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Timeless Treasures | Friday morning

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The Mare's Nest is full of possibilities. Dimly lit, crowded - is that half-seen item an antique valuable beyond measure or what is politely termed 'a collectable'?

Shelves and tables overflow with items - fine furniture stands cheek by jowl with dubious marriages of timber oddments which nevertheless may really be the clothes press of Old King Ned - King Hal's grandsire that was.

Mr Otway, the gentle greybeard proprietor, filled his speech with 'in the style of', 'reputed to be' and, daringly, ‘from the school of'. Buy it because you enjoy it, not for it's value, would be his advice - were he asked for it.



People stopped to stare as the sedan chair carried by Spanish soldiers peregrinated down the road. This is the way to travel! Sophia thought. She loved the view from so high up and she felt like a Queen. In her cornflower blue grown lavishly adorned with ribbons, lace, and pearls, maybe she looked like one too. It was difficult to resist the urge to wave regally at those who looked upon her.


The Mare’s Nest came into view. It had been a few days since she had seen Caroline, and she had asked her to meet her there.  Shopping was always more fun with friends.  Sophia had passed by it many times, and was curious about the wonders it held. Perhaps she could find a gift for Juan, or even Esteban. Her husband was not happy with her at the moment, but when was he ever?


She was a bit early because she had not known how quickly the soldiers would be able to weave their way through the traffic of town. They lowered the chair.  Sophia remained seated, waiting for  Caroline to arrive


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Caroline had been happy to agree to spend some time once more with her old friend, Sophia. Like Sophia, she had never been to this antique shop and had to ask some of George's household staff about it's location. A fine coach dropped her and her Irish bodyguard off in front of the Mare's Nest, George was rich and expected her to travel in style. Upon alighting from the vehicle her bright mood soured at the sight of Spanish soldiers!

She could not help herself, she was her father's daughters and shared his visceral hatred for Spain. It still bothered her that Sophia had married the Spanish ambassador though she tried not to dwell on it. The young lady shared a glance with her veteran Irishman who just slowly shook his head. The man had served on the continent and had fought against the Hapsburgs and the Spanish on occasion. So no love lost there.

Well, she was here now, she would simply have to go thru with it. With a rather somber look on her face, she moved up short of the coach then stopped. Hopefully Sophia could see she had arrived, she would be damned if she was going to speak with one of those soldiers, who she now patently ignored.

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A servant had been the first to hear the arrival of many boots on the road and to see the sight of a woman being carried in some kind of chair before they came to a halt before shop.

He had quickly gone to inform his Master of it muttering something about 'there might be dangers ahead ....'.

The Proprietor was not one known for concerns but when a servant long in his employ expressed such words he himself went up the narrow staircase to have a look.

Indeed there was a Lady perched in an open sedan chair of sorts who, by the look of it, was great with child. And then a coach arrived and he watched as another Lady was helped down and seemed to know the other. He took note as well that those men were attired as Soldiers and not English ones. He had no appointments with a foreign customer so as to just WHO this Lady was remained a mystery. Could be Italian or Spanish he muses. That they were there to provide protection was also clear.

He twitched back the window covering and returned downstairs quietly setting two servants to work to make entry and movement easier.

He had no wish to have broken things scattered abut due to the clumsiness of a woman great with child who should, he reasoned, be nestled safe from site in her home.

Several vases, three dining chairs, four figurines and two standing candelabras soon found new places and he thinks that now a pathway is sufficiently made.

Naturally if anything was damaged or broken the bill would be sent immediately to the husband. 

He took up his usual place behind the counter arranging some China ceramics newly arrived.

They were bowls in various shades of blue design for soup or stews so he had been told. And so he put them into the display case behind him.

He hoped that all this trouble would result in sales. Ladies who came to browse but not buy he had no real time for.

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Sophia smiled when she saw Caroline emerge from a fine carriage. Being married to a wealthy gentleman had its advantages and her friend definitely deserved the finest things in life. She noticed the way Caroline looked at her Spanish attendants and understood why she wouldn’t come any closer. The French and Spanish hated each other with a passion.


She stepped out of the chair and told the soldiers in Spanish to find a place out of the way to wait for her. The shop was not so large that she needed to be carried inside. Walking for short distances was good for her and there was probably a chair that she could sit in if she needed to rest.


