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The Christmas Ball (25/12 Evening)- Xmas 1677


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Louis and Bridget


"Yes, the food was taken away too quickly," Louis agreed, mostly to appear agreeable to help lower her defenses. It would also mean that alcohol would have a greater effect on Bridget, with no cake to cut its effect.


"Yes, Elizabeth is in the Netherlands. They have a custom of celebrating the holidays with plenty of drink, which is a good practice to emulate," he offered with a smile and a gulp of punch too. One needed to encourage her to keep drinking. "I hear tell that they wear wooden shoes in the winter. I guess it protects against damp leather but what does one do when the snow gets inside that shoe?" he laughed. "I cannot image that wood has any traction on snow. Can you imagine seeing drunk Dutchmen sliding down the streets in their wooden shoes?" he laughed aloud and reaching to pour her some more punch. One needed to project a jolly demeanor if one wanted one's companion to keep drinking liberally.

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John and Robert


John laughed, “You reject one for… being t-t-taken and instead choose a lady speaking with her husband.” The last dance was traditionally the husbands, or whoever brought the lady. “Well, go on then. You already have something to t-t-talk about. Even a c-c-compliment.” He encouraged Robert.


“Ah, but d-d-don’t mention me. You must promise me that.” John said, a bit more seriously, though still with a bit of a whimsical air. "Whoever it is."

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Juliana and Douglas


Maybe Nicci did have a game in mind. He should probably give her the benefit of the doubt, she was a playful soul and far more imaginative than he was. Time would tell, he supposed.


The big man laughed delightedly at the Princess’s warning. “Tha’s a risk I’m prepared tae tak’.”* He assured her. No he didn’t think he’d regret it, rather he was anticipating quite a bit of fun, whether innocent or otherwise. And she seemed as though she was looking for the same, and prepared to mug someone for it.


“A change kin be as guid as a feast, thou’ a feast is nae tae be missed.”** He opined, since he didn’t like forgoing food. So saying he broke a piece off one of the pies he had saved and held it up to feed it to her, if she would let him.


Was she here on her own then? A young widow perhaps? She certainly didn’t act like a maiden, nor someone here under family supervision. Although, given his own family he was perhaps not the best to judge. And she’s only just arrived? That left much to see. “That shall hae tae be remedied.” He declared. “Hou wuid the efternuin o’ the thirtieth suit Yer Heeness?” He asked, mentally scanning through his diary, which was getting pretty full. “An’ ye mun tell me whit sort o’ thin’s wuid catch yer fancy.”*** No point in taking her on a tour of things she didn’t care about.


And where was he from? “Scotland m’Lairdy. I doobt thairs mony o’ my coontrymen in Sweden, e’en as yer the first Swede I hae met. We hae a cault climate in common.” Not so warm as these English folk were used to. “An’ an appreciation o’ thaim wha keep us warm.”+ He added with a twinkle in his eye.



* “That’s a risk I’m prepared to take.”

** “A change can be as good as a feast, though a feast is not to be missed.”

*** “That shall have to be remedied. How would the afternoon of the thirtieth suit Your Highness? And you must tell me what sort of things would catch your fancy.”

+ “Scotland, my Lady. I doubt there’s many of my countrymen in Sweden, even as you’re the first Swede I have met. We have a cold climate in common. And an appreciation of those who keep us warm. ”

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Louis and Bridget


“I guess there is nothing we can do about it now,” Bridget said with a sad little sigh, looking toward the area where the food tables had been.


One sip of punch led to another and another as she listened to his description of the Netherlands. In her opinion most gentlemen drank heavily during the Christmas season. The Dutch didn't seem to be unique in that. As for wooden shoes, she had heard that they were worn all year round, not just during winter. They sounded bulky and uncomfortable, and Bridget was glad she had not been born Dutch.


She shivered at the thought of snow getting inside them. “I'm surprised their feet don't freeze in those things.” Lifting her glass again to her lips, she was surprised that it was nearly empty and she gulped down the last of it as Lord Basildon spoke of drunk Dutchmen sliding about on the snow. An image formed in her mind of them running into each other and falling down, only to get up and run into somebody else.


