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Your Stories Await Telling

One Night in Camelot

Guest John Bramston

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Eleanora winced at the pain in his voice. “You don't have to take me there. But if you do, I will hold tight to your hand and not let it go so that you know I will be with you every step of the way.” He had promised to protect her and she, in turn, would protect him. Johan had claimed her magic was strong and she had used it instinctively to save him from her grandfather's knight. Now that she could feel it humming inside her, maybe she would be able to shield him with it if needed. She did hope her magic worked there. His had been given to him while hers had been inherited. Were there different types of magic in the world, or did they all work the same way?


She didn't understand why he kissed her eye when she asked if the illusion had worked, but she leaned into his embrace and wrapped her arms around him, clinging to him as if she never wanted to let him go, which was not far from the truth. He claimed she would be safe in his house without him and she believed him. It would still be difficult to venture out of this room. Everything was still new to her and at the moment, she was a mysterious stranger whom nobody trusted.


His kiss was as delightful as always and she could see the love in his eyes when he pulled away. It was clear that he didn't want to leave her, and she barely managed to keep from calling him back. Eleanora knew that if she did, he would never leave, and he had business to attend to.


After his departure, she stepped into the hall and saw two people playing dice. So that was where the clinking noise had come from. The woman began sweeping the floor, which told Eleanora that they must be servants. She smiled at both of them, hoping to show them that she didn't care if they amused themselves when they had no work to do. Her grandfather would have beaten them within an inch of their lives and thrown them out on the street, but it seemed that Johan was lenient with his servants. In Eleanora's mind, that was a good thing.


The man's comment and the way he tapped his eye made her realize that Johan had added a black eye to her bruises. That was why he had kissed it, because he couldn't bear for her to be heart even in an illusion. Had he added any others? She now wished she had looked in a mirror before she left the bedroom.


“No,” Eleanora shook her head. “Your master has been very kind to me, much kinder than my own father.” Servants tended to gossip, and she hoped these two would pass around the news that her father had been cruel to her. “Food is all I need right now. I would like it to be delivered to the study. Will you show me where it is? If I try to find it by myself, I might be wandering around forever."

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“We c-c-can talk about it later. Come to a decision t-t-together about what’s best.” There was real uncertainty in his voice over this. He was revealing a rather painful scar but Eleanora was already a healer, even if she didn’t know how to treat physical wounds yet.


But soon, after a long and mournful goodbye, Johan left. He paused a moment outside the door. He wanted to go back in and had Eleanora given the slightest sign would have returned to her. As it was, he was already dreaming of their reunion... he decided to take a moment and get some paper.


If the servants thought Eleanora strange or untrustworthy they didn’t show it. Nerian smiled back but the maid continued to sweep as if she could somehow undo the fact she’d been playing dice.


When Eleanora answered Nerian’s question, there was a palpable relief as the man didn’t have to think poorly of his master. Johan was, if not lax, at least understanding, and Nerian didn’t want his master’s goodness spoiled by learning he was abusive. When she said kinder than her own father comprehension flashed through his eyes. Nerian knew that Johan brought home strays. “He is kind. He’ll take care of you.” Nerian said. He had no inkling whether she would be a permanent fixture, but he knew that much. “Is it Mistress Emma or Lady Emma or…?” He trailed off to let her fill in her own address.


He gave a quick nod when she asked to be led to the study, “Of course. Follow me.” Nerian led her through a door which led to a stairwell. Once she was out of sight, the sweeping noises stopped. The stairs, Eleanora might notice, were made slightly differently so they’d be easier for Johan to use. Whether that was a comment to ingratiate himself with a woman at his master’s ear or truth, Nerian at least said it convincingly. They went to the very top of the building where a pair of dark wooden double doors awaited them. Nerian opened them and then stood aside for her.


The room was long, narrow, and triangular. It ran from one end of the house to the other under the roof. Where the roof got low enough a person couldn’t stand, bookcases ran the length of it, filled to the brim with books and documents spilling out onto the floor and full chests. In the middle there were two tables, a large desk with a very comfortable chair behind it, a smattering of other chairs and a small cot-like bed tucked in a corner. The area had some personal grooming effects and a few clothes here or there. There were also a dozen canes of various makes.


The tables were overgrown with books and trinkets and a thousand other things that had obviously been put there and then forgotten or shifted around for convenience rather than any sense of neatness. The room was clean though, just messy. As if feeling the need to justify the mess Nerian said, “He doesn’t like it when I organize it. Says I lose things.”


There were many candles, the wax thickly glazed over the sides of the holders showing long and frequent use, and several roaring fires. The room was dry and noticeably warmer than the rest of the house. Along the roof, which was wooden with tiling, large sections had been removed for glass windows giving views of the sky, the courtyard below, the walls, and the sea. There were two doors on either end leading out onto small balconies, one towards the courtyard and one towards the sea. The one towards the sea had the faint afterglow of sunset on the water.


“I will bring the food when it comes. If you need anything else, pull this string.” There was a string running along one side of the wall. Nerian pulled it and the faint sound of a bell ringing could be heard. It would signal a servant to come. With that he closed the doors behind him and his footsteps echoed down the stairs, fading into nothing.


There was a water clock on the desk, a small blond lady (who nevertheless looked very little like Eleanora) had one hand pointing at an hour and one at a minute. It would be a few hours till Johan was back. There was a small note on the desk too, written in an obviously shaky hand, "To Eleanora." And then on the back, "Open when you miss me too much to bear."

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Her words apparently had the desired effect on Nerian. As she had hoped, he believed that her mythical father had abused her. Eleanora had almost told him it was her grandfather, but that was too close to the truth. If her grandfather arrived and found out there was a foreign girl who had been abused by her own grandfather living among the Saxons, he might suspect that it was her. “Your master is very good to me,” she agreed. “I am very glad that he asked me to come and live with him.”


