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Every kiss was more exciting than the last, intoxicating all of her senses. Fiona supposed that her relentless pursuit had been a novel experience for Charles. Usually it was the gentleman who chased the lady, as was the case with all her other lovers, even the despised Lauderdale. Had the intriguing Earl been flattered by her unwavering attentions? Was that why he had succumbed to her charms? Or had he planned on becoming romantically involved with her all along? Men liked playing hard to get too.


“I’m not certain that Douglas is against our relationship. He did give me his key.” She knew that her brother wanted her to stay on her current path because it was the best way for their family to gain wealth, power, and influence. Lauderdale’s favor could benefit them greatly. He also wanted her to be happy and he knew how much she cared for Charles. “But you’re right. He gave us this opportunity but will be unlikely to give us another, at least not this season.”


She was pleased that he wanted to keep in touch with her during the offseason. “Douglas and I might be seen together in Scotland. Maybe it’s better that I pretend to be the wife of a fake soldier under your command and send my letters to him through you.” Fiona grimaced at the thought of Charles impersonating one of his sisters. “That’s probably not a good idea. You can make it up to me next season.”


Getting a room at Dorchester House was an excellent suggestion. Raising her head, she nibbled playfully on his ear. “I should be able to get a room there,” she whispered. “It’s a perfect solution.”  she assumed that her stalker would be dealt with by then.  Her brother would make sure of that.


Her delighted laughter fluttered through the air when Charles rolled her over on her back. Fiona loved it when he was rough with her and her desire intensified as they inflamed each other with kisses and caresses. She gasped when he entered her and was so caught up in the moment that she replied to his intention to impregnate her with a smile against his lips. Trembling with euphoria, she gave in to the sensations he invoked in her and let him take her to the heights of pleasure once again.


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Charles was still learning as an intriguer.  Fiona's idea about pretending to be the wife of a soldier was better.  The same for him writing her.  It was best to just not write and wait until they saw each other again.  The Dorchester House idea had been a good one anyway.

Passion can be a great thing in lovemaking, and less so in making statements.  Charles would not be the first, or last, young man to utter stupid things in the heat of passion.  He heard Fiona declare love for him, so he did what most young men might do by reciprocating with claims of love and fidelity.   It spilled out of his mouth like flattery to a needy lady.  Did he love Fiona?  In a way certainly.  They both thrilled to have secret intimacy together.  He would risk much to continue that intimacy, but was it the same sort of love he had for Sam?  No.   So, perhaps he was being a bit hyperbolic about the ongoing connection being fated, and the like.   But, wanting to impregnate her was just plain dumb.  It had come at a moment where he had, previously, been required to withdraw.  It came at a time where they did not need to be so careful about pregnancy.   Perhaps he felt jealousy that another man was planting his seed in her regularly.  The correct statement should have been perhaps I need not withdraw anymore.  The last thing he needed was a bastard child in addition to the one or more bastards he had with Catherine Sedley.   These might be words to haunt him in the future; but, for now, he was experiencing bliss constrained only by time.  Douglas would be returning soon enough.

"If only we could be together the whole night," he whispered.  "You would be unable to stand," he chuckled, "and I might be unable to stand."  They had enjoyed many a night in London of seemingly nonstop carnal relations.

"I must go," he uttered as he kissed her lightly.  "We shall find a way back to each other's arms, though it may need to wait until next season.  I cannot give you the riches that your lover may, but what we give each other, no money can buy," he proclaimed softly as he began to clean and dress.

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Content in the afterglow of another round of lovemaking, Fiona lay partially on top of Charles, her curves pressed enticingly against him. Her mind wandered in a million different directions. Were they really fated to be together forever? Did he truly love her? Did she love him?  There was definitely a bond between them that could not be denied. Not even Cat could keep them apart. They would always find a way to be together, no matter what obstacles stood in their way.


The words he had uttered right before he had spilled his seed inside her worried her a bit. Did he really want her to bear his child? Or was he more devious than she believed him to be? If she gave birth to his bastard and passed it off as her admirer’s, he would know who that lover was if the child resembled him. Was he willing to go to those lengths to find out the identity of her other lover? Was she really protecting him by refusing to tell him?


Her thoughts were interrupted by his kiss and his teasing remarks. “I wish we could,” she sighed. “Who cares if we can stand up if we can stay in bed together?” Fiona knew that their hour was almost up and that Douglas would be returning soon. She was reluctant to part from Charles, knowing that she would likely only see him from afar until next season.


She rose as well and joined him at the basin to wash. “Perhaps we shall meet tomorrow at the ball.” Wistfulness colored her voice. “Nobody will know who we are.” She hoped that he would tell her how he would be dressed, but she wouldn’t press him. If he had other plans, she didn’t want to know. She had another lover and it was unfair to expect him to be faithful to her.


Fiona stepped away to adjust her gown. Her gaze caressed him as she committed everything about him to memory. What if she wasn’t protecting him by keeping him in ignorance? She would not be able to live with herself if the despicable Duke found out about him and tried to kill him. She knew he was capable of it. If Charles knew who he was, he would not be caught off guard.


