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To send a letter...


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In the title of the post, name the person receiving the letter and the date it should arrive. Assume all letters sent to others in the palace and London arrive the next morning. Otherwise, assume the postal riders can cover 50 miles a day. Thus, a destination 500 miles away would need 10 days to arrive.

Edited by Guest
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  • 10 months later...

A warning!


It is a most common mistake for players, excited to get correspondance, to post a reply to a letter received the next day, then realise that their character is now posting days ahead of where they want to be!


Take care to look at the date that you receive a letter before replying.


I suggest that people then make a note in their 'Dayplanner' thread in their secret compendium to remind them when they can reply to said letter in the appropriate order. Perhaps writitng up the draft of the reply letter right then and there while they are in the mood, then to post it later on.

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  • 7 months later...
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  • 5 years later...

Dear players,


In case you are wondering, I am adding some notes of the clerk called Johnson to letters for your amusement. It is a bit of background fodder. This was always going on in the background but now you can look into the mind of this civil servant.


As OOC background information I want to remind you that all letters not delivered by hand are being read by authority, and yes I do mean all letters, by the office formerly occupied by Williamson. A giant operation, that cost the King a pretty penny but we actually have historical evidence for this. It is all part of the black budget of the Secret Service, funded in part by the Dover money. Now you know why being Postmaster is a political appointment


For IC consequences you must realize that the King, and his government, have a pretty good idea what his courtiers are up to, including keeping dossiers on them.

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