Darlene's Dilemma
what Should Darlene Do at This Point?
9 members have voted
1. what Should Darlene Do at This Point?
Tell Chatham to rough up Langdon, It solves no problems but might make her feel good.2
Take care of Ursula herself. It will be hard and now Chatham could be a witness at the trial, but nothing ventured nothing gained.0
Chatham has all but proposed to her upon the bench. Say yes, she will marry him.1
Use Voo doo dolls on everyone until the bad die off and she is rewarded.0
Forget the whole thing and go after Hen Jr. They shared an office, so why not a life together?1
Ask the spirit world what to do4
Ask the Archbishop if he will marry her. Thinking she is asking him to officiate, he will agree. Then hold him to his promise and marry him.1
Stab Thomas Killigrew again for good measure, or marry the bloke.1
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