“That is something I would like to see,” she laughed, holding out her glass for a refill. “Are you sure it isn't a myth, though? I have never seen a Dutchman walking around in wooden shoes in London.” She took another drink. The world seemed much brighter and more interesting now, and she felt happier than she had since she had arrived in London a couple of days past.


Her gaze moved upward and she noticed that she was standing right under a sprig of mistletoe. Would Lord Basildon see it and if he did, would he kiss her? What was she thinking? Proper young ladies did not kiss married gentlemen. She took a step sideways so that she was no longer beneath it. And yet still, she couldn't help wondering what his lips would feel like pressed against hers. The notion only vaguely disconcerted her when ordinarily, it would have appalled her.

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Douglas and Juliana


“Well, don't say I didn't warn you,” Juliana replied with a wicked grin. Would he be averse to going home with her tonight? The next dance would be the last and she expected the ball would end shortly thereafter. He seemed to be quite libertine in nature, judging from his comments, exactly the kind of gentleman she was most attracted to. She imagined he would be quite enthusiastic in bed.


“Very true. I'm glad I came.” Her blue eyes raked over his fine form slowly and appreciatively. “I like what I have seen of London so far. It is quite alluring, I must admit.”


She was both surprised and pleased when he held a piece of his pie up to her lips. Bending slightly, which would give him a stunning view of creamy cleavage, she opened her full lips and drew the tasty morsel into her mouth as well as the tips of his fingers, which she sucked on slightly before releasing them.


After she washed it down with a sip of wine, she gave him a sultry smile, her tongue darting out to run across her upper lip. “What a divine taste and texture,” she purred. He would know she was not referring to the pie, even though it had been delicious. Juliana pulled off a small piece of her own cake and held it up to him. “Would you like to have a piece of mine?”


She pouted playfully when he suggested that they meet again on the thirtieth. “Five days from now?” He must be quite a busy man. “Very well. I am sure it will be worth the wait.” As for what she would like to see: “Adventure and excitement is what thrills me most. I would think that London would offer plenty of that if you know where to look for it.”


Ahhh, so he was from Scotland. Were all Scots like him? If so, that was the next place she planned to visit. “The English don't know the meaning of the word 'cold,' do they? I find the winter here rather mild.” Her eyes sparkled with amusement. “And yes, I share your sentiments. Keeping warm is best done in pairs.”

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Juliana and Douglas


Juliana’s grin was delightfully wicked, and as she took in both his form and the scene around them, she seemed intent on living up to her claim that she too lived life to the fullest. He set a hand on his hip and struck a pose as she looked him over, shamelessly on display. “Ach, but ye ainly really cam tae un’erstand London whin ye see whit lies aneath the surface.”* He promised her. And it was true, in many ways. Some of the true nature of London society was less alluring however.


He’d have been disappointed in her as a temptress if Juliana had reacted to the offer of the piece of pie in any way other than she had, but her performance was first rate, right from the flash of perfect cleavage to the lick of his fingers. The best seducers could achieve their aim whilst fully clothed in a crowded room. Beneath his uniform his little soldier, already interested, stood smartly to attention.


“I kin see ye hae an educated appreciation o’ the finer thin’s in life.” He said, in words that might have applied to foodstuffs but a tone that was more of a low rumble, and definitely did not. “I’d be delichted tae hae a piece o’ ye- I mean yers.”** He replied to the offer, faux-accidentally, before catching the offering in his full lips and licking the cake crumbs slowly off her fingers.


The playful pout and light protest over the five day was incredibly gratifying. What man didn’t like to be wanted? “I want time tae plan the perfect adventure.” He explained with a wink. “In the meantime, haps ye’d care tae be my date tae Lairdy Kendishall’s party on the 29th?” He suggested, dark brows raised slightly in question. “She’s a young widder wi’… continental tastes.”*** He smiled as though savouring the thought. Rumour held her to be quite merry at any rate.



* “Ah, but you only really come to understand London when you see what lies beneath the surface.”

** “I can see you have an educated appreciation of the finer things in life. I’d be delighted to have a piece of you- I mean yours.”

*** “I want time to plan the perfect adventure. In the meantime, perhaps you’d care to be my date to Lady Kendishall’s party on the 29th? She’s a young widow with… continental tastes.”

