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A Visit From A Friend | Thursday afternoon

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Apartment of Lord & Lady Toledo


The door to the apartment opened directly into the drawing room, a long, narrow space furnished in dark woods and hung with crimson damasks and silks. The bank of frosty windows looks out over the Long Walk and Castle Hill. To the right of the windows, on the west, is a well-lighted fireplace with a carved stone coat of arms placed into the wall directly above. There is a swathe of royal blue velvet draping the mantel, a wreathe of seasonal blooms gracing the center of the swathe. Against the opposite wall is a long table surrounded by several ornate chairs. An iron chandelier hangs from the ceiling to light the chamber at night, the light glinting off the polished wooden floors.


Further down the west wall are two doors leading to the apartment’s bedchambers. The first chamber is furnished simply in dark green, or varying shades of the color, with green damask hangings on the mahogany bed, the verdant counterpane worked with fine silver embroidery. A tapestry depicting a boar hunt covers the door to the closet on the north wall, a fireplace crackling merrily between two moderately sized windows in the south. Near this fireplace is a small table and chair while an iron chandelier hangs from the center of the ceiling, light glinting off the polished wooden floors.


The second bedroom is decorated in golds, the rich earthy colors making the room feel warmer than it actually was. A fire crackled in the hearth to the north while a heavy gold velvet curtain covered the door to the closet set into the south wall. In the center of the room was an ornate mahogany bed with similarly colored hangings and counterpane; however, the bed was so high that it required the use of an ornate set of steps to climb into it. The windowless room was lighted by an iron chandelier, light glinting off the polished wooden floors.



Dressed in one of the beautiful gowns that Ellen Doolittle had designed for her, Sophia surveyed the parlor while she waited for Lady Frances to arrive. As the Toledos had rented a house in town, there were few personal touches in the room. One thing she had insisted on was moving in a divan and placing it by the window so that she could recline comfortably. When the season was over, it would be returned to the house and moved into her lying-in chamber.


She had sent her maid to the bakery for some pastries that she and Lady Frances could enjoy while they caught up with each other. Sophia expected that her friend would be quite happy, since she was no longer betrothed to a libertine. She herself though that Lord Dorset was quite amiable, but she wouldn’t want to marry him despite the fact that he was a double Earl.


After straightening the flowers in a vase on the table, she waddled to the window and looked outside. The baby’s soft kicks made her smile.


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She had planned to go the Carnival in all Truth. 

Determined to NOT allow any Pity to keep her in hiding she had intended to sail forth without a care but the she had overheard some servants employed by her Father discussing a wager that was being placed apparently by many or so it seemed on the likelihood of her actually showing up or if she would quickly turn and leave hiding her face from all. The bets were higher on her LEAVING  ....

And so it was that she had penned Lady Toledo and the reply was favorable and now she made her way to the apartments set aside for the couple. She walked unhurriedly keeping the hem of her skirts a bit raised so not to dirty the brocade fabric. It was a new gown and cut in a more fashionable design than she normally would wear and the bodice also reflected this in its lowering. She had a nice figure and she knew that the gold color of her dress mixed with cream lace and the abundance of pearls and clear sparkling glass beads were a complement all round. Her cheeks were tinged a light pink from her walking and she wore a new scented perfume that was a mix of spice and earthy flowers. Not her usual sweet florals.

This was a NEW Frances.

She had no maid to accompany for she was old enough and Windsor was no Whitehall after all.

Arriving she gave a soft knock on the door waiting to be admitted. Her package secured in some plain velvet in her hands.

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Sophia turned toward the door when she heard the knock. Her maid had not yet returned from the bakery (what was keeping her so long?) so she answered the door herself.


Lady Frances had changed so much that she hardly recognized her. Last season she had looked like she was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders.  Now there was a confident and cheerful cheerful air about her. The dissolving of her betrothal had definitely been good for her.


“It is splendid to see you again, Lady Frances,” she said in greeting. “You look absolutely lovely. Please come in.”


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She hid her surprise as Lady Toledo herself opened the door.

She knew she was pregnant but seeing it so up close and just how much she had changed   ........

Frances gave a small curtsey and then reached out as if to escort her saying

"And why are you answering? You must surely be sitting down. Why you look to deliver any moment! "

She headed them towards the small table and two chairs by the fireplace easing Sophia into one of them before she took the other.

She set her small bundle at her feet and took a moment to settle her skirts.

"So how are you?" She asked.  "I did not expect to see you about but I think that nothing would prevent you from that."

She know well the other's stubbornness and so she teased bit.

"But you look well. Yet I think also more tired than you will admit."

"I know nothing of this state but I have friends who have had babies and have heard how badly ones body feels and all the other things." 

"When have they said the baby will be born?"

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“I sent my maidservant to the bakery and she hasn’t returned yet,” Sophia confessed. She didn’t protest when Lady Frances led her over to the fireplace. “When she does, she will serve us tea and refreshments.”


She sighed with relief as she sat down. “You know me too well.” Sophia smiled at her friend’s teasing. “At the beginning of the season, I went out quite often. I know most ladies would be in bed by this time in their pregnancies, but I believe that getting fresh air is better for the baby than lying in a stuffy room. Now it’s getting more difficult to get around, which is why I’m staying here instead of in the house my lord husband rented in town. I don’t want to miss the Masque and the Christening.


“Pregnancy definitely takes a toll on one’s body. My back aches, my ankles are swollen, and the baby kicks me all day and all night. I thought my strange cravings would go away but they haven’t. I still love strawberries with fish sauce.”


Did she really look tired? Most of the time, she did feel exhausted, even when walking across a room. “The baby is due in November so I have about a month and a half to go. At this point, I just want to get it all over with and hold my baby in my arms.” Sophia chuckled. “I never thought I would say this, but I’m actually looking forward to my confinement.”


The baby pummeled her and she placed one hand on her blossoming belly. “How have you been? You must have been overjoyed when your betrothal was canceled. And how is the kitten? What did you name it?”

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Reason given for answering the door herself and she seemed glad to sit as well.

"November  ..... But that is only a short time from now. And when will you return to London then?"

"Confinement is the last month before birth so that is October. Not many days left."

"Have you chosen who will accompany you for it? Which married Ladies I wonder might you select?"

"Will you have and Spanish Ladies?"

"I can only imagine how much preparation must be involved. Your own attendants and the midwife and hers, plus being in just one room or two for an entire month ....."

She trailed off aware that she was rattling on.

"I am sorry. Look at me just asking away and not giving you a change to answer!"

