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The Christmas Ball (25/12 Evening)- Xmas 1677


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John and Robert


Ahh, so Robert found out thanks to his new acquaintance the opera singer he ogled and her husband were foreigners and he a Spanish ambassador. Not someone to nettle, Robert instantly decided. If he caused any problems, his own father would no doubt be furious. Robert well knew he was already not his father's favorite son by any means, he did not wish to make it worse.


"Oh thank you for letting me know," Robert was grateful.


As for the ambassador's grim look, Robert could understand what Lord Maldon was insinuating.


"Yes, you mean her costume...or lack of. Well, it was .....entertaining," he had to smile.


Robert was a rather self-effacing lad and after his next remark Lord Maldon gave him a friendly elbow, trying to be supportive. Robert appreciated it but it did not change his opinion.


"I have one advantage I think........my youth. I will mature and learn more about everything, right?"


That is what his father had said the other day, right after telling the boy he could learn something by going to the ball, whether he wanted to or not.

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John and Robert


John’s mood darkened a bit as he thought of what his friend suffered over all that, but he returned to a sunnier smile, “Remarkable.” He agreed on her costume. “I think she’s t-t-trying to repair her reputation.” At least she said she was, though her actions… well, he would speak to her later.


As for his companion’s youth, “Why are you asking me?” John said with a laugh. He was only twenty-one and couldn’t be much older than Robert. He was only a few years older than Sophia. “Maybe you w-w-will.” John said, “I’m not sure I d-d-did.” He learned some things but it had yet to make him less awkward in his own mind… though in truth he had improved since his debut. At least somewhat.

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Caroline and Charles


"Oh thank God. I wear docility about as well as I wear a dress."


Charles laughed, enjoying the conversation and warm embrace of faint inebriation equally. His eye twinkled merrily as Caroline continued.


"Confidence is good, and experience is easily acquired. One need merely express the desire for it. Capable teachers are somewhat thinner on the ground- so few have the patience or finesse for it- but I flatter myself that I am more than able to fill the role, if your Imperial Majesty would be so good as to pardon the presumption."


He paused for a moment of frank appraisal.


"It is good to enjoy one's learning. Makes things easier, speeds the whole process. Encourages the teacher too, of course." He waggled his eyebrows in lieu of a wink. "Now the question remains, are you interested in furthering your education?"


He leant lazily back against the table and glanced idly about.


"Have you any plans for the last dance? It occurs to me that I'm somewhat monopolising you." He grinned wickedly, looking at her under his brows. "I'm perfectly content to do so, of course, but I should hate to keep you from your adoring public."

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Louis and Bridget outside


"Anything you can do to stop everyone from shunning me would be helpful."


"The key is for you to ignore the slights and seem to be having a grand time when in the public eye," Louis advised as they walked down the path together. He noticed the look at his lips, but pretended otherwise. He was a man very experienced with women and knew the signals. Yes, I shall be kissing you.


"So, we shall go back in and dance together and both of us will seem to be having the time of our life. I am not a bad dancer," he added, likely the most modest thing he had ever stated. "We shall have some drinks together and laugh like we did before stepping out here. I will introduce you some of the people I know. We will laugh and then leave together. I will give you a ride home so that we may plot further your rise above all the petty courtiers that would shame you," he suggested. "Then later this week, perhaps a small dinner with friends and my sister and cousin. It is important that you are seen being invited to parties of those in favor, such as myself," he noted immodestly. "We shall work together to find other parties for you to attend as well. The goal is to make you envied, rather than ignored," he assured her as he slowed his steps. "You must follow my lead in everything and do not restrain your wit. This is not a time for shyness and reservation. It is a time to be seen being merry. It will confound your enemies and, even better, I think you will enjoy yourself," he offered with a wide smile.


"Do we have an agreement then?" he asked politely. "Will you place yourself in my hands and protection and have a merry holiday?"

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The Toledos


"It will be difficult because she is French. Perhaps yousuggest a game that questions must be asked in French and answers given in Spanish." Esteban had given some thought to the topic. "It is a way to equate Spain with France and there are fewer of us Spanish speakers at court, making us in greater demand." He was rather proud of the suggestion.


When she asked to be introduced to friends and colleagues, he assumed that she had met many, including the other ambassadors and the Earl of Bristol. "Have you met the new Ambassador from Denmark?"

