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The London Gazette, 25th of September


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The London Gazette


Published by Authority

25th of September


At the Palace

The position of Treasurer of the Lords Chamber is currently vacant due to the death of Edward Griffin. Candidates include Master Walter Ernle, Lord Heneage Finch, Lord Edward Osmond, Lord Basildon, Lord Charles Mountjoy. No appointments are expected till winter.


The Viscount of Langdon was appointed to the position of Major of the Life Guard.


Colonel Charles FitzCharles has been appointed to the regiment in Tangiers, starting in October.


A royal license was given to the the Gentleman Spectator, a weekly magazine.


Amidst great controversy of the acts of France in Parliament, the French Ambassador Charles Colbert, Marquis de Croissy, has been recalled. In his place was send Henri de Massue, Marquis of Ruvigny, a Huguenot thought to appease the current crisis.


His Majesty has commanded that the Earl of Rochester return to his estate, after damaging Royal property.


Upon the committee of the Navy not being able to come to a result that would be accepted by both houses regarding funds, and further fighting between Lords and Commons, His Majesty has prorogued parliament until further notice.


Within the City

Upon Royal Command all coffeehouses have been closed. The locals are said to be hearths of sedition, causing the whole country grief with their rebellious talk.


Ladies will heave a sigh of relief that the infamous highwayman Captain Payne has been captured, the acclaim for which must go Lord Langdon. Payne is held responsible for the kidnapping of the Lady Mignonette, several instances of theft from ladies boudoirs and other kidnappings.


At London Bridge an astronomical device designed by the honourable Christopher Wren and Robert Hooke will be revealed in May. It is being laboriously worked on, and will through winter.


Work also continues on the observatory in Greenwhich and the Veteran Hospital in Chelsea. We enter an age of scientific wonder!


The Regatta

The Regatta was well attended. His Grace the Duke of Monmouth took first place, with the Duke of York a runner up. His Majesty himself pulled up third with the Sovereign Pride.

Some chaos was caused at the beginning of the race, spreading panic in the mob, who tried to flee the fight. The lords involved were dealt with by His Majesty himself, who was gracious.



The Earl of Basildon married the Lady Elisabeth Seymour on Wednesday the 22nd in Westminster Abbey, amidst great attention of the peers, including attendance of His Majesty the King, and the Dukes of York, Cumberland, Monmouth and Albemarle. Upon this occasion the Earl paid 500 navy sailors a sum of 5 shillings per hand. Basildon was quoted "Let it be known that the Earl and Countess Basildon are friends of the Navy and I pledge that we will work with His Majesty, the Dukes of Cumberland and York, and well as the skillful Earl of Danby to convince Parliament to fund the arrears owed our Navy men, despite those that oppose the King. What my Lady and I have done here is but a small token of appreciation we feel for the sacrifice of our Navy men, as well as our Army, in the defense of the Kingdom."


Due to private circumstance the marriage of miss Ophelia Doolittle to the Viscount Melville has been delayed to the spring.


Announcement was made to this paper that the Dowager Countess Atherstone is to be wed to Doctor Liam O'Roarke in Scotland a few days hence.


Announcement was made to this paper that the Earl of Blackheath and Mistress Catherine Erskine-Fox, daughter of the Viscount Kendall, have entered into a betrothal.



The funeral of the Duchess of Marlborough, who died on the 17th of september, was well attended.

On September 18th His Grace the Duke of Lorraine died.

On September the 23rd Valentin Conrart, founder of the Academy Francaise died.




Take Flourys of Vyolet, boyle hem, presse hem, bray hem smal, temper hem vppe with Almaunde mylke, or gode Cowe Mylke, a-lye it with Amyndoun or Flowre of Rys; take Sugre y-now, an putte þer-to, or hony in defaute; coloure it with þe same þat þe flowrys be on y-peyntid a-boue.

from Harleian

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