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The Christmas Ball (25/12 Evening)- Xmas 1677


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Torrington and Chichester


"Precisely." George replied, feeling warm with the sense of having helped a fellow out. A good servant could make all the difference at court. A good tailor too. Yet the dapper Earl was not about to undermine Torringtons dress nor confidance. Confidence was the golden currency at court.


"Your Mother raises in my esteem, when not whipping, she reads." upon a chuckle George claimed, "It is a wise courtier who keeps themselves informed, while the ignorant become so absorbed with themselves that they cannot see past their own cravat." he took another slow sip, watching still. Avon seemed absent besides, perhaps for the best, and over there the new Northern Secretary seemed much at ease. George's eyes darkened momentarily.


"Have you a sum for investment? Then Lord Basildon is your man, his newly raised company is sure to succeed. Sugar. An investment sweet on the tongue and wallet both." A sound topic of conversation being more prudent than an unplanned arrival.


Yet of Saint Marks he replied, "I understand your point, I myself was resident when I first arrived, and all too anxious to acquire my own real estate. Yet one can easily enough neglect the possibilities of ones current situation, if always panning forwards. There are times that I regretted not making firm contacts with my fellow residents while I was there. My sister for instance, became the Belle of Saint Marks. I was awfully jealous at the time." Hah!" he gave a laugh at this honest admission.


It was then that his companion came to an understanding, cementing George' impression that while naive, he was quite intelligent. "Naught to forgive, rather, enthusiasm for the sport at hand is a fine thing indeed." the Earl replied, "Yet caution is prudent. Armed with knowledge you shall do well Torrington." he paused again, and then suggested they walk to gain a fuller view.


"Tell me which sphere of court you are drawn to, and I shall disimulate of it as best as I may. Arts, Military, Political. Or perhaps it is the Ladies, of those you shall fine more than one mans share here. They are prone to flutter like butterflies, distracting from ambition with their own manner of allure. To flatter them you must call them dangerous, and perhaps they actually are."


Oh the trouble that had befallen George because he had thought to marry (The Earl was notably single at this interval.)

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Nicolette & The King


"My, my boys, our Lady of Misrule seems to be creating lords of you both for her tenure," the king said, giving them both a wink. He very much enjoyed games, especially when said games involved his young favorites.


Lord Langdon seemed to be staying away; perhaps he had gotten wind of his game with Tom and Jack and decided not to add the name Charles to the list of young gentlemen to torment.


"Jack wishes he could prank to the likes of Bucks," the King chuckled, giving young John Ashburnham a fond cuff on the shoulder. The boy was far more politically savvy, but few knew just how savvy. Growing to majority as his primary Page of the Backstairs surely had its learning curve.


"Herbert is fearless, unless it's in the face of marriage-hungry maidens, we shall allow you that," the King teased.


As she continued and her eyes went wide, the King listened to her request and replied with mischief, "A kiss of course, but now it shall have to improve upon Buckingham's gallantry." The King would not be outdone, and he had surely not missed the duke kissing her hand with such dramatic reverence. Let us make dear George a little jealous.


"Where is that useful mistletoe when it is needed!" the King said, rather loudly, not curbing his mood.


"Your Majesty, but I have some. I swiped it from His Grace's periwig. I thought to torment Herbert with it," Ashburnham said, dangling it obligingly in the air with a cheeky grin.


"Ha! Well shall we say the powers of the Lady of Misrule are thus transferred by a kiss?" he asked, putting his large hand under her chin and tilting her head up. He leaned down and pressed his lips warmly against hers and then whispered, "Perhaps you will try and collect again." He could hardly give her the same kiss from the garden at the ball and thus the game would continue, and she would need to hunt him down again.


He rather liked her spriteliness. There was something refreshingly carefree although not in the common way of Nell.

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Nicolette & The King


"Then gentlemen..." picking upon the Kings indulgent mood, Nicolette was inspired to try raise some further sport for his attendants. She had yet to see either be asked to dance (the poor men being left in the shade due to the light of their illustrious company) "perhaps together we should plan a great prank. Mmm... it is quite the season for the ladies do you note? Tonight ladies choose our own dance partners, and in a few days there is the bachelor auction, why at this rate by season end we shall have maidens proposing in marriage to gentlmen!"


Charles Rex's letting slip that Herbert was the artful dodger of maids seeking marriage was now muse, and here she looked at the uneager gent with a grin.


"Something ought to be done. Why, what if the Lady of Misrule declared that for any match to be made this season, the pair must dress up in love birds costumes and sing their proposals in public. Might that keep you safe from the ladies advances gentlemen?" Nonsense really, yet at this hour what else might be expected. Nicci laughed brightly, enjoying trying on the cloak of Misrule, even if not serious (this time).