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Louis and Bridget outside


“I have been trying. But it isn't easy being merry alone. I used to have lots of friends and gentlemen practically begged to dance with me. Now when I try to approach them, they quickly disappear into the crowd.” Bridget loved to dance, but no one but Lord Ogle had danced with her, and he had probably only agreed because she had asked him while he was in the company of another gentleman. Perhaps he had been trying to impress Lord Maldon, who was likely also shunned because of his shaking and stuttering. If Lord Ogle had been alone, she felt positive that he would have turned her down.


Lord Basildon seemed to have the rest of the evening … and most of the season … all planned out for her. Bridget saw the wisdom in his scheme and was glad that he had offered to be her protector and champion. She rarely laughed anymore, but she didn't think it would be too difficult in his charming company. Once she had been envied by other young ladies at court, and she thought of it as her due. How splendid it would be to no longer be ignored by those she thought were beneath her.


She had despaired of being invited to parties this season, but he was offering her that opportunity too. The favor he owed her father must be tremendous. Or did he truly enjoy her company? She hoped for the latter but suspected the former. Whatever his reasons, she had no intention of turning him down. To be able to enjoy the holidays was her fondest wish.


“Yes, we have an agreement,” she stated with more confidence than she had felt since her father had been sent away. “I will do whatever you say.” Now she began to look forward to the rest of the season, when only a few minutes earlier she had dreaded it. “Will you escort me to all these parties you speak of?”

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The Toledos


Sophia could tell that he was as prejudiced against the French as they were against the Spaniards. If they couldn't put aside their differences, they would never get along. Perhaps the game Esteban suggested would actually help. If she suggested it as a way for the two countries to work together, maybe Nicolette would go along with it. They could have games in other languages as well. She would be in demand then, since she was fluent in German and Italian, good in English, and adequate in Spanish and French.


“I will suggest it,” she promised.


He seemed willing to introduce her to people he knew, so he couldn't be too ashamed of her behavior at the opera. Like Sophia, he had probably discovered that nobody had been scandalized enough by her performance to ostracize them. If he had run into any problems, he would not be in a pleasant mood and might have insisted that they leave early.


“No, I have not met him,” she said of the Danish Ambassador, “but I would like to.” Maybe he had a wife who she could befriend.

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The Gowrans


"You were considering disrobing to win the contest? Well then, let the game commence." he teased back in return.


"But I am not a boy who's just learnt to dance, nor do I expect you to be inexpert upon the dancefloor." he paused, 'giving way' to a pair moving between two clusters of conversationalists impeding the route to the dancefloor.


"Perhaps instead you tell me of your conversation with George hmm? Or are you not trying to so prettily distract me."

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Nicolette dismounts the dancefloor!


Her heartbeat was still pounding, breath short and quick, as she left the floor with a swirling vibrance.


My, but this was certainly the way to feel alive! The hairs on the back of her neck tickled, someone watched. Perhaps it was Davina shooting daggers, though Nicci would prefer to think it the King with other thoughts. He needs me, even if he does not know it, the French woman told herself.


Smiling, smiling still she swept into midst of various people milling about. "La,Excusez-moi!" she apologised brightly to someone bumped... .


and lands upon Lord Langdon


"...Lord Langdon." she crooned holding quite still, her hand held where it had fallen upon his breast. She knew of Charles, the lifeguard who had flown to the protection of her arch rival.


Her eyes looked up at the man, tall, dark haired, and good looking. "Though of course, you know it is no accident that we meet here, now, and like this?" Breathlessly said, lips curling to a smile as she caught hold of a shiny button and gave a small tug.



Edited - correcting out a gossip error made.

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Esteban was glad that she could see value in a game based on foreign languages. He was proud that Sophia could speak so many languages. He was less proud of some of her other activities.


"I think I saw him over there." Toledo led his wife through the press of courtiers to find a man in his late 20s, of average looks, standing alone near a refreshment table. "His name is Christian Sehested, Baron Bysted," he whispered to Sophia as they approached.


"Your Excellency, Lord Bysted, this is my wife Sophia. She is from the Palatine."


The Dane was glad to have someone to speak with as his diplomatic contacts were limited. His eyes lit up at Sophia's beauty. "Lady Toledo, what a singular delight to make your acquaintance." He reached to kiss her hand formally.