The Spaniards picked up the chair and moved off. Sophia waddled toward Caroline, smiling. “Lady Chichester, it’s delightful to see you again! You look wonderful!”  Marriage seemed to agree with her friend.

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Posted (edited)

Sophia carefully alighted from her sedan chair, she was big. That child should be coming very soon now by the size of it. Plus Sophia was on the petite side, it must indeed be quite a load to bear. Would she look like that one day? Caroline wanted children but to be honest she dreaded what one would have to go thru just to do it. The men got away easily.

Caroline smiled at the slow approach of her pregnant friend waiting until Sophia greeted her first.

"Ah it is a true pleasure to see you again, my lady. How are you holding up, my dear? You look quite ready for it to be over with."

She then feathered a kiss on one cheek than the other of Sophia  before continuing, "And yes, it is obviously new and shiny still, but I am enjoying the married life.  George is proving to be a kindly and diligent husband."

"And your ...Spaniard," she could not bring herself use Sophia's husband's title or even name, "Is he excited about the new arrival?"

Edited by Caroline Despanay
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“I am ready whenever the baby is. It was a joy to carry this child until about a month ago. Ladies who are not so short probably have an easier time of it. I’ve been told I am likely farther along than I think. Now I hope that is true and I don’t still have a month and a half to go.”


Sophia returned Caroline’s air kisses. “I’m so happy for both of you, though I must apologize for nearly collapsing at your reception. I guess I took on too much. That’s another thing I miss … singing. I don't have the breath for it anymore.”


She shrugged. “I don’t know if he’s excited or not. He very rarely shows any emotion at all. He’s getting more strict with me every day. I know he wants to confine me to the house, but he knows it will upset me and that’s not good for the baby.” She waved toward the sedan chair. “He insists that I travel in that, and in truth, it’s rather fun.”


Knowing how her friend felt about Spaniards, she didn’t want to dwell on that subject. She looped her arm through Caroline’s. “Shall we go in? I’ve been curious about this shop ever since we arrived in Windsor. Who knows what wonders we will find inside?”


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"Oh, well the reception was becoming a bit boring anyway when you swanned to the floor. You just provided some excitement," Caroline grinned.

She had to ask about Sophia's Spanish husband, much as she loathed the man. Unsurprising to her at least, Sophia said the fellow was being very controlling. It had been his idea then to parade his wife around London like some Egyptian pharoah. Humphh!

"At least you enjoyed the ride then," Caroline commented.

However Sophia was there to shop and the pair were still outside the door to the place. Sophia looped her arm inside Caroline's and expressed a real excitement to see what sort of treasures they might find within.

"Certainly. I may even decide to spend some of my husband's money. He can afford a little extravagance on my part, do you not think?"

And with that, the two headed on inside.

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The Proprietor of the establishment had done all he could within the limited space provided but he was still going to be over-watchful.

A servant hovered about some half way distance busy with his tasks but he too had a watchful eye and the thought of a BABY suddenly needed to be born made his stomach ache in nervousness.

"Good Morning Ladies  ......"

Came his genial welcome said in tones oft times reserved for Religious spaces.

"You're free to browse but be aware that once broken it be sold   ...."

He did not as usual offer up that little slogan but given the physical girth-ness of one of the Lady's and out of respect for his inventory felt it was needed.

"Have you an interest is anything in particular? I have many Treasures from exotic places as well as more simpler things of value."

They were indeed free to roam about as this establishment had once been a house so things were arranged with enough spaces between. There were a few sturdier chairs that he had directed to be at convient readiness if needed.

His practiced eye also told him that both had coin to spend given the way they had each arrived.

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Sophia laughed, pleased that Caroline didn’t feel as if she had ruined her wedding. “Well, my purpose was to entertain.” Her eyes narrowed teasingly. “I guess I succeeded, though not in the way I planned.”


As to the sedan chair: “I love it!” she exclaimed. “I can see so much better when I’m up so high. I can even see the tops of peoples’ heads. I hope he lets me keep it after the baby is born,”


Caroline was as eager to go inside the shop as she was. “I’m sure he would tell you to buy anything you want because you’re worth it.”


Arm in arm, the two ladies entered the shop. A man who was likely the owner greeted them cordially. Sophia wondered if his warning was meant for her. Maybe some of the pregnant women who visited the store had been clumsy. Commoners didn’t have the grace of the nobility. She promised herself that she would be careful, though, and not let her excitement run away with her.


