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Lucas Cole

Full Name: Lucas Elwyn Cole

Nationality: Welsh

Title: None

Estate Name: n/a

Age: 24 (b. 14th March 1653)

Gender: Male

Height: 5'10"

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Dark brown

Marital Status: Unmarried



A superior musician and noted composer, Master Cole is known for his artistic temperament and troubled moods which swing to an impish and carefree exterior full of charm. It is perhaps apt he is under the patronage of the mercurial Duke of Buckingham.


First Impression

A person's first impression of Lucas Cole will depend entirely on whether he is socialising, or working.


If socialising, Cole is an attentive and charming companion who adores good company and is easily pleased, delighted to try new things, an adventurous spirit. He loves to socialise and is generally easy to like; a position only made easier by his good looks. At 5'10", Cole is of average height and relatively slender build, possessed of a wicked, quick smile and dark-lashed blue eyes; his nose is marred slightly by evidence of a clear break at some point in the past, which conversely only seems to add to his charm by suggesting an undercurrent of devilish behaviour. His fingers are long and particularly agile - a high degree of manual dexterity cultivated by years of playing musical instruments. In money, company, compliments and all else, Lucas tends to be a generous friend... generous to a fault, as he tends to forget to think in the long-term, and as a result has very little at present.


If working (he is a composer by inclination), Cole is a less pleasant companion; his attention to his music is single-minded and highly focused, leaving little room for other considerations; in such a mood, he can come off as brusque and off-hand, perhaps even a little rude. However, he is an exceptionally gifted violinist and a talented harpsichord player, and adores music above all else - so a like-minded person might find him more forthcoming, assuming they can keep up with the musical rhetoric... or enjoy listening to music, at the very least.




The estate of Baron Conwy is a small, windswept affair located on the northern coast of Wales; boasting a tiny population, offset neatly by excessive quantities of both rain and sheep, it is provincial in the extreme. Remote, sodden, cold, and obscure, it seems unlikely any great person should emerge from such a place.


Lucas Cole would doubtless strongly disagree with such a supposition, quite sure that he himself is just such a person.


The Baron Conwy, Huw Edward Cole, is known to be a brusque and unpleasant man, stridently and vocally opposed to England and all things English. He supports an independent Wales, and proudly traces the Cole lineage all the way back to Gruffydd ap Llywelyn, the last King of the Britons. It is perhaps fortunate that he is a man of very little influence, except within his own barony, and mind.


During Lucas' childhood, the Baron Conwy devoted most of his attention to the proper raising of his firstborn son and heir, Dylan (a process which involved more than a fair share of strict discipline)... leaving Lucas in the care of his doting, affectionate mother. The Baroness Conwy was, by contrast, not much of a disciplinarian, and instead shared with Lucas a love for the finer things, as much as they could be had in remote, rainy Wales; fashion, literature, art, and particularly music. Everything she might, in fact, have shared with a daughter, had she been happy enough to possess one. It was during this time that Lucas developed a deep and abiding love of music, a passion which grew into a lifelong obsession and now colours every aspect of his life.


When Lucas was twelve, the Baroness gave birth to the daughter she had always wanted, and Lucas quickly discovered he no longer had any particular purpose within the family. As he put it in a letter to his childhood friend, Iefan:


Family was always a bloody horror, dear heart; sectioned down the middle like some morbid physician's specimen; once twelve and in breeches, I belonged in neither half. The Cole family vestigial organ. (Foul.) Was it my age or my sex that expelled me? Not sure that it matters now, particularly since we're grown.


Neglected by his father, and now deprived of even his mother's attention, Lucas was left very much to his own devices. From the Baron (a brusque, short-tempered man of few words, even fewer of them kind), his love of music was condemned as a womanly pursuit, one that no son of his ought to pursue; but in the matter of stubbornness, the Baron and his second son shared a very like disposition. The Baroness (for her part) had effectively raised a passionate, hedonistic libertine of a son, and then abandoned him; she should probably not have been in the least bit surprised to discover that as a young man, Lucas possessed very little in the way of personal restraint. As he grew older, this rapidly became a problem; while he certainly spent a great deal of time attending to his music, the bulk of the rest of his time was spent hunting, gambling, and whoring, and the younger Cole son soon became a burden, financially and otherwise.