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Louis and Bridget outside


"I cannot escort you to all the parties as I have other duties on occasion," he uttered lightly. "But I will do what I can, if you show me a smile and follow my lead." He meant to keep things light.


"Let's go back into the ballroom. It is getting cold and I think we need to show everyone how happy you are. Be sure to smile or laugh at most anything I say. Men find that trait endearing with ladies, unless it is taken to extreme. Is there a lord you are seeking to impress this season? One you might wish to marry? I might be able to assist you in that regard," he pledged as he turned back towards the palace.


The cold might have been more unwelcome if Louis was not so intrigued with the scheme he was hatching. It made him forget about the weather.

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Nicolette and Charles


Langdon had studiously avoided Davina in public, though he watched her dance with the King. They had not even encountered each other at the ball, so there was likely little evidence that he might care for the Queen's maid any more than the French beauty standing before him. In fact, the scandal sheets might make reference to the fact that the young earl had taken on York's discarded mistress as his own.


"Mademoiselle!" he greeted her effusively, and why not? She was a great beauty and had that charming accent. "Congratulations on your new title," he offered in good humor.


She claimed her encounter with him was not by accident. "Non?" he played along. What sort of mischief did she have in mind fo him, or the King. It was possible that she sought him out for some game she wished to play on the King.

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Nicolette and Charles

After her uncertain experiance upon the dancefloor, the Frenchwoman was in need of reassuring herself of her allure - thus Charles became her target.


While the press of people might mask the gesture her little, Nicolette tugged still upon the button. "People are usually born into titles," her eyes absorbed the nature of the gentleman, the open faced guilelessness of him, though possibly a facade... you did not need to tell a frenchwoman of those, in Versailles naught is what it seems. Her dark eyes regarded him, awaiting a development, "and this is true in my case also, I was born to mischief."


She tugged that button harder still. He might need bend to it or risk it being ripped free entirely - bending however would lower his lips dangerously close to hers. A finely shaped eyebrow rose, of her point being made.

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Juliana and Douglas


Douglas gave a throaty chuckle when Juliana declared that she fully intended to look below the surface. There could be as much pleasure in the anticipation, in the foreplay, as in the grand finale, and Juliana was clearly a woman who enjoyed the entire game. The big Scotsman was having about us much fun as was possible with his clothes on; here was a lady whose inclinations matched his own. For a moment his thoughts strayed to another who once had; a red-haired siren who might well be here tonight, but no, he’d not think of her. Focus instead on the beautiful temptress before him.


“I imagine Sweden’s quite th’exotic destination.” Douglas suggested. Imagination was always kinder than reality. “A landscape o’ cauld beauty that belies the warmth o’ her people.” Or of one person at least. Juliana could warm any man, he suspected. She was making him sweat. “Haps yer’ll show me?”* He suggested, dark brows raised in a suggested expression, devoid of innocence.


It was competitive seduction, and neither was blinking. It was a game, and both were keen to play. It was immensely enjoyable, which gave absolutely no encouragement to stop. The way Juliana licked her own fingers after he had was deliciously enticing. Her words did not go unnoticed. Ah but what did most seductresses crave? Why did they do what they did? “Dinnae we aw.”** He replied, cornflower blue eyes looking her up and down, as though she was some fabulous piece of art. In a way she was, and he could admire that abstractly, as well as in a far more immediate sense. Perhaps I should visit Sweden.


But Lord Maldon had claimed her company first? How very disappointing. “I haena met him.” He admitted. “But the man haes regrettably fine taste.”*** He pouted playfully. The problem was that his schedule really was getting full. So many people to meet. He doubted Juliana was a morning person.


But tomorrow was Church and various business. Monday was Lauderdale, picnics with sisters and the evening with Peregrine Osborne at the Lion. Tuesday was hopefully lunch with Lord Balcarres, tea with Nicci and the evening with Anne Scott. Wednesday was Tea with Sophia, visiting the Portuguese Ambassador and then Lady Kendishall’s party. And then there was Thursday, which she had agreed to.


As he considered all his plans, a sudden déjà vu-like feeling came over him as he looked at Juliana, thinking for a moment that she had much in common with Fiona, but had ten years on her and knew what she was doing. There was a wonderfully dangerous thought. Most men would shy away from it, but Douglas being who he was, shied towards it.


“Hae ye been tae St James Park?”+ He asked her, an odd little smile curving his full lips.