“I’m not looking for anything in particular, but I am fascinated by unusual objects and historical items. I would love to find a tapestry with so many details that you always find something new when you look at it.”  If there was one available, Sophia planned to attach it to the ceiling of her lying-in chamber so that she could look at in while she was stuck in bed.


She glanced over at Caroline, wondering what she would say.

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"A tapestry .....   hmmm ....."

With that rather cryptic reply he whispered to his servant to watch and then went from that part of the shop to another where he spent some time going thru this and that until he found what he wanted.

I wonder if this is what she seeks  ... admittedly it's rather fitting to her current condition   ..... but I shall take both just in case and wait and see  ....

He straightened and rearranged until satisfied then returned to the main shop placing the wrapped objects on the counter.

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Caroline nodded at Sophia's desire for an appropriate tapestry, interesting choice and told her so,  "Ah yes, a tapestry would give much for the eye to wander."

"You know.....I wonder," she sighed as if suddenly deep in thought, "Do you think this place appraises items as well as sells them? I have something in my possession, that I am wondering where it came from originally. It was my mother's and I am so curious to find out more about and if God is merciful, even more about the individual who first gave it to her. For, you see, it was not my father."

"She wore it all the time until her death," she added.

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“I’ll have plenty to do while in confinement, but when I have to lie in bed, I might as well have something interesting to look at.” Sophia had asked Esteban for new paintings, but he had refused. He therefore had no right to complain if she purchased a tapestry or two. As she watched the proprietor walk away, she wondered if there were other things in the shop that might keep her occupied while she waited for her baby to arrive.


Her eyes lit up at Caroline’s revelation. “Oh, a mystery! That sounds so exciting. She never told you anything about it?” She was fairly certain that her friend had asked at some point during her childhood. “Did your father know?"


The shopkeeper returned and lay two wrapped items on the counter. “You can always ask,” she whispered to Caroline. “If they don’t do appraisals, maybe they know somebody who does.”


She turned to the shopkeeper. “May I unwrap them?” she asked about the tapestries, if that was indeed what the two objects were.  If they were very old, they might be fragile.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sophia was intrigued by her revelation of this mystery necklace and had questions.

"Mother said once, though she was deep in her cups, that that was her prize possession - well next to me, of course. You see I was an only child. I think father had hoped for a boy. But no, they never spoke of it that I heard of. Not even certain father knew about it," Caroline explained.

Then the shopkeeper returned and had the goods for Sophia to take a closer look at it. Sophia thought that Caroline should pursue her quest by at least asking the man if he did appraisals or knew somebody who did.

"I will, but first I will stand by and let you make your choices," Caroline smiled.

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He gave a small smile as he replied saying 

"Sadly since they re so delicate it is I that must do the unveiling."

He took note also of the other ladies speech about an object she had that was of interest. But first it was to business at hand  ....

"I have two pieces of tapestry both having the interest of your current .... condition  ....... that you might find comforting ...."

He gently began to unwrap the first few layers until the actual rolled fabric was seen. He then very carefully to open it up.

"It is a rare thing indeed and how it came into my possession was just by chance   ......

"It is an embroidering of the painting Visitation by the artist Piombo ....."

"It was presented to Queen Claude of France as she awaited the birth of her seventh child."

He did not add that she died and was only 24 years old. Best not to add any harmful thoughts he thinks.

"It has the Virgin Mary visiting her cousin Elizabeth. The Portrait portrays Mary as younger with Elizabeth as older which in actuality is the other way round."

"Queen Claude had it placed in her confinement chamber so it has been said."

It was a large piece without its frame and the colors of blues, reds, greens, golds were as if first sewn despite it being 150 years old if the Story is actually true. It is significant as its depicting the Virgin Mary (the younger woman) blessing Elizabeth (the older woman) on her being pregnant so late in life - A Miracle of sorts. An assurance subtly that the child would be a son and born healthy or so it can be interpedrtuded. (Elizabeth would give birth to who would later become John The Baptist.)

He would give Sophia enough time to study it and if she showed any interest then move to the other still unwrapped.

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Caroline’s explanation increased Sophia’s curiosity. “I’d love to see it. Do you have it with you?” If she possessed a piece of jewelry that had belonged to her own mother, she would wear it all the time and never take it off.


