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To Lord Beverley, by hand, morning 8th April

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While Cadell and his friend -truly, perhaps his closest and only companion deserving that label, considering the Marchioness of Winchester had never quite been close enough to the former baronet to be a true friend, as regrettable as that was- had remained in contact during his year abroad, it was nonetheless true that he had been starved for proper English company. His work for Chevreuse and Saint-Aignan notwithstanding, Beverley had understood him on matters religious and personal. And while this was Holy Week, Cadell -Athenry now, he had to remind himself, as the French had told him- could find nothing holier than reconnecting with those few that could pretend to understand the struggles of remaining sanctified in a world of sin.



My dearest Beverley,

The voyage home was nowhere near as arduous as one might imagine, given the circumstances. As such, I find myself in London earlier, and my lady wife with me - but it is your good tidings that I hear word of. We should meet, at your earliest convenience - perhaps on Holy Saturday, should your duties permit, for the sake of our friendship, but not only catch up but think of our future.

Yours, in eternal friendship and anticipation,



Edited by Cadell Mortimer
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Most everything was shut down for the reverence required of the next few days, so Beverley was quite soundly at home when his friend's letter arrived. There would be little but public Anglican observations and private Catholic ones broken up only by friends and family. 


Once Beverley had awakened, he instructed his man to pen the following reply after requisite salutations.



You find me incredibly pleased to hear of your safe deliverance through the seas. If you find yourself free in the early evening on Saturday, do call on me. The library at Brooke House does miss you ever so much. And if our conversation lingers, you are most welcome to stay for dinner. 



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