Mistress Emma or Lady Emma. She had not given her false status much thought. As she was going to be Johan's concubine until it was safe to reveal her true identity, it was best not to pretend to be a high-ranking noble who would want more than the moot was prepared to offer. “Mistress Emma,” she clarified.


“Thank you,” she said and followed Nerian through a door into a stairwell. As they ascended, she did notice that the staircase's construction was not traditional, but it was no trouble at all for her to navigate it and she could understand why her beloved Johan would find it easier to climb stairs this way. Now he had her to lean on for assistance whenever they had to climb stairs in other places. He wouldn't have to struggle to get around ever again.


The study was located on the top floor of the building. It was larger than she had expected and had a cozy feel about it. Eleanora slowly turned in a circle, looking around her. She could hardly wait to go through the shelves of books, and when she saw the bed and personal effects, she figured that he sometimes slept here, maybe because he found it difficult to go down the stairs, or just because he liked it here.


She smiled at the tables strewn with a variety of objects, and waved dismissively when Nerian explained that Johan didn't appreciate him trying to organize things. “To him, it is already organized,” she replied. “He probably knows exactly where everything is.” Eleanora was quite neat herself and liked everything in its place, but she now knew not to send servants to organize this room once she was in charge of the household.


Crossing over to the window, she looked out over the sea. It wasn't frightening when she was so high above it. She wouldn't go out on the balcony, though. Turning around when she heard the tinkling bell, she nodded. “Thank you, Nerian."


After he had gone, she walked over to one of the bookcases and perused the titles on their spines. Finding one that looked interesting, she carried it over to the desk and sat down in the chair that was arranged behind it. For some reason, sitting here made her feel closer to Johan. As she set the book down, she noticed the note, and a soft smile turned up the corners of her lips.


He was here not long ago.


Being away from him was always too much for Eleanora to bear, and she was curious as to what he had written, so she unfolded the note and placed it on the table to read it.

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Nerian showed obvious surprise when she said Johan had asked her to live with him, but said nothing. That had never happened before and he needed to process the new addition. But he didn’t seem displeased. “Mistress Emma.” He repeated in confirmation. Johan, of course, simply called her my d-d-dear El… Emma. (Being a stutterer had its advantages, few though they were)


Despite the somewhat haphazard nature of things, if Eleanora looked carefully she would see that it was, in a slipshod sort of way, organized. Stacks of books had common themes, all the maps were gathered on one table and areas tended to be grouped together geographically.


Interesting was a relative term. Certainly the books of maps, tax receipts, legal precedents, and other dry subjects held little to excite a young woman. It didn’t excite Johan, though he understood the necessity. There was a great deal of history books, many great works, books on art and philosophy, illustrated manuals on plants, gardens, architecture, and farming which provided a more intellectual sort of stimulation. Adventure novels, collections of tales, and romances would provide a great deal of entertainment. These were well thumbed. There were also a few books of a more adult nature, on the art of love or erotic works.


The chair was very comfortable and large even for a normal sized man, let alone someone petite. It was clean but had the vague scent of use, a masculine scent Eleanora would find familiar. A window in the roof above gave a clear view of the newly emerging stars The desk had been used recently, aside from the note itself and what had been done to write it. She might divine what he was working on the last time he had been here if she wanted to investigate.


As she opened the note, a small pendent would fall out without a chain. When opened, it revealed a cameo of Johan. It was obviously not newly made, but it was in good condition and showed his features very clearly. The note was written in the same shaky hand,

My lioness and love,


I was empty till you filled me with your love. You are a part of me. I love you more than I can ever say. These words will weigh infinitely lighter than a moment in my arms, but as they are all I can offer, I press them to you, clumsy though they are, with fervent love.


Our love was a seed, covered over and trampled all our lives. Yet always within us, waiting for the day we met. Before we knew it sprouted and its bloom is the sweetest plant I’ve ever known. And our love will bloom yet more, growing stronger, more verdant and passionate, because it is a true love, the truest I have ever known.


It is a beautiful plant, growing year after year, its vines binding us together and curling ‘round our hearts. Its leaves give us shade, its branches bear delicious fruit and irresistible fragrance. It will grow larger as we care for it as we care for each other, loved, free, tended to, a life within our lives, a soul within our souls, which will grow and become us.


My heart is yours. I miss you even as I write this and think dreamy thoughts of my return. I burn with anticipation of our love.

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As she began exploring the room, Eleanora noticed the haphazard organization of books and objects. What she had told Nerian appeared to be true. Johan had his own way of keeping order and he probably knew where to find anything he needed. It would look like chaos to anyone else. She smiled softly. Even his way of arranging his possessions was precious to her and she would never chide him for the mess he left in his study. To him, it was not a mess at all.


It was the title of one of the story collections that caught her attention, and that was the book that she set carefully upon the desk. Once she saw the note, she forgot about all about it, catching the pendant as it fell out. Opening it up, she grinned when she saw the cameo of her beloved Johan and she lifted it to her lips and kissed it. Once she found a chain for it, or strung it on a ribbon, she would wear it always.


She was reminded of her mother's crystal necklace, the only possession she had brought with her. When he took her to his place of magic, she would wear it, too. If it had magical properties, as she suspected it did, it might come in useful. Perhaps Johan could figure out what it did, assuming it did anything at all. It could be nothing but a simple crystal that her mother had wanted to give to her only daughter.