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Digby and Diana


"Ordinarily Norfolk would not allow his only heir to come adventuring with me in far away lands, but the feud between the two is getting so bad that I'd now wonder," Digby replied. "I suppose you know more of this," he added. She was a Howard after all. "I think Henry will be off to the Continent if nothing else," George speculated. "He is eager to leave London."


Diana would see her husband, leaving the company of Ormonde and sharing a laugh with the Countess Shrewsbury before moving on. He seemed to be in good spirits.

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Louis and Bridget


"What we can do is to forget the loneliness of this particular season with a bit of shared cheer, with plenty of holiday punch to warm us." She knew his wife was gone, so he could pretend to be lonely, as he knew she must be given that she was something of a pariah this season and her father was not present.


She was guzzling punch, compelling Louis to keep up. Fortunately, he was a man well used to alcohol. Louis doubted that Bridget had much tolerance. He did not want her getting so drunk as to stumble in their dance, so he did not foist more punch upon her beyond that which she had already consumed.


He had seen the mistletoe. It was everywhere and he planned to kiss her anyway. She seemed to notice it and moved slightly away. He almost laughed aloud.


"All this talk about slipping and sliding has me wanting to take a quick visit outdoors," he continued in a merry voice. "We English are much better at sliding along snow upon leather, as opposed to wood." When one had too much punch, silly ideas like that were especially appealing, especially when they offered a chance for laughs amid an otherwise dreary social event. "Let us go out and prove that we can have a run and slide and still keep our feet shall we? But just for a brief moment to get a bit of exercise before our dance begins," he added hoping that she would think it nothing but a brief respite from an otherwise boring afair.

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Robert and John


The lad's roving eye had obviously stopped at the wrong person, once Lord Maldon informed him that very woman, the one with the shapely breasts at the opera, was married and even now in conversation with her husband. Never confident at the best of times, any desire to take a risk vanished instantly upon hearing that.


"Oh, I did not realize," Robert looked disconcerted and instantly took his gaze off of her.


Still, Maldon encouraged him to approach her. Easy for him to say! Especially since then he then added to make no mention of him for some odd reason Robert couldn't even guess.


"No, no, I just thought she was very....pretty up on that stage....she could sing too, doesn't mean I am going to interrupt her conversation with her husband to meet the likes of me. And look at him, the man seems a bit.......dour?"


There was something about the fellow too, he looked like a foreigner.

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Her frank, to some rather shocking, remark about her doubt she would not end up in heaven did not bother this man, he was amused as he declared they could then at least enjoy each other's company. That brought a grin to Caroline in return.


They continued to jest about this imaginary future of her ruling as a Barbary queen, with fleets sailing about in their quest to fill her coffers with treasures while she was on her throne fanned by handsome young slave boys. It was ridiculous of course but they both knew it. It was simply a chance to share some laughs on this festive holiday occasion.


Part of this tomfoolery was her offer of an office in her royal administration, Minister of Atrocities. Again she knew him well enough to realize he would not be offended in the slightest, he shared her black sarcastic sense of humor. He leaned in to answer, even making what would be to some (more fainted hearted of course)souls a threatening rejoinder.


"Trust you, oh heaven forbid. A ruler, at least a proper tyrant - which would be me of course, would trust no one. I will have at my beckon call practiced assassins ready to carry out my every assignment for those I no longer could rely upon. So tread carefully lest you anger your queen," she smiled.


"Or....instead I could simply take you into my royal bed and enthrall you back to devotion that way," she met his gaze and reflected a devilish look in her big blue eyes.

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Louis and Bridget


He didn't have to push the punch. Bridget thought it was delicious, but after he refilled her glass, she only took a couple of small sips. The alcohol was doing a lot for her confidence, though she wasn't aware of it. For the first time all evening, she felt as if she belonged here. Lord Basildon was gallant and charming, and he was as forlorn as she. No wonder he had gravitated toward her. Her lonely soul had called to his. He must miss his wife terribly. Perhaps they could console each other by spending the rest of the evening together.