* “I imagine Sweden’s quite the exotic destination. A landscape of cold beauty that belies the warmth of her people. Perhaps you’ll show me?”

** “Don’t we all.”

*** “I haven’t met him. But the man has regrettably fine taste.”

+ “Have you been to St James Park?”

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The Gowrans


“Is that what it would have taken for me to win?” She chuckled and shook her head. “No. I doubt I’d have gone that far… your mother would have had a field day with that.” Tilting her head up a little more, she batted her lashes innocently, “Though I am not completely above trying to trip you if my other charms were not sufficient.”


The couple passed them and she sighed, “If I was inexpert upon the dancefloor, I would surely never tell you.”


Diana shifted a little and arched her eyebrow at him, why was he so curious about her conversation with Digby. Glancing towards her cousin for a half a moment she looked back at her husband. “Mostly it was about my cousin, Arundel, and the little family feud between him and Norfolk.”


Diana was concerned but didn’t linger too long on her thoughts, not here… not in public. She pasted a coy smile on her lips and batted her lashes once more at her husband. “Tell me true… are you feeling distracted… it’s working, is it not... ?” Her lips parted just a fraction turning the coy smile into something more wolfish. Her fingers dipped to the inside of his wrist again, the lazy circles pausing for her nail to dig in just a little before she soothed it with a soft caress.

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Nicolette and Charles


Who could help but be intrigued by someone who claimed to be excellent at mischief? Of course, there was good mischief and bad mischief, but one assumed the best in a lady. He found himself noding agreeably as she spoke.


As Nicolette tugged on his brass button, he bent towards her. He had no desire to lose a button from his beloved uniform, and did not mind being closer to the beauty. He glanced above as she pulled him closer. Perhaps there was some mistletoe and he would have an excuse to kiss her.


Clearing his throat softly to try and dispel the awkwardness of him being her captive. "Ah, what sort of mischief did you have in mind?"

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The Gowrans


“Well I think the real winner then would be me." he continued to tease. He counted himself a fortunate man, to have a wife who took so readily to sex. To date he'd found no need to take a mistress.


"I am pleased you've better sense than to make a laughing stock of us both." he murmured of her later suggestion with a hint of warning in his voice.


"If you were ever inexpert in anything, I expect to never know." the couple passed, and he then guided his wife through the gap. He knew he'd peeved her a little by not taking to her game, and he supposed she wanted to see him yield to her in some other way to compensate. Wives. One really needed a degree in psychology before taking charge of one! He hoped a change of tack conversationally would work.


"Hmm. Sounds dreadfully like more of the same." he admitted of the report of her cousins. But she was changing the conversation tack now, while doing that little secret thing she did with her fingers.


"Distracted? Why, I am not sure what you are talking about." his lips however tightened, as he tried resist a smile, "I am quite a focussed as I have ever been, intent upon dispatching my duty to god and county, being a good englishman, and in service to the king." While he maintained impeccable posture, his eyes then swung to Diana and glinted.

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Nicolette and Charles


But there was no mistletoe above her. What need has the Lady of Misrule for such devices! Those prompts were for those deficient of courage -- not a woman born with derring do coursing through her veins!


Her eyes flared with pleasure of his bending, though still the pressure on button was maintained, "Well, I was thinking..." Rosebud lips moved towards his, then slid by his ear to whisper, "... that for the sake of His Majesties entertainment, a show of force might be released into the lady of Misrules charge. How might one rule without an army? And you shall be my Field Marshall."


"... and upon my command" her hand had moved to his ear, fingers brushing the downy fine hairs "you might take a golden rope bind the wrist of a pretty lady, this one and that, placed upon charges they shall be confined within a room of scarlet. There, under your dominion they might exist within their luxurious confinement, while their sweethearts petition for their release. A game of love, what finer mischief exists?"


As she spoke on, she drew apart till her eyes of dark held his gaze, "Please, do say yes Major Langdon," Nicolette willed him to agree to her on-the-spur plan, and though to punctuate the greatness of her desire (though some might call it a whim) she pressed her lips in a supplicating kiss.


La! It was a mistake really, but she suddenly knew the cotton of his button had broke. Small fingers clenched about it, and eyes widened a look of guilt.


"Mmm. I have taken my first hostage already." small smile given.