This situation had to reach a head, of course, and indeed it did; Lucas was obliged to quit the family home for a number of reasons, the most memorable being an extended, cacophonous argument which culminated in the Baron flinging a pitcher at his head... this, Lucas might have overlooked, if he were the forgiving sort, but the the pitcher had been full of hot tea at the time, and ruined his favourite coat; a completely unforgivable offense.


Clearly northern Wales had become too small a place for a man of his genius, and London had become necessary for the cultivation of his talent and fame (convenient timing). And so Lucas left the family home, deeply in debt and with little to call his own save some personal possessions and his beloved violin - a particularly beautiful Amati instrument that he treasures above all else. The violin's name is Clio.


He has not spoken to any member of his family since.



Recess 6

A series of letters to Lucas' childhood friend, Iefan Howell.



- Huw Edward Cole, Baron of Conwy (father)

- Marianne Elizabeth Cole (mother)

- Dylan Lloyd Cole (older brother, one who will inherit)

- Rhiannon Lucy Cole (younger sister; currently only 12 years of age.)

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  • 6 years later...

Cadell Mortimer

Full Name: Cadell Edmund Mortimer

Nationality: Anglo-Welsh

Title: Viscount Athenry (Peerage of Ireland), Baron Mortimer of Radnor (Peerage of England)

Estate Name: Dutlas Manor

Age: 24 (b. 20 April 1653)

Gender: Male

Height: 5'8”

Eye Colour: Light Grey

Hair Colour: Brown

Marital Status: Married

Residence: Chelsea

Physical Attributes and First Impression: Slender, small of frame, and with a noticeable limp to boot, Cadell responds to being far from physically imposing by fastidious maintenance; grooming is part of an important daily ritual following his prayers, and while by no means a trend-setter, the viscount makes a clear effort to follow current, Continental fashion. Much of his finances which do not go to procuring books go to clothing, particularly after his marriage, and as a quiet act of defiance, he has adopted several Francophile touches -red heels, Tourangian fabrics, and a clean-shaven face. Too youthful to be considered truly handsome, the grey of his eyes is mutable, his expressions soft and carefully controlled.

Cadell is never seen without a cane, a walking stick with an ivory handle in the form of a raven, inlaid with a single sapphire. He makes an effort to suppress the worst parts of his Welsh accent, an endeavor aided by several years abroad.

Personality: Almost unfailingly polite and ever-concerned with proper appearances, Cadell has a political mind and a fierce, almost fanatic devotion to the Catholic faith which he hides behind courtly manners and a pleasant disposition. A pensive boy who never expected to amount to much of anything, his brooding tendencies have carried over into adulthood, particularly so the longer he involves himself with His Majesty's court. He reads avidly, considering himself something of a jack-of-all-trades on matters scholarly, having turned to his mind as a weapon of choice since childhood.

This serves his ambitions well: the new Lord Athenry is too concerned with Christian virtue to be a true manipulator, but since arriving at court, he has been willing to discreetly support schemes associated with the Catholic cause. Jesuit-educated and increasingly pro-French, a quiet intensity about the plight of the English Catholic lurks just underneath the surface, as does an ambitious streak that he never believed would become relevant.

Background: The Mortimers of Dutlas are descendants of an obscure branch of the Mortimer marcher lords, one that had fallen to irrelevancy before clawing themselves back to a baronetcy and along the way developed a propensity for Welsh customs. Cadell is the youngest son of the fourth such baronet, Sir Hugh Mortimer, and grew up as disdainful of the Welsh side of his heritage as he was of his father. Left with a permanent limp at a young age due to an accident where the bone never properly healed, the avenues of a traditional gentleman were closed to him, and he found comfort instead in the Catholic faith, for which his father’s oldest child was martyred, and the written word – a trait that would serve him well once sent to the Continent and the Jesuit-run College of St. Omer.