“By all means, mention it while I look at the tapestries,” she advised. There were a lot of things in the shop that interested her and she believed that they would be here for quite some time.


The tapestries were too delicate for her to unwrap herself. She watched with interest as the first one was revealed. It was quite beautiful and colorful and the subject was indeed appropriate.  While Sophia adored history, she had never paid much attention to when and how people died unless it was important. She knew who Queen Claude was, but not that she had died in childbirth at a young age. Nor would it have mattered.  Her death had not been the tapestry's fault.


Though perhaps it had never belonged to Queen Claude at all since the proprietor had made one very obvious mistake.  “Mary was younger than Elizabeth. It says so in the Bible.”


Sophia turned her attention to Caroline. “What do you think?” Her friend’s opinion was important to her.


To the shop owner: “May I see the other one? And are either of them sturdy enough to be attached to a ceiling?”


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"I will take your word for it about Mary and Elizabeth," smiled Caroline, "Not much of a reader when it comes to scripture I must confess."   Left unsaid of course but frankly she found the whole Bible rather boring and parts quite unbelievable. But for all she knew Sophia might be quite devout.

Sophia now asked her what her opinion might be of this, the first tapestry. Caroline studied it a moment before answering.

"It is a part of history, I like it. And at one time someone did a lot of hard work to make it, that says something, right?" was her assessment.



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The Lady then insisted that his telling was incorrect  ....

"Ah but you must understand that the Artist of the Portrait did indeed paint Mary as younger and Elizabeth as older  ....

"The significance or interpretation being that Mary was Blessing the fact that the older woman (Elizabeth) was able to conceive at her age and thus a 'miracle' of sorts."

"The hands that did this work did a very good job of showing it in the faces of the two women."

"Of course."

He gently rolled the first up and then unwound the second for her to view.

While this was going on two workers nearby were quietly polishing a writing desk and it would be possible for either of the Ladies to overhear  ....

I think the whole things is a hoax  ....

but the wood is of a fine quality and the skill  ....

don't matter that part ..... did you look it over and what did you find  .....

craftsmanship matters  .... and i can not find where this 'secret compartment' is placed  ......

same with me  ..... if'in there was then we would have found the catch by now right  .... 

"Here is the second  ....."

He unrolled it carefully out and then continued

"It is a depiction of Saint Catherine of Alexandria who is the Patron Saint of Childbirth."

"The colors and workmanship are clearly to be seen and even after so much time has gone by it retains its beauty."

"If you are thinking which would best suit your  ... er .... needs .... Then I would say this one."

He now understood what her thoughts were - she wanted to purchase something to hang in her confinement rooms - or so he was assuming.

"Well I would suggest that a backing be sewn first to keep it clean and the stitchings safe. If you wish to hang it on a ceiling I am not sure why you would do so."

"Far better to put it inside a frame and then placed on an easel I should think. Or it can be hung upon a wall   ....."


*(size of both are 3'x2' so big enough to frame and display or to hang from a pole)

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Sophia had never read the Bible all the way through, but she liked some of the stories, which she had first been introduced to by her nursemaid when she was a small child. The woman had been a natural storyteller, and her tales were more enjoyable than reading them herself. She had never really pondered whether they were true or not.


Maybe she had misunderstood the shopkeeper. Perhaps he had not meant that Elizabeth was younger than Mary, but that their positions in the painting were reversed. To her, it looked like the younger woman was blessing the older one, but it could be the other way around. That would give her something to contemplate while she was in confinement.


Caroline liked it too. “Yes, it must have taken a long time to complete and the workmanship is superb.”


It was difficult not to hear the conversation between the two workers. While the proprietor unwrapped the second tapestry, Sophia glanced over at them, curious as to what item supposedly had a secret compartment. She could think of several. The object they were discussing was a writing desk. The young Countess was quite intrigued. She turned back to Caroline, one golden eyebrow arching upwards. “That sounds intriguing,” she whispered. “Do you need a writing desk?”


The second tapestry was as gorgeous as the first. It probably would be better to hang them on the wall where she could see them from her bed. They were a bit small for the ceiling. “I want something to hang on the ceiling above my bed so I can look at it when I’m lying down. I am interested in both of these tapestries, and you’re right that they would look better framed on an easel, of which I have several. Do you have anything larger that could be attached to the ceiling? It doesn’t have to be a tapestry. It could be a painting or anything that has a lot of detail and provokes thought.”


