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The Masque (Saturday Night)

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Saint George's Hall was the largest enclosed area at Windsor and, as such, it would serve as the venue for the ball.  Only half of the grand chamber was devoted to a dance area and seating.  The other half was dedicated to the army of servants that kept punch bowls full and keep the plates full of cheeses that were cut into delicte piecesfor courtiers to enjoy as finger food.  There were dozens of bottles of mulled wine that rested on the tables in case alady insisted. Otherwise, the punch was spiked with large amounts of brandy, which accented the fruit flavors, therefore hiding their presence.  Just a few cups of punch could inebriate someone not known to be a heavy drinker.

A small orchestra was warmingup their instruments and the dance floor was cleared for the first dance.  Yeoman guards were stationed at each entrance to the chapel.  A Captain was scrutinizing the costumes of those attempting entry.  Already one lady reported the theft of someof her jewelry, so the guard was not permitting anyone that wore common attire with a mask.  Personal servants were to wait outside.  If aristocrats needed a servant, they could use a royal page to deliver a note to a special someone. 

The royal family and their retinue were in the Queen's ballroom,enjoying abit of private entertainment as they admired each other's costumes.  There would be littlemystery as to the identity of anyone admitted to the Queen's Ballroom (a/k/a The Van Dyck Room) 

The Crimson Drawing Room was available for those masked courtiers preferring something different than dancing.  It was often the home of the Merry Gang during other balls.  The Music Room was available for courtiers knowing how to play an instrument that might like an impromptu recital for a masked audience.

The gardens, private rooms and closets in the castle would be visited by lovers undoubtedly.


Free photo girl with a yellow ornament on her head and a venetian mask

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White wigs seemed common among those in costume, as it hid hair color.  One portly man in a white wig, a dragon full mask, was speaking with a group of servants.  They were attentive to his needs.

Another older man with white wig and a royal blue with gold trim eye mask stood beside a younger man with scarlet attire and a red ornate eye mask with flames at the top.  The older man was dressed in royal blue clothing as was watching each arrival. 

Guests were just arriving ... .

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In an attempt to appear as unlike her usual appearance, Cat had opted for a seemingly demure costume.  Instead of a wig, she opted to powder her hair to hide the color and placed the top half of her hair into braids that encircled the branch crown, weaving in and out of the branches at seemingly random points, but the design kept the headwear where it was supposed to be.  A half mask covered the top of her face.  Made of white silk with embroidery matching the top of her gown of green and gold vines.  Tiny embellishments of gemstone chips caught the light and caused the mask to sparkle when the light caught the stones.  

The top half of the costume was more coverage than she normally wore.  The neckline was a modest boatneck cut and rides low on the shoulders but still leaves unrestricted movement of the arms.  Elaborate gold and sage green embroidery of vines and leaves start from the bottom of the stomacher, which is grass green silk, flowing up and around the upper body, seemingly wrapping her in vines and ivy.  Among the leaves, small semi-precious gemstones glitter, similar to the mask.  Attached at the back were butterfly wings, painted to resemble the Green Hairstreak, a butterfly native to Scotland.

The skirt was made of layers upon layers of thin silk in the colors of autumn: hunter green, sky blue, light yellows, umber, lavender, red.  Each is a single length, layered in such a way around the skirt as to appear as if they could reveal all with a decent breeze, but a single stitch on each holds them together, keeping things modest. The stitches are masked by the continuation of the gems from the mask down.  Her feet were covered with flesh tone leather flats, in an attempt to hide her height.  It seemed she was early.

Edited by Catriona MacGregor
Forgot the wings
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She arrived alone.

Wearing a pale yellow satin one-piece gown without any ornaments over which she wore a sleeveless heavy red satin surcoat that reached to the ground. It was exquisitely embroidered in a dragon pattern across the back and down each open side in the front. The metallic threads in golds reds and yellows caught the light and the glow from all the amber beads that highlighted the outline would draw the eye to the design as was the intent. Across the upper half of her face she wore a mask in black satin that was tied by a thin red cord underneath her braided hair and secured by pearl pins. A jade necklace around her throat with a single large ruby pendant that hung almost to the top of the scooped neck of her bodice. A single large pearl dangled from each ear and she wore several rings on her fingers.

Who was she? That she had riches enough to afford such costly fabrics was clear but who amongst them all could she be related to?