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Louis and Bridget


Bridget was disappointed that he wouldn't escort her to every party she attended. “I can't go alone or I'll look like an outcast.” The obvious solution was for Peregrine to escort her, but his behavior was far from exemplary and he might make things worse for her. She didn't want to include her sisters either. What if Lord Basildon liked Catherine or Sophia more than he liked her? Then they would get all of his attention and she would once more be left out.


The glow and warmth from the punch was quickly wearing off. Bridget wasn't sorry that she had made an agreement with him. She truly believed that he wanted to help her regain the respectability that she had lost because of the false accusations against her father. But now she was thinking a bit more clearly. The smile she gave him was thin and forced, but it was still a smile.


She was also feeling the cold more keenly now and nodded when he suggested they go back inside. Bridget instinctively moved closer to him and didn't even notice that her bosom was pressed against his arm. When he asked her if there were any lords she wished to impress, Lord Ogle came to mind, but it was said that he was already betrothed. He had not mentioned it when they had danced together; nor had she asked.


“No one in particular,” she answered as they began to walk back to the palace. “Do you have any suggestions?” He would know more about the gentlemen at court than she would and since he owed her father a favor, it would be in his best interests to see that her suitors were high in status and esteem.

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Douglas and Juliana


Juliana enjoyed verbal foreplay as much as she enjoyed its physical counterpart, but only a few gentlemen she had known had appreciated the game or knew how to play it well. In this tall intriguing Scot, she felt as if she had met her match. Witty repartee was a thrilling precursor to pleasure in her opinion and she was absolutely positive that he would be magnificent in bed.


“Oh, it is,” she agreed. “I will be happy to give you a tour whenever you wish. The hills are lush and abundant, and there is a certain valley that contains a delightful cave. Once you have entered it and explored it fully, you will discover that there is no greater pleasure to be found. You will want to go back again and again.”


Her body shimmered pleasantly as his blue eyes roved over her, and now it was her turn to pose for him. Placing her half-empty wine glass on a nearby refreshment table, she ran her hand over her bodice as if to straighten it. Her fingers slid over her bosom and continued downward until she reached the pointed center just below her waist. Her hand hovered there for a moment as if about to move lower. Juliana favored him with a wicked grin and then picked up the glass again and took a healthy swig. “It seems that we both crave the same things,” she purred.


Juliana laughed when he pouted. She wanted to reach up and trace the line of his lips but both of her hands were full. “I will introduce you to him at the party. He is hosting a snowball fight later in the week. You certainly don't want to miss that.”


When he asked her if she had been to St James Park, she shook her head. “Not yet,” she replied. His smile was rather mysterious. Did he have some amorous adventure in mind?

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The Toledos and the Danish Ambassador


If Sophia knew that Esteban was proud of her for anything at all, she would not feel so awkward around him. She thought that everything she did disappointed him and that he wished he had never married her. His compliments were few and far between and it seemed he only spoke to her at home when he was reprimanding her for something that displeased him.


And yet, he had no qualms about introducing her to the other Ambassadors. She had half-expected that the would deny her request because he was ashamed of her. Following him over to one of the refreshment tables where a man stood alone, she nodded as he whispered his name.


Sophia curtsied as they were introduced. She wondered if Esteban noticed the way Lord Bysted's eyes lit up when he looked at her. When he reached for her hand, she held it up for him to kiss, hoping that Esteban would be jealous. “It is a pleasure to meet you as well, my lord,” she said, smiling disarmingly. “Have you been in London long? How are you enjoying it so far?”

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Caroline and Charles


She simply had to laugh at the image he conjured up, "Oh heavens! I simply cannot picture you in a dress. Forgive me but there are some things never meant to seen."


Whether he had divined exactly what she had meant her next declaration, he did not hesitate to step forward and throw himself into the breach like a good soldier and volunteer to 'teach' her. Exactly how Caroline figured he would reply, really.


"And I.....well I have confidence in your confidence then otherwise why would I promote you to such loftiness in my court, right?" she beamed.


He then upped the stakes considerably with his next question, there could hardly be mistaking the meaning of it. Caroline didn't bat an eyelash.


"Yes, I thirst for further education as you put it."


That much pretty well settled or so it seemed, the conversation now focused on the here and now. What to do about the last dance coming up? Caroline knew the expectations but there were issues too.


"Well, I know it is a tradition to dance the last dance with the gentleman who brought you. I was escorted here by Lord Maldon, who by the way is truly a wonderful fellow. However, he has some physical afflictions and has made it quite clear he does not wish to dance. I think he feels he would be unable to do it properly and be embarrassed. Sad."