"Yet if not that, then what?" she lowered her voice to conspire with the men, who were professionals in this field already.


Oh but this must be heaven, whispering cheery plans with the King and his gentlemen - where was Francis now? Yes she not no idle moment to turn to look, she did not even turn to watch the Duke and Davina upon the dance floor.


Yet perhaps Charles Rex had looked, as he now suggested his kiss make the Duke jealous. Does he think Buckingham and I are lovers? The thought flashed through Nicolette's mind, even as Jack produced the mistletoe. Then all so suddenly her face was willingly tipped in the warm and strong touch, and the kings lips pressed. Nicolette's fingers caught at his cheek, as she tasted royal lips her eyes closed, and it was...


...all over too quickly!


Pink cheeked, she dropped into curtsy, her head spinning of it all, feeling a need to try recover.


And there were the Kings feet.


She touched his shoe, and then tipped her head up to look at the tall man before her. "The English foot, a measurement different to the French foot." she arose, "These french feet shall skip as they may to catch you." she promised prettily.

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Torrington and Chichester



Edmund found himself warming greatly to the suave Earl, somewhat captivated in the gravity of his social ease and apparently effortless charm. Now this was the type of man to aspire to, perhaps? He made a mental note of the man’s attire and decided he needed to find himself a suitable tailor to bring him into appropriate style. Whilst he was comfortable with what he had, there was no harm with fitting in. Caught in the orbit, he happily followed the Earl has he advanced into the room, still surveying his surroundings with an eagle eye. In his mind, Edmund had the memory of watching his mother progressing along the driveway at Torrington-Kirby, obediently followed by a yapping clique of spaniels, following in her wake. He dispelled the image with a shake of his head.


“Sugar, eh? Looking around at the items on offer tonight I can imagine he has himself a sweet deal there! I’d be interested in how he manages it though,” he continued, his brow clouding a little, “most of the West Indies plantations are run on the backs of slaves, and why benefit the wallet at the cost of one’s soul?” Like a bolt, another memory struck him from the past, this time of his father, fulminating in high style against the evils of the slave trade, another pillar of his extreme non-conformist views. Realising that perhaps the topic of slavery was taboo, and certainly hardly likely appropriate in such a gathering in which likely several people had high stakes in such trade, he clammed up and moved on promptly.


“Sugar may be too sweet for our tastes. Up, back in the North, our family has done well out of coal – black gold my father rather poorly put it for it’s hardly in the same league. Warms the beds of the capital and the family coffers but that’s what, I confess, is the backbone of the Torringtons, for now. Yet a good businessman is one who sees other avenues besides his own…”


Come now, Edmund, talk of business is vulgar, he recalled his mother saying. Still, at the same time, he made another mental note (his mind was filling with these tonight) to look more into Lord Basildon and his enterprises. If it was as good an investment as he had heard, then it perhaps merited more exploration. If it was based on the backs of the trade that Edmund, even lacking his father’s strength of views, found repulsive, then surely he should avoid it at all costs?


“So many sphere’s to choose, my lord,” he said, idly looking around and, purely coincidentally, his eyes landing on the quasi-exposed cleavage of a passing woman. “I do appreciate the Arts, although I have little to offer it save my money and my attention, but that is part of the artists’ contract! I have little military experience beyond what I have read. Eager to serve – yes, but not fool enough to think myself a new Achilles! Politics is a lot like a fast horse – it seems very fun to ride at the time, but if you fall I imagine it hurts a lot! So perhaps the Arts wins for me for the now? Where do you see yourself, my lord? I dare say there is no reason why one cannot have a foot in multiple camps!”


He paused for a second and continued “And women too, I would be interested to hear you views on that. What with my father singing with the Choir Eternal and my brothers unlikely to produce legitimate pups any time soon, I am distinctly aware of my duty to father an heir. That and one does get lonely. Especially in a new place. I confess I wouldn’t even know where to look to prevent me from barking up the wrong tree or howling at the Moon in wasted effort!”

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Louis and Bridget


They returned from the dance floor with Danby's daughter all in a tizzy about the secrets and introductions he had promised. It was hard not to smile when things were going so well. Louis was left to wonder idly how easy it would be to relieve Bridget of the burden of her maidenhood, though that was not his plan. No serious move would be made on the daughter as it would likely reflect poorly on him. She would remain but a pretty piece on his game board.


"Let me see who I can find," Louis declared as they returned to the crowd. His eyes scanned for his sister and brother-in-law, Finch, Heneage Jr, Maldon and other lords of his acquaintance.