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An elegant pair arrived together and began to take a tour of the Hall, talking softly between them. Tall and slim, she wore a white dress of silk brocade and lace, augmented with snowy white feathers at her shoulders, elbows and key points about the skirt, and even in her dark brown hair. A broad, white feather fan was held in one hand and a white half-mask covered her face, a yellow beak with black nares adorning the lower edge whilst the upper edge is decorated with more feathered. Her companion, a hand taller than the lady beside him, wore a justacorps of a rich brown velvet, edged in gold, with matching waistcoat and breeches. Paler brown stockings showed off excellent legs, and they, the breeches and the lower edge of the justacorps were embroidered with varying shades of fawn in circular patterns, giving a dappled effect. A pale fawn half-mask supported a pair of modest antlers. 

Another figure entered alone, an older style black justacorps held closed with a bright red sash, through which was thrust a curved sword of exotic make. Thigh high leather boots covered the majority of the loose trousers that were tucked into them. A black tricorn hat, heavy with feathers, sat atop a blonde periwig and below it a full face mask showed a grinning and scarred visage. A large loop of gold hung from one ear, twinkling in the candlelight as the fellow helped himself to the punch. 

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The King of Hearts

A tall, lean figure with very well turned legs clad in white stockings, red and black ribbons at the knees, ending in red heeled court shoes with red and black bows. A cream brocade set of breeches, waistcoat and justacorps, augmented with ribbons in the same colours, as well as copious lace. On the right breast of the coat had been appliquéd a heart in red fabric, and beneath it a 'K' in black; the same motif, upside down, was found upon the lower left pocket. On the back of the coat the pattern was repeated. A black periwig was topped with a brass crown, it's points red enameled hearts. Beneath it the figure wore a white half-mask with a single small, red heart as a beauty spot on it's sculpted cheekbone. Beneath the mask the chin was strong, lips full and the upper lip, barely visible, was dark. Large hands were clad in white gloves. 

He was tall, and short of hacking his legs off at the knees there was nothing that he could do about it, so he might as well play on it. Twice before he'd dressed in a similar fashion; once for fun and once in the line of duty. 

Stepping inside, the King of Hearts paused, regarding the venue in what he considered a regal manner, before making his way inside at a stately pace. As he walked, the eyes behind the mask moved from figure to figure. The fellow with the dragon mask had to be high ranking, to warrant the attention of so many servants. A Duke? The pair nearby looked like a father and son, or perhaps an uncle and nephew. Or maybe brothers in law? He pondered.

The elegant butterfly with Scottish wings caught his eye for a moment, but the way she moved seemed awfully familiar. There was a reasonable probability he knew the butterfly quite well, he suspected. The swan and the stag were a different matter, as was the buckaneer who entered behind them. Not even a twinge of familiarity there, he wouldn't even hazard a bad guess.

Collecting a cup of punch, since that seemed to be the main drink on offer, he turned and wandered in a different direction, when a brilliant flash of red caught his eye. Amber beads glowed and metallic threads glittered in the light of the multitudinous candles, and the rich red silk of her surcoat that had caught his eye brought out glowing red of the gem at her breast. He nearly muttered something blasphemous, for in that glance, in that observation of the way she moved, in the fact that she arrived alone, he was almost certain he knew who she was. And he hadn't realised she was quite that rich. 

It had happened to him once before. At a Libertine masque in Chelsea, he had somehow managed to gravitate to Heather, like a moth to a flame. Her costume, mask and the fact she'd dyed her hair had meant nothing. He hadn't known it was her, only that the sultry lady in question punched his card in a very big way. He'd found out later during their interlude that it was the same lady he'd been drawn to so deeply that season. Their time together had been brief but passionate, and he would never forget. 

But they both moved on. And a certain lady had been much on his mind that day, and she'd said her costume would be simple. Moving on, he altered his trajectory to come closer to the lady in the red silk dragon surcoat. 

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She had not planned on being here and so everything had been very last minute and rather hurried. But she was satisfied and did not really care if anyone else took a dislike.

Dresses in pale cream satin with a scooped bodice that just showed the lace edging of her chemise and had no designs or jewels. Her matching skirt was the same. In truth the fabric alone needed nothing to show it off nor did its wearer. Her dark hair was up with a few whips that floated around her face and on her head she wore a sheer veil that was edged in a narrow plain silver metallic band that created the effect that it had been jeweled when she moved. A simple pearl necklace and matching earrings finished the look. The upper half of her face was covered by a mask of white velvet that tied beneath her hair at the back of her neck with a silver cord. An image of innocence. She was indeed making a statement directed at a few select Gentlemen if they could figure it out that is. Her gaze traveled about the room stopping on each figure she saw as she slowly began her own promenade.