He would return to Radnor with his intelligence honed, faith strengthened, and humanist outlook firmly ingrained. A series of fortuitous accidents would soon see the young Welshman inherit his father’s title, prompting a great degree of Catholic guilt over the fact that he felt no sadness at rising to the top of the family. Setting about to fight for his faith, Sir Cadell made his way to court in time for the Royal Wedding, and soon found himself turning into a partisan courtier, attempting to ingratiate himself with any who seem pro-toleration. A fortuitous event at a May Day Ball set his star rising by securing the hand of His Majesty’s mistress, Louise de Kérouaille, and titles in Ireland and England to boot – events that would lead to an extended sojourn in Versailles and his return as a changed man.

The circumstances of his marriage, meanwhile, are little remarked upon by the newly-minted viscount. Curiously so, in fact.

Family: Estranged mother, older sister

Elizabeth Mortimer: Younger sister, remains on good terms

Louise de Kérouaille, Duchess of Portsmouth: Spouse

Edited by Cadell Mortimer
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  • 2 years later...

Charles Dormer

Full Name: Charles Dormer

Nationality: Anglo-Welsh

Titles: Sir Charles Dormer of Wing, 3rd Baronet, 2nd Earl of Carnarvon, 2nd Viscount Ascott, 3rd Baron Dormer of Winge

Age:  45 (b. 25 October 1632)

Eye Colour: Hazel

Hair Colour: Blonde

Marital Status: Widower

Religion: Anglican

Sir Charles Dormer of Wing, is an English/Welsh peer, and the son of Robert Dormer, 1st Earl Carnarvon and Lady Anna Sophia Herbert, daughter of the 4th Earl of Pembroke. On his father's death at the First Battle of Newbury, on 20 September 1643 he succeeded to his father's titles, at just 10 years of age. His mother had died in June, a few months earlier.

Carnarvon is considered witty, hospitable and extravagant, and has been recorded as saying that God provides timber so that men may pay their debts. He rarely speaks on public affairs, but his intervention in the House of Lords debate on the impeachment of the Earl of Danby was crucial. In a speech of great wit and humour, he drew examples going back over a century to show that managing the impeachment of another public figure was virtually a guarantee of being impeached oneself and cheerfully urged his fellow peers to "mark the man who first dares to run down Lord Danby and see what becomes of him". 

He married Elizabeth Capel, daughter of Arthur Capel, 1st Baron Capel, in 1649. They had four children but three predeceased them, including their only son. Elizabeth died in February 1678, possibly of a broken heart.

* Charles Dormer, Viscount Ascott, born 25 June 1652, died 1672
* Lady Elizabeth Stanhope nee Dormer, born 1653, married Philip Stanhope, 2nd Earl of Chesterfield, died 1677 leaving four children including two sons.
* Lady Anna Sophia Dormer, born 1654, died 1654.
* Lady Isabella Dormer, born 27 August 1663.


* Cousin to Philip Herbert, 6th Earl Pembroke, Captain Thomas Herbert and Lady Susan Herbert.
* Father in law to Philip Stanhope, 2nd Earl of Chesterfield, and grandfather to his children.

Despite being remembered as a wit, Carnarvon has become increasingly sombre since the death his only son in 1672 (who had just completed his Masters of Arts from Merton College, Oxford) followed by the death of his daughter Elizabeth and his wife, in quick succession. He has four grandchildren - though only one grandson - and his one remaining daughter Isabella is due to debut. 

Edited by Sobriety
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Isabella Dormer

Full Name: Isabella Dormer

Nationality: Anglo-Welsh

Title: Lady Isabella

Age: 15 (born 27 August 1663)

Eye Colour: Green

Hair Colour: Blonde

Marital Status: Single

Religion: Anglican

Lady Isabella is the youngest and only surviving child of Sir Charles Dormer, Earl of Carnarvon. She is polite and mild mannered, if a sometimes little spoiled, having been the baby of the family, and her father dotes on her. She tends towards a serious demeanor and is very close to her father, perhaps even a little reluctant to leave his side, and can be quite shy. This might be forgiven in light of the fact that she lost her brother when she was nine, her sister at 14 and her mother at 15. Her father is all the close family she has left. She is close to her nieces and nephews and would regularly spend time with her sister Elizabeth, whom she misses terribly. 


* Second cousin to Philip Herbert, 6th Earl Pembroke, Captain Thomas Herbert and Lady Susan Herbert
* Sister-in-law to Philip Stanhope, 2nd Earl Chesterfield, aunt to his children.

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