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Winding Up the Season Announcement

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The moderators have met and decided to close this Spring 1678 season in London as of May 31, 2022.  It is a nice break to end a season and start thinking about what your characters will do during the recess.

We are thinking about resuming court in the Fall of 1678, but at Windsor Castle this time.  So, characters will have five months or so to play out in your recess.  We will start reviewing proposed recess summaries as soon as the season ends.  We will likely take a few weeks off and try and reformat the boards before attempting to start a new season.

Do not feel like you need to start new threads.  You may if you wish, but the season ends soon.  Please attempt to wrap up existing threads in the interim.  If you have any questions about plots involving your PC, let us know and we will try and help you wind up the season if we can.

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It is not too early to think about what your characters would like to do in the recess from court.  Recesses are one of the best game innovations of AoI because it allows time to pass, other than the week or two of court dates.  It allows characters to marry, have children, spend time on their estates, travel, and such.

There are descriptions of recess summaries elsewhere on this site, but I wanted each player to start giving thought to the topic and to ask us questions if you have them.  You will have several weeks to draft a proposed summary.  If you want nothing remarkable to happen during your recess, it will likely be approved.  If you want something meaningfully good to happen during the recess, we will look for an offsetting challenge, and vice versa.

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It is time to think about potential recess summaries for your PCs.  Veterans know that nothing major should happen in a recess but the summary can contain a balanced combination of good and bad developments for a character in the five months or so that elapse.  If you have questions, send a PM to one of us moderators.


For those wanting to review the recess summaries of PCs last recess, look here:




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