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John Flamsteed, FRS | Friday 23rd

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The letter was written on white cotton rag paper, using purple-black oak gall ink, and sealed with Henry Grey's signet on gray wax.



Mr. Flamsteed,

Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Lord Grey of Codnor, and I used to be a Fellow at Trinity College, Cambridge. I study the moon, and the instruments necessary to do so. A few months ago I sought you at the Greenwich Observatory. I left a bottle of claret in your kitchen, and I hope it met your approval*. Also, Sir Isaac Newton offered to send you a letter of introduction**.

The purpose of this letter is to request access to the White Tower at the Tower of London, so I can setup telescopes and perform my studies there. If this meets with your approval, or if you require further information, please send correspondence to my rented house in Windsor.

Your humble servant,

Lord Grey


The letter was hand-delivered by a liveried servant on Friday, late morning, along a bottle of a good claret from Gascony.

Henry's visit to Greenwich

** Henry's long chat with Sir Isac Newton

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  • 2 months later...

Dear Lord Grey

I have heard of your mapping work, which serves as a fine introduction to a further interest in your particular field of study.  The opportunities to press towards enlightenment of the heaven are as abundant as the vastness of space itself. 

I'd be interested in meeting you when you secure a position for your telescope in London, although I wonder if the Tower is an unusual choice of venue. The city's light pollution is a conflict for the squinting eye. Would you not prefer the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, my own Flamsteed house?

But if the Tower is your insistence, I might refer you   Lord Compton, Henry that is, not the Bishop of course, but his brother the Earl of Northampton and Governor of The Tower, who is if I am not mistaken, currently attending the Windsor Baptism season and likely enough to be staying somewhere very nearby. 


John Flamsteed



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