"I do not have anyone close to me know that is pregnant let alone given birth. I understand how it works (she thinks it to be so) but  ......."

"Are you not afraid?"

She watched as Sophia put a hand to her belly answering back

"Me? Well enough. At first I was determined to shut myself away like I had to hide. As if I were in the wrong."

A small shrug of one shoulder

"But I quickly let go of that. I was the subject of much mirth gossip and pity and now, well, I do not hide away anymore. I do not care for any of those that belittled me but championed Dorset."

"He is as I - glad to be rid of the other. Or at least I presume so. We have not talked."

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Lady Francis had a lot of questions but Sophia didn’t mind at all. “I will be giving birth in our rented house and I should be returning to London next season. My lying-in chamber is still being decorated but it is almost done.” She decided not to mention that it was painted in pastel colors with cheerful paintings on the wall. There were shutters on the windows but she planned to have them opened so that she could get some fresh air. She would even sit in the small garden by the outside door when she felt like it. And that was precisely why …


“I do not plan on asking any ladies to stay with me. It will be too crowded and I like my privacy. I will accept visitors, but they will not be present during the birth. It will be just me and the midwife. I will feel more comfortable without so many people watching me scream in pain. I know it is not traditional, but everyone is different and I feel that this is the best arrangement for me.” She could have mentioned that she was not English, but German birthing traditions were much the same.


“I don’t have any friends with children to give me advice, and there are still many things I do not know. And yes, I’m frightened. I have nightmares about things going wrong. I know the pain is going to be excruciating, and I don’t look forward to it, but I think it will be worth it to bring my child into the world. I have heard that once your baby is born, you forget about the pain as if it never happened.”


Sophia sighed. “I don’t know why everyone believes that everything is the lady’s fault. You were right not to hide. There would have been rumors about you feeling guilty. It is much better to be seen and to walk with your held held high. You were not to blame and it is much better for you not to marry a man like Dorset.  You would have been a double Countess but your life would have been miserable.  He doesn't deserve a fine lady like you.   Now you are free of him and you have the chance to marry a gentleman who suits you much better."

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There was a silence as Frances digested what she had heard.

"What? Here at Windsor? Not in London?"

"I do not understand .... Just the two of you? What of the midwife's own attendants that will assist her?"

"But you must have a least one married Lady present of some Rank that can testify that the child was birthed from you. Naturally everyone knows it to be but it is just so that no suspicion will fall onto you or the child."

"And once in Confinement no outside persons may see you for those 30 days."

"Even 'I' know this much."

"And you can not go out in Public until you have been 'Church'd' after that."

"Why even The Queen had to have had it so and it is even more invasive for her. Imagine half the Court to witness  ...."

Her words were a statement to her being shocked at how Sophia was doing things.

"I am quite surprised. I did not think that Lord Toledo, a Spaniard and a Catholic, would ever agree to such an arrangement. I mean childbirth is the same for Noble Ladies no matter where."

But she had an understanding of how Sophia thought so she left off on her response to that and moved on.

"A Double Countess is a thing of import but not one i sought. It was my father who wished it to be."

"Perhaps now things will be different but I can not say for sure."

"I may have attained some Grace for now my younger sister Margaret will become the focus. There can not be two sisters at the same time to marry off after all!"

"I have brought you a small gift. For the child."

She reached down and took up the small velvet wrapped bundle and held it out for her to take.

(inside is a small sandlewood box carved with flowers and when opened a small coral necklace rests on a piece of folded white satin fabric)

"It is Red Coral. A necklace. Made for a baby. They must wear it hung around their neck to protect them from illness and danger."

"It is a powerful talisman and well serve to help ease your mind and worries."

"I have more beads that you may have to make it larger as the child grows."

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“I don’t think traveling at this point is an option, despite London not being very far. Staying cooped up in a carriage would be very uncomfortable and I would hate to go into premature labor on the road. So since I will be going into confinement shortly after the end of the season, it is best to stay here. And the air is much fresher, which is beneficial for both the baby and me.”


She considered Lady Frances’ advice. “Of course the midwife’s assistants will be there, as well as a physician if the baby is reluctant to leave my womb. Perhaps you are right and I should have one married friend present, though I think my screams of pain would be proof enough that I am giving birth.”  She supposed she could ask Darlene. Confinement might even be fun with her around and she had mentioned that she had no plans after the end of the season. She would have to be in on the plan, though, and Sophia was not certain if she would approve. The petite blonde had not been aware that nobody could visit during confinement. Since she had asked Darlene to do so, maybe she already expected to stay.


“He hasn’t agreed,” she admitted. “I shall have to convince him, but he gives me almost everything I ask for now so I don’t think that will be a problem.” And she was milking her pregnancy for all it was worth.


Some ladies would ignore their husband’s scandalous behavior in order to become a double Countess, but Lady Frances wanted an honorable marriage and a stable home for her children. Dorset would never have given her that. “You are fortunate. While the focus is on your sister, you are free to dance with gentlemen at balls and converse with them without any pressure. Maybe you will find the right one for you and he will meet with your lord father’s approval.”


Sophia was glad that her friend’s life was looking up.


She had not expected a gift. With an exclamation of delighted surprise, she took the bundle that Frances handed her and opened it. The box itself was gorgeous, but the tiny necklace was even more so. She lifted it out and examined it, imagining her own baby wearing it, and then carefully put it back on its bed of satin.


“Thank you, Lady Frances! It is beautiful and I will place it around my baby’s neck as soon as he or she is born. I have never heard of this tradition, but there are many English customs that I still don’t know about. How long do they need to wear it?”


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She had been about to say

what do you mean a physician will be present?  Childbirth and Confinement are a Woman's Domain and no man is ever allowed inside 

But stopped herself. It was clear that her friend intended to defy any English traditions and so it was futile to say anything more on this.

Except for

"Of course you must have Ladies present - your travails are not what is important - the baby emerging must be seen to come from you and thus will be taken to your husband so that he can acknowledge it as his."

Of her own issues she shrugged

"Fortunate? Really?"

"Margaret is only sixteen near seventeen. Her marriage, while of interest, is not that great."

"Neither myself or Margaret can expect to wed a husband HIGHER than my sister Elizabeth after all."

"And she is a Duchess."

"Margaret will marry a second or even third son. Someone from a Wealthy and Good Family obviously but more like a Lawyer or even someone that holds a minor Court Office."

"I am better placed. For who ever I marry will be of higher Rank than Margarets. Even I will not be so foolish as to think otherwise."

