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Portuguese Nationals

Charles Rex

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Diego de Silva

Full Name: Diego de Silva

Nationality: Portuguese

Title: Count de Ponte, Ambassador

Estate Name; Ponte

Age: 50 (b. 1627)

Gender: Male

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Hair Color: Black with grey at his temples

Marital Status: Married


Physical Attributes

A handsome man with all the dark characteristics of the Portuguese, including their swarthy complexion.



A charming diplomat, as well as a devout Catholic.



Ambassador from Portugal, confidant of the late [[Catherine Stuart|Queen]].


Diego de Silva, the Count de Ponte, had seen both highs and lows in his tenure as the Portuguese ambassador. The high point had been when the marriage contract between Charles II and the Infanta of Portugal had been signed.


He attended court in Windsor for Christmas of 1675. His son Juan de Silva left for Portugal in September, 1675.

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