“Lauderdale,” she whispered. “Lauderdale is my 'admirer' He forced me to become his lover and I hate every moment that I spend with him. However, his patronage can benefit my family and so I endure his attentions. Luckily, we don’t see each other often.”


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Charles was not that devious.  He had not used the wish for a bastard as a way to elicit the identity of her lover.  He was just being stupid.

As for the masque, it did offer a chance to reunite again, but it did not sway him.  "Some people know my costume and will be watching me.  Your family will be watching you.  They will know your costume."  He sighed.  "We need to tell your brother that we used this opportunity to say goodbye to each other, knowing we could not be together again, at least as long as you owe your duty to your admirer.  I need to honor his request, at least for now ... and when Cat pulls a knife on me.  We need to tell her that we will be forever linked, whether she likes it or not.  That we will keep our distance while you are being a good mistress.  She will accept it if we are both adamant that you are full grown.  You are 17 and a mistress to some powerful person.  You are old enough to decide for yourself.  If she throws you out, I will take care of you at Dorchester House, or your admirer will take you in.  Your brother will protect you too. He is a good man.  Cat will not wish to lose a sister.  She has to understand.  She was a mistress to a King, while with a man she loved.  Why can you not be a mistress and be with a man you love?"  It seemed logical to him, but logic did not always win out with upset females.

When Fiona named her lover, the young man's jaw dropped.  "That fat old pig?" he uttered derisively.  "Did he hurt you Fiona?  I can make him pay," he muttered even though he was not sure how he could take down such a powerful figure.   He sat next to her and pulled her into an embrace.  "Cat is going to kill either you or him.  I suspect the latter.  We cannot let her do that."  He recalled too well Darlene's attack on Killigrew with a knife.  "The King will have to send her to the Tower and it will ruin Shona and Aileen.  We must stop her."  He held her in a tight hug  "You are so brave.  You are sacrificing your happiness for the good of your family.  It only makes me admire you more.  Maybe I can find a way to make that pig suffer without jeopardizing your position."  In that moment , the idea of impregnating her did not sound as dumb.  It would be a great insult to a lord to father a child on his mistress.  Had not York been upset?  The problem was that it needed to be kept secret this time.

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Charles explained why it was not wise to meet at the Masque. Fiona wondered if Cat was one of the courtiers he had told about his costume. It certainly wasn’t her. Though a look of disappointment flashed across her pretty face, she nodded in resignation. So far, she had kept her costume a secret from her family, but she wasn’t certain if she would be able to leave the house without them seeing it. Cat would probably recognize her regardless of how well she disguised herself.


She understood why he wanted to keep his word to Douglas. He was her brother’s superior and it was important that his soldiers respected and trusted him. “It’s not a lie,” she remarked. “This is goodbye, at least until next season. Any servant will be able to tell him that we left the dining room and went upstairs, but …” She splashed him with a bit of water from the basin. “You can say I seduced you.” Douglas knew from experience how seductive and difficult to resist she could be.


Fiona was touched that Charles wished to tell Cat that she couldn’t keep them apart even if she tried. “Do you think that’s wise? Would it not be better if she believes that we have decided to go our separate ways? I don’t want to ruin your friendship with her.” She smiled slightly. “And I certainly don’t want her to stab you.


Perhaps I should speak to her alone first. She doesn’t yet know that I have a powerful patron. It might be best that I break the news to her myself. She fought so hard for my sisters and me that I don’t blame her for being protective, but I’m old enough to choose my own destiny. Douglas understands that now, and maybe the two of you can convince him that the role of a mistress suits me better than the role of a wife. Perhaps she’ll listen to you if she won’t listen to me. Discovering that I have both a patron and a lover whom I adore might be too much for her to take in at once.”


It was sweet that he promised to take care of her if her older sister kicked her out of the house. What had she ever done to deserve such a wonderful man? His affection seemed unconditional, and Fiona hoped that knowing the identity of her admirer would not change his feelings for her.


Charles was shocked and repulsed by the revelation. Fiona leaned against him when he took her in his arms, savoring his warmth and comfort. His fears about Cat's possible reaction echoed her own. “I know how much she hates him. But I see our arrangement as revenge against him. He started out by using me; now I’m using him as well. And if I give him a son, the MacBains will rise as high as the stars in the sky.”


Raising her head, she kissed his cheek. “I’m not brave at all. I’m just practical. Our family benefited from Cat’s relationship with the King and now we’ll benefit from my affair with Lauderdale. I’m sure that my sister would love to help you make him suffer. He deserves it.”

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"It is true that I find it impossible to resist you," Charles sighed good-naturedly.  "Once in Brighton, once at Somerset Palace and even now." He smiled as he spoke.  "I will try to avoid the subject if they ask if we made love," he suggested. "I'll say we said goodbye."

As for Catriona, "I am not sure that telling her anything will be wise." It was likely true as Cat could only see the dark side of their relationship.  "If she thinks we have ended things and then we resume next season, she may be even more angry than if we just say that we are lovers, but we will try to be wise about it and keep it secret.  I will try to protect your reputation and you will protect mine.  We will both protect your sisters' reputations too."