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Torrington & Chichester intercept Basildon and Bridgit


At length George allowed optimism to bloom. Having scoured nook and cranny, there was an absolute and utter absence of that man. The residual tension left his shoulders, and he turned with a lopsided grin to his new companion. "Come now you are flattering me surely, to claim the Arts as your field of pleasure. Though now that you have, be warned that I shall bombard your letter tray next spring with invitations to events and the like. To perhaps absorb your attention, and empty your purse into the artists that I sponsor. Quite so sir, men like you are just what the Arts truly needs, I only pray you buy large house with many empty walls which to fill!"


"You make good points upon the other circles I agree, although... in any field there are the tall poppies, one does not need to raise ones head up to their height, and level of risk as you note, to be of worth." he paused and just now saw Basildon was leaving the dance floor.


"Yet as for myself I've had little luck in the hunt for a wife myself, and think I rather the role of quarry rather than predator. The future Lady Chichester, if she is out there, may do me the service of a charade, a ruse, in that I am the hunter. But. I have little mood left for the sport itself."


Altering their path to intersect with Louis, George lowered his voice to suggest, "You might phrase your moral query to the Earl in person?" Was that a glint in George eyes?


"Lord Basildon, the Christmas season suits you!" he greeted Louis with the cheery loudness appropriate to the party setting, and smiled to the woman he toted. Ready to sweep into a bow and kiss her hand when she was introduced to them.


"And may I present to you, new comer to court, a man of business and inquiring mind, Sir Edmund Torrington of Torrington-Kirby."

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Torrington, Chichester, Basildon & Bridget


Edmund had been listening in rapt attention to Chichester to such a degree that he did not realise that the path they were treading through the swirling eddies and currents of guests was leading them towards Lord Basildon and an unknown young lady. In truth, his comments had not been idle flattery or self-deprecation. He was a fan of music, literature and art but, without laying any great claim as a creator of any, his main role was to avidly collect that which he could. His father’s puritan tastes had rendered Torrington-Kirby somewhat dire – as barren and colourless as the miles of moorland and mine that surrounded it. One did not find many artists in Newcastle – a sprinkling in York, perhaps, but decidedly second-rate, catering to a provincial crowd. The better ones went to the capital, or abroad. One day, Edmund assured himself, there would be a new family seat – somewhere more convivial and filled with music and art appropriate for a man of taste (or a man who considered himself to be, eventually and with some schooling, a man of taste).


Edmund had been trying to put his finger on exactly what emotion lurked behind the Earl’s comments on the marriage market and so did not realise the destination until brought up short as the Earl stopped and greeted his peer.


One Earl and now two! On Chichester’s announcing of his name, Edmund bowed in the direction of Lord Basildon, “A pleasure, my lord – my lord Chichester does me great honour.” His eyes passed to the young lady but he made a conscious effort to snap them back again, awaiting an introduction.

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Torrington, Chichester, Basildon, and Bridget


Bridget let him lead her back into the crowd, curious as to whom he would find to introduce her to. Maybe he knew some young Earls or future Dukes who were looking for wives. She knew of several, but she had not been formerly introduced to them.


As it turned out, two gentlemen approached them instead. She had seen Lord Chichester before and if she remembered right, he had once been treated as a pariah too. Bridget had never shunned him herself, and now she was happy that their paths had not crossed during that time or she might have ignored him if everyone else was doing it. Appearances at court were everything.


Now that she was in the same situation, she would never snub anyone ever again. She knew what a horrible feeling it was to be out of favor, and she wouldn't wish it even on her worst enemy. Well, maybe on Fiona MacBain, but she was the only one.


The gentleman introduced as Sir Edmund Torrington was unfamiliar to her. Bridget smiled at both of them as she waited for Lord Basildon to introduce her.

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The Toledos


Esteban led Sophia back into the mix of courtiers. He too sensed that the Ball would begin to end soon. There was some expectation that the King would deliver a holiday greeting and issue some proclamations, so the Ambassador was not eager to depart. Likewise, his wife planned to present a gift to the Queen at the end of the event.


"Let us get near the throne so that we might be conspicuous to the King and Queen," he suggested to Sophia as they continued to find a path forward. "There is no one else to meet. I think you should be ready with your gift quickly if it looks like the Queen might be withdrawing early."

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In the Servant's corridor


There being plenty of uneaten cakes that had been withdrawn from the Hall, several servants had decided to help themselves when they believed no one was looking. One adventurous man had down three cakes when he paused to let out a yowl of pain. Spitting out the offending cake into his hand, he saw a brass ring glinting in the candlelight. As other servants had turned to determine the cause of the noise, the young man found himself at a loss as to what to do next. He would have preferred to place the ring in his pocket but so many people were watching that it seemed he would risk charges of thievery. Instead, he placed the ring on a nearby table as a demonstration of his good intentions.


