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Charles Rex

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Here you will find our frequently asked questions. If you have a question that isn't here please PM a moderator or come into our chat (see the sidebar).

Joining the Game

I am under 18. May I join your game?


  • A. No. Emphatically, no. This is not a judgement on your skills of English or your ability as a roleplayer. We are aware there are many excellent roleplayers below the age of 18. A. No. Emphatically, no. This is not a judgement on your skills of English or your ability as a roleplayer. We are aware there are many excellent roleplayers below the age of 18.


    However, due to severely mature themes on Age of Intrigue we have decided upon the advice of legal counsel not to allow anyone under the age of 18 to join. We do not want to run the risk of violating any laws, nor cross the comfort zones of many of our members.


Q. Why does my login have to be my character name?


  • A. In our game it is one account per character. It allows us to easily distinguish from your login which character you play. More essentially it maintains the period feel and character of the game. Please use your character name when creating an account.


Q. I am a returning player. How do I get started again?


  • PM a DEFIANCE and ask if you can start again with your previous character. We nearly always welcome back old players, however the things we will want to discuss are: 


    • Are you sure you can commit to a posting rate  of 2+ posts per week as per our policy?
    • We will ask you to keep to smaller threads and stories with other PCs

    • You will not be able to request personal moderated threads for one month or start them yourself

    • You will not be able to hold any personal events during your first season back. You may join other PC's events

    • What will be the IC backstory to having been away from court? There can be no benefits in it. (sickness is common)

    • Any updates to your charactersheet that are necessary because of changes in the game.

    • Our new rules & game system and how that alters how we play the game

    • Make sure you read the sticky "Returning Players" in this forum!

    If you wish to return but with a new character you are more than welcome, but in that case you will have to apply again with a new sheet.


The AoI Game System and Getting Started

Q. How often can I expect to be moderated?


  • A. Since each moderator is a volunteer and usually needs time to play their own character in the game we make no guarantee's of when each post will be moderated. A. Since each moderator is a volunteer and usually needs time to play their own character in the game we make no guarantee's of when each post will be moderated.


    Most moderators visit the boards on an almost daily basis but this does not mean that they will moderate your thread on a daily basis. The majority of moderators post at least twice a week, and more often than not more frequently than that. Varying time zones and differing posting rates of players may also effect the frequency in which a thread is moderated.


    Please do not expect your moderator to hyperpost with you, although that may happen in special cases. Do not begrudge a moderator his or her player postings either. It is what gives them energy to run the rest of the game.


    Involving yourself in threads with other players that do not require moderation as well as moderated threads is suggested to increase your chances to post more frequently.


Q. What assumptions can I make in my posts?


  • A. In the interest of moving threads forward you can make assumptions in your writing about the environment, as well as to servants and shops that are around if such has been established before, is in keeping with the setting and does not give you an unreasonable advantage. This also includes recognizing highly placed and highly visible NPC characters of our setting without being introduced, such as the King or a Duke if such is fitting for your character's background. A. In the interest of moving threads forward you can make assumptions in your writing about the environment, as well as to servants and shops that are around if such has been established before, is in keeping with the setting and does not give you an unreasonable advantage. This also includes recognizing highly placed and highly visible NPC characters of our setting without being introduced, such as the King or a Duke if such is fitting for your character's background.


    A reminder that you can keep mundane actions "off screen" unless you consider it an opportunity to do some soul searching or other forms of character development.


    Things Not to Assume


    1) In multi player threads players are asked not to assume the success of their actions when it gives a (social) disadvantage to the other PCs involved, like for instance overhearing something or hiding from somebody's view. If you want to move forward and a mod has not stepped forward to keep an eye on the situation feel free to PM us with a request. As long as all PCs are agreed upon a course (for instance by checking it in PM) you can move forward. However we reserve the right to moderate it anyway.


    2) Do not assume that you can hear what is said unless it is indicated that you can. If you really want to be able to overhear indicate in your post why you can, or take initiative to improve your chances. Build towards direction your attention to a person in a previous post before you start overhearing them.


    3) Do not assume the success of your action. This is a moderated game. It is important for the balance of the game that you post your actions and reactions to actions of others but not what the result is. That is within the realm of the moderator. It creates that delightful sense of not knowing what will happen next.


