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Charles Rex

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  • Defiance pinned this topic
  • 2 months later...
Guest Returning Player

I submitted a message via the "Contact Us" option this past Thursday and wonder if you have received it.

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Guest Returning Player

Thanks for the reply,

I no longer have a player account as it has been quite some time since I was active so I am unable to Pm Defiance (or at least I can not find a way to do so as a guest). I submitted a "Contact US" request giving some information, asking a few questions and providing an email address to get in contact with Defiance.  Has been received? Do you wish me to create a new player account before getting approval for returning as my character? 

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Sorry about that! I had to search to even find the contact us button on the board ;)  Then it took me awhile to figure out where your message might have gone to, bc I didn't think I had set up a "contact us" button. Lo and behold I had. Usually you'd have to create an account to PM, but I found your contact us so in this case you wouldn't need to. I will paste up your message to the other mods, and I'm sure we can get you going again! It's been awhile so we might have to iron out some kinks and backstory before you can get posting. 🤩 💗

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