Before any other servants could hover around the ring, there was an audible clearing of the throat. When faces turned towards the newcomer, fear crossed their faces and they scurried away pretending to be busy at their tasks. No one impeded this particular gentleman as he approached the table. Taking up the ring, he knew it for what it was. A flash of brass disappeared quickly into the man's vest pocket as he turned and eyed those nearby servants, daring them to say anything. They did not.

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Torrington, Chichester, Basildon, and Bridget


"Chichester," Basildon greeted amiably in return. It was a good omen that two gentlemen made themselves available just as he was pondering in which direction to take Bridget. "Happy Christmas."


"A man of business is a welcome thing," the Earl declared as he was introduced to Torrington. The Baronet showed the proper level of respect and Basildon deigned to think well enough of him in return. He gave a pleasant nod. "A pleasure."


"Gentlemen, I have the rare privilege of introducing you to the Lord Treasurer's most valuable treasure. This is Lord Danby's eldest daughter, Bridget Osbourne, one of the most regarded eligible ladies at court." Poorly regarded these days. "If you kiss but one lady's hand this evening, it should be hers," he continued to flatter in such a way as to make clear to the pair of gentlemen that he was engaged in hyperbole. Looking towards the wonderful ceiling in the Banqueting Hall briefly he added "and a mistletoe sprig hangs nearby," he chuckled heartedly, playing the role of a huckster, "awaiting the most fortunate and holiday festive gentlemen to wish the lady a happy Christmas properly." If she wanted kisses, he would afford her the opportunity.


After a pause to measure the boldness of Hardwick and Tarrington, he turned back to the newcomer. "What sort of business are you in?"

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Torrington, Chichester, Basildon, and Bridget


My god, I never did that to my sister did I? George felt sorry for the poor girl as Louis hawked her like day old bread. "Enchanted Lady Osborne." the Earl bowed, barley done with assent when Louis was spotting random sprigs of Mistletoe.


George eyebrows rose. I should have seen that coming. Naturally the ladies dance partner (Louis) would go first, yet it was the ladies prerogative to express consent to Basildon's grand idea.


"Not at all." George replied to Torrington's humility, and then cheerfully revealed to Basildon, "Would you know that your fame has now reached the darkest recesses of England. The Baronet's mother is one of your most devoted followers, and only rues that you are not in the papers more often." he gave a laugh of his creative licence there, and a wink to Torrington. "He expressed an interest to meet you. And I, I was happy to facilitate."

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Torrington, Chichester, Bridget and Basildon


Edmund was smiling in what he hoped was not too akin to a moon-struck calf. However, he was simply unable to hide his (likely terribly naïve) happiness and contentment in being engaged in exactly what he had moved to London for – to be part of Society. Now, here he was, conversing with two Peers of the Realm and a daughter of another. If Basildon’s name had been familiar, then that of Danby most certainly was. And this was his daughter! Lord Basildon was praising her highly – the most eligible woman here! If there was any hyperbole or sarcasm in his words then they fell on the dead ears of the newcomer, Edmund. The daughter of Lord Danby! Was this perhaps an intervention from the Earl of Chichester already? So soon? Well, he had intimated (or at least Edmund had taken it that he had) that he would be able to point Edmund in the direction of those of the female sex similarly in need of matrimony.


Edmund bowed again, this time for the benefit of Mistress Osbourne, “Charmed, Mistress Osbourne, most definitely so! A merry Christmas to you, and to you, my lord Basildon! If I may be so bold?” he asked as he reached for her hand to plant a light, polite kiss on its back, empowered a little by the drink and the feeling that perhaps this was a place he could fit in with, in time. He looked about for the mistletoe and wondered how to work that about. Women like bold men, that is why soldiers do so well, he reminded himself.


He straightened up. “Yes, my Lord, my dear Mother has a great appetite for the news-sheets. We’ll soon have enough to paper the entire of the Hall and have more besides to carpet the floors! She’ll be most impressed to hear I have had the pleasure to make your acquaintance, and that of as good a man as Lord Chichester, and the daughter of Lord Danby too, Mistress Osbourne!”


“My late father would have called the stuff Black Gold, that which we’re involved in but I confess I am not much keen on the term – not only is it far from as lucrative as gold but it also now carries the connotations of the African trade. No, we own several coal mines between Newcastle and Durham. Bring up tonnes of the stuff annually, lug it off to Newcastle and ship it down to the likes of London to warm your beds! It very well may be Torrington Coal that the servants use to warm your houses!” Sadly, it was hard to wax lyrical about coal. “Our barges bring back some civilising articles to Newcastle so we Northern folk can all the more lament that we’re far from the glamour of London!”