"And you are wrong - I am not so free to dance or talk to or anything else to any Gentleman. Properties must be observed at all times. Nothing has changed because I am not marrying Dorset."

"My lady Mother has even procured the services of a Court Matron - Lady Lucas by name - do you know her - for the purpose of getting husbands for us."

"But even this Lady understands that two sister can not well be placed in the marriage market together so yes, I suppose, in some ways you might be right."

She smiled across to her friend at the gift revealed.

"They must wear it past the first Winter for so many perish afore then. If it survives thru Winter then the chances are better."

"Do not risk dangers if you remove it afore then!"

"Tempting Fate like that leads to nothing pleasant."

"I am sure Lord Toledo must have some superstations of his own that he would like you to follow."

"You can not be too Safe after all. And a new born child is defenseless."

Ah! I nearly forgot to say  ....."

"I have named the kitten 'cat' I know hardly original but there it is."

"She answers to it when called and so I am happy with it."

"She even sleeps on my bed and THAT annoys my lady Mother to no end but she just gives me a look but says nothing."

"I think she secretly likes the beast but would not dare to admit that."

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Sophia assumed that if there were problems that the midwives couldn’t handle, Esteban would call for a physician if there wasn’t any other choice. Or perhaps she had been reading too many novels. Whatever the case, she hoped it wouldn’t come to that. Now that she had met Molly, she was more certain that her ordeal would have a positive outcome.


“My lady mother passed away when I was only three. I had a stepmother but she had no children. Nobody taught me about the customs surrounding childbirth, so I don’t know exactly how things should be done.” Sophia thought it odd that you needed witnesses to prove the child was yours. She understood that it was necessary for royalty and she felt sorry for the Queen for having to endure ladies staring at her privates while she was in agony. But the petite blonde was only a Countess, and a new one at that. Why could not the midwives’ word be trusted?


Or did other courtiers switch babies too? Was it a common occurrence, perhaps?


And there were rules regarding marriages when you had sisters as well?  She listened with interest while Lady Frances explained. “Being an only child, I was not aware of this either. Cannot sisters both marry Earls if they will bring the most advantage to the family? Or will a nobleman be turned down if the lady he wants to marry has an older sister who wed a gentleman with a lesser title?”


Sophia was glad she didn’t have a bunch of older sisters. She would probably have to marry a stable boy. Maybe that was why some young ladies devoted their lives to the church … to escape marriage to a man they believed was beneath them.


“I was able to dance with gentlemen at balls when I was unwed and I could talk to them and even stroll in the gardens or go riding as long as I was chaperoned. That’s what I meant when I said that you would have more freedom now that you are no longer betrothed.”


Her baby's first winter would start only a month or so after its birth.  The days were already getting colder.  "Since he will be born right before winter, perhaps I should have him wear it even beyond his first year.  I doubt that my lord husband believes in superstitions, but the ladies in his family might."  She didn't want to ask Maria.  Her sister-in-law seemed so sad these days.


So Lady Frances had named her kitten ‘Cat.’ No, it wasn’t original, but not naming it all would be even worse. Sophia smiled. “She must like you if she comes when she’s called. Not all cats do. Isn’t it nice to sleep with a cat? Their purring often lulls me to sleep. I’ve always thought that cats know who doesn’t like them and they try to influence them to change their mind. It is difficult to resist a cute fluffy kitten.”


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"Well you now have the chance to learn all kinds of things about having babies - after all this is hardly to be the only child you will give birth to."

"And having another Lady present is a usual thing - for her testament that the child was indeed born of your body is 'proof' and that the child was not switched out for another."

"I have heard tales of how a boy child was brought in to replace a girl. Or how one twin is taken away and just the boy is left - twins are not always seen as Lucky by some."

"Daughters either."

"But I do not hold much Faith in these things. Who after all would switch babies!"

"But you shall be well taken care of I am sure. And I shall Pray for a safe delivery and recovery."

She truly did mean that and so thinks that Sophia will take comfort from it.

"Ah ..... but even if I have all that you say are 'freedoms' I will still be expected to do nothing improper."

"I will not be as you were allowed to be by those that cared for you."

"You are not English by birth so some forgivenesses are made. For me it is and will always be far stricter."

"Indeed - you must never remove the Coral no matter what - and you must guard against anyone trying to take it off as well."

"I think you will be surprised in what your husband thinks about such things."

"Even tho he is a man and not privy to what we women endure he will remembrances of what and how things were done for his Mother, sisters, aunts, cousins in his family."

"And there is his Religion as well to consider."

On the subject of her cat

"I find it comforting somehow to have her by my side when I am all melancholic or even in a temper."

"She can make me laugh or licks at my tears   ...."

"Do they? I mean they can really tell who likes them or not?"

"Hmmm   .... Yes I suppose now that you have said it and I recall how she will hiss at a person but then be all friendly with another   ....."

"I think I shall always have a need for such creatures by my side!"

"And so I should thank you for the gift of the first one."

"Do you have a name for the baby yet?"

"Will you have to give it some long and entangled Spanish name I wonder?"

"I have a friend who is in the same time as you but she is in the countryside so I do not hear of things often."

"Her brother told me that she will use 'Rufus or 'Reginald' for the boy she is assured of having."

"They are old family names of her husband's and so she has no real say - her mother-in-law is strict-handed so I have been told."

"And THAT is another reason to be selective in a husband. Imagine being bossed about and having no say even in your own House."

"And even worse your husband taking her side  ...."

She gave a small shudder at that thought.

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Sophia hoped she would give Juan many children, but if the baby she carried was Henry’s, that was unlikely. Her prince was probably unable to father children and she certainly wasn’t going to risk a situation like this again. When Juan was in Spain and she was in England, she planned to take herbs to prevent pregnancy. She and Henry would be linked together through their child, but maybe she wouldn’t have affairs with anyone else and just love them from afar.


Her heart skipped several beats and the world lurched sideways when Lady Frances spoke of switching babies. Was it done often among the nobility, whether they were in her predicament or wanted to replace a daughter with a son?  “I can’t imagine anybody doing that either,” she lied. “How can any mother send her own child away? I wonder what happens to those unwanted daughters. I hope they are well taken care of.” Her child would be looked after and have a happy home. She would make certain of that.


“Thank you,” she said simply to Lady Frances’s good wishes.


A Duke’s daughter was definitely held to stricter standards than the orphan of a foreign Earl, who was shuffled between two male guardians and had tasted freedom before. Her own father would have been much sterner with her. He had been livid when he had found out she was singing at an opera house and had told her that letting her stay in Venice had been a mistake.


