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To Lady Lucas | arrives morning April 2nd


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Dear Lady Lucas,


I would like to invite you to tea on Monday at 2 pm so that you can meet my daughter Margaret and we can discuss her marriage prospects. We both hope that you will be able to join us.



Frances P. Cavendish, Lady Newcastle



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It was a surprise that things were moving swiftly with the Duchess and her needs. By her caculations she wanted to meet on Monday which would be the fourth. Nothing else pressed so she penned her reply


Your Grace, I shall be most happy to comply with your request, and I am glad to hear that Lady Margaret is of a like mind for that makes everything so much smoother.

Until then

C Lucas 


Sanded and sealed and dispatched and instructed to be hand delivered. There was enough time to go thru her wardrobe and select what would be best and any alterations or repairs could easily be done before. Now all that remained was for her to recall as much as she could about Lady Margaret and suspected that the girl would have little memory of her own meetings. It was hoped that the girl would be mallable and easy to handle as well. And as for suitable Candidates she would need to wait to hear what The Duchess wanted or was looking for. Perhaps she already had a few names and just needed a 'push'?

It was a shame really that it was not the elder daughter Frances but one could not be choosy at the moment.


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