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Assignation by Appointment (Friday 6 pm)


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The Hen's Toes was bustling with business.  The races had been exciting and the common room was full of loud banter concerning the races, royalty, and racy comments about the womenfolk.  There was no table to spare.  Even the private dining room was full.  Baron Dundarg had reserved it for 9 pm that night, but the commoners swarmed it for now.  Plates full of potatoes, beans and mutton were common sights as it was dinner time.

It was into this cacophony of conversation that the Duke of Lauderdale entered, a dark overcoat covering his torso and a tricorn to rest upon his head.  He had not expected such a loud assembly and his eyes darted for Dundarg.  There was an important meeting to attend. 

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It had been a busy late afternoon. 

Once the races had finished and court dispersed, Douglas had ridden into Windsor. First to the cake shop for some sweets for Shona and Aileen, then to Cat's rented house to hug what he still thought of as 'the wee uns', who really weren't so wee any more, and collect Fiona for their dinner at the Hen's Toes. He urged her to put a plain cloak over the finery that she was wearing, and had her sit before him on his horse as they headed the short distance to the Inn, partly to make sure nothing happened to her and partly so that he could brief her on the days' developments.

First was to explain to her that yes, he had arranged for Langdon to see her, but the Duke wanted to see her first. So the plan was dinner with the Duke in Douglas's room at 6pm, then supper in the private dining room with Langdon at 9pm. That would give Fiona time to sort herself out in between if Lauderdale wanted to do more than talk, which Douglas rather suspected. He also explained that his suspicions about her stalker had been all but confirmed when he'd told Lauderdale about her incident on Wednesday, and how now that he'd found out a rifle was involved he was going to deal with it, but had been disinclined to indicate who it was. "T'has tae be his wife." Douglas murmured in Fiona's ear. "But t'weel be sorted noo."* Which was what they wanted.

It did however mean that Lauderdale might ask what she had been doing out riding whilst pregnant with his child, and Douglas urged her to tell most of the truth; that she'd received a note for an assignation from a soldier-like figure, and assuming it was from the Duke, had hastened to meet him the following day. Lauderdale didn't need to know she'd been hoping for Langdon. 

The Toes was crowded and Douglas bustled Fiona upstairs to his rooms, still wrapped in her cloak. Let anyone think that he'd found himself some cheap whore to take to bed. Then he'd done something he almost never did; he changed from his Life Guard's uniform into a grey-blue ensemble with embroidery in black, grey and striking cobalt blue that matched his eyes, in an interlacing pattern reminiscent of Celtic knotwork, and headed back downstairs to check that dinner was on it's way, to be served in his room. From there he loitered in the common room until a familiar figure appeared in the doorway. Douglas made his way forward as Lauderdale stepped inside. "There ye are sir." He said, avoiding titles to avoid drawing attention. "I hae dinner ordered, if ye'd like tae cam wi' me?"** And desert. 

Putting his height and reach to good use, Douglas pushed his way through the crowded common room to the stairs and, pending no interruption, up to the landing and his own rooms. 


Room #2

A nicely appointment two room apartment. There is a hearth burning in the main room, and some comfortable chairs and a loveseat beneath the window, a comfortable rug covering the floor. In one corner a tiny desk allowed for letter writing. A pair of side tables next to the chairs created space to leave a glass or a book, but there was also a small dining table in the other corner, seating two at most. In the other room there was a large double bed with drawn burgundy drapings, with Dundarg's trunk at the end of it. The large window let in plenty of light and looked out upon the street, which on the middle of the day was rather busy with carts and people.


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Fiona wondered why Douglas had not told her that she would be meeting with Lauderdale before they were on their way to the Hen’s Toes. Surely, he knew her better than to suspect she would refuse. She was committed to the path she was on, and she could pretend she was delighted to see the Duke while knowing that she would meet the gentleman whom she was really delighted to see afterward.


And she would get two meals.  She was always hungry now.


