's reminder was perhaps most timely, but that was a consideration for later. He answered her smile in kind.


"Then I shall put your name forward when the time comes," he promised, before replacing his smile with an expression of mock-sternness. "And we have been over this Mistress. To say I flatter presupposes a lack of sincerity in my words, where no such lack exists. Were you a gentleman, I might have to think about calling you out." Laughter danced in his eye.


(The rub of it was that he was being sincere, but he had faked such so often he could not blame her for the gentle prodding. Charles himself had difficulty enough in keeping track.)


He laughed again as Sarah continued their banter.


"Other virtues? Hmm. I am diligent in the pursuit of my goals, habitually courteous, and I can practice patience, though I am not by nature patient, but that is about it Mistress, as least as far as conventional virtues go." His voice lowered to a whisper. "And unconventional virtues I shall not discuss publicly."


He quirked an eyebrow as she pointed out another blonde, his thumb sliding out to repeat its stroking. (He was not entirely sure what his aim was there. He certainly did not expect any great reaction. Perhaps he merely liked reminding himself of their closeness.)


"But I already have a very pretty blonde on my arm. I shall be thought partial," he teased lightly, but allowed Sarah to lead him off. He nodded politely to those she introduced, committing names and faces to memory and laughed as she advised against nominating any of the Royal mistresses. The thought had occurred to him and, whatever his royal namesake might think, he thought it would be hilarious. He did agree with Sarah, however, that it was likely to be more trouble than it was worth. Proof, perhaps, that responsibility was maturing him.

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Around the Queen


Sophia smiled as she approached the Queen with her gift. The Weihnachtspyramide was about twenty inches tall. It had a wooden rod in the center with three round platforms attached to it. The bottom and largest platform contained a beautifully painted manger scene. Arranged around it were the three wise men. The middle platform was decorated with shepherds and sheep and the top and smallest one held tiny figures of angels. Above that was a fan made of flat wooden blades. The candles turned the blades, which caused the platforms to rotate.


It was impossible to curtsy holding the pyramid, but she managed to bend her knees slightly in deference. Once she was given permission to speak, she bent her knees again. “Your Majesty, thank you for allowing me to present this gift to you tonight. When I visited the Palatinate a few months ago, I saw this in a shop window and immediately thought of you. I think it perfectly captures the meaning of Christmas and I hope that it will bring you joy.”


Once the pyramid had been taken from her, she looked at John and Catherine before turning her gaze back to the Queen. “My good friends Lord Maldon and his sister Lady Catherine have a gift for you as well.” She stepped back to stand beside Esteban, so that the attention of the Queen and her ladies would turn to them.

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Before the Queen


John wasn’t certain why they looked at him curiously. Did she forget us? He wondered. He and his sister had been there when Sophia asked to approach. The Queen had been told she was receiving gifts from both of them. She had instructed John to return along with Sophia at the end of the ball. Only Lord Toledo was a new face. I think she did, or at least that was what her perplexed look said.


Sophia reintroduced them. He smiled at his friend. This just confirmed his impression that going up with Sophia was the right choice. They remembered her and that she was to present something. If it had just been him, he would have not only been forgotten but lost the opportunity. Again, he added mentally.


“A p-p-pleasure for us to be in your presence again tonight, your majesty.” John said, that the Queen would not embarrass herself by revealing her lack of memory. John smiled at his sister. Hopefully she would take the message to present the box. It was a wrapped Christmas gift in German style.


Inside was an assortment of sweets and nuts from the capital of her homeland. At the center of the rich arrangement was a nutcracker, made to look like a Palatinate soldier. It was a common motif and well made. He stood at stern attention, and wore the symbols of her nation and house. The maker’s mark under its base was German and indicated it had been made in Heidelberg, the capital of the Palatinate.


“My Lady sister has been staying with… our connections in Nassau. She was often at Heidelberg and thought you m-m-might… enjoy a bit of home during Christmastime.” John said with an approving smile. Nassau was just north of the Palatinate, so she had been close by.


"We saw the d-d-decorations being set up in the palace as we were leaving." John shared, hoping to tempt the Queen with news of her homeland and to communicate that Catherine was freshly back.

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"Ahh, Your Grace, but what you miss is that you are worth my time, so if you wish it, you must voice it," he whispered in her ear, a notch deeper than his usual tenor, playing on his skill for double entendre.


He smiled at her benignly at their toying games of chess.


"But for now you need at least voice when you wish your more private audience to exchange stories?"

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The Queen


Although she had not forgotten Maldon, she had forgotten that he planned to present a gift as well. For whatever reason, she had thought it was a German to German exchange. The expression vanished as she heard his words.


