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To Lord Grey | 4th May, arrives late afternoon

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~written on a fine piece of parchment embossed with the Cambray coat of arms




Dear Lord Grey,


When we met at Norringtons a few days ago, I told you that I would invite you for dinner and an evening of viewing the stars. Perhaps you can also tell me how good my telescope is and if it can be enhanced. I am free most evenings, so if you are still interested in conversing with a kindred spirit who shares your love of astronomy, please let me know which evening would be most convenient for you.


Best regards,

Anne-Elisabeth Devereux

Countess of Cambray



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Written in a careful scholar's hand, with purple-black iron gall ink on pure white cotton rag paper, folded in four and sealed with grey-coloured wax with Baron Grey's signet.

Dear Lady Cambray,

     I do remember our recent conversation, and having found a kindred spirit in such an unexpected was nothing short of miraculous. I know there is a musical soiree at the palace today, but may I be so bold as to suggest this evening after the event? It would allow us to see a moon that is almost full, and also to observe the stars. If this is not convenient for you, then perhaps on Friday evening, baring any previous engagements or unexpected court functions.

     Your humble and obedient servant,

     Henry Grey

The note arrived via a liveried servant on Tuesday, April 5th, as early as propriety permitted, to allow the Countess time to prepare an answer at her convenience and send it back via the same man.

Edited by Henry Grey
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  • 4 weeks later...

Anne-Elisabeth was told a servant had arrived with a letter from Lord Grey just as she was rising that morning. The man was waiting for a reply. Wrapping a robe around herself (she always slept nude), she asked Bess to bring it to her and read it with a smile upon her face. He was so eager to observe the sky with her that he wished to do so tonight.


She penned a quick reply:




Dear Lord Grey,


I have seen notices of the concert around the palace. I'm not sure if I will attend, but I would love for you to come by afterward for a late dinner. I must confess that I am eager to see the moon and learn more about it, as my main focus so far has been the stars.


I will see you tonight.


Best Regards,

Anne-Elisabeth Devereux

Countess of Cambray



After sealing it, she sent Bess to take it to Lord Grey's servant to be delivered immediately.


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