"And yet I feel like I need to do something with John, we are truly good friends. Thus my confusion," she sighed.

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Caroline and Charles


His eye flashed appreciatively as Caroline boldly accepted his thrown gauntlet.


"Well then, Hippolyta, you need but speak the word and your... thirst... shall be satisfied." He smiled.


The issue of her last dance was somewhat more complicated than Charles had expected when he asked. He nodded along as she explained her conundrum.


"Hmm. Well, if the fellow can't dance, perhaps you could tell him that you find the air in here overly close, and ask him to join you on the terrace? The night air is wonderfully bracing and you would be able to spend the entirety of the dance conversing and thus dodge the issue completely. Or you and he could stay inside and poke fun at the dancers. It's late enough in the evening that some of them are bound to be sufficiently lubricated to be amusing." He snorted with amusement. "Were it not for my cake binge I might well count among their number."

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The Gowrans


“You think so?” Diana teased back half laughing a little cockily. With her free hand she reached up and brushed a stray curl absently. The glowing room and the flirtatious banter evidently setting well with her. The grey of her eyes unusually warm, as her skin flushed slightly in the candlelight. Their marriage was not always easy but at least they seemed to agree the big things that popped up in marriages.


Darting a sideways glance up at him, she cocked an eyebrow at him for hinting at a warning. If he didn’t already know then he would in the coming months. Diana didn’t like to be the laughing stock of anything… not unless it was of her own design and something she could control. “Oh, well…! You know how I live to please you,” Pursing her lips sardonically, she replied with a murmur.


It was something else they agreed upon, whether he knew it or not. If she was inept at anything… well… other than her drawing… he knew she couldn’t draw worth a damn…. Than she had no intention of letting him know it. A perfectionist by nature, letting anyone think she was anything less was something that would give her ulcers. She let him guide her effortlessly through the gap, “And ruin the mystery in our marriage? Never. I shall keep my secrets of ineptness to myself, thank you very much.”


Diana would probably would speak more of her thoughts to him later about Arundel and Norfolk, and more importantly Arundel’s talk about running off with his tail between his legs. She loved her cousin but this was not something she approved of hearing. There were a great many things at stake right now and all this talk of running away didn’t help anyone.


Her husband evoked a lot of different emotions in Diana… some good… some bad but one of the ones that was always there… always lingering about was, awareness. Ducking her head a little she tried not to laugh at his words of not being distracted. Her fingers still toying with the sensitive spot on the underside of the wrist. He swung his gaze to her and she looked sideways at him meeting it, her grey eyes laughing. With a soft teasing pinch for his fibbing…


“Not distracted, even a little?” She leaned in just a fraction towards him, her playful puckish eyes quite full of themselves. She was darling and she knew it… Diana bit her bottom lip for half a second pondering a response. Then tilting her head even more to look up at him, the blond beauty blinked innocently, although it was evident she was trying to keep a smile at bay too as she played along, “If that is so, then it must mean you are defective because… I know for a fact I am irresistible.”

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Nicolette and Charles


Blazing cannons but she is a temptress. He had met Nicolette before and found her charming, but in this persona as the Lady of Misrule she was strangely alluring. He had never had any lady feign a kiss, whisper in his ear seductive visions, and then kiss him. It was like she had all the power and he was helpless in her grasp. That was a foreign concept to him, but an enticing one.


"Are you serious?" he found himself whispering. "What lady would volunteer to be held in bondage?" he inquired while feeling a delightful sensation at the thought of holding a golden cord ensnaring female prisoners. She said she wanted him to be her Marshal but what she described was a role more consistent with a jailer. Fortunately for her, he rather liked arresting people.


"I am at your service of course, but I would need to know more." His further queries were cut short by a kiss. It was so pleasurably distracting that he did not realize that he was missing a button until she claimed her hostage.

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The Toledos and the Danish Ambassador


Esteban was a rather guarded man in public, so it would be difficult for Sophia to know his true feelings this night. He was not jealous of a man kissing his wife's hand in greeting.


"I arrived in London last night." He had a slight accent. "It was time for my King to send a new ambassador to London. We are hoping for good relations with England, and with Spain."