The pyramid was warmly received and, in response to a signal, two male servants approached to relieve Sophia of the gift, holding it upright so that the Queen could inspect it more closely. She did, finding herself smiling as she did so. "Danke," she uttered as she turned to Sophia with a smile, some of which was spared for her husband, who gave a bow but said nothing. "Most thoughtful."


Catherine approached with the Bramston gift. The Queen stood back and watched each item that was pulled forth. "It seems as though everyone visited my home this Fall, except for me." The words had been spoken in jest but reflected a not very hidden feeling of homesickness.


"Wunderbar," she laughed as she inspected the treats and especially the soldier nutcracker. "This shall help for a happy Christmas. Thank you Lord Maldon, and your sister. It means much to me to have such thoughtful subjects."


She instructed the servants to carry her bounty back to her apartments and then shifted her attention back to the presenters. She noted that other lords and ladies behind the small entourage were looking at a loss. Ladies were criticizing their husbands for not bringing gifts to the ball. Whispered excused could be heard. The Queen did not want them to feel badly. The English gave gifts at New Years, so it was to be expected. Karoline tried to give understanding glances to others briefly before focusing on those in front of her again.


"Your kindnesses will be remembered," the Queen declared. "Now I must withdraw and wish each of you a Happy Christmas."

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"Of course I am worth your time," she insisted playfully in return. His whisper could have been about the German girl, or it could have been about something else. "A gentleman," she played along, "is expected to know what a lady wishes." She preferred remaining cryptic about everything. It seemed more fun that way, and it answered both questions. Why be blunt? That was what Germans did.


"Yes, a later time." She seemed to think about various outings. "I do believe you are something of a seaman and that you might have a craft that could glide along the Thames. I have found myself more inclined to stories when one is enjoying a good view. Do you not find the same?"


"Tuesday's weather is supposed to be nice, according to my secretary who studies such things. That might be a good time for an outing, yes?"

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Basildon, Chichester, Torrington and Bridget


Basildon was not interested in palming off Bridget. He still had uses for her that evening. Edmund might be taken with her but it was likely because she was the eldest daughter of the Chief Minister of England. Danby would be unlikely to consider someone of Edmund's lineage at all suitable for his daughter. Still, the lady craved attention, so he was happy to supply it from whatever quarters it might come.


George was a different matter. Danby would consider him a fine match for his daughter ... if he converted to Anglican. Of course, with all of the scandal, it was hard to know the current marriage market value of Bridget Osbourne. If Danby were sacked in disgrace, she might be lucky to find a wealthy Baronet.


Since Edmund was occupying Bridget, it allowed Louis to converse a bit with George. "Yes, my wife is abroad, keeping the princess company. It is therefore a more quiet holiday season, but I shall find suitable distraction in the days ahead, have no fear," he laughed. There were all sorts of intrigues afoot and Louis planned to keep himself busy.

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Basildon, Chichester, Torrington and Bridget


My but Bridget was a forward one - barely a breath taken before she asserted that Chichester should dance with her too. The Earl's features shifted with the surprise, though his reply was utterly polished never the less, "Aha, is next week's ball to be ladies choice also? Why, surely we shall have a return to the natural scheme by then don't you gentlemen all agree. Why I should think you might giggle and blush so prettily when then asked." and come around, George might ask her for a dance but most likely not.


Yet with the divide of conversations, George conversed quietly with the ever friendly but consummately aloof Louis. "Might you be at leisure Tuesday afternoon, there is a matter I wish your advice upon."

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Around the Queen


Sophia was relieved when the pyramid was taken from her. It wasn't exactly heavy but it was awkward to carry with the platforms turning and the candles lit. She watched as the Queen inspected it and was happy to see her smile. When she thanked her, the young Baroness curtsied. “I am pleased that you like it, Your Majesty,” she said.


She immediately picked up on the Queen's homesickness. Perhaps now she will wish to talk to me more often. I am close to her age and I grew up in the same province. More than anyone else at court, I understand how she feels. “I hope to visit again this recess. We were not able to stay very long. If there is something you would like me to bring back for you, it will be my pleasure.”


Karoline seemed equally delighted by Lord Maldon's gift. As they were taken away, Sophia heard the whispers of the courtiers who had gathered around them. She had not meant to make them feel inadequate. Germans traditionally gave gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day instead of on New Years, which was why she wanted to present it tonight. She and Esteban would give both the King and Queen gifts then as well.


The Queen announced her intention to withdraw and Sophia curtsied once more. “Danke, Eure Majestät. Frohe Weihnachten euch auch, und ich hoffe, und ich wünsche euch viel Freude für den Rest der Saison.”*



*Thank you, your majesty. Happy Christmas to you too, and I wish you much joy for the rest of the season.