The contents of the note delighted her. Her dear Johan had such a lovely way with words. Eleanora liked thinking of their love as a plant that would bear fruit and shelter them all of their lives. She wished she was able to write a fitting reply, but she was not a very eloquent writer. It would be better to show him how she felt when he returned to her that evening. Maybe she would ask him to read it before they made love.


When her food arrived, she would tell the servant who brought it to her to have Johan come to her here. Her gaze wandered over to the narrow bed. She had promised him that they would make love in every room of his castle. They could start in this one.

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The food would arrive a short while later. There was a lot of it. To start there was tripe and carrot soup. For the main, there were heaping plates of sausages, mixed in with brown sauced beef and salted pork with mushrooms. There were also salmon, cod, and crab done up in a buttery white sauce. And a thick crusted black bread which had a rich taste and went well with butter. For dessert, there was a white bread with fruit inside and honey glaze, fruit mashed into a sort of jelly jam, and deep black cookies that tasted of ginger and cinnamon.


Setting aside the variety of dishes, there was more than Eleanora and Johan could have eaten. It was enough to feed a family. That was much the idea: whatever Eleanora didn’t eat the servants got to have, and would take home to their own families.


Along with the food, Nerian would deliver a long shift and suggest she let him clean her dress. It was the right size but just a tad tight around some of her more curvaceous features, belonging to a woman about her height but without her bounty. After he made the suggestion, the maid from before would take her dress and do further service, in case she did not want a male servant looking at her.


Other than that, unless she called, the time would pass uneventfully, interrupted at most by a stray pet who went where they pleased and were used to Johan giving them attention. She might hear the vague strains of life, the odd bit of music, and other signs of life coming from the other baileys. The one Johan lived in, the central one, was mostly quiet.


Shortly before midnight there would be a gentle knocking on the door. This was how the servants had gotten her attention, but they’d inevitably asked something: permission to enter, if she wanted food. Nothing was said and no one would reply if Eleanora called.

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Eleanora couldn't believe the amount of food that Nerian brought to her. Did he think that she looked like she was starving to death? She was not chubby, but nor was she thin. It all smelled delicious, though, and she was quite hungry. It was always better to have too much than too little.


She took the shift and waited until Nerian left to change into it. Eleanora was not comfortable undressing in the presence of any man but Johan. The armband remained in place so that the illusion would not be broken. Since she wore it under her clothing and next to her skin, there was no reason to remove it.


Whether the dress she had worn would be cleaned or returned to its original owner didn't matter. She planned to wear the gown that she had brought with her from Camelot tomorrow unless a new one was delivered to her. Maybe Johan wanted her to look a certain way and would bring another dress with him tonight. If so, she could alter it to fit while he was gone the next morning. Otherwise, she would go shopping and look for trims to adorn the one she had.


After handing the shift to the maid, she told her to inform her master that she would wait for him here. Once the maid departed, Eleanora moved to the table where the food had been laid out and began to eat. She tried a little bit of everything, and it was all quite delicious. She particularly liked the fish, but she had always been fond of seafood.


When she was done, there was so much left that it didn't look like it had been touched. She rang the bell to summon a servant to remove the rest of it and then went back to the desk to read. The chair was quite comfortable and carried Johan's scent, which made her feel closer to him. Eventually, though, she moved to the bed and after a couple of hours, she drifted off into a light and dreamless sleep.


A gentle knocking woke her and she sat up, startled. It took her a few seconds to realize where she was and that she was safe in Johan's study. How long had she been asleep? Was it time for him to return? Nobody called to her from the hallway, and she slipped out of bed and went to the door. Her feet were bare, her hair was tousled, and her shift was slightly rumpled. As she opened the door, she knuckled her eyes like a sleepy child, hoping she would find her beloved Johan standing on the other side.

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Johan was indeed on the other side, a small smile at his sleepy love. Her every gesture was infinitely adorable and his heart skipped a beat on seeing her. He drew her into his arms immediately, pressing her to his chest, unsure of how awake or asleep she was. “I m-m-missed you my, love.” He squeezed her tightly. He regretted not bringing her. He was contemplating never leaving her alone again, social conventions be damned. He felt like he’d lost the time spent away, that it hadn’t been lived.


For the moment he walked into the room with her, the doors shutting behind him. It was some time before his tight grip slackened, pressing her to him with the force of missing her. When he did he put a shaking hand under her chin and brought it up to his form a kiss, passionate and deep. If she had any doubt he missed her, the long kiss, only mournfully broken and with a long stare into her eyes would dispel them. “I missed you.” He repeated, his voice heavy and loving.

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Eleanora smiled softly when she saw him. She was still not fully awake, and felt almost as if she were dreaming when he gathered her into his arms. Wrapping her arms around him, she inhaled deeply of his masculine scent and lay her head against his heart. “I missed you too. I loved your note and as soon as I find something to string the cameo on, I will wear it always. Your gift made me feel less lonely, and so does this room. Everything about it reminds me of you.”


She allowed him to draw her back into the study and heard the sound of the door swinging shut. Eleanora clung to him as tightly as he clung to her, their bodies pressed close together. When he lifted her chin, she smiled up at him with love in her ice-blue eyes. Her lips opened slightly in anticipation of his kiss, and she returned it with all of the affection she felt for him.


He said he missed her again, and she took his hand, leading him over to the bed. “Did everything go well?” she asked. Eleanora had no idea what kind of business was conducted so late, but she knew in her heart that he had not been with another woman. She could tell how much he loved her by the way he gazed at her.

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“Maybe I’ll n-n-never leave you again,” And in the moment the young lord believed it. As for the study, “It is a p-p-private place. Normally I let no one else in,” Johan shared, not counting servants, “But you f-f-fit here as naturally as a glove.” It might not have been as apparent to Eleanora but Johan was a rather private person. He was sharing even the most private parts of his life with her because he couldn’t imagine anything he wanted to keep from her. He wanted them to be together in everything. He kissed her again, lightly, lovingly, a warm and satisfied smile curling his lips.


