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Carnival Arrival Side Thread - The Beverleys and the Carnival Master


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The field was bustling with activity. Carts full of wood and colorful fabrics were dotted everywhere. Shouting and hammering filled the air as workers set up tents and built stages and seating. It was an organized chaos. Everybody seemed to know exactly what they were supposed to do.


A nondescript black tent sat in a corner where it would be easily overlooked once the carnival was in full swing. The flap was open so that people who needed the master’s attention could walk right in.

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"I agree, a black tent seems most ominous," he said to Mary as they rode through the clamoring activity of the carnival setting up.


Before long there was a black tent with the flap open.


He dismounted and let Fleet's reins hang to the ground. His horse was fully trained to ground tie so would not go anywhere whilst his master was in the tent; it would be as if he was tied to a post without a post needing to be there. He then helped Mary dismount and tied her reins off to his saddle. Fleet was inherently mild unless there was racing to done, so he instantly looked content to snooze in the autumn sunshine. 


"Shall we?" he asked, feeling a bit bolder with her by his side.


"Good day," he said as he neared the open flap, pausing in the entrace. "We were told we could find a Master Kinsley here?"

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Dismounting with ease, and following her husbands example Mary let her horses reins drop to the ground near Fleet.  (Though hers was a newer horse, a wedding gift actually, so she was not quite as confidant as Beverley that it would still be there when they exited later...)

Mary was pleased to join her husband, even though the Tent was an unfriendly black.  Some men left their wife behind at the drop of a hat, but the look Beverley gave her with his invitation told her that he was happy she was with him.  "Yes." she replied, and upon an impulse she bounced a kiss to his cheek.  Afterall nobody was nearby, nor paying them any attention (that she knew of) and he was just adorable.

Barely a step behind she entered the tent after Beverley, her eyes round with curioity.  



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A few children ran by while the Beverleys were dismounting. Most common children would be fascinated by their fine horses, but this group didn’t even spare them a glance. Horses were boring when you grew up around lions, elephants, and other exotic animals.  One of the children had a small monkey sitting on his shoulder.


The tent was black so that it could either stand out or go unnoticed. Visitors would likely not see it as the more colorful tents would attract their attention. Yet if anyone wanted to speak to the owner of the Carnival, they would easily find the black tent when directed to it.


The interior was furnished much like an office with several chairs in front of a desk.  A man sat behind it writing. He was in his mid forties, tall, a bit on the thin side, and dressed as well as a nobleman in rich dark colors. On one of the chairs sat a pretty girl of about fifteen with long brown braids.


Master Kinsley and his daughter both looked up when Beverley spoke. A smile lit up the Carnival master’s pleasant face, even as he groaned inwardly. Nobles. Alex had warned him that they would cause trouble, but he believed that they would bring in more profit. He was curious about what this couple wanted. They were very young, so probably not in positions of authority.  He hoped that they weren't going to complain about his son flirting with a sister or cousin.


“You have found him,” he said, placing his quill in the inkwell. “How may I help you?”


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  • 5 weeks later...

Beverley was unused to more common people continuing to sit when he entered a room, for it was very poor manners to not stand when in the presence of a lord. It was something not ignored. So, he blinked once at the sitting pair, though he said nothing of it. Yet, at least. Perhaps they did not realize he was a lord.


"I am Lord Beverley, Aide to the Duke of Cumberland, who is Constable of Windsor. This is my lady wife," he introduced himself, being as he did not have a servant with to do it for him. "I was hoping to discuss some particulars of your carnival, dates and such, that I might bring the details back to His Highness, who will share such with His Majesty and the court that is at Windsor for the season."


His position had taught him that it was best not to lead with a request but to something that was beneficial to the other personage.

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At this point Mary remained quiet, allowing her husband to take the lead.  But she did smile towards the other woman present, whom she imagined was the fellows wife. Although in such a wayward lifestyle as carnivalists (if such a word actually existed) she might be a lover, or even one of the performers.  Nearly anything was possible.  Mary ran her eyes over the others costume, looking for clues. 


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Though Oliver Kinsley believed that this couple belonged to the nobility, he wasn’t certain until the gentlemen introduced himself. Some very wealthy commoners … like himself … dressed just as sumptuously as they did. He was not dressed as finely today, since it was nearly impossible to avoid dirt and grime on a construction site.


He did rise and bow after Beverley explained the reason he had come. The Carnival master recognized the name of Cumberland and the reference to the King, though both of those figures were as mythical as unicorns to him. He had never even seen the King.


The young woman, who was dressed in an embroidered green silk gown, remained seated and smiled back at Mary. She looked enough like Master Kinsley that they must be related. If Mary was observant, she might see the crutch propped against the girl’s chair.