“I regret the mischief I caused,” Sophia confessed softly. “If I could go back in time, I would do things differently and be a proper young lady. When I first came to court, I didn’t know how to be one. Some of my mistakes were my own fault, but others were made in ignorance. I still don’t know all the rules of court life.  I am learning as I go."


She nodded to Lady Frances’ advice. “I shall make certain my child wears it at all times and instruct his attendants to never take it off. And I will explain it to my husband as well. As you say, customs in his country are different but he should respect my wishes as well.”


Sophia was pleased that she had been able to introduce her friend to the pleasures of sharing her life with a cat. “I believe that cats are sensitive to human emotions and are able to comfort us when we need it.” The young Countess chuckled. “They are delightful companions. Sometimes I prefer their company to my husband’s.”


As to cats knowing who liked them: “It seems that way to me. Mine will ignore somebody who likes cats and jump in the lap of someone who hates them. Observe your cat with other people and see if the conclusion you come to is the same as mine.


“My cats will most likely have kittens again in the spring. If you would like another, just let me know and you can have the pick of the litter.”


It sounded like Lady Frances’ other pregnant friend was in worse straits than she was. “It is also one of the benefits of marrying a foreign Ambassador. His mother can’t interfere when she lives in another country. My mother-in-law is a lovely woman, though. We get along quite well. We go shopping together when I visit Spain. She has excellent taste.


“And no, we have not yet talked about names for the baby.” Sophia planned to discuss that with Juan rather than Esteban. Maybe he already had one picked out. “Maybe his first name will be Spanish and his middle name either English or German. I think the best choice will be a name that is used in both Spain and England, and that is what I will suggest if I am given a say at all. If I don’t like his name, I shall give him a nickname.”


The maid returned with a tray of sweet and savory pastries and a pitcher of tea. She set them aside and placed plates, cups, and cutlery on the table between Frances and Sophia. “Are you still interested in starting the music and art society for ladies that we discussed last season?”


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She was pleased that her gift was well received.

"Well a baby's life is full of ill things and so whatever can be done to ensure its Safety must be done. How could it not be so."

"I suppose, now that I think own it, 'Confinement' must have come about so that the Mother could be away from outside things and freed from uneasiness and such."

"So that last month shall be one of ease and quiet for you and therefore your trials of delivery will hopefully be not be horrible."

"Honestly I am a bit envious but then more frightened when it is all discussed. I wish to marry and have children and yet looking at you and your discomforts I wonder if I shall manage it."

As for her past

"Well it is good that you can reflect back now and see how you were and so you need never worry about doing wrong things!"

"Rules and Protocols are indeed monumental but you have been here long enough that you can ask friends, such as myself, if you have doubts."

She smiles her assurances across to her friend.

"I do not think that I can take in another. I would have to hide it away from sight and besides my Lady Mother has eyes in my rooms that report things back. I would be found out."

She gave a small shrug of one shoulder.

"But I have known this for years now and have my own ways to manage that. Besides I am of marriageable age now no longer a child so I have my own servants  this last year."

"So I shall hold off to the offer of another kitten for now."

"Alas you are right. My poor friend has to put everything before the mother-in-law for permission."

"So Fortunate indeed that yours is an ocean and Country away!"

"Yet she must have her 'eyes' amongst your household as well. It is only natural that she would."

"The woman that accompanies you - she is yours of your husbands or from Spain?"

"But have you not talked about names together yet? What if the child arrives early and no name is made   ...."

"Do not Catholics and Rules on this? What if something happens and the child would need to be baptized then and there?"

"I think it would be wise of you to make it know just as a precaution."

"Has anyone foretold a son or daughter to you? If not have names for both ready at hand."

For someone not even married or had a child she was just full of helpful advice. She had learned and listened to her teachings well indeed.

It was then that the servant returned and soon the table was laden with delights.

"It all looks wonderful. I have troubled you for such a display."

Tea would be much welcomed as would a sampling of what was offered.

"Hmmmm  ...."

"Yes I remember we talked of that. I think it would be fun for next Season."

"Time is needed to plan after all and with your confinement approaching and then a new baby I think it best to wait till then."

"Plus those Ladies at Court now may not be here then."

"Or your own interest may wain too. You might be too busy!"



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“Very true,” Sophia agreed. So many babies died before their first or second birthday.   She didn’t believe that a necklace had magical powers that could protect a child from all of the perils of childhood, but perhaps the coral itself was beneficial in keeping diseases away.


Lady Frances was likely right that confinement began as a way for a mother-to-be to relax before birth, but over the years it had transformed into a rather strange ritual in Sophia’s opinion. What good could lying in a hot room with the windows boarded up do for either mother or child? Who had conceived of that tradition? Fresh air and activity was important for everyone. Maybe the lack of those vital things was one of the reasons so many mothers and babies didn’t survive childbirth.


And how could one have peace and quiet in a roomful of chattering women? They most likely argued a lot. It seemed to her that would cause distress, rather than reduce it.  Did they even take baths? Sophia had made sure that her confinement chamber had a tub in it.


“I used to think that confinement was just a way for men to get their wives out of the way so they could cheat on them, but I see the appeal of it now.” As long as it was done her way, it might actually be a serene experience. At the very least, she wouldn’t be spied on or have to deal with Esteban’s disapproval.


“Pregnancy is uncomfortable, but the end result is worth it. And feeling the babe move inside you is absolutely amazing. You’ll get through it and I will give you guidance if you want it.” By the time Lady Frances married and got pregnant, Sophia might be carrying her second child.


“I’ll still make mistakes because I’m not English but I don’t plan to knowingly cause trouble. It is the same when I go to Spain. I still know little about their customs and there is a language barrier, though I speak Spanish better than I spoke English when I first came to court.”


As to Lady Frances’ offer of advice: “The Queen invited me to sit with her during the yacht race tomorrow. Are there any rules of behavior I should follow when in her presence in a causal setting?” She had made a major faux pas on the day Her Majesty had issued her invitation, and she didn’t want to repeat the experience.


“Whenever you’re ready for a new kitten, just let me know. Once you have your own household, you won’t need your mother’s permission anymore.” She would need her husband’s though. One of Sophia’s fears before she married was that the gentleman chosen for her would be allergic to cats or despise monkeys.


“I think my mother-in-law trusts me.” In many matters, the petite Countess was still naive. “The woman who serves me now is Spanish, but my regular maidservant is half German and half English. She was called back to London temporarily because of family problems. I hope she returns soon.”