“Yes,” Johan smelled faintly of smoke and there was alcohol on his breath. But his clothes were not unusually out of sorts and there were no scents or signs of another woman. “You w-w-will speak first tomorrow.” Johan followed her over to bed, “And I think things w-w-will go well. No one said anything serious against the idea of us t-t-together. A f-f-few asked favors, but nothing much.” He’d gone over to the houses a few other prominent people and made some informal arrangements about what was to happen tomorrow.


As they walked towards the bed he looked at her appreciatively. His heart quickened and he breathed deep. He felt the lovely urges she inspired in him, a lightness, a tingling pull. “Every t-t-time I look at you, you are more beautiful. My l-l-love for you grows and grows.” His free hand began to wander, squeezing her bum before slipping around her hips to run over her precious place. His other hand slipped out of hers to grope her and he came up behind her, his breath hot on her neck. He kissed the nape of her neck and gently tried to pull her against him.

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“You will have to leave me when you have business to attend to. If you don't, then your people will think I bewitched you.” Eleanora smiled softly. “I was fine by myself. If I ever feel unsafe, I can come back to this room. I feel so close to you here. It is almost as if you are always beside me.”


She felt privileged that he had allowed her to stay in his study. It was obviously a very private place if he never let anyone else in. “I am glad you let me wait for you here. I think I might like this room better than your bedchamber.” Eleanora sighed happily as he kissed her again. She could taste the alcohol on his lips and smell the smoke clinging to his clothing.


From what he told her, she gathered that he had been speaking to some of his nobles about her. Had he needed to make certain that everything would go smoothly at the moot and that the votes would be in her favor? Always, he was thinking of her, just as she always thought of him. Here, he had more authority and needed to look after her. In her grandfather's kingdom, it would be just the opposite. She would have control and would have to convince her people that Johan was not a Saxon who had come to invade them.


She had no idea how they would win over the nobles who were loyal to her grandfather. They enjoyed special benefits and were able to do whatever they wished, even if it hurt the common people. But that was a problem for the future. Johan was an experienced and capable ruler. He might know the best way to deal with them.


“I am glad that I will go first,” she said with a relieved sigh. “Is that what you were doing all this time? Trying to assure that your people would accept me and buying votes with favors?” Maybe that was the way Saxons conducted their business. It was still fairer than her grandfather's dictatorial methods.


His words ignited her desire for him. “You are so precious to me, my love, and my love for you grows even when we are apart. When you come back to me, I am filled with so much joy that I think it will burst out of me.” Eleanora trembled as his hands roamed over his body and she moaned when he stroked that secret place between her thighs.


Her hand moved downwards, seeking his cock, but he moved behind her, pulling her to him and kissing her neck. She moved her hips in a circle, rubbing sensuously against him. “Will we both fit on the bed? I did promise you that we would make love in every room in the castle.”

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“I as well. the b-b-bedchamber’s a b-b-bit traditional. This p-p-place is my own.” The large bed was a status symbol. Nothing in here was meant for public eyes so it was more to his personal tastes. The view from the balcony towards the sea even looked down on a garden and had a staircase down to it.


Johan nodded, “I n-n-needed to speak with some of the prominent men. See what their opinions were, soothe… their f-f-fears, bargain with a f-f-few. Make sure the p-p-people I wanted were in the right position.” It was not entirely a mercenary affair, but politics was a game of compromise. A few had wanted assurances or didn’t care but had something else dear to them they wanted supported. “Irwyn will be questioning you. He won’t attack you. He w-w-will probably try and m-m-make you comfortable in… the hopes you’ll m-m-make a mistake.”


John paused a moment as she led him over to the bed, “My l-l-love, I’m not always… obvious with what I’m d-d-doing. It’s a habit I p-p-picked up during my captivity, when the ability t-t-to keep things quiet was vital. I don’t do it purposefully. I d-d-don’t even think about it really. If you’re ever c-c-confused or don’t know what’s happening, p-p-please ask.” Johan hid things almost instinctually but he didn’t want to hide anything from Eleanora.


Johan’s grip lulled slightly and he let out a soft sound of pleasure as her full hips rubbed her bottom into his cock. It grew hard and began to strain against his breeches. “We’ll f-f-fit,” He said, though his tone implied it was an afterthought. Instead, he moved to grind against her hips while his hands went up to the ties of her dress and began to undo them.


He was a bit sloppy in undoing them but soon her dress would be loose. Rather than tugging it down he shifted to her side slightly, still pressed against her. With one hand, he guided her lips to his. He kissed with the need and passion his love inspired in him. His other hand reached around to grope and knead her bosom. After their lips had locked he gently darted his tongue over her lips then moved into her mouth, seeking to intertwine with her tongue.

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Eleanora had not seen the staircase leading down to the garden when she had glanced out the window. Her attention had been on the view of the sea. It was one of the room's secrets that she would probably discover another time. Unless Johan took her to the garden tomorrow morning before he left.


She understood little of politics but she was glad that he had been reassuring his people that she was not … and never would be … a threat to them. What real harm could one lone sixteen-year-old girl do? Emma was not important nor influential. She was just a young woman in love. The only thing she was doing that she knew they would not approve of was hiding her true identity. If they knew that a ruthless King was coming for her, they would probably not agree to let her stay.


Her questioner was going to lull her into a false sense of security so that she would make mistakes? “Thanks for telling me.” Now she was going to be even more frightened. “What if I do make a mistake? What if my story is not convincing? I don't think I'm a very good actress. If they see through my deception, what will we do then?”


