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Have you done a PCMHC lately?


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(back in the day we did end of season writers overview reviews, this is really just that ;)

PC Mental Health Check 

A review of your characters hopes, plans and challenges & consideration of your own feelings about it.   

I invite everyone to spend a bit of time upon your individual characters, and suggest the format below.  Once you have mulled these things over for some time, you might either post it into your Scratchpad (this is not private) for the community to appreciate.  Or if preferred you might PM it to the mod you best relate to, to discuss and brainstorm if necessary.

It is my hope that a mental health check for our PC's will help energise them and ourselves (in our quirky little symbiosis we've got going on). ❤️   



Short Term Objectives:

3 key motivators:

Who/what will help?

Who/what will hinder?

How do I feel about this, do I enjoy this focus? 

Do I need to change anything to feel great about


Short Term Obstacles (either relating to the above, or unrelated) 

Who/what will help?

Who/what will hinder?

How do I feel about this, do I enjoy this focus? 

Do I need to change anything to feel great about


Long term Objectives:

3 key motivators:

Who/what will help?

Who/what will hinder?

How do I feel about this, do I enjoy this focus? 

Do I need to change anything to feel great about


Long term Obstacles (either relating to the above, or unrelated) 

Who/what will help?

Who/what will hinder?

How do I feel about this, do I enjoy this focus? 

Do I need to change anything to feel great about?




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