Sophia appreciated her friend’s extensive knowledge and felt more keenly the lack of a mother to teach her such things. “You are right. I should speak to my lord husband about names for the baby. I am unaware of any Catholic or Spanish conventions but I need to find out.”


The food arrived and tea was served. “It was no trouble at all,” she assured Lady Frances. “I order so much from the bakery that they know me by name. The baby is always hungry.”


She was glad that Lady Frances was still interested in the society they had discussed last season. “Yes, We can plan it now and start it next season. It will also give me something to contemplate while in confinement. Since I won’t be bringing the baby to court with me, I’ll have plenty of time. We need to figure out what the first event should be. Maybe a demonstration of various arts to see what the ladies are most interested in? Or a lesson in a different art form at every meeting, perhaps?”


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"There are so few things that we, as women, have control over. Confinement and birthing of children are entirely the realms of women where no mans presence is allowed."

"Why even those servants that will wait on you must be female!"

"Once those confinement doors are closed then a husband or father or brother has no choice but to remain outside."

"You sound so confident. I can only hope that when it is my time I am as you are!"

"How did you find Spain? I mean I have heard stories of how strict and traditional it is - but are we not the same?"

"I cannot imagine being away from here. But I also know that if I am married off to a man who will reside somewhere else there is nothing I can do about it."

"But my mother will not agree to that. She will insist that any children of mine be born on English soil."

"Of that I am certain."

She tilted her head a bit as she asked

"But why have you only one servant from your Country? Can you not persuade your husband to allow you to have more?"

"I would think that now, of all times, he could deny little to any request reasonable made."

"Do you have the acquaintance of Lady Mountjoy?"

"Perhaps you might send her a note asking if she might assist you in the getting of German maids?"

"Or maybe it is that Lord Toledo favors those of his country and so you must adapt?"

"And as for names  ..... what if he expects some strange name that few can pronounce  ..... "

"Like my poor friend. I hope that you make use of your powerful voice in this and have your names heard as well!"

She smiled teasing a bit.

She did not for one moment think that Lord Toledo would be so bendable as to give into any of the things that Sophia had talked about.

Food then became the topic and so much was said over the various things presented.

"Will you eat EVERYTHING do you mean? Why there is enough for six!"

Perhaps that was why Sophie had gotten so large  .......

"Well as to the Society  ....

She took a sip of her tea.

"Planning of it is a good idea. It will occupy you as you say over then next months and then tis Winter and not much will happen as you know."

"Spring is so much better after all and I think interest will be had."

"There are several ladies both at Court and outside of it that have abilities and so I think it a good idea to look to both."

"Well before a planned event should we not make each do a kind of trial?

"To showcase what they do and how it all might be made to come together?"

"After all we do not want to be top heavy on just one instrument do we?"

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Sophia supposed that one of the positive aspects of confinement was that she wouldn’t be spied on there. Then again, she wouldn’t put it past Esteban to suspect that a gentleman would disguise himself as a female servant. Not only was that notion preposterous on its own, she had no desire for sex in her condition. Her hormones were still raging, but in a vastly different direction.


“I’m not as confident as I seem. I’m worried and scared. But putting on a brave front helps to convince myself that everything will be fine. All women probably feel like I do when they’re close to delivering their first child.”


Her gaze took on a faraway look. “Spain is like a different world. I thought the same about Venice when I first visited it as a child. The sights, the smells, the sounds, the tastes … it is all peculiar and extraordinary. The culture is stricter than England’s, but also more varied with influences from other countries on the Continent. Many people wear somber colors and show little emotion in public, but to them, it is perfectly normal. They sound boring, but they know how to have fun in their own way.”


She would never understand an Englishwoman’s reluctance to travel. Most of them were content to remain on their island for their entire lives and had no idea what they were missing. “Make sure you do not marry a man with aspirations to become an Ambassador and you’ll be fine. Otherwise, you will live in another country and spend much of your time traveling between that one and this one. An Ambassador’s life is certainly not for everyone.” Sophia doubted that the Duke and Duchess would choose such a gentleman for Lady Frances.


“Yes, I am acquainted with Lady Mountjoy. I’m not sure what my lord husband would think about a request for German servants. I’m not even sure if I want any. The Spanish staff helps me become more proficient in the language and that’s important. Some of them speak no English. My bodyguard is Austrian. I’m not sure why my husband didn’t choose a Spaniard for that position too. I do prefer that my personal maidservant is German, and he has not insisted that I replace her with a Spaniard.”


On the subject of names: “I don’t think he will choose an unpronounceable name for our child. He’s not that imaginative. But I will definitely suggest some that I like and explain my reasoning as to why his or her name should be suitable on an international level. Like my own. Sophia is used not only in Germany and England, but in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Russia, and other countries I cannot remember offhand."


She laughed. “No, I won’t eat everything, though my appetite is much larger than it was before I got pregnant. Now I am eating for two. I just hope that my figure recovers quickly.”


Lady Frances had some good advice for their Art Society. “Yes, that is an excellent idea. My friend, the new Lady Chichester, plays the cello and will likely want to be included, unless she is in my condition come spring. Perhaps you know some talented ladies as well. When we are ready, we can put up notices asking for participants.


“Where do you think it should be held?”


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"I suppose that is why it is always married ladies that attend childbirth for they have the knowledge that we lack."

"You are far Braver than I  ... Although I would like to travel to Paris and perhaps one day I shall."

"An Ambassador  ...." That idea was dismissed out of hand at once. "I would not think that will happen. The getting of Lands and Moneys will form my marriage as it does every daughter of a Peer."

'But once married I shall have a household of my own to manage and the funds to do it as I see fit."

"Remembering to stay within the 'boundaries' naturally."

She gave a small chuckle at that adding

"This whole mess with Dorset has given me one thing I did not have before - Understanding, That Society allows for in and outs within reason and I would never do anything to bring Shame to either my name or my husbands. But now, well, I think I am eager to put to test to see just how much and how far I can push back."

"Not have as much as you of course - You have the allowances of being Foreign as excuses - and that is something that will to be held for me."

Her eyes rested once again on the belly the was so big.

"Do you think your body will be as before? I mean it has expanded in all sides so how will it ever go back?"

"Will your stomach grow small as it was after the baby is born  ..... Perhaps you should hold onto all these dress for just in case."

"What if you recover but are still as you're now?"

Another sip and small bites then she moved to the topic of Music 

"Yes I have seen Lady Chichester and so she must be amongst those invited! I have several of my circle that are more than adequate but I think it best for you to judge them."