Had he already considered that eventuality? Was that one of the things he was keeping from her without intending to? She felt that he had been open with her so far.


Her fears evaporated when he ground against her hips. She would worry about the moot tomorrow and before he left, she would ask him for advice on what to say to bridge the chasm of distrust between her and his people. Now she enjoyed his kiss, moaning as he fondled her full breasts. Opening her mouth so that his tongue could frolic with hers, she turned so that she was facing him. Eleanora deepened the kiss while undoing the ties on his breeches and finally slipping one small hand inside to gently stroke his cock.

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“If they w-w-will not accept you anyway, we f-f-flee.” Johan said simply. He did not want to give up his home, and the prospect did cause a pit in his stomach. But if it came down to it, he would. He didn’t mention it would be by ship or that there might be violence. He hoped it would not come to that and it would only make her more nervous.


But soon any thoughts of politics were banished by her hips and lips. A reminder of her love, the reason why he couldn’t live without her. When she turned towards him his hands hooked into her loose dress and tugged it down, letting it pool around her feet. He removed his shirt and left the breeches to her.


He let out lusty moans into their kiss. A hand of his snaked down and two fingers ran just inside the lips of her sex, meaning to stimulate and tease. As their tongues moved together he slowly withdrew, a lusty smile on his lips. His cock had grown hard and pulsed in her hand. He shivered with each stroke, his eyes drifting just slightly shut in pleasure. He gently pushed her back onto the bed in front of him. His hand moved up to stop teasing and rub gently around her precious pearl. It was far too little to give her release, but far too much to be ignored.

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Eleanora knew it would be difficult for him to walk away from the life he had built for himself because his people would not accept her. They had spoken briefly of fleeing earlier. She didn't want him to have to make that decision and if she was asked to leave, she might slip away when Johan was tending to his duties and disappear from his life forever. She would be miserable and heartbroken for the rest of her days, but she would have spared him the loss of his position and wealth. Unless he came after her, which she rather suspected he would. Even if she traveled to the ends of the earth, her love would be a beacon that would lead him to her.


Now she thought of nothing but making love to him. A pleasant breeze wafted over her as her gown fell at her feet, and she stepped out of it and kicked it to the side, still stroking his cock. She loved the way it became hard and pulsed in her hand. He removed his shirt himself and she pushed his breeches down around his ankles, gasping as he teased her with his fingers. Eleanora pressed her bare skin to his, adoring his warmth and his scent and the way her breasts felt crushed against his chest.


So entranced with the lovely sensations shimmering through her body, she didn't realize that he had pushed her onto the bed until her back hit the mattress. His hand found her little pearl and she closed her eyes and moaned against his lips, spreading her legs to give him better access. “I want to feel you inside me, my love,” she whispered, guiding his cock between her thighs. “I am never happier than we are joined together in passion.”

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If she fled without a word, Johan would come after her. Even if it meant leaving his home and traveling to the most distant corners of the earth he would find her. The only way he would let her go would be if she convinced him that she hated him and didn’t want him in her life. That would destroy him, but he would stay away for the sake of her happiness.


Johan smiled appreciatively as she pressed against him, leaning against her full breasts, her beautiful body. When he guided her down they separated but she kept hold of him and soon he followed her down. Rather than coming close to her he remained kneeling between her legs, his cock hovering at her thighs. His hand, slick with her juices slipped away and he slid into her, his head arching in pleasure and a shuddering half moan coming as he entered her. His Eleanora was pleasure and ecstasy beyond measure.


A hand took hold of her hip, his grip just a bit too tight in distracted pleasure, and he began to move back and forth, slowly, rhythmically, seeking to not just pump but find the most delicious spots to hit inside her. His other hand went to the top of her thighs, finding the sensitive place above where he entered, that precious pearl he loved to give her pleasure through. He gently stimulated it in time with each thrust, making sure every bolt of pleasure he had in his quiver was unleashed.


Behind his head, if Eleanora could notice, the ceiling had a window in it to look up at the stars.

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Eleanora noticed the window in the ceiling as soon as she felt him enter her. Her neck arched against the pillows and it was then that she saw the stars twinkling through it. The view seemed almost magical, and very fitting, as she felt as if she could soar among the stars whenever they made love.


As he gripped her hip and began to move back and forth inside her, she arched her back and moaned in ecstasy. He fit so perfectly within her and every thrust sent beautiful sensations dancing through her body. Eleanora lifted her hips in rhythm to his movements, which served to pull him in deeper. Her inner muscles contracted around them, a familiar feeling now, but no less thrilling.


Again, she gasped when she felt him stroke her sensitive pearl. It wasn't going to take long this time. Already she could feel her desire intensifying, the pressure becoming nearly unbearable. One hand reached between and beneath them to fondle his balls while the other one grasped his bum.


“Oh, Johan!' she whispered, just a deep and enthralling climax engulfed her, consuming her with pleasure.. Eleanora gazed up at him, wanting him to see the joy in her eyes, and longing to see the same in his. She writhed underneath him as her euphoria strengthened to the point that she thought she would die from the sheer bliss of him.

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Johan smiled at the effect he had on her but soon was consumed by his own pleasure as she tightened around him, pulling him deeper. She was right. He never felt closer to her than in moments like these. Subtle shocks of electricity meandered over his body and a delicious pressure and relief in endless swirling forms enveloped his cock as he moved in and out.


There were still novel things to try, but the thrill of this familiar fucking was a delight. And it gave him hope they would never grow tired of each other, even when every inch of their bodies had been kissed and sucked twice.