“My Lord Chichester has been telling me of your new venture, Lord Basildon. A sweeter commodity, for sure, and from a far sunnier climate, I’d imagine! I’d like to hear more of how it is done at some stage, good business is good diversification, after all, if the door is still open to investors?”


Try not to be boring, Edmund, he scolded himself. Be pleasant, be Courtly!


“Perhaps, if your card is not too full and there is some energy yet left in the orchestra, I could prevail upon Mistress Osbourne for the pleasure of a dance?”

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Torrington, Chichester, Bridget and Basildon


Bridget's cheeks burned with humiliation at the degrading way Lord Basildon introduced her. Had this been his plan all along, to lead her on with promises of assistance and protection and then insult her as soon as she began to trust him? She wanted the floor to open up and swallow her whole and if it had not been rude, she would have slapped him hard across the face and fled.


Yet Lord Chichester and Sir Edmund didn't seem to notice anything amiss. They greeted her politely and Sir Edmund even kissed her hand. Maybe she was just being overly sensitive. “It is a pleasure to meet you both,” she replied with a smile, looking up at the mistletoe Louis had pointed out. If either of them wanted to show their holiday spirit by kissing her, they would have to make the first move. Proper young ladies did not ask gentlemen for a kiss.


Talk turned to business, and she listened with half an ear, still trying to figure out whether Lord Basildon's introduction had been sincere or demeaning. There had been no malice in his expression or his voice. She concluded that he was trying to help her, not hurt her.


When Sir Edmund asked her to dance, she smiled at him warmly. Because of Lord Basildon, things were finally looking up. “That was the last dance of the evening,” she informed him in a disappointed tone of voice, “unless His Majesty wishes for another. However, I would be honored to dance with you at next week's ball.”

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The Toledos


Sophia had told Anna to assemble the pyramid before she and Lord Maldon had spoken to the Queen. All that remained now was to light the candles, and it was probably a good idea to wait until the courtiers were leaving to take that final step. If they accidentally bumped into the pyramid, their clothes could catch fire. That was not the way she wanted to start the 'flame' fashion trend she had discussed with Lady Gowran, although joking about that very possibility was what had lead to the idea.


“Very well,” she told Esteban. She wasn't sure if he didn't want to introduce her to anyone else because the ball was about to end, or because he was ashamed of her. The Danish Ambassador had arrived the night of the opera so he had not seen her perform. It was disheartening to think that she embarrassed her husband. If only Juan were here. He would proud of her and want her to become acquainted with the people he knew.


“Anna will have the gift ready by now. All we need is for the ball to end and Lord Maldon and his sister to join us.”

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Francis & Frances


"Dorothea?" he said. "Does not sound very German." Then again for the time he had spent on the continent, it had mostly been amongst the Italians, French, and Dutch. His grandfather had been far more versed in such things.


"It might be difficult is no Christian names are used," Francis postulated. "But, I will be on the lookout for new 'bergs' making appearances. If she is around the Queen, it is likely only a matter of time before I cross paths with her."


Leaning in more, he asked teasingly, "Is there anything special you would wish me to curiously ask?"

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Nicolette & The King


"A bachelor auction?" the more verbose John Ashburnham asked. Jack was the King's nickname for him. He chuckled and looked at Herbert, who would probably be mortified by such a thing. John, on the other hand, was more outgoing. Perhaps it could be said like master, like man, because John was much like his royal master, except with the ego and vanity that went along with being spoiled.


"The maids propose it enough with their glances," the King tittered. Especially at Herbert, he thought.


"You are the Lady of Misrule, mademoiselle," Herbert replied, with a wink. "It is for you to tell us."


As for the King's thoughts about Nicolette and Buckingham, His Majesty simply often liked to do anything which he thought might make his dear Bucks a little jealous, if only for the amusement and superiority of it. Childhood had a strange way of sticking with a man. Little did Charles know that Buckingham had plotted to pique the king's interest that way, knowing how much Charles could hardly refuse the bait. Competition was strong between them, and Buckingham could take advantage of that in ways nobody else could, not even James.


A Christmas kiss was not yet the promised kiss, truly. Even His Majesty had to have some care at State events and especially with a pregnant Queen; responsibilities were oft a bore. That was not to say that he did not savor the close touch of soft lips. It gave just enough hint of her taste and scent to tantalize.


Now she would need do the pursuing. How droll.


"Here is to the hope you are enterprising my Lady of Misrule, for what chase of a lady is ever easy. Seeing as our traditions have turned to opposites at court this season, we shall have to ensure the chase of a gentleman is just as difficult!" He shook his royal finger teasingly.


"Ohh ho! Herbert shall like that Your Majesty!" John crowed with a loud guffaw. It would give the other dark-haired young man a reason to run away! Or another reason, anyway.