"Being impartial is important. And besides I do not relish any fall out between those of my acquaintance over this."

"As to location well  ....... London obviously  ...... Whitehall would be the easiest but there is also Lambeth Palace but the Archbishop might take umbrage at a gaggle of Ladies suddenly asking to make use of his really nice gardens!"

"It must be a place that is easily reachable either by water of carriage and the area must lend itself to the Idea as well."

"As for notices  .... Putting up Broadsheets is not the way to do this. I suggest we make use of a court Matron or two to spread the word or even ask Her Majesty to stand as Patron?"

"If She did agree then no door would be closed as to location."

"Plus any Ladies interested would then be those that are Skilled in their chosen venue - and THAT will save time in selecting."

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Sophia nodded. “Very true. If an unmarried lady witnessed a birth, she would decide to become a spinster. Everything I have heard about it is horrifying. And yet here I am, willing to go through it to bring a little life into the world.” Maybe it wouldn’t be as awful as everyone said it was. After all, her mother had given birth four times. She was the only child who survived past the age of two.


“Maybe if your husband knows that you wish to go there, he will take you.” Perhaps most English ladies were reluctant to tell their husbands what they wanted for fear of displeasing them or looking foolish. “I’ve never been there but I would love to see Versailles for myself.” Another thing she planned on doing during confinement was improving her French, mainly through reading unless somebody who spoke it attended her. When she felt that her command of the language was good enough, she would ask Juan to order Esteban to take her to Paris.  Maybe he would be able to accompany them.


“Are not English Ambassadors lords with their own lands and wealth? I thought the King chose them to represent his interests in foreign countries and that it was an honor to which many gentlemen aspired.” It seemed to be that way in Spain, anyway. Maybe here, Ambassadors were those the King wanted out of his way. Or he wasn’t the one who selected them. “I think most of them leave their wives at home and I am the only foreign Ambassador’s wife currently in England, though there may be some in other countries. Maybe they like being free of their husbands for much of a year.”


Sophia beamed when Lady Frances revealed that she wanted to push a few of the boundaries that men had placed on women. She was happy to see her friend so confident. “I think that’s great. We ladies need to keep the gentlemen on their toes. Perhaps you can even have a say in your own marriage as long as your parents approve.” She decided to say nothing about using her status as a foreigner to get away with mischief she knew would be frowned upon. Widening her eyes and biting her lip in confusion brought her forgiveness every time.


“I don’t know,” she said about her figure. Lady Frances had given voice to one of her worst fears. “I hope that once the baby’s out, my belly will be flat again. Most ladies I’ve observed look the same as before they were pregnant, though it might be due to a tightly-laced corset.” Sophia wrinkled her nose. “I certainly don’t want to be fat for the rest of my life.”


Again, her friend’s suggestions were excellent and all things that she had not considered herself. Lady Frances was … and always would be, she suspected … more well-versed in English court life than she was. “I hope for the Society to be a place for learning as well as performing, so ladies who have talent but have not been trained can join as well. Whitehall does seem to be the best place for it, and as you say, if the Queen agrees to be our patron, nothing will stand in our way.


“She invited me to sit with her at the yacht race tomorrow. I don’t know how much time she’ll have to speak to me, but maybe I can bring the subject up in a subtle manner. I am as anxious about that as I am about giving birth. I’m so afraid I will make some kind of etiquette blunder.”


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"Well once I am married I shall have to see if my husband is as willing as you hope he is!"

"As for myself, well, that to will be a thing to wait and see. But until I am married off I will go about with as much freedoms as allowed and after this episode with Dorset I thing both my parents are more manageable,"

"I plan to go to the Yacht Races alone save for my maid and speak to whoever I wish to or not. Perhaps I shall even 'misbehave'  ....."

She teased her friend with those words for she was unlikely to do anything that would bring repercussions.

"Well I think we should begin by testing the water so to speak."

"Put on a performance or two and judge the receptiveness and then if it is positive then open the option to also include a 'learning' environment."

"You understand that permission must be gained from Fathers before they would be allowed to participate - there are those that think a performance within the confines of ones' Home are fine."

"But in a Public space even at the Palace that is different."

"And if they are unmarried they have to think about how they will be judged   ....."

"Joining a Musical Society is fine and will be encouraged for that allows the mixing of girls of the same Class and that could lead to alliances."

"Performing in Public with girls of lower stature or ones that offer nothing by way of advancement might be difficult."

"I see no harm in it at all and neither do you I assume. But we should think carefully about how this will all be arranged."

"And if a Sponsor is got - even a well-established Court Matron or higher Duchess like Norfolk - that might help with any criticisms, if any, that are had."

"Either way we can only start with the Society and see how things go."

"I will not be swayed by all that may or may not happen. But I also know enough to see that we may just have to stay with the Society and leave the rest alone."

"You are going to the Races  ....."

"Well you could hardly refuse the Queen but even she must have thought you would decline in your current state?"

Privately Frances believed that Sophia should remain basically out of sight now and entertain privately as she was doing now until the start of her confinement came.

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"Being able to associate with anyone you choose is now a freedom that you can enjoy.” Sophia hoped that Lady Frances’ parents had learned a lesson from the Dorset fiasco and wouldn’t try to force her to marry a gentleman she detested because of the connections it would bring them. With Dorset, she believed that the disadvantages would have outweighed the advantages. Libertines had daughters. He should marry one of them.


She grinned. “Just make sure nobody catches you,” she teased back. Idly, she wondered what ‘misbehaving’ meant to her friend. Taking a walk with a gentleman without her parents’ permission? The petite Countess saw no harm in that as long as her chaperone was nearby. She couldn’t imagine Lady Frances ditching the poor woman as she had done to her own chaperone several times.


With any luck, Dorset would not be there. Or perhaps he should be, so Lady Frances could purposefully ignore him. Sophia had nothing against the double Earl. He was handsome and had been friendly to her on the few occasions they had spoken to each other, but she had not wanted to marry him either.


“That’s a good plan. Performing will inspire ladies to join us. Perhaps we could hold our initial meeting in the Music Room. Even those who are just passing by can stop and listen. Married ladies and widows will be welcome too, as long as they are respectable. There will definitely be opportunities for new alliances. I suppose it’s even possible to hold some of our meetings in the private residences of high-status members.


“There are far too few activities for ladies at court, and I think that this one has the potential to partially fill that gap. And yes, we should seek out a sponsor, preferably either Her Majesty or an influential Duchess. There must be few who are musically-talented. Music is part of every girl’s education, after all.”