He looked down at her as she squirmed, enjoying her facial expressions and the hefty bounce of her breasts. He loved every little squirm, every little contortion, how she moved with each thrust and stroke. But most of all he loved the flushed pleasure and the love he saw when he caught her looking at him. He let out a long, lusty moan when she took him in her hands. Suddenly his pleasure multiplied and he didn’t think he would last long. But there was no fear of performance with Eleanora, just pleasure and love.


She whispered his name and looked up at him and his eyes locked on hers. There was joy in his eyes. Between his own tremors and the small contortions of pleasure he seemed almost unbearably happy. She made him feel as if he was going to burst from every positive thing she filled him with, and from the ecstasy of her. It showed and he focused singularly on her.


And when she writhed that was all it took to push him over the edge. He came in her with a long moan. It was cut short halfway through. He pressed down against her, breasts crushing into his chest, and his lips found hers. Their euphoria would be shared in every sense.

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Maybe it was because she was nervous about what would happen tomorrow that Eleanora wanted the comfort of feeling him inside her right away. They could have drawn out their longings and pleasured each other in new and exciting ways, but there would be time for that. Now she just wanted to feel his love for her and for him to feel hers. Perhaps that was also why she came so quickly, but it didn't matter. They climaxed together and he pressed her body to his and kissed her as they both rode the waves of ecstasy. This was how it was meant to be.


As the lovely sensations began to fade, she entwined her tongue with his, enjoying his taste, his scent, and the even the weight of his body atop hers. Reluctantly breaking the kiss, she looked up at him again, her smile full of love, and gently caressed his cheek. “My Johan,” she whispered. “My love. I don't care what happens tomorrow. Nobody can ever part us. Our bond is too strong.”


She had thought about leaving him if the moot refused to accept her, but she knew that wasn't an option anymore. In fact, it never had been. Neither of them would live very long if they were separated, Eleanora was sure of it.


She rolled out from under him and playfully pushed him on his side so that they were lying face to face. Scooting forward until she could snuggle against him, she sighed happily. “Are you tired? If you have to get up early tomorrow, perhaps we should get some sleep.”


However, if he wanted to talk for a bit or have a late night snack, she would happy to stay up. Eleanora wasn't all that sleepy anymore, but her concern was for him. The moot would be much harder on Johan than it would be on her. He would have to deal with other problems, but once she charmed his people into accepting her, her part in it would be over.

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Their every coupling was bliss to Johan. Sometimes sex was meant to be long and drawn out and experimental. Sometimes it was to be furtive and intimate. He knew she would indulge his every whim and explore every carnal delight, but even if they were to do nothing more than what they did now he would be more than satisfied. He would be delighted at her passion and love and feel great pleasure. As he did now.


He leaned into the kiss, loving the smell of her, the feel of her soft skin, the glowing flush of pleasure and the love in her eyes. Everything about her was his joy and he smiled widely when she proclaimed her love. “Tomorrow I d-d-don’t find out if we stay t-t-together. I find out if we get to… stay here. T-t-tomorrow we publicly will bind ourselves t-t-together forever. But that’s just… telling the world of what we’ve b-b-both known for a long time.” He kissed her.


His eyes fixed on hers, “You are my heart Eleanora. A man c-c-can’t live without his heart.”


Johan was quite unprepared for her assault and he half fell to the side. He exaggerated what was a bit of genuine flailing, but the mattress was soft and he just let out a laugh as he hit it. As revenge he let out an unserious growl and wrapped his arms around her like a bear. He smiled when she scooted against him, though, and nuzzled in.


“A little.” He admitted, stifling a yawn. “T-t-tomorrow, before I go, maybe I can show you a little about swordplay in the garden.” He was debating giving her a weapon. It would make him feel more comfortable in the worst case and it wasn’t seen as unfeminine among his people. He seemed to be drifting. He squeezed her tightly, a sideways hug, “We c-c-can… talk. But quietly and sweetly. Your voice is the sweetest lullaby.” He nuzzled into her and grimaced slightly, “Would you stroke my face, the t-t-temples?” The alcohol was giving him a slight headache.

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As new as she was to pleasure, Eleanora would probably not be content to make love quickly and conventionally for the rest of her life. There was so much she still wanted to learn and she knew that Johan would teach her. Sometimes, though, a simple but passionate coupling was enough. It was just as intimate and satisfying.


She had been unaware that tomorrow they would bind themselves together for eternity. Eleanora had thought she would only be told whether or not she could stay in Johan's holdings. The notion delighted her. It was what she wanted above all else except his love. She wished they could be married but that kind of union was impossible at the moment. Becoming his concubine was enough for her. As long as they could live together and acknowledge their love instead of hiding it, she would be content.


“I will officially become your concubine tomorrow if the moot allows it?” she asked after he had kissed her. “Will you be able to speak for me too, or do you have to abide by their decision?”


She smiled happily when he called her his heart. “As you are mine. That is what we must get your people to see.”


Eleanora's laughter joined his as he fell upon the mattress, and she pretended to cower when he growled at her. Soon, though, she was wrapped securely in his arms, where she wished she could stay forever. “I would like that,” she admitted to his suggestion to teach her about swordplay. He must think she needed to know how to defend herself, and she would feel better about shopping in the village if she had a weapon. She supposed she could borrow a knife from the kitchens if she had to. One didn't need special training to use a knife. You just stuck them with the pointy end.


Johan seemed to more exhausted than he was willing to admit and when he asked her to stroke his temples, she immediately began messaging them very softly and carefully. His skin was so warm and wonderful. “Would you rather talk or would you prefer that I sing you to sleep?”

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Johan smiled, “If the m-m-moot allows you to stay, I don’t see why not.” Taking concubines was his decision, though waiting until after the moot had approved of her would make them less resistant. It would do him little good, after all, if he took one and the moot banished her the next day.