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"As to hanging from a ceiling  ... No I have nothing that would match your needs. Indeed I shall tell you that it may well be impossible to find such a thing."

"Things of this nature are not meant for a purpose you describe. Perhaps it might be best to direct the ceiling itself to be painted upon if that is possible?"

"That way some Allegory or Spiritual painting might be re-purposed to the place you wish   .... That is my best suggestion My Lady."

Honestly women are such tiresome creatures!

And did she not see the discomforts that topic brought to men in general? He feels a genuine sorrow for whoever is married to her.

Naturally his countenance did not let any of these thoughts pass over.

"I am sorry to not be able to provide for you."

"I can, if you wish, put some word out of that which you seek and something might come back but I do not know how long it might be."

This said with a pointed look at her 'condition'.

Since she had expressed no interest he began to roll up the second as he had done with the first. He would put them back once he was alone.

"You are free to look about and might find something else that attracts   ...."

His gaze went to the two that were busy with the desk

"Be gentle with that piece - as I have said it is very fine and requires care. It has no damage at present and will stay that way."

He then offered an apology to the Ladies....

"I am sorry for the interruption."

"But it has just come to me after some lengthy time and I am anxious that it be preserved   .... It is a rare piece indeed and one of some mystery."

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sophia turned back to Caroline, one golden eyebrow arching upwards. “That sounds intriguing,” she whispered. “Do you need a writing desk?”

Caroline had been looking at the tapestries but glanced then toward the desk. They had more than one in George's estate. It did look like it was in fine shape though if it was very old.

"Not really, I am not much of a writer to be honest. My dear husband is quite the painter but one doesn't need a desk for that," Caroline answered.

Left unsaid, Caroline did have to silently agree with the man, one should not hang a tapestry from a ceiling. Painting something would be more traditional. Of course a talented artist who could do such things would cost a small fortune. Would Sophia's Spanish husband be willing to pay for that?

The man must have realized he was going to get no sale on a tapestry and turned his attention back to his workers handling the desk. After which he apologized for his interruption.

"But it has just come to me after some lengthy time and I am anxious that it be preserved   .... It is a rare piece indeed and one of some mystery."

"Oh? A mystery you say? What sort of mystery?" Caroline was intrigued, a good story was always nice.

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Hiring an artist to paint the ceiling was such a simple solution that Sophia wondered why she had not thought of it herself. She would discuss it with Esteban when she got home. As for artists …


“I wonder if your lord husband might know an artist who would paint a mural above my bed,” she said to Caroline. She knew that he supported aspiring artists and had recommended one to her before for another commission. They would not charge as much as an established painter and she wasn’t expecting a masterpiece.


The young Countess frowned when the proprietor rolled up the tapestry. She was considering buying one of them to hang on her wall, but she had not even begun to look at all the treasures the shop contained. It was possible that she might find something she liked better.


Caroline didn’t need a writing desk. Sophia could use another one, she supposed. She was curious about the secret compartment that the worker had mentioned. It was also a lovely piece, much finer than the one in her bedroom in London. She had never been fond of that one, but it had been the best she could find at the time. Maybe it could be relocated to the estate that her child would grow up on and this antique desk could replace it.


Even the shop’s owner spoke of a mystery attached to it. Caroline seemed fascinated by it too and asked about it. “Do tell us,” she added. “I adore mysteries.”

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OOC~  I am taking over this thread so that Davina can join this thread.  I will be handling the mystery of the writing desk only.  The proprietor will otherwise be played by Raconteur.


Once  the cloth was removed from the writing desk, it would be seen to be a writing desk to be used in bed,or to be placed on a table so that the writer could stand while writing.  It was made from cherry wood and it had a series of carved cherubs around the perimeter.  The legs looked sturdy enough to support some weigh, and were about 12-18 inches high.  There was no sign off a drawer, though vertical indentations appeared at regular intervals around the body of the desk.  So, a secret drawer might have existed, but well camouflaged.  A closer inspection of the place a drawer handle would exist, a panel of three brass buttons could be seen.