Sophia took a sip of tea. “I will soon be confined to my house for at least two months, so as long as I’m able to get around, I wish to do so. I even went to the carnival yesterday. Dancing at the masque will be impossible, but I can still socialize and carry out my duties as the wife of Spain’s Ambassador. Her Majesty seemed to understand that.


“Most of the time, though, I shall stay at home and entertain friends either here or at the house we rented in town. I just don’t want to miss any important court events, particularly the christening.”


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"The Music Room would be ideal!"

"Well then I am glad that we are of agreement. While you are confined and into the New Year perhaps you could think more on just who we might approach first?"

"And I will do the same."

"Do you think we should just go with the immediate Benefit and ask the Queen?"

"But what if she says no or there is some reason that takes precedence and if that happens then we have to start over."

"I think it practical to have more than one plan at the ready just in case."

"And we must also take into consideration your own capabilities as well."

"This is your first baby and so you need to take all the time necessary to come back."

"It will serve no purpose to overtire or extend yourself."

She would not comment on Sophia's plan to 'go out' anymore.

"That sounds like the best thing to do."

Was all she said.

"Will you place a wager on the races?"

She asked.

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“Yes, I will do that. I will certainly have plenty of time.” Sophia didn’t know many Duchesses but it would be easy to find out which ones were interested in music. When Anna returned, she could make inquiries. Servants were an excellent source of information. Lady Frances was likely acquainted with several influential ladies. She had not mentioned her own mother, so she must not be artistically inclined. Or she preferred to this on her own without the Duchess of Newcastle’s assistance. Maybe creating this society was another way to show her newfound confidence.


“Perhaps we should ask the Queen first. We need to have everything planned out before approaching her, or anyone else for that matter. We can correspond during recess once my confinement is over and continue working out the details.” Sophia grinned at her friend. “My first letter will probably be very long, but hopefully not boring. If I can bring the subject up at the race, Her Majesty may indicate whether she is interested or not.  If not, she might suggest a lady who can sponsor us."


Picking up a pastry, she took a bite, lamenting that she had not brought any fish sauce with her. Everything tasted better with fish sauce, especially strawberries. Maybe she should try it on chocolate too.


“I don’t know how long it will take me to recover. It seems to be different for everyone. I’d like to say that I will be back to normal by Christmas, but that might be too soon. It is possible I may have to skip a holiday season, but I’m sure I’ll be fine if court is held a couple of months into the new year.” She also wanted to spend time with her baby before getting caught up in the whirl of court life again. There was a possibility that it would be whisked off to Spain as soon as it was old enough to travel. 


Sophia grinned again. “I’ve already made one.” It was probably better not to say too much about the agreement between her and the Queen. “I think Lord Kingston is going to win. Are you planning to place a wager too?”


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"I shall look forward to reading them! you will have far more experience and can give me useful information for when my turn comes!"

"Fish Sauce?" She made a face. "What is that and just WHY would you want it with these?'

"Is it some kind of flavoring that a pregnant woman must eat .....If so I shall fail miserably  .... I do not have a fondness for fish."

She gave an involuntary shudder at the thought that she would have to digest such an awful thing.

"Well I for one hope that we are in London come Christmas and not here. Look how packed in everyone is and a Christmas Court will bring even more!"

"Being a Duke's daughter has some privileges but bigger living arrangements are not one of them."

"Have you already selected a nursemaid for the child? Who will oversee their care?"

"I expect Spanish customers are similar to ours and a wet-nurse will be employed and the child brought to see you at arranged times."

"I remember that is how it was for my younger siblings. My Mother would see them in the mornings and then maybe once or twice later."

"She never had a hand in the caring. Only the decisions and other things of that sort."

She said it all so matter of factly for it was the accepted and normal way amongst households of the Nobility.

"Well I would not send a child of mine so far away at that age. What if an ill wind struck and the ship were to perish?"

"And I would worry about those employed to care for the child as well."

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“I’ll have a lot of advice to give after the baby is born. You will be much better informed about childbirth that I am.” Sophia wished she had a close friend with children who could give her guidance. Only the midwife Molly had told her anything useful. That was one of the reasons she wanted the woman by her side when she went into labor.


Colatura di alici is a condiment that Italians use for flavor. It is an acquired taste that I first had while in Venice. Not even pregnant women in Italy are required to eat it, but I think that most of them do. I make sure I always have a supply of it. I’m sure you’ve heard that one has cravings while with child. Fish sauce is mine. I use it on everything now, even desserts.  It's delicious."


The blonde Countess agreed with Lady Frances about the next season. “I hope it’s held in London too. The house we rented in town has much more space. I only use these rooms when I don’t feel well enough to travel back and forth.” Sophia assumed that the Cavendish apartments were quite a bit larger than her own, but probably still cramped for an entire family. “Do you have a room of your own or do you have to share one with your sister?”


She shook her head. “No not yet. When the season ends, I will start interviewing promising candidates. I hope to find attendants who speak English, German, and Spanish so that my child will be exposed to all three languages in the cradle. I assume that English and Spanish customs are similar. Spain may be the best place for the child, as we don’t have an English estate and we only spend a couple of months here each year. We travel to Madrid for recess and we would see more of our child if he or she lives there. My mother-in-law will probably be overjoyed to take over my duties while I’m gone.”


Her smile faded. “I will miss him, but London is not an ideal place for a child to grow up and I’m certainly not bringing him to court with me. Perhaps I can convince my husband to purchase an estate in the country so we can at least bring him with us. My childhood home in Germany is a possibility as well, I suppose.”


Sophia sighed. “You should definitely marry an Englishman, Lady Frances. There are so many decisions to make when you and your husband come from different countries and spend time every year in a third.”

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"Well I can say with assurances that will be a thing I NEVER shall partake of."

Her little involuntary shiver made her feelings clear on that.

"And any cravings I shall have will be sensible ones as well."

"The Duke has rooms assigned to him in every Palace."

Said as if Sophia should already know this.

"But they are for his use only except for my Mother of course. But when he is not using them then we can but it is rare that he ever agrees to that."

"My sister Elizabeth uses her husband's rooms and I have been able to accompany my mother up till now at Christmas Courts so I doubt much will change this year."

"Does Lord Toledo not want to have his children raised here in England? He IS after all an Ambassador."

"I mean would it not look odd to have his child so newly born be shipped off back to Spain? Would he take that risk?"

"He will most likely buy some county place as you say and the child and later children will be raised there. That is how it usually is."