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The Doctor

A figure of warning, featuring in manuscripts and tales. A floor-length coat of dark wool, a mask to bring fear, it's long leather beak and glass eyeholes obscurring the face within, the remainder of the head covered by a black hood, beneath a broad-brimmed hat. In one gloved hand a wand, wrought of metal, twin serpents twined around a central stave to meet at it's top, each sprouting a wing. The only thing lacking in this otherwise imposing figure was that it was a little short. 

It wasn't exactly a cheerful nor elegant outfit, but then he wasn't really in a particularly cheerful mood. Still, he had promised himself that he would attend the events and not hide away in his rooms, and he would keep that promise. He was here, and that was the beginning. Whatever happened beyond that, time and fate would tell. In the meantime he stepped inside and wandered. He couldn't eat nor drink with the mask on, but he'd had a large lunch and alcohol made him maudlin of late. Besides, he felt he had little to hide so he could always take it off later. 

The irony was that, apart from the caduceus, it wasn't actually a costume. 

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'Eleanor of Aquitaine' 

 She arrived amongst a grouping that held both family and friends. She had been chided for her attire but since it was a "Masque" not much could be said.

Wearing a one piece lose gown that had once been worn by her Grandmother its pale rose colored velvet was still beautiful after all this time and from the boat-neck style bodice a long row of pearl buttons ran the length stopping at the hem. She had rooted this out from one of the many clothes chests and it was the only thing that translated into something from "Antiquity" believably. Only a thin petticoat was under it so her shape was clearly on display but it was not vulgar or indecent. Worn low on her hips was a belt made of polished metal squares that were linked together and from the center clasp a chain of gold hung to her knees. Her hair was worn boldy free and hung to her waist. On her head just above her forehead rested a golden circlet its six points topped with a ruby stone each. Her face was half covered by a golden mask. She was beautiful and seductive and her perfume was made by blending spices together with oil then rubbed into her skin. She smiled and chatted but her gaze moved about the room searching out for that one person ...... Her Knight.

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The vision that glided through the door looked like she had just emerged from the ocean. The bodice of her gown was made of turquoise silk, embroidered all over in a scalloped shell pattern of sparkling iridescent thread. Two rows of pearls below a ruffle of chiffon the color of sea foam framed the modestly-cut neckline. Sea foam chiffon also formed her long sleeves, each puff bordered by rows of pearls. Her stomacher was made completely of pearls, coming to a point below her waist which was trimmed with a wide chiffon ruffle. Her full skirt was also comprised of turquoise silk overlaid with chiffon that swirled around her as she walked.


Her half-mask was also turquoise and covered with iridescent scales. The top was decorated with a variety of shells that had been arranged to look like a crown. Rows of pearls in various lengths were attached to the corners forming loops that dangled down below her chin and over the bodice of her gown. She wore a pale blonde wig that trailed on the floor behind her. Some sections had been braided and entwined with turquoise, sea foam, and iridescent ribbons.

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The Knight

A tall man, seemingly over six feet tall, wearing a blackened chainmail byrnie under a white, sleeveless, woolen tunic that draped almost to the floor under a white woolen cape. Both tunic and cape were decorated with crimson red Templar crosses carefully stitched in the front of one and the back of the other.

He wore a blackened great helm with menacing horns that concealed his head and added to his perceived height, as well as oiled and well-worn leather gloves, boots, and girdle. A smaller, one-headed cavalry flail hung from the girdle on the left side of his waist, while a dagger hung from the right.

The Lowlander arrived somewhat early, making sure he did not arrive after the Royal family, as he had done at the yacht races. As he entered, two men in white wigs caught his attention. Lords Bristol and Oxford perhaps? The waist of one and the colour of the other's costume could hint at that. Then there was a lady dressed either as a butterfly or as a nature spirit, and the colour of her wings seemed vaguely familiar. There was also a lady bejeweled from head to toe, a lady that looked like a white heron escorted by a taller man with antlers, and a... buccaneer? A movement caught his attention elsewhere. It was his tall Highlander friend, dressed as a playing card. Nearby he saw a dark-haired lady dressed soberly, but with supreme elegance. A plague doctor, an image that made Duncan shudder, was also present. There was also a lady dressed as a medieval queen, a pearl-clad lady, and others.

The place was beginning to fill. Not wanting to remove his helm just yet, he started to slowly pace around the Hall, taking the sights in, wondering if his arms would one day be hung from Windsor's Choir.

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She was a study in contradictions, a mesmerizing combination of sunlight and shadow. Her dress, which had an empire waist and a pleated full skirt, looked as if two gowns had been split down the middle and combined into one. Each half was drastically different.


One side of her gown was a lovely confection of pale green silk with an off the shoulder bodice and a long flowing sleeve. Multicolored fabric flowers with beaded green leaves trimmed the bodice, cascaded down the sleeve and were scattered artfully over the pleated skirt. The other side was much more austere, comprised of snow white velvet scattered with glittering beads. The neckline slanted upward until it reached her neck and sleeve was straight and tight.


