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Sebastian von Brühl

Full Name: Sebastian von Brühl

Nationality: German

TItle: Freiherr von Brühl (courtesy)

Estate Name: Ilmenau (in Thuringia)

Age: 27 (b. 1650)

Gender: Male

Height: 5;11''

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Marital Status: Single


Physical Attributes

Sebastian has a graceful bearing, and is very much at ease when on a horse or when fencing. He is somewhat good at dancing, but it is not a favored pastime of his. His hair is worn long and waves, but his face is so angular as to look unfashionably gaunt; to combat this he sports a well-trimmed beard. While he often appears aloof, his eyes are always watching for interesting things. Fastidious dresser, and fond of military styles and cuts.



Sebastian served as a page in the household of August, Duke of Saxe-Weissenfels (brother to Johann Georg II, Elector of Saxony and Ursula Blount, Marchioness of Mountjoy and Mistress of the Robes to Karoline Stuart, Queen of England) before embarking on a military career.


<p>His father is a Freiherr (equivalent to a baron) and owns a house and land around Ilmenau, Thuringia. Sebastian is his heir, and so will inherit the title and estate upon his father's death.



Part of the von Brühl family, who have historically been in service to the Electors of Saxony.


Has a large family (father married three times), with 10 siblings in all. Heir to his father's estate in Ilmenau.

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Dorothea Charlotte                                                                                                                      


House:  Brandenburg-Ansbach

Nationality: German

Age: 17  ( b. November 28, 1661)

Gender: Female

Eye Colour: Hazel

Hair Colour: Dark Blonde

The first impression

An unassuming princess of Brandenburg-Ansbach, Dorothea Charlotte is a determined pietist. She loves learning and intellectual conversation, has high ideals and noble vision.  She is not one of courts beauties, but has an inner serenity that glows from within.

Somewhat serious by nature a smile and laughter less often brightens her face, and then only in the company of ones she knows and trusts.



Following her fathers death in ’67 Dorothea was sent to attend court with family Pfalz as a companion for Karoline Elisabeth von der Pfalz.  

In 1677, the year folloing Raugrafin Karoline marriage to King Charles II, she sent for her childhood companion as a comfort. 



Dorothea Charlotte was a daughter of Margrave Albrecht of Brandenburg-Ansbach (1620-1667)

Her brother Johann Friedrich of Brandenburg-Ansbach (7 years her senior) became Margrave of the Franconian principality Ansbach from after her fathers death.  He was a minor at the time, and attended university and did his grand tour while Elector Friedrich Wilhelm managed his lands.

It was not until 1672, when he became of age, that he took over the rule in Brandenburg-Ansbach. Johann Friedrich was regarded as a tolerant and amiable prince, but was not very ambitious and made himself dependent on the councils. He continued the Habsburg-friendly policy of his father and took in Ansbach and Schwabach French emigrants, which led to an economic revival of the country. His musical inclinations, especially opera and ballet, as well as his love of pomp led to financial difficulties.

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Johan Frederick

Nationality: German

Title:  Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach (Succeeded 1667)

Nationality: German

Age: 31  (15 July 1646)

Gender: Male

Brown eyes, and Dark blonde hair, Johan Frederick has a strong nose and cleft chin. He is fond of wearing military style costume, having a high regard for warcraft and stretgey (regard he learned from his Father).   

He married to Johanna Elisabeth of Baden-Durlach (26) on married on 26 January 1673, and they have had 3 children so far: 


  1. Leopold Frederick (29 May 1674 – 21 August 1676) died in infancy.
  2. Christian Albert (b.18 September 1675)
  3. Dorothea Friederike (12 August 1676) 




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Magdalene Sibylle,

Titles: Margravine Brandengurg-Bayreuth and Electress of Saxon by Marriage.

Nationality: German

Age: 65  ( b. 27 October 1612 )

Gender: Female

Eye Colour: Blue

Hair Colour: Silver

Married to John George II, Elector of Saxon, and between them they were enormous partons of  music and the arts.  Dresden, under them became thee musical centre of Germany; welcoming foreign musicians and others he gathered around him a large and splendid court, and his capital was the constant scene of musical and other festivals.   Her husband commissioned the building of the first opera house, the Opernhaus am Taschenberg. 

Her husband is Ursula Hildebrandts's brother  


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