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Your Exclusive Invitation | arrives 27th December- Xmas 1677


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In something of an attempt to boost Gresham College's profile, an invite was sent out to the heads of Households.


Attention Gentlemen of Heightened Intellect,

You are cordially invited to a private gathering to be held at Eight in the evening on Tuesday at Gresham, with discussion and debate upon a variety of subjects including but not limited to Mr Flamsteed's recent discovery of the cause of celestial motions. Brandy and Cigars shall be supplied.

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A short note written on pure white cotton rag card, with purple-black oak gall ink, in a masculine script without adornments. It arrived mid-morning on December the 30th.


Esteemed Professors of Gresham College,


I regret that I arrived to London after the clock struck twelve last night, so please do not consider my previous lack of reply or attendance as a slight. I would be honoured if you were to continue inviting me to events sponsored by the College, especially in the area of Astronomy.


Your humble and obedient servant,


Lord Melville


The note was hand-delivered along seven bottles of a remarkable claret from Gascony, each tagged with the name of one of the College's Professors.

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"Two, four, six. That is very kind of him. Seven, seven bottles." following the stock check spectacles were put back on to re-read the letter.


"Please assure Lord Melville that I'll see each of the professors gets his. Very good of him indeed. Such a pity, he missed a fine night. There a h'penny for your troubles." there was a soft grunt as he took the weight of the delivery into his hands. "This crate is quite heavy isnt it - you are a strong lad now aren’t you. Well done."


Melville’s generous gift would raise further commendations throughout the day as the bottles were delivered to the respective professors, yet for now, as the messenger dashed off...


"No body ever remembers the secretary." murmured the clerk.

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