"This is the desk of Thomas Morton, Bishop of Durham.  You ladies are soyoung that you do not recall that, after the Civil War, the bishops in the House of Lords were seen as too pro-royalist.  The Church of England itself was suspect.  All of the Bishoprics were dissolved in the Commonwealth and the churches plundered by the Roundheads.  Durham Cathedral was the home of St. Cuthbert, but his images were vandalized because they were creations of the Catholic church.  Morton was imprisoned for a time for fear that he was hiding Catholic artifacts from being destroyed.  He was released and lived out his life, some say with a secret to tell," the Proprietor explained.

"He died in 1659, a year before the Restoration.  He left no family.  If he had a secret, it died with him," the man stated remorsely.  "Some say, however, that he wrote to his friend to reveal the secret should ever the King be restored.  That letter might be in this very desk.  It came into my possession just now, 20 years later, after his caretaker died.  She held the table all this time,"  He explained.  "I have tried every combination of pushing the buttons and nothing has happened, but these buttons are here for a reason.  They are the guardians of the secrets that lie in this table," he added dramatically.

"Even without a secret, this table is worth 25 pounds.  With its secret, it is clearly worth 50," he offered.


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There was no choice but to try this and hope success was found.

Usually she always found the right thing for gifts but this one was altogether too important.

She was in no position to actually think that whatever she might give as a Christening Gift would be well received.

But only a handful knew about what was going on and so to the rest of Court she must present just as they did.

The door opened and she stepped inside and as her eyes adjusted she saw that two others were also present - Lady Toledo and the new Countess of Chichester.


She held nothing against the new Countess and indeed she was very Happy that George had married.

And Lady Toledo still being out and about in Public came as no surprise either.

The Owner had looked up but she waved aside any need for being greeted and instead began a slow wander her gaze roaming slowly not wanting to miss anything that might be helpful.

And that was how she came to overhear about a desk that so it seemed held a secret  .......

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  • 2 weeks later...

OOC~  As stated in previous announcements, if any player does not post for a couple of weeks, the others may continue to post, assuming that the missing player is just watching wordlessly.  If the PC returns, she may post at any time.

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The writing desk was lovely. Sophia especially liked the cherubs carved into it. She had never seen one that could be used in bed before. It would be perfect for her while in confinement. Sketching would be easier, and she could write letters to her friends announcing the birth of her child while she waited to be churched. Mystery or no mystery, she wanted it for the purpose it was made for. If it wasn’t too expensive, she would buy it. Unless Caroline wanted it too.


They mystery surrounding it was compelling as well. She studied the three buttons as the proprietor told its story. Was the letter that the Bishop had hidden inside it an important message for the King about Catholics? Something positive that would change the way they were treated in England? Esteban would probably be intrigued by it too and wouldn’t mind if she bought it, even for fifty pounds.


“What a fascinating tale! Do you know who his friend is? Maybe he knows how to open it.” Sophia had a few ideas she would like to try herself. Maybe the buttons had been put there to distract people from the real way to open the secret compartment.  It would certainly keep her busy in confinement, though it would be more fun to share the mystery with friends.


As she pondered various possibilities, her gaze roamed around the shop. Her eyes widened when she saw Mistress Wellsley perusing the merchandise. When had she come in? As a Catholic, she might be interested in the mystery too. Sophia waved to her and beckoned her to join them.

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It was then that Lady Toledo spotted her and she had no choice but to go closer.

"Lady Chichester. Lady Toledo."

She dipped a small curtsey to both. 

"I could not to help but overhear  ...."

She explained.

Her gaze went to the desk and then she found herself going to it her eyes appraising it carefully. It was carved nicely and the wood was of excellent quality.

 I wonder  ......

"And no one has been able to open it?"

This directed to the shop owner.

"Secret compartments are usually mechanical in composition  - I have a puzzle box that is made so - so perhaps this is the same."

"Three buttons that when pressed or pried do nothing  ...... or so you say."

She turned back to the others then her words directed at the owner.

"And it has no owner to claim it? How odd as well. Perhaps, after so much time, it truly was forgot."

She turned to Lady Toledo to ask

"And does this interest you as well? A Mystery to be sure and one that entices."

"If we both want then  - why do we not agree to split the cost and work together to solve it?"


Lady Toledo might well be surprised at the sudden offer especial as to who was offering it!

Lady Chichester had not showed much interest so she did not think she was after it at all.