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Around the Queen (soon sans Queen)


In fact, this affair was John’s scheme in the beginning. He’d asked Sophia along because he knew she wanted to get closer to the Queen and she’d agreed to help his sister. He’d even correctly predicted he would be forgotten and Sophia wouldn’t be.


John smiled sympathetically to the Queen's homesickness. He hoped the reminders of home helped. His sister had spent a great deal of time there and John had news of her homeland. He would never have Sophia’s shared nationality but he did live in the part of England closest to the Palatinate. He could be of some service.


John noticed the people whispering behind them. He didn’t mind much. “Next year I think German Christmas shall be… p-p-popular.” John commented. He wondered if it would replace native English traditions. John doubted it. Court was more likely to adopt both as an extravagance.


“Frohe Weihnachten, eure Majestät.”* John said as the Queen departed, bowing. He didn’t speak much German yet, but he knew that phrase. He’d practiced saying Merry Christmas in German for Sophia. As for her promise that it would be remembered… well, John was pessimistic on being remembered. Perhaps this time would be different.


Still, for the moment his mood was happy. He smiled widely at Sophia, “I have something for you, if you have a m-m-moment.” John said to Sophia. If there wasn’t time, they could do it later. John’s belief that Sophia and Esteban were there to help him was not a cynical powerplay. He truly felt that way, and felt gratitude for it. He’d brought something for Sophia to show it.


OOC: Merry Christmas, your majesty.

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Davina & Bucky


He led them away from the King and Nicolette and she guessed that she would be the bearer of some sort of warning. And so it came.


She accepted the offered glass calmly but did not drink. Her gaze wandered the room as he stood close so that none could really hear. Well trained her smile did not falter as he spoke and she gave a small nod the better to create the impression that together they both were simply talking of nothings.


"I have no desire Your Grace to be labeled in that way. And will, naturally, follow Your advice so freely given. I am glad that you think His Majesty will be kind to my Mistress for she is so young and this babe is the first of many God Willing and will I hope be a son."


"I did not think He would do otherwise but I think she oft times wishes He might spend more time with her - but that tis only what I notice and I am not so close as others'."


Taking a sip at last Davina left it there. That Buckingham had warned her away from Nicolette she had to accept at least in Public. In Private she might scheme yet she was not the type to cause hurt to cause hurt but there was something far too smug about the other girl that made her want to do just that.


She herself had pondered the 'idea' of seeing how close to the King she might get but dismissed that as unlikely. But now that she had witnessed how easy it apparently was the idea tickled her thoughts. She was far better placed then Nicolette after all. And already having a lover changed things as well. She knew how it was thanks to Charles.


Would it then be so difficult?


The duke also kept a benign smile on his face as the lady spoke. He was not surprised that she professed the Queen wished the King spent more time with her, but that was simply not the way of such things. Already his royal master was spending time each afternoon and one could expect little more than that. Buckingham's own wife was at Helmsley which was close to her mother & mother's own estate, and he was happier with her on the other side of the country.


"In France the king might see the queen every three days or should I say nights, so she should take heart in his good care. He must ensure there is a functional country for his prince to one day rule," Buckingham replied, deftly explaining away the king in societally acceptable ways that could be used with to placate their queen.


"And with that, Mistress Wellesley, I must take my leave and escort the ladies you braved earlier." Such seasons were time to solidify family bonds after all. Whether he was really doing so, there was no way to know.

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Davina & Bucky


"I must thank you Your Grace for those words of Wisdom and shall take special care to ensure that my Mistress does just that."


He had given her excatly what he wanted her to have and nothing more. And she was smart enough to not risk his ire by continuing to fish.


"Then I shall send you on your way. I can hardly deprive them of Your Company now can I?"


Her smile was all charm and her curtsey perfect as he took his leave.


She knew that He knew that She knew there was more but only if He favored her again.


My how intelligent Court had become

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Caroline stood by herself then, drink in hand and sipped it as she watched others. Francis was of course charming a lady, no surprise there. Try as she might, she did not spot Nicci though, no doubt the court's sparkling new Lady of Mischief was off planning some. She did spy Lord Audley with another woman. She certainly hoped he would not forget her and leave her without a ride home? She would not put it past the rogue.


And then Sophia and John, with her husband and his sister accompanying them, approached the Queen with their gifts. Caroline watched intrigued and listened to the exchange. She didn't really know the Queen other than by name and wasn't sure she cared to, the woman was German afterall and no good comes from Germans her father always said. Well, that wasn't completely true, her friend Sophia was German. The exception to the rule?


Sophia and the Queen even spoke German for part of their conversation. Caroline rolled her eyes, the woman was English now, she should play the part. That said the gift presentations definitely seemed to have impressed the royal and Caroline was happy for both John and Sophia. Apparently some of the courtiers were less thrilled though judging by looks and a few whispered remarks.


Oh well, can't please them all.

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