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The Secrets of Danby & The Dutch


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The Duc de Chevreuse and the Duke of Buckingham had a long history. A history that dated back before either was even born, and a history that was unequivocably attached for any generations in the future. And not a bit of it had anything to do with shared blood or family. Merely a shared venture and the resulting shared secret. There were only certain sorts of secrets that had the powers to crush dukes, but it meant that they could trust each other to very strong degrees. At least with the large picture, if not with the smaller details.


"If this war comes to an end swiftly, the danger to your King from that Dutch faction will become very real, for they won't need him anymore. And you have hordes of them here," Chevreuse said, sedately over his cognac. 


"His Majesty cannot expel the representatives of our 'allies' in this war, Chevreuse, no matter what suspicions they are under. That would betray what we know and also expedite their needs to make moves against my master the King."


"And what if the Dutch know the moves in this war as they are? What if your ships leave for show, and the Dutch turn on them, knowing that your King stalled to allow us Spring gains for a larger stipend still? And before any of this plot came to light?"


"They cannot fight both of us simultaneously the way things currently stand, do you doubt it?" Buckingham asked, with a snort. Perhaps years ago, yes, but the French had done quite a number on them and their little neighborly allies in recent years. "And Parliament is far more willing to vote us money against you Papists than they ever were about the Dutch, so we would be far better equipped. Why do you think the Dutch made us such a strong deal for our involvement to begin with and were so keen on the marriage? They knew they were bidding against you, and they thought His Majesty would not trust Le Roi after the attempt on his life."


"And they also knew that such a marriage would give their leader the strongest claim to an insolvent throne, further illustrating the very cabal against King Charles by the Dutch. And you think William of Orange cannot be aware of it? Aware that several of his highest placed Dutch comrades wish to kill your King, allow your people to crucify York like one of Monmouth's effigies, and then place him on the throne? You think a ruler does not know that?"


Buckingham shrugged, "His Majesty does not think William of Orange is involved, and nor do I. No more than he or I would think Le Roi was the real source of the previous assassination attempt if you recall." 


Kings and rulers did not oft seek to murder other kings and rulers outright.  It created a rather bad precedent. Those under them were different stories. 


"As you recall, I told you there were Dutch Protestants and spies involved in that attempt too."


"I believed you, if you recall. It was Danby's influence that prevented His Majesty's suspicions of a greater net of involvement."


"Yes, and now you know why he worked so tirelessly on that. For he was in league with the Dutch."


"And with the Dutch conspirators." The only problem was that they needed to know who was involved, and who could be a very large group of people in instances like this. There could be French, Dutch, English, Germans, who knew. Those that did not have reasons of their own could be bribed and blackmailed. It was hard to get deeply in such matters. 


And with a new Northern Secretary. 








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