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Your Stories Await Telling

To The Duchess of Newcastle by hand Monday 4th after 1 pm

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Once returned she wasted no time in penning a note to the Duchess so that it might be delivered post haste  ....


Your Grace, I extend apologies for my absence as arranged between us. There was an incident while in the company of Baron Grey involving horses and carriages that required his immediate attentions thus I was not safely returned to my own residence which prevented my counting on as planned. If you allow might we arrange for Wednesday the 6th? At your connviance naturally.

Cordelia, Lady Lucas

She had kept it short and neatly writ and was honest in the cause. Satisfied she sanded folded and waxed before handing it off to her maid who would see it delivered as the destination was close enough.

That it was to be received at an address that was incorrect she was not aware. 

Cavendish House she had been told was the residence yet in her own memory there is another place but supposes that the current Duke has retained the residence here on Piccadilly for Family use as well.

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