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Sophia asked for more information.  "His friend was John Metcalf, a curate and dear friend that lived in Windsor.  During the Commonwealth, John fled to the Continent.  Morton exchanged letters and expected John to return when Cromwell passed.  When Morton died, he asked his caretaker to travel to Windsor to give the desk to John.  She obeyed and used the Bishop's coin to buy a ramshackle cottage at the outskirts of town.  She waited 18 years and John never arrived, dead most likely, as is the mystery ... that is unless a trio of clever and enterprising ladies could solve the puzzle the Bishop left.  Who knows what secret is begging to be discovered?" he enticed.  "A man would take a hammer to the table and turn it into firewood to find the secret.  You ladies have the gentle touch to save a priceless piece of work from destruction, and still solve the mystery."  How could any lady refuse this merchant who knew how to weave a story to captivate a customer?

To Davina, he confirmed "you heard correctly milady.  Maybe tis easy for you to solve, with puzzle box experience."

"If you give me your names," he offered, as his clerk came forth with papers and wax for any signet ring.  "I will send the bill to your husband," he answered Sophia, "or all of your husbands," he added with a laugh as he looked at the other two.  "Where would you like my lads to deliver the table?"


Edited to add response to Davina.

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“Good morning, Mistress Wellsley,” the young Countess replied as the other lady approached and greeted both Caroline and herself.  The shop was small enough that she had heard the proprietor’s tale and had questions of her own. Sophia’s inquiry was answered first, adding to the mystery surrounding the desk. The Bishop’s friend must be dead if he had not retrieved the desk for eighteen years. Or maybe he had been uninterested. She wondered if he was still alive and if she could track him down.


Mistress Wellsley was as intrigued as she was and wanted the desk as well. One blonde eyebrow rose when she suggested they split the cost and try to solve the secret together. Sophia considered her a friend, but they didn’t always see eye to eye. She knew that Davina didn’t approve of anything she did that went against the rules that ladies were supposed to live by. However, they’d never had an argument and always agreed to disagree. Perhaps their differences would help them find the secret compartment.


The shop owner seemed quite eager to sell it to them. Sophia understood why he would rather ladies buy it than a man who would destroy it without thinking twice. The desk was too beautiful to suffer such a fate.


The diminutive Countess smiled at Davina. “Yes, I’m interested. Let’s do it.” Perhaps she would not tell Esteban about the mystery or one of his spies might figure it out before the they did.


The proprietor, who seemed certain that he had made a sale, asked where the desk should be delivered.


“My lord husband and I rented a house in town" she told Mistress Wellseley, "though perhaps it might be easier for us to work on it if it stays in either your room or mine at the castle.”

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Davina nodded her head as Lady Toledo agreed with the suggestion made.

"What if you take it and I come to you?"

"I mean I could hardly expect You to come to me not in your state."

She smiled at Lady Toledo.

"And if I come to you that way all you have to do is sit comfortably as we investigate."

"And anything that you might need is with easy reach."

It really was the most sensible thing to do.

"I am intrigued by this so called 'mystery' and what it all might mean."

"If anything."

That directed to the shop owner with a smile.

This chance encounter had come at an opportune time for her as she was not at all really involved with anything related to Court. Yes the Garden business was still there but she had not been resolute in that and thus no one had made any form of contact. Once the Christening was done she intended to apply herself to that since no one knew just how long everyone was remain at Windsor she could not leave it unfinished. Prince Rupert like as not was disinclined to think much of her if she did not get a favorable reaction. And she could ill afford any more negativity about her to be gossiped about. That whole business hung heavily over her still despite her lightheartedness with others. It was something that she realized might be an endless attachment unless something was done to stop it and to capture those behind the scenes. 

"So what do you think?"

Asked to Lady Toledo.

Edited by Davina Wellsley
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Caroline liked mysteries as much as the next person. And this desk was one. There was a lot of history behind, though it was all new to her. She joined Sophia to look it over. Buttons huh?

There was another arrival in the shop then.  The ladies greeted each other.

"Mistress Wellsley," Caroline smiled and nodded to her.

The price being asked for the desk was fifty pounds, Caroline did not think that extravagant in the least. But before she could speak up, Sophia sounded like she wanted to buy it. Well, Caroline was too good a friend to throw in her own bid then. Davina piped up too and now it seemed those two ladies were going to split it. Caroline simply smiled at their decision and kept her mouth shut. It was her own fault for not speaking up faster.

"Good luck with the mystery, ladies," she remarked, running one hand over the desk.


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