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Adventure Awaits: Main Carnival Thread | Wednesday late morning/early afternoon, Open to All


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"If you were to address it as you say how much worth do you think you would have after it?"

"Norfolk has 'converted' so no help from him or any other the other Lord's for that matter."

"So to who's side would you go to in order to have your voice heard?"

"I am glad to know that you are not passive."

"Support all the Howard's you want to but the only one that matters is The Duke. And no one in the Family will gainsay him."

"Or will you be the first?"

Norfolk was THE head of the Howard Family and all of its branches. Some lesser ones were of no real consequence and did not really matter.

"Norfolk's heir may bark all he likes but in the end would he risk being dis-inherited if it came to that?" 

"Is crying over persecutions of more benefit or is Title and Wealth?"

"Which do you think he will chose?'

"A Religious War has a purpose - more than one maybe? Can it not be a screen for other matters that wish to be kept hidden?"

"I am no Politician and but speculate on things that I should not give voice to as I am but a woman after all."

"And as for me, well, what made you think I needed to be Saved?"

"Gossip will always surround anyone at Court you should know that. Why over my years here if I had let that bother me I would have run back to Matching by the end of six months."

"And who has said I am NOT loyal to England?"

Her words said with a stronger serious tone.

"Who I wonder whispers in your ear."

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"All of us Howards are Catholics or pretend Protestants," Henry whispered.  "The Duke does what he must to remain relevant at court.  I do not applaud it, but I understand it," he admitted.

"The soul is more important than titles and wealth Davina," he answered.  "Love is more important," he noted but hastened to add "not just between a man and a woman, but also a love of God, the church and country.  Only a despicable man would contemplate selling such good and holy things for material things," he stated in a soft voice.

"You say you speculate as a woman, so speculate that you were me.  What would you do if you were me?" he challenged.

On the subject of saving her, he maintained his serious look and replied.  "I have spoken to many people since I visited your room.  You are in danger."

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"Norfolk's heir will inherit and that is aTruth. Or so I believe. Souls? Of more import? Who are you kidding Henry."

"What can The Church offer that would match his inheritance? A position in Rome?"

"And so you surmise that Norfolks heir would give it all up because he is loyal to Mother Church?"

"I am not questioning his Beliefs rather being honest. Just watch and see. Norfolk will die and his son will inherit."

"He would be called a Fool to even think about giving it all up just to save his Soul."

She was growing into her temper she knows but was not willing to back off.

"Love? Marriages are a Business arranged to bring Wealth Land and Power to one or both sides."

"You  .........

  At you age you should already be married and planning out your Future. You should have come up from the countryside and using either connections provided by your father or making your own began to carve out a place for yourself at Court. Pick the Faction and its Leader and defend your principles. Or are you the one that seeks to go to Rome? Are you looking to advance in that direction? If so you had best set sail armed with as many letters to recommend as you can gather.

 Since you preach so well the benefits of not inheriting would you, if it rested on your shoulders, give up your father's legacy? Set aside whatever he has managed to acquire or win? Let it pass to another son or relative and have no remorse?

 You can not have both. So now you must chose."

She had found a shaded spot and a nice patch of grass and so settled herself. He could sit or stand as he wanted.

She was quiet for a while letting the breeze blow over her.

"Tell me Henry just WHO have you been speaking with about me. Many people you say? Really? Am I so important then?"

"Danger - ah I see. Am I then to fear Church or Monarch hmmm?"

"You have no idea what has happened or what I have been thru. Nor can I tell you even if I wished to."

"Secrets Henry. And pawns being moved around the board. Yet I at least understand how it is being played."

"And I have set my course. Fate will decide I suppose in the end."

"But I will achieve what I have stated and once that is done, well, I suppose I shall be 'free enough' to find my place again."

Her quiet words might well be cryptic but he would see that she was speaking in what must be Truths.

"But you are correct in one thing and this is I am in danger. But it is a thing only I can finish."

"But do not think that I lack backers. For that would be silly of you Henry."

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He chose to continue standing as Davina gave outlet to her temper.  He had planned a longer discussion, one filled with subtleties, but she was insulting him as being ignorant in more than one way, when he was not, at least in his own view.

"Davina, you are my younger cousin, and I have an inexplicable fondness for you despite how you treat me.  I suppose that it is a byproduct of the stress you are under, so for that reason and our kinship, I shall forgive it."  They had wandered far enough from the crowd to not be overheard.  The fact that she was choosing to sit made the conversation look more benign to those who might be watching.

"Do not lecture me for foolishness when you know you are a grand fool by your actions.  Despite my attempt at feigned ignorance, I have learned much more than you know.  I will keep this short, because you cannot be trusted to know the full story."  He appeared visibly relaxed and almost playful to those watching them.

"There was a plot by a fanatic branch of the Church.  You were approached.  You failed in your mission and you failed to alert your mistress," he began.  "Do I have your interest and silence at last?" he asked rhetorically.