Her blue eyes widened when he said he wanted to go outdoors and slide around in the snow. A little voice in the back of her mind protested, but she pushed it away. It was a bit hot in here. A short walk would do both of them good. “I can't run in skirts and I don't want to fall and get all wet.” A small smile touched her lips. “But if you want to take a brief stroll, I will be happy to accompany you.”

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Douglas and Juliana


Juliana laughed when he posed for her. He wasn't the least bit self-conscious and seemed to enjoy a lady's frank appraisal. His witty words sent a bright thrill of pleasure rippling down her spine. “Oh, I fully intend to look beneath the surface. I have found that the most delightful things are usually hidden from view.” She winked saucily. “The same can be said about Sweden. Maybe you would like to visit some day and experience its unique allure.” She was fairly certain that he knew she was referring not to the country but to herself.


Juliana considered herself an expert in the art of seduction. Now twenty-five, she had learned to wield her feminine wiles with exquisite precision and she prided herself on being able to arouse a man long before the clothes came off. Lord Dundarg seemed to be as experienced as she, for her body practically screamed with desire when said he would like a piece of her. She knew that his double-entrendre had been no accidental slip of the tongue. In fact, she looked forward to finding out to what other uses he could put that tongue of his. Even the way he licked the cake from her fingers was enticing.


When he released her hand, she licked her own wet fingers, her eyes glittering with sensuality. “I don't only appreciate the finer things in life,” she purred. “I crave them.”


She sighed when he asked her to go with him to Lady Kendishall's party. “I'm afraid that somebody else has already asked me. Do you know Lord Maldon? We met at the opera. I will see you there, though. There are other events planned for the season, are there not? I would be honored to be your date at one of those.”

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Caroline and Charles


"Very wise," Charles said of her decision not to trust him, "but you are placing rather a lot of faith in these assassins. There's no guarantee they would be able to dispose of me. Many have tried, after all, and yet here I stand." Every word exuded bravado.


Her next proposed method for dealing with his insubordination drew a playful smirk to his lips. He met her gaze squarely, noting again how pretty her eyes were, and replied, purr back in his voice.


"Now that seems a much surer bet. I can't promise to ever be docile, but, bewitched in such a manner, I would be devoted enough to be able to serve as Secretary of State for Torture and Judicial Murder without much in the way of bother." A direct, challenging look. "Provided, of course, that you are confident in your ability to so enthrall me. I am of independent mind, and should need to be... soothed often. All that considered, Hippolyta, are you confident, hmm?"

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Louis and Bridget


Bridget was mirroring his own thoughts -- that he might spend the rest of the evening with her. Yet, he was still unsure how far he wanted to proceed. Initially he wanted to create little more than a hint of scandal, enough to please Buckingham and threaten Danby, while allowing a path to use it later to manipulate Danby into needing him to salvage his daughter's reputation.


"Yes, let's go outside for a brief bit," Louis relied in a way that sounded adventurous. By being outside alone together, that would cause some tongues to wag. Being seen kissing her would cause more. Then, being seen dancing the last dance with her and then leaving together might be all that was needed to accomplish his ends.


With that, he offered his arm and moved outside into the cold. There was no time to get one's coat, so it would need to be an adventure of short duration. Once outside, the music and talking became more quiet. "Ah, this is better," he announced in a merry mood. The alcohol had taken little toll on him. He was used to greater quantities. "Let us see how slippery it is shall we?" He walked along, trying to slip while holding on to her arm, but he was not looking to fall to the ground.

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John and Robert


John smiled at the lad. He had the benefit of not having to follow through and, more to the point, being a bit besotted. “They are b-b-both foreigners. A German and a Spaniard. The ambassadors from Spain.” John informed him. “And I suspect his dourness is b-b-because of the opera.” John didn’t feel the need to elaborate how stripping on stage could be bad for one’s reputation.


“What do you mean the l-l-likes of you, eh?” John elbowed Robert’s shoulder just lightly, a friendly gesture. While he was not a swaggering giant of court he seemed a finer fellow than many John had met. And it wasn’t as if he was low ranked or the son of an unimportant father.