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Buckingham smiled at the young Mistress Wellesley, betraying nothing of his personal plans. After using her to keep the king from Nicolette, what reason would there be to think he had changed his mind? Buckingham was known for being somewhat fickle, so perhaps he had simply decided it was no longer worth his time. Or perhaps he had just had enough time to investigate the French girl and make sure she was not a poisoner. No matter the reason, he did not seem to pay the matter much care, as if it were a matter of the past.


He had returned her favor in spades by giving Charles their knowing look to send him off to dance with her, and he had rounded off a very profitable night for an eligible young woman.


George was being very hospitable this evening.


Well, it is Christmastide. And his new year was looking quite bright.


The duke did not lead her back to the group, instead leading her toward the nearest servant with a tray of drinks. He plucked one for them both.


"The King my master does not like obstacles to his fun, no matter the sort of fun. It all is in good spirits, though. Between you and I," he said, quietly, close to her ear, "His Majesty is of far too sound a mind to risk the Queen's happiness in her state. That changes many things."


There was quite a lot of truth to that, enough so that Buckingham's conscience was pleased with it. The King loved the sport of flirting, most all libertines did.

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Charles and Sarah


"That speaks true since you are new-come to Court. Very well. I shall accept this challange and will take this Rolé as Guide. You have picked an opertune night indeed Lord Chatham for most of Court attends."


She looked back at him trying to not focus on that eye-patch but rather on his one good eye which she suspected was put to good use!


"I have no objection to being seen with you and since you have none with me let us then sail forth."


She could hear as well the mutteirngs from the group and when he made that performance with his brows she could not help the chuckle that escapsed. Her eyes smiled up into his er eye and she then placed her hand on his arm.


"Then let us depart and yes I shall be much questioned later but I keep my own counsel a thing learned early on. You had a desire for me?"


She innocently asked.

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Charles and Sarah


"Then I am in your debt. However shall I repay you, I wonder?" he mused lightly, arching a questioning brow at Sarah. He noted that she was making an effort to maintain eye contact, which was more than he could say for himself. His eye had wandered, and while he tried to assure himself that he had been discreet, he would be entirely unsurprised if the astute Mistress Jennings had noticed his... appreciation.


Well, not as though we were slavering at her.


If Sarah had taken notice, she did not seem offended. Better, even, she chuckled at his eyebrow waggling and laid her hand on his arm as they moved off to survey the ballroom.


Never underestimate the utility of an agile eyebrow.


"A good lesson to learn," Charles agreed, before a shock of laughter escaped him at her question, so innocently asked he refused to believe that it could be anything but bait. His eye danced with a delight.


"Nothing nefarious, I assure you. I just very much like talking with you," he said, smiling down at her. "You are an intelligent and insightful converationalist, a most pleasant contrast to some I spoken to tonight. I rather enjoy having to stretch my oral muscles." A one-armed shrug. "And I did need help and advice with my task, so things dovetailed nicely. I do love efficiency."


He waited a moment before continuing.


"And, of course, you're very pleasant to look at."

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Torrington, Chichester, Bridget and Basildon


It had been done on a lark. He had amused himself with florid flattery; but, she was the daughter of the chief minister to the King, so one could be excused a bit. There was perhaps a cruel streak in him since she was so desperate for attention that he gave it to her in abundance. Still, his demeanor was nothing but deferential to her. He was also interested in seeing how she handled the situation. He had been hoping for a witty retort, but it did not come. He would need to work on her. One more thing to add to the list. He had hoped to garner her several kisses to the lips but the gentlemen were not very accommodating. Still, he managed to gain a dance offer for her.


"Coal?" It was a dirty but profitable business. Louis supposed he could tolerate earning wealth in that fashion, though he preferred the more exotic. "Yes, let us find a time later to discuss business Torrington. This is Christmas and a time for more merriment. Tell me Chichester, did you do anything entertaining in the offseason?" It was best to keep things light so that Bridget could relax a bit.

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He led them away from the King and Nicolette and she guessed that she would be the bearer of some sort of warning. And so it came.


She accepted the offered glass calmly but did not drink. Her gaze wandered the room as he stood close so that none could really hear. Well trained her smile did not falter as he spoke and she gave a small nod the better to create the impression that together they both were simply talking of nothings.


"I have no desire Your Grace to be labeled in that way. And will, naturally, follow Your advice so freely given. I am glad that you think His Majesty will be kind to my Mistress for she is so young and this babe is the first of many God Willing and will I hope be a son."


"I did not think He would do otherwise but I think she oft times wishes He might spend more time with her - but that tis only what I notice and I am not so close as others'."