"You failed both and are not trusted by either.  This mad plot came to the attention of the Holy Father recently and he threatened to excommunicate anyone who seeks to harm any member of the Stuart royal family in the name of the Church.  This faction is mostly foreigners and they wish to remove you as a witness and they claim you are working with the Northern Secretary to betray them.  Because you are a Howard, an entreaty was made.  We forbade them from harming you and I am here to save and protect you, like I stated when we met.  They should leave you and England for good, but I am here to send a message to any would be assassin that I am here as your guardian."  He made a feigned laugh as if they were discussing poetry.

"They also claim that the Northern Secretary plans to make you disappear like the Earl of Danby, without a trace.  I do not know this to be true, but they must have contacts in the palace.  So, I am here to attempt to save you from them as well, if you wish," he explained.

"And let me leave you with a retort to your attack upon Arundel and myself.  He is no fool.  Neither of us plan to give up our titles and wander the wilderness in sack cloth preaching Catholicism.  No, we are not the fools you think we are.  We can use our court access and resources to advance the interests of fellow Catholics in England, seeking to rollback unjust laws and finding ways to help those persecuted unjustly.  That may come at a cost of criticism from the mob, and it may drain some monies from the treasuries of like-minded gentlemen.  It is money and time for a noble cause, one that you seem deaf to," he concluded with a sigh.  "I suppose I had hoped for more."

He looked towards the river briefly.  "You told me to choose.  I chose to speak the truth plainly.  Now you must choose.  I will seek to protect you this season, either at your side, or in the background.  You can choose to send me away.  I will go, in time, but I have made a vow to protect you for what days remain of the season.  After that, we need not speak again, if that is your wish."


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He rattled off what he THOUGHT was actual facts and she could not help herself from laughing as he finished.

"You know nothing."

"You call me a fool when clearly you have been made a bigger one. Whoever whispers in your ear should have dug deeper or had more trusted informants."

"Shall I give you a Truth or two  ......

  Tell me about the older woman who rides in a blue carriage

  Tell me about a small brown bottle

  Tell me about the spy that works in the Queen's Household 

All that you have said is just a Tale. Who knows perhaps you too are now being set up?"

She looked up at him where he stood saying all of that with a smile on her face. None could hear but many eyes can watch and their mannerism would say much.

"Was all that you said just now achieved thru just one voice or many and then you just strung them all together without question?"

"I had thought you smarter than that Henry."

"As for the Northern Secretary  .... He and I never had any dealings. Why would we? I am simply a daughter of a dead Viscount and the sister of another. Yes I was a Maid of Honor but with no real Backing. Norfolk is head of Family tis true but you as well as I have no influence - at least not where it counts. The Circles I move in do not include any. Yes I have friends - daughters and son of other Nobles/Peers - but what influence do they hold either?"

"And if there is some plot to remove me then I would expect those that DO have power and influence to stop it. After all I am but a simply woman so how could I have such an advanced network that would have allowed or empowered me to do all that you just detailed?"

"As for Arundel - that feud is between Father and Son - Son not approving of his fathers 'conversion' and about Inheritance. Speculation at best and not just by me - this matter is all over Court and London. Will he or won't he disinherit? Will father/son reconcile and father return to The Fold? One can create rumor after rumor and still come up short. But Norfolk looks like he will not die soon anyway. And if it goes against Arundel, well, then I did myself a disservice in turning down cousin George as husband."

"I am glad indeed to hear that you have no plans to don sack cloth and wander barefoot about the Country."

"But you should take great care in which Faction you seek employment."

"Be smart. At some point in time the seat of Power will shift and will this new Prince be old enough when that comes? Or will things be different? And if that comes to pass just what side will you have chosen?"

"You may come and go as you wish. I have no claim to your person or time."

"But be warned. I will not allow you to interfere in my business. Public or Personal."

"I should like to think we are friends."

"Whatever 'quest' you have made that is your business."

"Now help me up   ..."

She held out her hands to him.

"I have a meeting over some roses so will take my leave."

"No need to see me back."

"Call on me anytime."

"But Henry  ....."

She gave him a direct look

"Just do the right thing. If not then at the very least have a clear conscience."

She reached over and brushed his cheek in a quick peck that was simply a gesture of leaving than none would question.

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Perhaps he had expected tears and a plea for assistance.  What Henry found instead was a Fury.  He was left speechless as Davina accused him of being the uninformed fool, claiming he had been told lies about her.  His jaw moved as he thought to speak, answering some of her questions.  It became apparent that all of her questions seemed rhetorical as she carried on like some actress playing a wronged woman in a new English play.  As such, being a spectator, rather than participant, seemed the best course.

She was wrong, in so many ways, at least to his way of thinking.  She had no appreciation for the opportunity to improve the lives of Catholics, especially in the wake of a Protestant heir.  But, none of this was voiced.  Instead, he helped her stand as she excoriated him, while claiming they would remain friends.   What a strange woman, he thought to himself.  He found the spitfire to be oddly alluring.

Without a word uttered, Henry doffed his hat and allowed Davina to walk away, still unsure what his next move might require.  He turned back towards the carnival and decided that another mug of ale might be a good tonic for the scratches Davina had left behind.

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