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All Players: Info for Monday in Game


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Hi All!


In case you haven't noticed, Monday is shaping up to be a busy and intriguing day! There are a lot of threads to manage in the Monday timeline, especially for me as a mod, so I am going to have to start several simultaneously for the King involving a few more PCs 😄 and then maybe a few more PCs after that depending on how things shake out. If your PC gets called to one of these threads IC, please don't wait to post to it, I will run as many simultaneously as I can to keep us moving, just be careful not to timeknot yourself. It will be clear if and when this applies to you!


Thanks ❤️





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Thank you Defiance

and a p.s. from my part - please everyone feel free to post your pcs as though they are already at the church before the king arrived! (Unless you want to rp being late of course 😄 ) 

p.p.s and if you accidentally posted past, you are granted permission to have your char be there, because it's basically a royal command to attend church so just everyone would be there, unless there was some very extenuating circumstance

p.p.p.s basically I'll asume your pc is there! 

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Just incase anyone is not certain: Any summonds to join the King or Queen after church will be counted into the continuance rule.  

So please feel free to post to your Tuesday planned threads meanwhile, you will not accidentally lock your PC out of Defiances developing story on Monday afternoon. 

Remember that we are wrapping the season up asap, so make sure your char achieves everything they'd wanted to this season. Carpe diem.  

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