Taking a sip at last Davina left it there. That Buckingham had warned her away from Nicolette she had to accept at least in Public. In Private she might scheme yet she was not the type to cause hurt to cause hurt but there was something far too smug about the other girl that made her want to do just that.


She herself had pondered the 'idea' of seeing how close to the King she might get but dismissed that as unlikely. But now that she had witnessed how easy it apparently was the idea tickled her thoughts. She was far better placed then Nicolette after all. And already having a lover changed things as well. She knew how it was thanks to Charles.


Would it then be so difficult?

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Nicolette & The King


"Ooh you had not heard?" It was a joy to bring the event to the attention of these reluctant bachelors. They were rather adorable in their dis-want the prospect, so that she almost felt like courting them to aggravate their state!


Giggling with the Kings quip, Nicolette added "And soon they shall be declaring it with more than wistful looks."


"But yes, why make it so easy for them - hmm? Why, I am inspired! The Lady of Misrule shall declare that the bidding at the auction shall be done with anything other than money. And that the gentlmen themselves shall be tasked with deciding which is the highest bid. Shall that suit you better Lord Herbert? I wonder how daring the bids shall go."


Her eyes slid to the King again. He was no bachelor of course, so alas, would not be upon offer. What might a girl do of that? An idea tickled in the back of her mind, trying to take form.


The Kiss, and she thought the debt paid - having misunderstood what he'd earlier meant. While it was not the manner of kiss she'd hoped for in the garden, that is was in such public rather counteracted any lack of chanced-fondle or grope (His or hers? none might ever know)


Nicolette was utterly enchanted by it, her eyes glinted as though he'd done the naughtiest thing. While he, teasingly wagged finger at her - she simply gave digit a playful air kiss.


"Ah, but you are correct, and Your Majesty is surely immune to the pursuit of all the ladies in England. What say we make a different game between us mmm?" She leaned in, dropping her voice. Another female artifice, the whisper encouraging the gentleman to lean in closer to hear, while also availing him of a particular view of cleavage. "What say we play a game of pawns. You may choose a helpless gent for your part, and I shall chose an artless woman for mine. Together we shall direct their courses, coax and train, perhaps a match shall be made. Might 'Pursuit through a pawn' be a game less cliche to Your Majesty?" she blinked, gazing into his eyes, eyes flicking to his lips then back again.


Imagine how life might be to play such games of sport with His Majesty, which was surely what she would do if she came to realise her goal. Imagine if they might do so in private, while lounging upon some magnificently regal bed, and imagine more kisses sweet as wine.

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Charles and Sarah


It mattered not if he had one eye or two - she knew he took notice of her - which was partly the reason she had engaged him fully.


"Now there is a thing not oft found - a Gentleman in a Ladies debt. Indeed just how will you repay I wonder!


He laughed at her reply then was quick to offer assurances.


"Are you sure Lord Chatham that you have not been at Court longer than you say? Or mayhap you have learned your skills at another Court - for I think me you sell yourself short. You are more than equiped to deal with anything and yet there is a 'something' not easily identified about you as well."


"I shall be happy to advise but the final decision must be yours alone."


She smiled at his flattery and her eyes sought his lone one as they strolled at a lesiure pace.


"And yes that too is expected. Tell me have you much success with this line of compliments or am I to be used as trial for that as well? If you flatter all women then you will lose credibility for those of my sex will think it odd."


"Now, where shall we begin, Matrons first or shall we proceed simply by Rank?"

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Torrington, Chichester, Bridget and Basildon

George eyebrow rose, and he shot a knowing look to Louis as Bridget seemed enchanted by Edmund (and vice versa) why the lass did not even notice his own kissing of her hand, so absorbed she was with the new comer. "The pleasure is all mine." he uttered.


Inwardly he chuckled, grateful he was off the hook at least.


Louis did not make a first move of Mistletoe-kisses, and the lady herself seemed to pretend he'd not suggested it. So it seemed that was off the cards also. Speaking of cards, Bridget was quick to promise Edmund a place on a future dance card. "The first, and the last dance?" meddlesome, the Earl suggested between them. (His naive friend might not yet realise the advantage associated with such a placement).


George barely resisted suggesting that Edmund pick her to to escort her to the ball also! Such was his helpfulness, to Torrington, or was that Basildon? Torrington seemed eager to get to know her, while Basildon seemed eager to palm her off, and George the man in the middle found it a simple thing to make everyone happy and secure their good graces in the process. It was a win win situation!


"I immersed myself almost exclusively in The Arts." Thank you for asking, said his smile, "and managed to secure a number of works from some emerging artists, I am sure you shall be interested to view. I thought to have an exhibition of a sort come the Spring, once I hzve secured the proper permissions of course." There were guilds to work around, and Royal approval to attain.


