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Veritas 20th May


The truth shall make ye free


During the Princess Showcase, the Duchess of S did not pull any punches and even perhaps dosed her niece to make the little girl even more vulnerable placing the sympathy card down upon the table. Apparently, that was not enough and she should have placed a golden calf upon it instead. No wonder the darling little princess decided to stay behind having no desire to be spirited away and locked in a tower until the day comes that she would be useful again.


Mistress A was not seen at any recent libertine event, loosing her touch. She's rumoured to have found a fun replacement activity, for she does ride the Duke of Y. with whip in hand.


The brothers Captain and Lieutenant C have been witnessed on several Sundays furtively entering the Labyrinth with shovels and sacks. What new devilry are the scoundrels up to this time? Duke of Y and their cousin Lady M might want to keep an eye on the jewels and silverware.


It has been noticed that Lord T has been seen around Mistress D on a number of occasions, with money changing hands, is she perhaps become courtesan? Curious minds wonder to the going rate nowadays?


It has been said that Lord M has been placed in charge of unraveling the web of financial trickery perpetrated by the former Master of Wards so that all stolen funds can be returned to the cheated heirs. Clearly he must be one of the only honest and incorruptible men in government today to have been given a task that will affect so many.


Government officials and merchants aren't the only ones keeping an eye on England's economic interests. The elder Lady R - soon to be Lady A - has been actively supporting new businesses and innovative local craftsmen, as well as advising the purchase of domestic goods over imported. It is said that our future queen and another Lady A are also promoting English goods over foreign. Great minds think alike.


Speaking of English Enterprise, the recently reclusive Lord B has been seen visiting the old Savoy building of late during it's renovations for his Company, speculations fly that he discreetly removed several Transylvanian corpses from it's basement.


Major L's house is filled to overflowing, so that we have heard his house guests share their beds top to tail! Word is that he intends to open his recently renovated Dorchester house shortly, for at least to keep his own lady guests in!


While further along Piccadilly, friends of Lady S have been turned away from the abode. Having missed several engagements and not one has caught sight of the small brunette, curious minds wonder if the Earl of D has dispatched the lass!


Enquiries upon the sudden removal of Lady O from the Piccadilly house address, has uncovered that the reason was the soil was too acid for her plants to thrive. Yet what does she hope to grow now she is resident at the Saint Marks one does wonder?


Further news in the Palace, we have heard that several courtiers of artistic mentality are pooling their resources, searching for singers, musicians, and dancers of notable talent. Is there an opera or ballet in store for next Season? We await further details with great anticipation!


A pair of very reliable witnesses report seeing Lady S and her recently announced fiancée, Mr P, engaged in a rather public quarrel in the dining room of the Red Lion Inn. Harsh words and an upended plate of kippers leave us to wonder what could be the cause of such an embarrassing display where we might otherwise expect the warmth and affection of pre-marital bliss?

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