Unfortunately, she feared that she would be dessert since they would be dining in Douglas’ room. She had hoped that Lauderdale would leave her alone now that she was pregnant, but if she had to, she could endure that too and pretend to enjoy his attentions when really she was really cringing inside.


It seemed as if her revolting lover knew that his wife was behind the attempts on her life after Douglas had explained the situation at the yacht race. That was good news. Maybe he would have her thrown in the tower and divorce her so that he could marry Fiona and claim her child as his heir. Though she knew he wanted a son, women could inherit in Scotland too. She was proof of that.


She agreed with her brother’s advice about what to tell the old geezer if he asked why she was out riding yesterday. He would not be pleased that she had taken a risk but he would be overjoyed that she was so eager to see him that she had thrown caution to the wind.


She followed Douglas up to her room, discarding the plain cloak she had worn over her fancy green gown. The emerald bracelet Lauderdale had given her sparkled on her wrist and she wondered if he would present her with another gift tonight. Gifts made shagging him a bit easier to bear.


“You look so handsome,” she told Douglas when he had changed out of his Life Guard uniform. It was rare that he wore anything else.  After straightening his cravat, she watched him leave. Sitting down on a chair, she began to mentally prepare herself play the part of the doting mistress as soon as Lauderdale walked through the door, though thoughts of Charles kept distracting her.  She was glad she had something to look forward to once the imminent ordeal was over.


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No word was spoken in response.  Lauderdale merely nodded his understanding and followed Dundarg through the crowd.  Up the stairs they went to his room.  Once the door opened, the Duke spoke in a low voice "I have several matters to discuss privately with the lady."  By that, he meant that he did not plan to have Douglas act as chaperone. Certainly the lanky Scot must have expected that. and would know that he would be waiting in the common room until he and Fiona were done. Not expecting to have many chances to see Fiona alone in the coming days and weeks, Lauderdale expected to spend several hours with his mistress.


OOC~  We will not play out what is said between the pair, and what physical activities may occur between them, since both are npcs.  You should assume that the Duke takes three hours with Fiona and then comes down the stairs, ready to depart without much, if any conversation.  The crowd will have thinned a bit, but the celebrating will still be going full force at 9 pm, and inebriation levels will be rising.

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It was best to arrive promptly for dinner, so Charles had come 15 minutes early.  It was possible that Fiona would be getting hungry before 9 pm, as it was a rather late hour to dine at a tavern.

Charles arrived in his uniform, expecting that Douglas would still be wearing his. It would also help give him authority when, and if, some drunken commoners started causing trouble. Generally, common folk knew to avoid officers of the King's Guard if they knew what was good for them.

The place was crowded, as he knew it would be with the celebration of the yacht races.  His eyes looked to see if Douglas and Fiona already had a table in a corner.

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Douglas wasn't surprised that Fiona was a little put out to hear on the way that she would be meeting Lauderdale before she got to see Langdon. He simply hadn't had time to say anything earlier, having come all but direct from the Yacht Races, and didn't want to mention the Duke's name more often than necessary in Cat's house in case one of the younger girls - or a servant - overheard. He could imagine that the prospect made the evening much less appealing, but he'd understood that to refuse the Duke today would have consequences. The request had been a test, he knew; they still had to pass it. And if Fiona wanted to maintain two secret lovers, well sometimes she was going to be sore. 

Still, at least they made it up to his rooms without any major hiccups, and she looked positively radiant in green when she doffed her cloak. That had to be the emerald bracelet she'd told him about on her wrist. It was certainly something.

"An' ye luik verra bonnie indeed."* Douglas replied as Fiona complimented his attire and straightened his cravat. She looked absolutely ravishing but he kept his description to one of brotherly affection. He tucked a curl behind her ear, then turned to leave. He needed to meet the Duke in the foyer and show him where to go.


It wasn't long before Douglas and John Maitland were outside the door to his rooms on the first floor, and Douglas opened the door for him, gesturing for Lauderdale to precede him. The older man indicated in no uncertain terms that he wanted to be alone with Fiona. "Aye, acoorse." Douglas replied easily, having expected that. "I hae made a reservation fer m'sel' at the White across the way; I'll be back in a couple o' hoors." He said, reaching inside and grabbing a cloak that he'd left by the door. "Dinner weel be up soon."** He added. Surely the man would at least take the time to eat?