"Do not speak with her alone," Charles advised. "Have the talk with Douglas present.  He can protect you if she loses control."

As for Lauderdale, it was clear that Fiona wanted to give him a son.  "How long has this gone on?" he found himself inquiring.  "It had to pre-date the attacks on you." He recalled that Douglas blamed the wife, and it was becoming clear.  "His seed is likely too old to impregnate you," he sighed realizing that her hope for vengeance lay in having Lauderdale's child.  He did not recall the Duke had any children, so it seemed a fool's errand.  "Did you manage to get pregnant anyway?" he asked hopefully.  "If not, I hope I impregnated you today.  There is no greater way to get revenge than presenting him with another man's child." If she was not yet pregnant, perhaps they should get together again as soon as possible.  It was the easiest way to promote the McBains and Cat would surely forgive him.

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“I will do the same.” After what she had told Douglas, Fiona wasn’t certain that he would believe that she and Charles had refrained from making love, though it would be better if he thought that he had kept his word. She had no qualms about lying to her brother and saying that Charles rebuffed her advances, but she didn’t think that he would agree to decieve one of his soldiers. Nor would she ever ask it of him.


She admitted to herself that he could be right about Catriona. She would feel betrayed if they told her they had ended their affair and then started carrying on again. If they were honest with her and she realized how much they cared for each other, she would accept the fact that they were fated to be together. Cat had been in love before. Surely, she should understand.


“I want her to know about us.” As she had done after Lauderdale left, Fiona used the reflection in the window to fix her hair. It was a hopeless task, considering how enthusiastic their lovemaking had been. At least she could hide it under the hood of her cloak. “I want her to be happy for us. But if we tell her, Douglas will find out too. They don’t keep things from each other.”


She had not considered having Douglas with her when she spoke to Cat, but it was an excellent idea. He supported her decision and was often able to reason with her sister. If the two of them presented a united front, maybe she would see the benefits of having Lauderdale as a patron. He could do nearly as much for their family as the King.


I shouldn’t have said anything about giving Lauderdale a son. Of course Charles would have questions after she revealed her path to revenge. “He forced me into becoming his mistress during the Christmas season last year. Douglas thinks his wife is trying to kill me. She’s the one who can’t have children. There’s nothing wrong with Lauderdale’s seed. I am about five months pregnant with his child. I wish it was yours, Charles. That would be the best vengeance of all, but I’m absolutely certain it’s his.”

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His horse was fine, he'd inspected the repair on his saddle, and he'd had another drink by the fire. By the candle clock on the bar, their hour was up. 

When he found the private dining room empty, Douglas just rolled his eyes, entirely unsurprised. He was pretty sure where they'd gone, given that Fiona still had his room key from her interlude with Lauderdale.

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From his many interludes with ladies, Charles was experienced in helping a lady dress quickly.  He lacked skill, however, in repairing a lady's head of hair.  A great deal of time and artistic energy went into getting the curls just right, framing the face and displaying earrings and necklaces appropriately.  Fiona was on her own in that regard.  Maybe she could blame the hood she had worn.

"We shall try to avoid the topic, but be honest if compelled," he agreed.  Cat would not skewer him, he was fairly sure.

The affair had been going since the holidays.  "The attacks on you began shortly thereafter," Charles noted aloud as he pulled the laces tight on her dress, ready to tie them.  Then came the stunning news; she was five months pregnant!  Unconsciously he loosened the laces somewhat.  "Congratulations."  What else could he say?  Lauderdale would likely keep her as his mistress for years if she delivered him a child.  That was to be welcomed, he supposed.  "He will have to be kind to you now," he found himself adding.

They had been lovers about five months before, which occurred to the man.  Yet, she denied that he could be the father.  He supposed a woman would know these things, but he knew that Fiona was guarded 24 hours a day, by himself during the evenings and nights.  She lived at Somerset Palace throughout the month, and more.  There was no way that she could have slipped away to be with the Duke during that time.  She must have been impregnated before she came to see him at Somerset Palace in tears.  That would make her six months along he speculated.   "Right," he replied.  "We were careful."  Why would she be careful if she knew she was pregnant?  Maybe she did not know.  Men could not know how female physiology worked.  "It is good he is the Duke's child," he admitted at last. "It would be awkward if the child looked like me."  He offered a smile as a way to accept the truth of it.  It would be better for Fiona and the child. There should be no uncertainty as to parentage.

"Right, you are all dressed now," he announced as he stepped back to give her a look.  "Give me a hug and a kiss goodbye.  I will not likely see you again until after you deliver your child.  Know that with each passing week my passion will grow to reunite with you, so that once you are churched and ready to reappear, I fear it will take all of my will power to not kidnap you, tear off your clothes, and find a hideaway for us."  He laughed as he spoke, but it did sound like fun.  He moved to embrace her tightly. He had no words for her initially.  "Take care of yourself and if you ever need me, you have but to summon," he whispered.  "Dorchester House," he reminded her.  "If I kissed you like I want to kiss you, I would tear off your clothes again, so a light kiss of promise until we meet again," he explained as he gave her a tender parting kiss.  With that, he was ready to take his leave.

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