"He will appoint some Gentleman that he trusts to run the household as a Steward and then find a good matron of respectability to oversee the nursery and governing of the child."

"But you must have a say in that for you can not just hand over your child to anyone! You must be assured that she will follow your orders and expectations."

"I never came to Court until I was fifteen and considered educated enough to know how to handle myself."

"Besides the country-side is so much better than here! I would gladly trade a months time here for there."

"I have my own rooms and horses and I know every hill and rut  ......"

She gave a small sigh.

"I shall marry an Englishman naturally. How could I not."

She bit into another pastry and smiled at its taste.

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Sophia decided not to mention that cravings during pregnancy were not always sensible. The word that best described them, in her opinion, was ‘unpredictable.’ There was no reason to tell Lady Frances this; someday she would find out on her own. Perhaps she would ask to borrow Sophia’s fish sauce. Or maybe she would crave a sensible food.


The young Countess didn’t know a lot about her friend’s family, but she did know that she had at least two sisters and a brother. Her older sister was married, and the brother might be too, for all she knew. Lady Frances implied that she stayed with her parents, which meant her younger sister did as well. Their apartments probably contained several bedrooms. She supposed that she and Esteban would be given larger quarters when her children were old enough to attend court.


“I doubt the baby will be able to travel for a few years. Maybe my lord husband is already looking for an estate in the English countryside.  Another piece of advice: marry a gentleman who will speak to you. Mine tends to keep his own council.” While that was true, where the child was raised was not Esteban’s decision; it was Juan’s. Sophia believed that he would visit his baby within the first few months of its birth. She could discuss arrangements with him then.


“I will insist on being involved in the selection of my children’s attendants. All Ambassadors have enemies and anyone who comes near my baby will have to be completely trustworthy. Despite my young age, I feel that I am a better judge of character than my husband. I will research their backgrounds and contact their references myself.”


Lady Frances spoke fondly about the countryside. “You are lucky that you have the best of both worlds. You can live quietly on your estate during recess, but enjoy the excitement of court when it’s in session. Do you prefer the country instead of London too?”


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"Are you not wanting to know that? About a country residence I mean  ...... That is not a thing that should be a secret unless he wishes to surprise you  ....."

Really the marriage between Lord/Lady Toledo was not at all what she herself would consider normal but then being Foreign and Spanish perhaps that wa show things were done there.

"So you mean that you have a silent marriage?"

"That your husband does not seek you out to talk?"

"I do not understand. But it is not my business so I shall not inquire further."

Her upbringing kicked in and she was also old enough now to realize that even tho you have a friendship there are things best not discussed.

On the topic of her child Lady Toledo was very vocal however.

Frances nodded her head in agreement to her statement about making sure only the most reliable and credited would be allowed around her child.

"And that is as it should be. I think that we are far better at detecting falsehoods than men. You will be able to see immediately if someone is playing an untruth."

"Perhaps you might enquire of those that have already done this - they might offer a name or two even."

She had to laugh at the next question.

"Do not misunderstand me - I DO love the countryside but to be there permanently - no."

"There are times when I feel the need to escape for a time from all that IS London - to the quiet, fresh air, slower pace, being able to dress in comfort rather than show  ...."

"There are too many to list really."

"You will see once you too experience it."

"Do you have a certain place you would want to be in? There are many nice areas within a day or two's ride from London   ...."

"Perhaps that might be a thing to do in your confinement - think of and list those areas that you find peaceful and then discuss with your husband so that he understands what your needs are."

"And if you give him a son, well, he shall deny you nothing!"

Frances knew as did all of her sex that a husbands greatest desire was for sons and as many as he could get.

She hopes that Sophia would be lucky in that regard.

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Sophia realized that her lack of knowledge about her baby’s future might sound strange to Lady Frances. The truth had to remain a secret. She supposed that she should have asked Esteban the same questions her friend had asked her. Maybe Juan had already made arrangements for their child. If that was so, why had Esteban not informed her? Perhaps because she had not inquired and he thought she wasn’t interested? Or maybe he didn’t want to quarrel. All of their conversations devolved into arguments.


“We talk to each other, but he is so busy with his duties that he doesn’t have much time to spend with me. For someone as social as I am, it might as well be a silent marriage. I’m sure he will consult me before he buys a place in the country and I assume it will be fairly close to London.” Sophia expected the estate to be large and lavish. As an Ambassador, Esteban had a reputation to maintain. If his country home was small and shabby, it would reflect poorly on Spain.


“Sadly, I don’t know many ladies who have children, but I trust my instincts.” She placed one hand on her belly. “I am already fiercely protective of this little one. I agree that women are a better judge of character than men. I will make absolutely certain that he knows to leave the matter of our child’s attendants completely up to me.”


It had seemed to her that Lady Frances longed for the country, but she was a creature of court after all. “I adore the liveliness and excitement of London. I lived on my family’s estate in Germany until I was eleven, but since then, I have always resided in a city … first Venice, then London and Madrid. I really don’t know what it’s like to have peace and quiet. Do you ever find it boring and yearn for the next season to begin?”

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"Well he would be very foolish to NOT consult with you! You are risking your Life after all to give him a child."

"It is a trip to Hell and back."

"There are estates that are for sale thru private means as owners need monies and so must sell up."

"It is great shame for that to happen. I would imagine that many will have been in the family for generations."

"If Lord Toledo is intending on a purchase he must have already have sent out someone to discover what is out there and if it will suit."

"It is a residence mainly for the child and its care after all not the place where he would entertain and certainly not where you would live."

She left out any thoughts on the possibilities of Lord Toledo sending her down and away from Court if she bore a daughter and his disappointments were too great.

She gave a little sigh as Sophia described the places she had lived.

"Despite my sayings of how much I want to go I too am best served here in London."

"A month in the countryside is a needed escape sometimes but there is never any great desire to remain longer."

"Recess's are not the same - they are a welcom'd arrival for it allows one to brush off the grim of London and Court and escape whatever illness are about."

"The pace is slower to be sure and one does not need the pretenses that one must have in London. Even the Majesties go on Progress  ....."

"My father the Duke yearns to Host but then the realizations set in for he has seen fellow Peers bankrupt themselves in the entertaining of their Majesties even for just a few days stay!"

"Imagine having hundreds of people all to be fed housed and entertained for WEEKS   ........ I have been on several Progresses and I do not care for it at all  ......."

"As to Boredom  .... Naturally. How could I not? Even you must suffer it despite your sparkling personality."

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