“I w-w-want everyone to know of our… love. I want to bind us t-t-together permanently. And I want our children to be… legitimate. I can give you that t-t-tomorrow. Why wait?” Being his wife was a political maneuver but would give Eleanora greater status and honor. But a concubine was not just a fancy word for a mistress: it was a wife, if a lesser sort of wife.


“I c-c-could speak. It would be unusual but not unknown.” Johan said. “If you w-w-want me to speak of my love for you, I will. But you will have to call for me to… do so.” Johan in particular often did not speak. His stutter got in the way. “As for having to abide by their d-d-decision, I suppose if I exhaust all my options ultimately I w-w-will. I’m not without influence and I have some p-p-powers of my own, though.” He could (and would) veto any attempts to banish her. Though if the moot made too much of an issue of it the entire political balance might unravel.


Johan’s eyes closed when she rubbed his temples. He let out a slow exhale of relief. He was positively glowing and he shifted into a comfortable snuggle. He was fading, “Sing, my lioness.” He shifted to be closer to her and pulled the covers about them snugly. If Eleanora sang sweetly and gently he would soon drift off to sleep. “Eleanora… love…” Johan couldn’t finish the thought.

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Eleanora's eyes widened. “You plan to marry me tomorrow?” She had thought that it would be impossible for them to marry as long as she was disguising herself as a minor noblewoman. When her true status was revealed, she would be an excellent match for him. If he did marry her tomorrow, would he be marrying Emma or Eleanora? Or both of them?


Her heart leapt in her chest at the notion of being his wife. She knew nothing of Saxon laws, but had assumed that the most she could aspire to at the moment was becoming his concubine. In truth, she would be happy with either, but she would prefer to marry him. If they were wed, her grandfather would not be able to drag her away when he finally found her. He could disinherit her, but she doubted he would live that long.


If Johan didn't kill him, Eleanora would. He didn't deserve to live after what he had done to her and her mother. She was no longer the terrified young girl she had been only three days ago. Johan had brought out her strength and courage. He had taught her how to love, but she had also learned how to hate. And she hated her cruel grandfather with a fury she had never known she possessed.


“I will not call on you unless I have no other option.” It would look better in the eyes of his people if she convinced them of her sincerity and her wish to become one of them on her own. She was understandably nervous, but she thought she could do it. All she had to was let her heart do the talking.


Eleanora smiled at his sigh of relief. She adored bringing him comfort and she could tell that her gentle ministrations were lulling him to sleep. Her voice soft and sweet, she sang a lullaby that she remembered her mother singing to her before she went to bed. The simple song was one of the few memories she had of her.


Before she finished the second verse, she sensed that he had fallen asleep. For a few long moments, she watched his face. He looked so happy and content. With a long yawn, Eleanora lay her head against his shoulder and drifted off as well.

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Johan smiled as Eleanora’s shock came over her. He couldn’t wait for the day she actually got to wear the white. “A c-c-concubine is… a woman whose… status or situation d-d-didn’t let her become a full wife. But it’s j-j-just as permanent and the children are… legitimate.” Johan explained what he was promising. The position was as much to protect the women as indulge the men. It meant the women men took to comfort them in their loveless political marriages had a place and protections.


“Once we claim to your lands I will demand you become my wife instead.” Johan knew she would gladly trust him and deliver herself under any circumstances. But he would do whatever he could to make those circumstances as secure and comfortable as possible. He would play these games because they didn’t threaten to keep them apart, but he wanted to give her every part of himself. He was, in his way, as romantic as she was.


Johan drifted to a deep sleep, the beautiful song ringing in his ears, his body molded tightly against Eleanora. He dreamed of her as a queen in a strange foreign castle, in a dress revealing in its tightness. Her face was pursed in distraction but she saw him and her face lit up. Soon she was upon him, pressing those curves against him, and holding him tightly. And he felt… a bond. A bond he had not felt in a long time, the bond of souls that he’d severed so long ago to escape his old fae mistress. But this was a tie, not a chain. It was a thing of love and connection, an intimacy unknown to those without magic. It was a healing, although less physical than Eleanora intended to learn.


Of course, pressed against them, lust interlaced with their love. His hand on her breast, her hand on his cock, and soon they were wearing nothing at all…


Johan awoke slowly, blinking to see the sleeping face of his beloved. He felt the familiar hardness of morning wood. He stared at her for a few moments, enthralled by her beauty and the gentleness of her sleeping face. He kissed her, and then decided there was a more pleasant way to wake her up. His hand quietly snaked down, moving between her legs, and began to gently stroke there.

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So she had been right and he wasn't going to marry her until she took over her grandfather's kingdom. Eleanora would become his official concubine tomorrow instead, which seemed to be a lesser form of marriage, as their children would still be legitimate. And by claiming her as his, she would hopefully not have to worry about other men making passes at her and trying to lure her away from him and into their beds instead. Of course, she would never even look at another man the way he looked at Johan, but she would rather avoid the annoyance of fighting them off and turning them down.


“I don't care what I am called as long as I am able to stay with you. I am quite certain my grandfather will find me before our first child is born and once he is gone, I will be Queen.” Her kingdom would be a small one, but it was rich in resources and her family was quite wealthy.


Eleanora's slumber was not dreamless this time. She and Johan were in the flower-filled meadow that he had taken her to the previous morning. While she sat upon a blanket singing to him, he gathered a bouquet and gave it to her. She could not have been happier if he had presented her with a necklace of the most precious jewels. Lifting the bundle of blossoms to her nose, she inhaled their sweet scent and then set them to the side.