    4) Do not read the thoughts of other characters but only react to their actions and words on face value. There is only so much interpretation you can do from looks and sighs.


Q. What actions may my character take?


  • You can attempt to do almost anything that you can do in real life but you cannot determine the outcome of any of your actions, nor can you control the actions of any NPC. Any action you do take will have positive and negative IC consequences. This is very much like real life. You can never be quite sure what is waiting around the next corner, and even your best friend may do something that takes you utterly by surprise on occasion. You can attempt to do almost anything that you can do in real life but you cannot determine the outcome of any of your actions, nor can you control the actions of any NPC. Any action you do take will have positive and negative IC consequences. This is very much like real life. You can never be quite sure what is waiting around the next corner, and even your best friend may do something that takes you utterly by surprise on occasion.


    • You may attempt to pick a lock, but not declare that you succeeded.
    • You may attempt to pick a lock, but not declare that you succeeded.
    • You may deal a pack of tarot cards, but it is up to the moderator to inform you of the cards you hold.

    • You cannot control any NPC in any way.


Q. How do I really get involved in the game?


  • A. The key to making the game enjoyable is interaction, and there are several ways of going about it. A. The key to making the game enjoyable is interaction, and there are several ways of going about it.


    Things to do IC When You Start

    • Read through the NPC's and decide who you wold like to meet - then conspire how you can manage to meet them.
    • Read through the NPC's and decide who you wold like to meet - then conspire how you can manage to meet them.
    • Create an aim for your PC, and work that aim into your characters conscious ambitions then start plotting towards meeting that goal.

    • Become knowledgeable of all the places at court - visit every location, then as the expert you may offer newbies a tour.

    • Hunt out gossip, create gossip, stir trouble amongst your peers.

    • Organise a group outing - boating, a picnic, a ride etc

    • Nurture a new friendship: write letters to people recently met.

    • Develop an enemy - what adds more thrill to life than an enemy you despise? Anticipate the sweet relish of their comeuppance!

    • Woo a member of the opposite sex, or two. Sending loveletters, poems and flowers.

    • Decide on something that you would want that is well beyond grasp, and begin to strive towards reaching it.

    • Decide to learn a new skill.

    • Snub someone deliberately and see what happens.

    • Start reading books on poisoning, and see if people around you start to worry.

    • Wake up in a foul mood, and be mean.

    • Wake up in a deliriously happy mood and extend a favour to the first person you meet.

    • Sit down in a corner of London that you have not visited before and ponder the meaning of life, especially your life. Even if nobody joins you.. it gives you time to reflect on your life and build character.

    • Beat somebody at a game of witty repartee. Make a limerick on another character. Say something that a lot of people will remember just because it made them laugh so hard.

    • Have a hidden crush on someone. Destroy every love letter you write, every poem on the subject once it is written. Give longing glances but look away quickly when the other person pays attention. Despair!

    • Have a gamble. You can gamble on pretty much anything, even the weather.

    • Create a society event. Build a network of friends and then invite them to dinner or tea.

    • Have your portrait taken. Increase your fame by sitting for a painter. It will look so lovely above the chimney, reminding your friends of your wealth and influence.