"And yourself, I hear Lady Basildon is attending upon Princess Mary abroad? You must be upon an errie calm." he chuckled of that, "I know when my sister left to be married, it was so hush about the house I was at a loss. It was like being becalmed at sea, quite miraculous really, but quickly enough one becomes quite and utterly bored. I found myself taken to frequenting coffee shops so as to absorb my daily intake of excitable voices."


He was considering inviting Louis to take dinner with him some time.

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Charles and Sarah


"Oh, I'm sure one of us will think of something that will discharge the debt to your satisfaction. Until then, perhaps we should just enjoy the novelty of the situation."


Charles had done his best to keep any innuendo out of that, but was frankly unsure how well he had done. (He was, in fact, beginning to think he just might be slightly more drunk than he had previously believed. Possibly.)


Well, at least you're neither slurring nor stumbling.


He looked sidelong at Sarah and nodded.


"Oh, I've skulked around the fringes of a few in my time, I suppose. It's amazing how far a quick tongue, quick wits and an amiable disposition can carry one."


Particularly when allied to a sound right arm and an astonishing lack of scruple.


And then Sarah smiled and, once again, skewered him.


"Sharp," Charles said approvingly, smiling in delight. "In answer, I shall say that I only so compliment women who genuinely intrigue me. As to success... In general? Enough. More specifically? Well, I was hoping you could tell me." His smile shifted, just a hint of teeth peeing out. "But, if I might quibble, flattery implies insincerity, while I meant every word I said. Of course, convincing you of such will be difficult, as it is my sincerity being doubted."


He looked about the room.


"But for the task at hand, let us start with the matrons."


They will know more of what goes on at court than almost anyone else.

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The Toledos


"Let us get into position then," Esteban advised. "Best to gather Anna and Maldon so that we might approach the Queen. There is to be no more dancing and surely the Queen will not be staying awake very late tonight. Surely she would not mind receiving the gift now." He looked to see if Sophia agreed. She would know German sensibilities better.


Frances and Francis


"Good Heavens no," Frances replied with a laugh. "I am unsure what country would claim the name Dorothea, though I must confess that I have heard a great many names worse." She seemed to be making light of the situation, which was her natural preference. "I think, were I to be saddled with the name, I might go by the name Thea, as in Theodora," she imagined aloud.


When Francis inquired into what secrets she might like him to delve, she paused a moment to think and then declared "what might some young German girl know that could be the least bit interesting?" Her voice dismissed the entire pursuit but her eyes spoke otherwise.

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The Toledos


“She told us to present the gifts to her as the ball ends and that she would be waiting by the thrones.” Sophia looked in that direction now, wondering if she was already there. Her eyes then scanned the crowd for Lord Maldon, but she didn't see him. “We can go to Anna now. Maybe Lord Maldon is waiting for us there. I want to light the candles, but I do not want to risk anyone's clothes catching fire.”


She began to move toward the door where she had told Anna to wait for her. “We can light it after we take it to the throne.” The young singer glanced at her husband. “Would you by any chance have something to light the candles with?”

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John and Caroline re-entering


John re-entered with Caroline. He'd picked up the boxes from Anna and he still had the striker to light the pyramid in his pocket. He'd already explained to Caroline what was going on before the dance. Now he looked for Sophia and his sister. They all knew they were supposed to meet, but John didn't yet see the Queen ready to be approached.


"Do you see my sister or... Lady Toledo?" John asked Caroline. After a moment, he cringed slightly and turned to Caroline with apologetic smile. "Oh, sorry. You d-d-don't need to stay if you don't want. We're g-g-going up to the Queen before we l-l-leave. I hope you d-d-don't mind." John certainly didn't want Caroline to feel abandoned.

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Sarah and Charles


He was displaying things that she approved of - a sharp wit and conversation - so hard at times to find even amongst those not new to Court.


"Well then I shall take your 'complement' Lord Chatham gladly. I have no doubt that you believe that, about your word I mean, and I will admit that I am not such an easy mark yet I am also willing to give you a fighting chance."


She favored him with another smile then followed his gaze at it moved about the room.


"Hmmm ... Has His Majesty by chance made any requirements? Such as the age or general 'presence' of these Ladies to be so favored? I should think that such a gift mighy be better suited to a place away from here - say to some country estate where it can roam free - so mayhap we should look in that direction?"


"There are many that have such establishments but then again as His Majesty has set the pace already to be surrounded by dogs looking to keep such a gift around would insure that this Lady might further be singled out by Him wanting to follow its progress."


"Matrons are indeed the keepers of information and I only really know a few to speak to but several more by sight. Shall we continue on and I will point them out? If you do not think tis well met than I shall have to look to you for suggestion."

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