Johan sat down beside her and she crawled upon his lap. He kissed her passionately and lifted up her skirts to stroke her little pearl. The most delightful sensations flowed through her young body and it was then that her eyes opened. Eleanora trembled with desire as she looked over at her beloved Johan, who was caressing her just as he had been doing in her dream. What a wonderful way to wake up.


“Oh, Johan,” she breathed before pressing her lips to his. Her hand found his cock, which was already rigid, and she ran her nails carefully down the length of it and then up again, gently circling its head with her fingertips.

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In truth, Eleanora’s lands were almost an excuse. At first they had been a component of his calculations but now… If she had been the daughter of some British count with a lean dowry Johan would have found a way to marry her. It would be more difficult, duty meant Johan had to make the best marriage available… but he would manipulate circumstances so that Eleanora was the best choice. And if it came down to it, he would shirk it to be with her.


Because it was moments like these, rather than any crown she might put on his head, that united them. He inhaled her scent, held her tight. Her hair was just a bit messy and he loved every out of place strand. He watched her twist in pleasure and squirm and then she woke, looking over at him with love fogged only by lust.


She kissed him and he eagerly replied, and soon her hand worked him as well. He let out a long moan into her lips, shifting against her. Now it was his turn to wiggle under her ministrations, even as he continued to stroke her. He was learning what she liked and took full advantage. But he was being slower. This was a lazy, casual thing, well suited to the slowness of morning.


Johan moaned as she circled his head and shifted, his hips gently responding to the stimulation by small pumps and twitches, seeking more of the light stimulation. He looked straight into her beautiful blue eyes and craned over to plant his own kiss on her lips, gently circling her pearl as he did.

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“Mmmmmm,” Eleanora sighed as his fingers worked their magic on her sensitive pearl. She was still half asleep, and the beautiful hues of the rising sun seemed almost surreal, coming through the window above them and bathing them both in a colorful glow. It was not difficult to imagine that they had been transported to a world of their own creation, one where they could be alone together without threats of banishment or rampaging grandfathers. She was perfectly and utterly content wrapped in his arms, leisurely pleasuring him with her hands while love and desire consumed her mind, body and soul.


She hoped that every morning from now on could be just like this one.


His moans and writing made her smile and she varied her movements, running her fingers in a spiral motion around his cock. Eleanora enjoyed giving him pleasure as much as she loved receiving it, maybe even more so. His eyes were full of lust and love and she melted into his kiss, moaning softly against his lips as he continued to fondle her pearl. If her mind was not still fuzzy with sleep, she might have climaxed right there and then.


Reluctantly breaking the kiss, she looked into his eyes. Last night, he had said that he would have to leave early this morning. “How much time do we have before you must go?” she whispered.

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Johan loved the sighs of pleasure and contentment. They inflamed him just as her hand did. This was the world he longed for, where he was safe, and loved, and accepted. It was what he’d strived for and the house he’d built. But now Eleanora was making it a home, giving him someone, rather than something, to live for.


He continued to stroke around her pearl and his other hand rested on her cheek. He was still going slowly, trying to build her arousal without pushing her over the edge. Still, whenever it seemed he wasn’t being distracted enough he gave her fresh attentions.


“Forever.” Johan said, looking into her eyes. His tone was that of someone who didn’t want to get out of bed. “Enough.” He said more seriously. Servants would come or an alarm would go off to alert him. By the sun’s rays neither seemed imminent. He did need to leave soon but he had enough time to show her a little swordplay before he had to wash up, get dressed, and leave. And at the moment he was hoping to engage in swordplay of another kind.


He smiled as he looked into those beautiful blue eyes of hers, letting out soft sighs of pleasure at her handiwork. “I see you’ve f-f-found a mighty sword for your first lesson.”

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He seemed to know her body better than she did, and how to fan the flames between her thighs so that they would not rage too high. Johan was prolonging her desire, teasing her in tantalizing ways, which would result in an intense and exquisite orgasm. Eleanora was not as experienced in the art of lovemaking, but she attempted to do the same with him, stroking him only lightly and occasionally letting go of his cock to caress his inner thighs, which would still be pleasurable but give him time to cool down a bit before her hand closed around the length of him again.


“Forever?” Eleanora wished it was true, and she wondered if he was going to shirk his responsibilities to stay in bed with her. But no, thankfully that was not his way. Whatever he needed to take care of before the moot could apparently wait until the sun was higher in the sky. She was accustomed to waking up around sunrise, but perhaps he usually slept later. It didn't matter. They were together now and he claimed that they had enough time to indulge their desires without rushing through it this time.


His smile charmed her as it always did and she chuckled at his words. Her fingers found his cock again, continuing her gentle stroking. “I have found the most wonderful sword in the world,” she declared. “It is perfect in every way and fits so well in my hand.” She favored him with a saucy grin. “And even better in my sheath. Will you teach me something new about making love this morning … something we have not yet tried?”

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Johan was a restless sleeper and sometimes rose very early. Or he had been, both nights in Eleanora’s arms had been so peaceful… But he was up earlier than he’d expected. He felt fully rested, though, and since his dreams were of Eleanora, he was even more pleased to have her in his waking world.


At least, when she wasn’t giving as good as she got. Johan let out a groan of complaint as her hand left his cock. He continued his own gentle ministrations and his eyes closed in pleasured happiness when her hands closed around it again. He smiled as she complimented his sword, always a boost to the ego. He was happy and he leaned over to kiss her, a slow, passionate affair, complimented by a slight increase with his hand.


She asked him to teach her something new, “Anything,” Johan said breathlessly. He kissed her lips lightly, “I w-w-want you to share all your d-d-desires with me. What do you w-w-want to learn?” Johan thought she had something specific to request and was just embarrassed to say it.

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