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Lord & Lady Ashburnham | received 2nd April

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Lord and Lady Ashburnham,

May I thank you for such a thoughtful gift that the little Lord Whitgrove adores.  The token means even more to me, his guardian, for the knowledge that even though he lost both father and mother he shall have many eyes looking out for his future.  I am loathe to cite cliché, and yet there is great truth in the adage that 'it takes a village'.  Know that my doors are ever open to you and yours to visit perchance to instil the noble Ashbunham values and vision into this youngsters heart.  This child might thus become the most fortunate of men.  

God Bless


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It was not the Major-General who answered, but rather John Ashburnham. The note that George received, after the lengthy salutations required, read:



I am most pleased to offer it. Captain Russell was a friend of Captain Herbert and I, so it is only fitting that little Whitgrove should grow up knowing his friends. Your sentiments and invitations are most appreciated and reciprocated. 


The signature was very pretty and flourishy, and the paper quite expensive. 

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