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To Lady Toledo, by hand, Saturday 9th afternoon

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Lady Toledo, I hope this finds you well. We had arranged for my delivery of a kitten the start of this new week but I must alter the day of meeting. Will Thursday the 14th be acceptable? The time I shall leave to you.

F Cavendish

Frances had indeed quite forgot about this and it was by sheer chance her seeing a stray Palace cat that her own memory was jostled.

Sanded and sealed one of the Duke's servants would see it delivered and wait, if bid to, for a response.

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Sophia took the letter from the servant and had her butler usher him to a place where he could wait until she had written a response. Breaking the seal, she read it while ascending the stairs to her chambers.


After checking on the two-week-old kittens, who were being groomed by their mother, she went to her sitting room and penned a reply:




Dear Lady Frances,


Thursday is fine, perhaps in the morning when they are most active. By that time they will be nearly three weeks old, and will be beginning to show their personalities. They will not be ready to leave their mother until they are weaned, which is usually around six weeks old,, but it is good for them to get to know you before you take your chosen kitten home.


I look forward to seeing you then.







She sealed it and then sent Anna to give it to the waiting servant and send him on his way.

Edited by Sophia de la Cerda
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