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Louis and Bridget


Even tipsy, 'adventurous' was not a word in Bridget's vocabulary. She was perfectly content to live her life as society dictated … her goals were to marry well and give her husband many heirs. Perfectly happy to spend her time shopping and socializing with other like-minded young ladies, she didn't understand the libertine lifestyle or why some noblewomen longed for new experiences and to visit exotic locations. She had a rather narrow-minded view of the world, but it was hers and she was proud of her devotion to respectability.


The punch had lowered her inhibitions a bit, but she was not intoxicated enough to throw caution to the wind. If she had not seen other courtiers leave the ballroom in groups and pairs, returning with their cheeks flushed with cold, she would not have agreed to Lord Basildon's suggestion. She saw nothing wrong with taking a stroll outside with him.


After another long gulp of punch, she set it down on a nearby table and took his arm, swaying a bit as he led her outside. It was colder than she had expected but much quieter. Shivering slightly, she moved closer to him for warmth. The snow seemed to sparkle in the moonlight, a pristine white blanket covering the ground. “I think we should stay on the paths, my lord, and leave the slipping and sliding to the Dutch.”


She looked heavenward and she felt as if her head was spinning. It was a strangely pleasant sensation. “Look at the stars!” she exclaimed. “They are twinkling so brightly that they make me a bit dizzy.”

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Digby, Diana & Gowran


The chuckle was still upon his lips as his eyes found Diana's. An upward nod of head then given, with notice made of the company she presently kept; the Irish Earl struck a course to join her.


"It's all lies I tell you." he alleged with a laugh as he came to rest upon the pair. "My lady, I have come to spare you from hours of boredom. Lord Digby, we are content to await your biography to stand agog of the tales from the colonies." he laughed of the tease, and provided his elbow to his wife.


"No my dear, I shall not set forth for the brute lands with you," He supposed Digby had been filing her head with all sorts of ideas, "however an excursion on the dancefloor is on the cards."

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Digby and Diana joined by Gowran


Diana knew all too well of this little feud between the Senior and the Junior Howards. She sighed and nodded her head and rolled her eyes ever so slightly, “I suppose I wish I knew less…” She didn’t doubt that Henry was eager to leave London… the Continent was a feasible place but she hoped her cousin wasn’t so foolish to just run away.


She’d been about to prod a little more when she caught the gaze of her husband’s gaze and his apparent light heartedness.


Looking at Digby she gave a more pronounced roll of her eyes and laughed at her husband, reaching for his arm. “Spare me from my boredom, eh?” Her lips lifted puckishly.


“Oh, but Lord Digby here was just about to regale me with tales about you. I didn’t think they sounded the least bit boring!” Arching her brow teasingly at him, “Good, because I wasn’t about to ask you to set forth…” She slid a wink to Digby, “I was going to run away with my lover…” She paused just long enough to be dramatic than teasingly added, “He’s about this tall..." She hand to show about her husband's height and continued a throaty laugh starting to bubble out, "Devilishly handsome, blonde, and Irish… maybe you know him?”


She was still laughing when she turned back to Digby, “Lord Digby, thank you again for the dance and the splendid conversation. It would appear I am about to embark upon an excursion to the wilds of the dancefloor. Merry Holidays!”


Turning back to Gowran as she started back towards the dance floor and leaned in just a little to whisper to him. “In case you were curious, I've had just enough wine that the room is glowing prettily.”

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The Gowrans, with Digby leaving


She flirted with her husband as though they were still courting, toy with male jealousy, though not too much, and soon he was laughing with her compliment to himself. Plainly enough both husband and wife were in fine spirits this eve. "What am I to do with her?" he asked rhetorically to Digby, a measure of pride evident in his voice.


"Merry Holidays." he then joined in the chorus of well wishes, as Digby departed and he took Diana upon a leisurely stroll towards the dance floor. "I don't know about the room, but you've a pretty glow tonight my Lady Wife." he smirked to himself, "at this rate I might dismiss my plans for the later evening and escort you directly to your chamber myself."


He was of a habit to carouse some with his fellows when at Whitehall, fellows he was yet to catch up with this trip, she would know he'd been looking forward to reinstating his dominance at the cards table.

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The Gowrans


Courting had not really been something they’d done before their marriage. John and Diana had gone from strangers to married to Ireland. The shock and surprise of married life seemed to have dulled for the two of them and for Diana only now was she starting to feel secure enough to flirt with her husband. There was quite a difference married strangers and strangers who were starting to get to know one another, to become comfortable with one another.


