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A Summons from His Majesty | Received Sunday after church


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The following persons will be receiving a simple message by courier in Royal livery on Sunday after church. 










His Majesty requests your presence at 7am in the Privy Garden tomorrow and asks that you bring only a generous length of thick ribbon.


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Charles was not prone to surprise, but he would admit to being slightly thrown by the message. A royal summons was on balance probably a good thing, and he was not terribly bothered by the early hour, but what was this about a length of thick ribbon?

"Wodehouse, would we have available such a thing as a length of thick ribbon?" He scanned the missive again.

"A generous length, even."

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Poppy handed it to her straight away upon her return. 

Davina took it to the windows and broke the seal and read the sentence.Then again. Then again.

"His Majesty has bade me to attend upon the morrow at 7 of the clock. I am to bring a generous length of thick ribbon as well."

"The Privy Garden of all places. And at that hour! I can not not be the only one that received it can I?" 

"Of course not." She answered her own question. "I wonder what new form of amusement is being planned now."

"Well then. What shall I wear? And as for ribbon  ...."

She and Poppy then teamed up and began to hunt for ribbon and then discuss gowns.

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  • 1 month later...

Sophia read the simple message, blinked, and read it again. To receive a summons from the King was most unusual in any circumstance, but this one was particularly perplexing. Why did she need to bring a long thick ribbon? Had she done something so glaringly wrong that he wished to hang her? Her heart pounded frantically in her chest and she forced herself to calm down.


Her emotions were running away with her again, as they often did now that she was pregnant. Sometimes she cried for the strangest reasons. She had burst into tears only yesterday morning when she had run out of her favorite anchovy sauce at breakfast.


The King was not going to hang her. If he wanted to kill her, he would chop off her head and what would she need a ribbon for then? Suddenly she was so happy she felt as if her heart would burst from her chest. Why? She had no idea and there was no use mulling over it because in five seconds, her mood would change yet again.


Anna could probably obtain the ribbon she needed. That woman could find anything she asked for and the blonde Countess could only wonder at her sources. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Unaware that anyone else was also receiving this message, Nicolette naturally thought it some plan of an illicit rendezvous. And in broad daylight no less! (though was 7am even day time really?) 

"Ribbon..." Nicolette grinned, wondering what sort of game his Majesty planned.  Thick and a good quantity of it, suggested that someone was going to be bound!  Nicolette had a serries of fanciful imaginings at that, and ultimatly concluded she was far more comfortable with the notion of being the tie-r than the tied.


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  • 5 weeks later...

My Royal Majesty says move ya butts to yo summons, fools!


But really, Davina started the thread some while ago. I will bump it with some simple info. I can't join the thread with my NPCs for you yet bc I need one squeaky bit more information from the earlier "Dead Body" Muddy Scene thread. I need to see if a PC other than you folks replies to Nicci before I know what NPCs I might have on scene not far away from you and what sounds or voices to describe. So, please keep your post a bit non-descriptive of the surroundings as you make them.

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