Her mask was also split in two. Half of it was pink with green and yellow lace around the edges while the other half was white and beaded around the eyes and edges. One side of her wig was made with flowing copper curls decorated with flowers, the other straight and white. A wreath half of flowers and half of beaded bare branches sat atop her head.


She was death. She was rebirth. She was Persephone, goddess of Spring and Queen of the Underworld

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She was not really one for playing at 'dress up' and never had been. But times called for adjustments and now was one of them.

With her maid helping it was decided to sacrifice one of her older black silk one-piece dresses and once the trims had been removed it was indeed plain looking. Together they had used red flannel and set about cutting out the desired shapes and then placements on the dress until the desired effect had been achieved. Down the front of the gown, placed at spaced intervals, were red hearts outlined with either red or black glass beads. On her left wrist was a black lace cuff and on her right a red one. Red hearts also ran all the way round her skirt and were placed some 5 inches above the hemline. She had added just enough rouge to tie in and her perfume this time was more spiced based and not one she normally wore. This would help to confuse those she met as well. Her black jet necklace and earrings completed the look.

She had decided that it was only fitting to wear something that held significance to her "Skills" and with the addition of both red and black glass beads, which were a combination of new and taken from other articles, the effect was not bad at all. A black wig covered her own hair and they had managed to set it well so that it did not look like what it actually was. A red scarf was tied around it much like what she imagined a turban worn by a harem woman and the tasseled ends added a nice decorative touch. Her shoes had been re-healed and the added inches made her that much taller and not as easy to discern or so she thinks. Half her face was covered by a mask of black silk. 

And now she stood fully attired and ready to arrive.

A true "Queen of Hearts" by all appearances.

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He was as a fish out of water.

But in order to survive he must adapt and learn. If this was how 'They' entertained themselves then so be it.

He had nothing from which to draw on to create what he was supposed to be wearing. But after some contemplation he found a solution and took himself down to Windsor Town there finding all that fe needed.

Dressed in black breeches with thigh-high boots of his own and a crisply laundered white linen shirt over which a waistcoat of a dark purple fabric that was embroidered with a silver metallic thread in a vine pattern was worn. Over that a ruby red coat fitted him perfectly and highlighted his physical form and strength to best advantage. The same embroidery pattern was around the turned back cuffs and around the lapels on either side. He had powdered and then combed his hair so that it resembled that of a man grown older and he wore it tied back. The upper half of his face was covered by a black velvet mask. He looked the very picture of some wealthy and prosperous Gentleman. A walking stick was his only accessory and the handle was made to resemble a Wolf's head with its two eyes made of gold topaz.

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The Phoenix


The low-cut bodice of her gown looked as if it had been fashioned completely of red and orange silk feathers with beaded golden tips pointed upward. Her stomacher was beaded in a sunburst pattern with red, orange and gold glass beads. She wore a tiered necklace made of rubies, topazes, and orange glass gemstones.


It was impossible to tell what the skirt was made of, as large squares of chiffon bordered with golden beads had attached by one corner in rows that completely covered it, forming fluffy ruffles in the colors of red, orange and saffron. They were arranged in such a way that they looked like feathers that ended in flames. Attached to her stomacher in the back was a long matching train that rippled across the floor behind her.


Her red silk sleeves were decorated with golden beads that seemed to spiral around them. When she raised her arms, she revealed her wings, panels that had been sewn along the underside of her sleeves. They were formed of rows of pointed silk with golden beaded edges in alternating shades of red, orange, and saffron.


Her orange half mask had a golden beak. Sparkling feathers that matched those on her bodice pointed upward around the edges. The mask itself was studded with small rubies and topazes. A veil of red, orange and saffron chiffon layers interspersed with matching feathers completely concealed her raven hair, which had been fastened into a bun at the back of her head.

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So many looks directed at her she could feel them as she moved about the great space.

Her attire was indeed the only one she had seen so far and so she was glad. The mixing of yellow and red was not common and thus she held some advantage over other women. She had watched as they began to arrive and all were beautiful and creative and it was almost impossible for her to guess at identities. Until the arrival of someone and she was sure she knew who it was.  And when he began to come closer to where she was standing she gave a small smile and continued on. Deliberate in her leading wanting him to chase for after all was that not the point?  

She was stopped then by two Gentlemen both in animal costume.

She gave a small polite nod in greeting then took a step back as one of them reached out with a hand clearly wanting to draw her in closer between them.

