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To His Majesty, via Buckinghams man. Letter from NV

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It was a game she'd played with the King at the beginning of their relationship;  letters from Envy. 

Upon the Friday Nicolette had recalled the fun of letters, and thought to reestablish, most particularly upon account that it was even tricker than usual to find leisure time with CR.

So it was that Nicci placed her open letter to the King into Francis hand, which was the way she'd ever done it.  At first she knew the Duke need read it for screening, then later once her trust was gained, she still did for their mutual pleasure).  He might then deliver it when the time was right.


To His Royal Majesty the King of England, Scotland, Ireland and France

Such a sweet history, I do now recall the first scrape of nip to paper in petition to you, and the brush of quill past lips with imaging of your lips upon mine.  However it became a reality, and a vigorous one at that. To love and be loved, it is as thrilling as it is exhausting, while barely do the sheets chill after your leaving, than my ardour again rises from sheer need of more.  I would bruise my mouth, graze my knees, become wonderous insane with ravagment of you.  Might we discover time together again soon? We must!

I am plotting an occasion that our friend OldRowley might cheer and chuckle at, it is to be a good old fashioned bon fire. BYO even: bring your own drawer, broken chair, secret diary, ruined stocking - to toss upon the flames.  What might you think to offer up to the night sky to blaze away? I am thinking to burn a certain someone's clogs! 

With Your permission of course, may I light the fire Saturday night?  (I should not want to upset Ru with lack of consent) and invite our Merry Friends to play and dance with us.  



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