Diana chuckled in response to her husband’s rhetorical question to Digby. Curiously enough there seemed to be a bit of pleasure and approval in his voice. She wasn’t use to such, the Howards were a rather stoic sort of family.


They said their goodbyes and departed leisurely towards the dancefloor. There was a throaty chuckle at his reply. “My… my…! Flattery will get you everywhere, sir!” She teased back lowly to him. She didn’t want to make a big deal out of the fact that he’d not has of yet fallen back into his habits of old. “Directly to my chamber…” She purred, flashing him a coy look from beneath her thick lashes. “Why, you are going to make me blush with such thoughts.” Her lip twisted puckishly on the corner, “And I never blush…” It was all a teasing act but Diana rather thought she was becoming quite adept at playing this particular part.


The fingers she had wrapped around his arm slid down to caress the bare skin of the inside of his wrist before moving back into place. “You know…” She murmured, still smiling like the cat who drank the cream. “I do believe this shall be our first formal dance together at court.” Glancing sideways at him, she arched a brow as her voice dropped to a slight challenging whisper to him, “Shall we play a little game while we dance?” You could sometimes take the libertine out of the mischief but you couldn’t always take the mischief out of the libertine. Diana wondered if her husband would take the baiting...

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The Gowrans


Perhaps it was the cheer of the season, or perhaps he'd had a few more drinks than usual at this hour; that Gowran was uncharacteristically effusive.


"And it already has." he teased back. It had come as a welcome surprise that Diana was so accommodating of his nocturnal visits. That had been quite the a bonus, and likely what set their marriage, though so sudden, to have half a chance at being a grand success. Even now she worked as an unrelenting temptress, massaging his wrist.


It was oddly soothing.


"What manner of game are you thinking of?" he was drawn back to prudence with her vague suggestion, they had been together long enough to know her minds tendency for mischeif.

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Bridget and Louis Outside


"Where's your sense of adventure Bridget?" Basildon chided lightly. He had considered making her slip and fall with him, so that she might appear a bit rumpled; but, that alone, would not be enough. There was no desire to actually debauch her, for Danby was not yet fallen totally and still might rise from the ashes as a phoenix. No, the plan was to make it appear that he might have debauched her so that Danby would need him to help dispel such rumors. It was a simple thing really. Buckingham would be pleased with the scandal Louis assumed. Danby might be angry, but Louis planned to have the defense that he was actually helping Bridget with his attention. For the plan to work, Louis needed to gain Bridget's trust.


"Ah yes, the stars," he acknowledged, looking skyward. "The winter makes the sky clearer. Yet, the stars are so far away, much like court is for you these days."


With his gaze returned to her face, the Earl offered his arm. "We shall stay on the walkway," he confirmed. "I did not ask you outside so that we could behave like Dutchmen. They are silly enough at times. No, I asked you outside so that we could have words in private," he revealed.


"Your father is in trouble, as you know. Despite all he has done for others, his former allies have mostly abandoned him. That is why you are being treated as a leper. But, I am not one to forget a favor Bridget, so I am willing to look out for you and help you, if you so desire. I think your father would be pleased if I looked out for you, so I am offering my services if you so wish." There was much more to say but he needed her assent first.

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The Gowrans


"Ah! I am glad you asked." Diana chimed in with her most charming voice, perfectly on cue.


There was a delicate balance for her to weave in attempting to be as fascinating as a mistress and still retain her propriety in public. It was a challenge she was quite looking forward to seeing how far she could push it. Could she be a mistress in the sheets and a wife on the streets? And she did love to see how far she could push things sometimes.


Her lips quirked, "There aren't any rules except that the first one of us to miss a step owes the other one a treat of their choice?"

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The Toledos


It was good that his wife was not making a scene. She seemed to understand things. Her gift idea was a good one.


“She is not malicious, nor does she seem to hate Spaniards. I would think that she would be aware of the dangers of a foreigner insulting another foreigner. Is not France looked upon less favorably than Spain. I can speak with her and ask about her plans, but she might not tell me. She did not choose me to attend her.”