“Of course, my lord. We will be honored for His Majesty’s court to enjoy our humble offerings.” Sitting back down, Kinsley plucked a sheet of paper from one of the stacks on his desk and held it out. “This is a list of all our attractions and show times.”* Some of the advertisements were even now being passed around to the the people attracted by the caravan of wagons. Others would be placed in various places in town.


“I will be pleased to answer any questions you might have.”



*See carnival locations for details.


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  • 1 month later...

Beverley accepted the sheet of parchment and looked it over, eyes widening slightly at the list. He had never seen anything quite the like. Many villages had traveling troops and performers, but these larger scale things were a bit more rare, or at least he had not heard of them. His lord father likely would not have thought it appropriate for a younger Beverley. A Beverley without an heir who was to be protected at all costs. 


"I wonder, good sir," Beverley began. "If there might be an act or a show which would be suited to a hall in Windsor Palace, for a private show for His Majesty and some intimates. Something which would not be seen in the town?" Beverley saw the advantages of arranging such a thing in Cumberland's name, for such was the expectation of being in service to a prince. He was to find ways to add to his master's own royal presence and importance to his kingly cousin. Perhaps something to be added to the masked ball that was to happen in a few days time? "His Highness, the Duke of Cumberland might have a desire to arrange such an entertainment for His Majesty." 


He asked after something exclusive, because that was the expectation for a King. That is was something others could not get. Not only that, but Beverley was savvy enough to realize that the King might go to the town incognito. 


"What do you think, Lady Wife, as a lady to Her Majesty, would our Queen enjoy such a thing?"

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Mary was indeed observant, and paying attention right now to the surprisingly interesting features to be found inside the tent - which was all distracting enough that it took more than a minute for her to notice the young woman had a crutch.  Quietly she spoke, "Oh dear, what did you fall from?" naturally she wondered if it was an elephant, and if so, that activity was too dangerous.

Meanwhile her husband had completed his reading list, and then put forth a genius question.   Beverly was not renown for it, but was very capable of thinking on his feet. 

"Her Majesty would be delighted, I am quite certain of it." she glowed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The young woman smiled shyly at Mary. “I was trying to walk on a tightrope,” she replied. “It’s harder than it looks.”


Kinsley’s carnival was, to his knowledge, the largest in England. It had begun as a small traveling show in his grandfather’s time, and his father had expanded it while his son satisfied his thirst for adventure, traveling all over the world and collecting exotic animals and bringing back new forms of entertainment. His employees came from all across the globe, bringing their knowledge with them. He was now a very rich man, which was why he could afford to dress as lavishly as a nobleman.


And yet bags of coins still danced before his eyes at this young gentleman’s suggestion. He could probably increase his own wealth and add new attractions to his carnival if he set up a performance especially for the King. He was also curious to see the monarch himself.


“Of course, that can easily be managed. I can put together a show especially for them, though it will not include any animal acts. Wild creatures are unpredictable and I will not risk putting Their Majesties in danger. Can you tell me what they would most like to see?  And how much room will we have to perform?”

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  • 2 weeks later...

"I confess entertainments are not my strong suit. I trust you to piece together a show with what acts are available without animals. It could be a many different things as you like as it is sure to delight if it is novel. Whatever you put together, it is imperative to bring exclusivity to it, as their Majesties would have seen many entertainments like acrobatics and tumbling. I am sure yours of some of the greatest, so showcase their ability. It could lead to future engagements." He grinned and said, "As for myself if the knife-throwing is daring, I should like that as would most gentlemen, especially if it makes the ladies gasp, jump, and laugh. Contortionists sound rather fun too."


Now, to the heart of the matter. He had sweetened the conversation first. Now for his own ask.


"Since we cannot bring animals to the palace. I wonder if you might tell me more about the elephants? My wife and I were admiring them. Can one truly ride such a creature safely?"

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Mary restrained a smile of amusement at the unexpected reply.  "Goodness, and it doesn't even look easy in the first place, so that must mean it is doubley hard."  she replied warmly.

Oh, she was trying to pay attention to her husband's negotiations, but this talk now of learning to tightrope walk had her intrigued. 

"How do you begin learning to tightrope walk?' she asked softly, briefly imagining sharing such information with her young lady-in-waiting friends. 

But then Beverly mentioned elephants, and Mary turned with full attention and stepped closer to her husband as a body-language exclamation mark to his question. 

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The young woman glanced at the carnival  master and then back to Lady Beverley. “I wish I could tell you, but my father wouldn’t approve. He wants everything to be mysterious.” She smiled sheepishly. “I’m sorry, my lady.”


Lord Beverley’s suggestions brought to mind several acts that Kinsley thought would amuse even the jaded tastes of the King and Queen. A couple of them were to debut for the first time. He doubted any of the performers would mind waiting to entertain at the palace if he promised them extra pay. They would also have a few days to come up with a completely new routine.