"Yes, we must all work together to encircle France. Sophia, did you know that France is allied with Denmark's enemy, Sweden?" her husband asked, as a rudimentary form of educating her in the political landscape. Women were not expected to have much appreciation for the topic, but the Baron thought it important to train his wife to be conversant in world affairs.

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Louis and Bridget


"No one in particular? That is a crime Bridget. You should have any gentleman you want," he replied in an encouraging tone that was the product of manipulation. "There is a secret to charming gentlemen," he offered with false mystery. "We shall work together you and I. By the end of the season, I hope that new and exciting opportunities will be open to you. I have some ideas, but I will keep them secret for now." He offered her a sly smile as he opened the door for her and led her back inside, and straight to the nearest mistletoe in plain view of everyone.


"First, you must be seen kissing gentlemen. It is the holidays after all and kisses are like presents." Without bothering to ask, he bent down to kiss her in a holiday manner. "Happy Christmas Bridget. Here's to a grand season."

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The Gowrans


All the answer given to that was John's pressed-lips smile and tilt of chin.


There was a measure of arrogance to the man, that if she did not learn to adore was likely to drive her to distraction.


"Well I'm glad we've got that settled." his sense of fun still had him appreciate the humor of taking her sarcasm as gospel. The Irishman's eyes met hers, an eyebrow rose, "Some men wait a lifetime to hear such submission from their wife's lips."


The dance floor was by now but yards away, as she played this game on him, talking of distraction in such a way to imply that she'd be willing - and his pretense to be unmoved, goading her to increase her gambit. And she did. It was difficult to keep the smile from showing on his lips, but he did not want to break this little game. Halting, he turned square to her, and then deviating 90 degrees he escorted her elsewhere with nary a word more.


Let her wonder.


OOC: time for a side thread?! Out into the hallway

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Nicolette and Charles

It was by no means a refined plan - she'd made it up while talking to him. But her application of feminine wiles was a finely honed thing, years in the perfecting...


The room might have been empty, as her attention absorbed him in its warmth, "Utterly serious," she breathed as he marveled, and her bruised ego was assuaged.


"It shall be myself, as Lady of Misrule that indicates who shall be 'arrested'. Mmm... and runners shall be sent to tell all. Imagine, Lord Langdon, how enchanted the ladies shall be of their Heros coming to their rescue, and Gentlemen bold accepting the kisses of joy from those released. It shall be a fine game, and quite harmless." she promised.


Too fine a game, she privately realised, thinking she need to figure some wicked twist.


Yet barely had she detailed, when he consented to her plea. Her kiss then given was ripe with gratitude, while her mind marveled at how easy that had been. Why, what could I achieve if I truly tried?


Her hand remained upon his chest still, her eyes opened upon his, he seemed so very sincere and even innocent. "You must claim your hostage, just as those of the game shall need do, by petitioning me. But privately." Her lips were terribly close to his still, her eyes slipped to his mouth, then back to his eyes, her suggestion practically shouted.

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The Gowrans


Diana thoroughly delighted in goading him. It was really a form of affection where she was concerned.


If she thought about it she might realize she was partial to arrogance in men, and women. Pride and arrogance walked hand in hand more often than not. You couldn’t have one without the having a little, or a lot, of the other. The pious might believe pride was a sin but Diana did not. To her, it showed a inner strength of character. It was a sort of glue that held a person together when everything else was lost to them. Or, it had been for her. Perhaps, it took a certain sort of person to admire pride and arrogance. His was not something she faulted, despite her playful goading.


A deep throaty laugh at his reply was followed with a roll of her eyes at him, “You are a fortunate man, in that, do not doubt.” She hoped he realized that to the fullest. She was no ordinary sort of wife.


Dominance. Control. Pushing the limits. These were all the sort of games she loved and while she adored the freedom that the country provided; court was a house of cards that Diana relished and having a willing partner to play along with was a high point. Stopping yards from the dancefloor, her husband came to a grinding halt and turned square to her. For a flash of a moment, Diana wondered if she’d pushed to far. Her head came up and she stared up at him wide eyed. John, turned and started walking off in an entirely different direction, with her in tow.


Heavier on his arm than she had been moments ago, she was putting just enough resistance into it for him to feel but for everyone else not to see. It was at that moment she noticed he was still having difficulty not smiling. Who was playing who? “But… Darling… I thought we were going to dance?” She purred out, onto his little game.



OOC ~ Works for me. I'll let you take them where ever.

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