"There are still many that favor the French," Esteban warned. "See what you can learn without being obvious," he requested. Pedro had been worried that the French planned some great enterprise against the Spanish in England. The question was whether the change in Spanish leadership had changed that plan in any meaningful way. Esteban doubted it. Pedro Ronquillo had stolen their gold and he was certain they would not forget it.


"Shall you like some refreshments before the last dance?" he asked, appearing to be in a better mood.

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Louis and Bridget outside


“Just being out here in the dark is adventurous, is it not?” Bridget asked. Usually, she stayed home at night unless there was a party or other event to go to, and then she always stayed inside. She had never walked beneath the stars with a gentleman before. Slipping and breaking her leg would ruin the entire season for her, and it was bad enough already. Lord Basildon had a strange sense of adventure if that was the sort of thing that he considered fun.


How true his words were. She had once shone as brightly as those stars above. Now she was standing on the cold hard ground while they mockingly twinkled above her. Her shoulders slumped and she let out a forlorn little sigh. Just a moment ago, she had been so happy. Now she felt like crying. Bridget didn't want to go back to the ballroom and face the scorn that had followed her since the King had sent her father packing


Lord Basildon, though, was kind to her and she placed her hand on his sleeve when he promised to stay on the pathways. As they began to stroll, he told her that he had brought her out here to speak to her privately. A spark of hope flared to life inside her. Did he have evidence that would prove that her father was innocent of the charges against him?


No, but apparently her father had done him a favor that he wanted to repay. Bridget could certainly use a friend now, especially one as popular and influential as he seemed to be. Her gaze lingered on his lips as he spoke, but when she realized what she was doing, she raised her eyes to his. Hopefully, it was too dark for him to see her blush. “Yes, he would be pleased if you looked after me,” she agreed. "Anything you can do to stop everyone from shunning me would be helpful."

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The Toledos


“I will send her a letter and ask her to tea. Do you know of any activities I might suggest that would subtly bring attention to Spain?” Sophia had not stayed long enough in Madrid to learn what kind of pastimes they enjoyed. She would never try to persuade Nicolette to betray her own loyalties, but maybe there were amusements that both cultures shared.


His mood seemed to be improving. Had she finally pleased him by agreeing to do what she could to prevent insults to his homeland? He should be aware that she would do anything to promote his interests, for they were Juan's interests too, and she loved her Prince beyond all measure.


“I think I have had enough to drink.” They had been married for nearly half a year. Certainly he had noticed that she never drank more than a couple glasses of wine and suspected that she didn't hold her liquor well. There was no reason to get her drunk. That was a ploy best suited to wives unwilling to share their husbands' beds. When it came to sex, Sophia was not the reluctant partner in their relationship.


“I would love to be introduced to some of your friends and associates.” She smiled winsomely. “Do you not think that they would like to meet your charming wife?”

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The Gowrans


"Miss a step of the dance?" he thought to clarify.


"Ah, but that is hardly a challenge." he goaded with self confidence of his prowess upon the dancefloor. "A misstep of some other sort might better test our wits." Would she come up with anything, yet on such short notice perhaps not.

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The Gowrans


"So, you are saying that there is nothing that I could do that could cause you to falter?" Diana slowed just a fraction more and tilted her head alluringly up at him. She let her teeth bit on her bottom lip, pulling it into her mouth as she arched a brow at him. After a long moment she shrugged, "But if you think that is too easy than I am quite curious to hear what sort of misstep you would prefer." Her lip quirked, "I am always open to terms."

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Caroline and Charles



ooc: oops, missed this



"Well, my assassins will be the very best...since this is my fantasy, I only feel it proper my assassins always get their man....or woman should I become jealous of some tart," Caroline pointed out.


She then cheekily upped the ante in their silly banter, searching his face for his reaction. It seemed to be something which met with his approval, well, at least verbally. Still given that evening in his coach, she was rather confident this man was far more than just a talker.


"Oh I do not want you to be docile, I can pet a spaniel if I want that," she remarked with a smile then continued, this time addressing his challenge, "I am confident - perhaps more confident than experienced but then I have always prided myself on being a quick learner ....well even more so if I have a capable teacher."


"And....I have learned much very recently, all of it good," she added.

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