The noble couple seemed quite interested in the elephants. “They have been ridden for thousands of years in their native lands. Ours are quite docile. The children ride them all the time, including my daughter Hazel here.”


“It’s a lot of fun,” the girl added.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Hopefully it wasn't a fall from the elephants considering your father proclaims their safety," Beverley attempted in jest.


"My lady wife and I should like to ride one if that would be possible? Doing something novel or first is quite a feat for a courtier, so before another dares I thought I was ask the privilege."


Beverley felt he had offered the man quite a lot in comparison to the small request. He smiled at his wife and then the girl.

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  • 1 month later...

“No, I was learning how to walk on a tightrope,” Hazel replied, with an apologetic look at her father. He had not given her permission to try it, and had chastised her after the accident and forbade her to do it again. She was not destined to be a performer, he had told her, but the wife of a wealthy man. Sometimes she wished she was not the child of the carnival's owner, no matter how privileged her life was compared to her friends.


At Beverley’s request, Kinsley leaned forward and steepled his fingers together. “We have never allowed guests to ride the elephants. If you don’t know what you’re doing, it can be quite dangerous. All wild animals are unpredictable, especially if you haven’t been taught how to handle them.


“However, my lord, I will make an exception in your case if you can bring me a contract to perform for the King and another that absolves me of all responsibility in case you or your wife are injured. You will also have to undergo a couple of hours of training.” The gentleman had an honest face, but Kinsley had dealt with so many con men that he knew that looks could be deceiving. It was possible that the young nobleman was offering empty promises in order to do something that would impress his fellow courtiers.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Beverley raised an eyebrow at the ludicrous request. Both of them really.


"You slight my word, sir. I could hardly bring you a contract from HIs Majesty if my master the Duke of Cumberland would wish it to be a surprise, which is part and party of pleasing the King, the surprise of it. As the one who has control of Windsor as my master's designee, there is no party more sure to be able to manage such a feat but myself, other than Cumberland himself. I do not need anyone's permission to arrange it but my own. 


"But you raise my concern when in one moment you say it is safe and the children do it and the next you imply there might be danger to my lady wife or myself, so perhaps it is myself who should distrust your word that from one moment to the next there is such contradiction." He shook his head with some disbelief and held his arm out to his lady wife.


"Come, my dear, it seems we have wasted our time in presenting such an opportunity."

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One’s word didn’t amount to much in the carnival business, not even his own. Though Kinsley had heard that one’s word was a matter of honor to the nobility, not all of them were honest. One lord, who owned an estate close to a town they set up in, had requested a private performance and then refused to pay because he claimed the show was rubbish. His house had caught on fire a few days later. Kinsley was almost certain that a couple of his employees had set it aflame. He never asked about their past activities and there were most likely a few criminals among them. Some of the children were supposedly noble bastards. Their mothers had joined the carnival after being abandoned by their lovers after discovering they were with child.


Though the carnival could get along quite well without performing for the King, his approval might bring them fame and (especially) fortune.  Kinsley wanted to secure this engagement, even if he had to trust this young gentleman. “I did not suggest that you bring me a contract from the King. You can’t blame me for wanting assurance. I have been promised opportunities before that never came to fruition. I was not aware that you were in charge of making the arrangements for His Majesty’s entertainment yourself.” He smiled. “You seem quite young for such responsibility. Please forgive me for misunderstanding.”


“As you misunderstood me about elephant riding. The children are taught by the trainers over several months and are always closely supervised when they ride. Those who show talent are given more advanced lessons and often become performers when they grow up. We don’t let them run amok on the backs of such large and powerful creatures.”


The carnival master leaned forward. “If a man who had never seen a horse before asked to ride yours, would you let him without his assurance that he would not blame you if he fell off and hurt himself? I should hope not. All animals  are unpredictable and accidents do happen. But if your word is all I need, then I shall gladly accept it.”


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  • 2 months later...

Hearing that the carnival girl had fallen learning a trick brought Mary to silence, the look she then gave her husband was one of concern; she did not want to risk a limb.   

Meanwhile, Beverly's request to ride an elephant was not received very well either. At least when her husband generously offered the opportunity to perhaps perform for the King, the carnival man wanted a contract. To Mary's ears, it sounded like he questioned Beverly's honesty.

"Yes, it is better that expendable persons engage in such feats." Mary nodded as Beverly deemed the matter closed, and gracefully, she linked her hand through his arm to exit from the gloom of the tent. 

The carnival man's words hung in the air, tension thickening between them. Mary, sensing her husband's potential forgiveness, paused.  "It's a fair point about the horses," she murmured, her voice laced with uncertainty. "But, my love, is it truly worth our trouble?"

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