    Things to do OOC When You Start

    • Seize the Initiative Even if your character is shy, you need to take the initiative in the game. Sometimes moderators will post "adventure hooks" with NPCs present that give you an opportunity to meet someone or get embroiled in a plot, but we do these infrequently. You should post your gal or guy in some thread walking around the palace or the city, even doing mundane things. This gives other players a chance to post their characters to meet yours. It also allows a mod to have an NPC happen by for you to meet. If you just sit and wait for others or mods to create a thread, you will become bored. Even if your character is shy, you need to take the initiative in the game. Sometimes moderators will post "adventure hooks" with NPCs present that give you an opportunity to meet someone or get embroiled in a plot, but we do these infrequently. You should post your gal or guy in some thread walking around the palace or the city, even doing mundane things. This gives other players a chance to post their characters to meet yours. It also allows a mod to have an NPC happen by for you to meet. If you just sit and wait for others or mods to create a thread, you will become bored. Even if your character is shy, you need to take the initiative in the game. Sometimes moderators will post "adventure hooks" with NPCs present that give you an opportunity to meet someone or get embroiled in a plot, but we do these infrequently. You should post your gal or guy in some thread walking around the palace or the city, even doing mundane things. This gives other players a chance to post their characters to meet yours. It also allows a mod to have an NPC happen by for you to meet. If you just sit and wait for others or mods to create a thread, you will become bored. Even if your character is shy, you need to take the initiative in the game. Sometimes moderators will post "adventure hooks" with NPCs present that give you an opportunity to meet someone or get embroiled in a plot, but we do these infrequently. You should post your gal or guy in some thread walking around the palace or the city, even doing mundane things. This gives other players a chance to post their characters to meet yours. It also allows a mod to have an NPC happen by for you to meet. If you just sit and wait for others or mods to create a thread, you will become bored.
    • Take ChancesThe meek might inherit the Earth, but they will not succeed in this game, if they are ambitious. If you want to get ahead, you need to be out there finding opportunity. Just as a good job or Prince Charming will not come to your door looking for you, you must be out there casting your net and fishing.

    • Tell the reader what you're thinking. The best writers give depth to their character when they reveal the secret thoughts. It is more fun reading a post when someone might be saying nice things but thinking insults. It also better adds color to your character. 

    • Set Some Goals If your character does not dream of being the power behind the throne, that is okay. Still, you should have ideas about getting married and leisure activities that would interest you. Some times you do not have to be the leader, but can have fun supporting someone else's rise. Regardless, some goals would be a good thing.

    • Barge on In Just because there are 2-3 players in a thread does not mean that there is not room for 2-3 more. If it is in a public place, then write up an excuse to happen upon the others, or maybe you are already there. Don't think that you aren't welcome. The more, the merrier.

    • Feedback Give the mods feedback of what you would like to do with your character.


Retiring Characters/Creating a Second Character

Q. Can I have more than one character?'''


  • A. Indeed, you can, although we recommend you become accustomed to the genre before submitting your second app. At least 90 days is great. A. Indeed, you can, although we recommend you become accustomed to the genre before submitting your second app. At least 90 days is great.


    The main proviso with playing more than one character is: Your characters cannot help each other, and if it can be avoided at all they should not meet. If a thread progresses in such a direction that it seems likely that two characters you play will meet, it is suggested that you contact a moderator to ask for assistance and/or advice. We will consider it cheating if two characters run be the same player seem to be aiding one another at the exclusion of other PCs.


Q. I just can't get a grip on my character. Can I start over and begin again with a new one?


  • A. Of course, we want everyone to enjoy themselves. We all understand that some characters work and some don't for no apparent reason. If you do wish to discard a character have a word with a moderator in your compendium about the best way to remove your character from existing plots and maybe even making their exit part of a plot. A. Of course, we want everyone to enjoy themselves. We all understand that some characters work and some don't for no apparent reason. If you do wish to discard a character have a word with a moderator in your compendium about the best way to remove your character from existing plots and maybe even making their exit part of a plot.




Q. I'd really like to moderate or join your staff

  • A. We have a strict do not ask policy. When we have needs for more staff, we approach players individually. Many time we simply don't need more staff. This avoids hurt feelings and other awkwardness. Please don't ask to join staff or signify your readiness to do so if called upon!


Q. Can I see my old compendium,etc

  • A. Sorry, no. We have no way to do this for you.


Q. Help! There is sex in this thread.'''


  • A. Age of Intrigue is a mature game for an 18+ audience. In simple terms this means we allow smut and will not mark a thread mature, use a private board etc. We think it is part of life and not endangering anybody, favouring an European cultural outlook. A. Age of Intrigue is a mature game for an 18+ audience. In simple terms this means we allow smut and will not mark a thread mature, use a private board etc. We think it is part of life and not endangering anybody, favouring an European cultural outlook.


    If it is a subject you do not enjoy, then by all means do not engage in it. We have many other themes to enjoy. We recommend you put in your signature what you are comfortable with. CZ-A indicates that I am not comfortable with writing erotic scenes. CZ-B indicates I am comfortable writing erotic scenes but would like to fade to black. CZ-C indicates I am comfortable writing erotic scenes.


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