Already well into their cups by their actions yet she did not want to create a scene.

The area around was getting more crowded especially with those that had elaborate attire which jostled her towards them rather than away.

They laughed behind masks as together they made to steer her towards a darkened archway assuming that she was just as willing as they.

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Virgin goddess of justice, innocence, purity and precision in the religion of Ancient Greece, arrived clad in snowy white brocade, her dress's modest neckline edged with a row of single pearls, noticable to the close observer. The sweeps and swirls of the brocade had been edged in silver thread and accentuated here and there with silver cheque beads, making the dress gleam and glitter in the candlelight. A white half mask had likewise been edged in siver thread and beads, whilst it's upper edge sported a fine silk veil, similarly embroidered, which covered the wearer's hair. Two more pieces of veil were attached each at a shoulder of the dress at one point, at the wrist of the wearer at another, together at the third whilst the fourth point floated free, seeming almost like wings. 

A single string of pearls adorned her throat, her only jewellery.

It was... a lot. The introductory soiree had felt overwhelming, but tonight with it's hidden faces and unknown names - when she knew so few anyway - seemed a little overwhelming. But, she reminded herself, did it not also level the playing field? No one knew she was a debutant, why she might as well be the court jade that Lord Mountjoy had suggested on their first meeting. 

Tonight she was a goddess; serene, pure and regal. With her hand on her companion's arm - costumed as her father Astreaus - and her head held high, she stepped into the room. 

Edited by Eleanor Bayning
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The flow of courtiers continued.

The Crusader

A man arrived with a full silver colored mask with a wide brimmed hat.  He wore a white surcoat with a red crusader's cross on it. He had sleeves of chainmail but wore no further armor.  He wore scarlet breeches and a sword hung at his side.

The Philosopher

The man wore a black eye mask and a white wig.  Dressed in an ornate Greek toga.  His face seemed to be more mature in age.  No sword.

The Unicorn

A white horse mask that covered all but the mouth, has a golden horn sticking outward. The jacket is white silk, as are the breeches.  The wig is white.  A sword hangs at his side.

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King of Hearts

A tall, lean figure with very well turned legs clad in white stockings, red and black ribbons at the knees, ending in red heeled court shoes with red and black bows. A cream brocade set of breeches, waistcoat and justacorps, augmented with ribbons in the same colours, as well as copious lace. On the right breast of the coat had been appliquéd a heart in red fabric, and beneath it a 'K' in black; the same motif, upside down, was found upon the lower left pocket. On the back of the coat the pattern was repeated. A black periwig was topped with a brass crown, it's points red enameled hearts. Beneath it the figure wore a white half-mask with a single small, red heart as a beauty spot on it's sculpted cheekbone. Beneath the mask the chin was strong, lips full and the upper lip, barely visible, was dark. Large hands were clad in white gloves. 

They began to move in a pretty dance, he and the lady in the red dragon surcoat. Her small smile said she'd clearly seen him, yet she moved away. The invitation to chase was plain, but two could play at that game. He wanted to be certain, so he kept an eye on new arrivals. Persephone was a bipartite vision, the young lady in the old fashioned fashion arrived with a small mob; no doubt some Earl or Duke and his wife and daughters. A phoenix rose from the flame, radiant and splendid with coal-dark hair. Then another caught his eye; a lady in a black dress patterned with hearts, a red turban upon her head. A Queen of Hearts! That warranted playing to. He and the dragon lady had all night, 

Except they didn't. He was about to move in the direction of the lady in the heart covered dress, made a last glance in the direction of the lady in the dragon surcoat, and saw that in those moments she'd stopped to talk to two gentlemen in animal costumes. No, he recognised that type of controlling movement, she was being hustled by them. Oh no you don't. It didn't matter whether he was right or wrong about her identity, no one hustled a lady whilst he was around. 

A few long strides closed the distance, and the King of Hearts tapped the nearer of the two gentlemen on the shoulder with a gloved finger to get his attention. 

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Dragon Lady in Red 

"Leave me be!" She hissed at them. "Take me further and I WILL make a scene  ...."

Her resistance was not of the token variety yet that was how it was seen.

"Ah  ..... Why else are we all wearing masks sweeting ......." Said one.

"Let us find some darkened place and there we shall all be well-pleased ...." Said the other.

Laughter shared by men gone to too much drink followed and she had no freedom to try to pull a hairpin in some defense.

It was from behind them she saw a gloved hand tap one of them which brought forth a reply tossed over a shoulder as they continued to try to move on.

"Not now! Go find your own bit of fluff  ..... no room to share  ...."

More laughter followed.

She was in-between and as such could not turn to see who was trying to engage.

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