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To Lord Kingston | Saturday the 17th, delivered early afternoon

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The note was written on white, heavy, rag card, using purple-black oak gall ink, and sealed with Henry Grey's signet on gray wax.

Lord Kingston,

After our meeting and talks about Newton and printing presses, something kept tugging at me, something I could not quite grasp. It was not until today that I realized what it was. I hope it is useful to you. If you were in need to identify who printed a particular publication, perhaps you could look at the letters, find the type foundry who cast those letters, and find out who they have sold type sets to. That should narrow the search substantially.

Your humble and obedient servant,

Henry, Lord Grey

The note was hand-delivered by a liveried servant on Saturday, early afternoon.

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Lord Grey, 


Thank you for presenting me with such a solid avenue for investigation. That may narrow down the search considerably if it is not a more common set or there is a letter set in an uncommon way. There have now been enough of the sheets made that most letters could be scrutinized for something of use.


Your Servant etc.,




It was sent with a bottle of his blood orange brandy

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