With that Douglas closed the door on Maitland and headed down and out to his own planned assignation.


Two hours later Douglas was back in the Hen's Toes, feeling very content with the world. He'd wandered upstairs but could hear that His Grace was still in Douglas's rooms so he'd meandered back down to the common room, got himself a glass of whiskey from the bar and settled by the fire.

An hour later Douglas was using whatever glass he was up to now to conduct the singing of a rather bawdy Scottish folk song he was teaching to some of his fellow drinkers, when the door to the common room opened and Charles Whitehurst walked in, in uniform and everything. Dear God man, and people say I only own one set of clothes. There was just one problem, Lauderdale still hadn't come down from his room. Of course Langdon was early. 

"Langdon laddie!" Douglas called out to the man cheerfully, rising to his feet. "How're ye fairin?"*** He asked as he waded through the common room. 

* "And you look very pretty indeed."
** "Yes, of course. I have made a reservation for myself at the White across the way; I'll be back in a couple of hours. Dinner will be up soon."
*** "Langdon man! How're you doing?"

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It was shortly thereafter that the Duke came down the stairs.  There had been a dinner, a conversation, some physical intimacy and then he was off after a good cleaning.  As he came down the stairs, he saw the lanky Scot towering over most of the folk in the room.  It appeared that he was being joined by Langdon, still in uniform.  Lightning Langdon was known to be a man that loved his uniform, giving rise to the rumor that he had only one set of clothes, or multiple sets of the same.   One was shredded by a tiger if recent gossip was to be believed.  So, he must have had at least one change in clothing.

The arrival of the other Life Guard officer made the Duke unwilling to approach Douglas.  As such, if he caught the Captain's eye, he would give a nod, but was determined to exit the tavern with little fanfare.

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He saw Douglas approach and made his way in that direction.  Curiously, the Scot had changed out of his uniform.  Perhaps he wanted to better blend in with the common folk, notwithstanding his stature and appearance.  Charles was not a type to dress and act as a commoner.  Perhaps it was the family's recent peerage and poverty that had him more inclinedto act like a noble.

"Top of the evening to you," he replied, thinking that salutation to be a Scottish one.  He looked around for Fiona.  "This place is filled to capacity," he observed aloud.  "I doubt we will be able to hear ourselves think." he shouted over the din.

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With Langdon arriving Douglas was just beginning to wonder how he was going to get rid of the Duke - perhaps some excuse about needing to have Fiona home by a certain time - when a movement caught out of the corner of his eye proved to be the man himself coming down the stairs. Dundarg did not want Langdon to know the identity of Fiona's patron - it was bad enough that he knew she had one - so although he caught the Duke's gaze for a moment he didn't even nod back before he returned his attention to the much younger and handsomer man that his sister preferred. 

It would have amused Douglas if he'd known that Charles was trying to sound Scottish; the man couldn't sound more English if he tried. But he was chipper and pleasant and that was all Douglas asked. "Nae a problem," he replied to the complaint about the bustle and noise, "I hae reserved the private dinin' room; t'shuid be free by noo."* He added, gesturing in the general direction of that room and hoping that it had been cleared. He knew he'd need to give Fiona a little time to sort herself out, and possibly help if Lauderdale had been at her laces. 

* "Not a problem, I have reserved the private dining room; it should be free by now."

Edited by Douglas FitzJames
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Only women knew how long they needed to "freshen up" after such sordid business.  Some aspects might take a lifetime.  Yet, from a man's perspective, women needed far too long.  Fortunately, Charles did not know the truth behind the need for delay.

"Right," he agreed and wondered how the owner would throw out the folks that might have laid claim to the private area.  Perhaps it was already empty, but Charles did not hold his breath.  The crowd seemed rowdy and he was not in his best element.  

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Douglas had been quite content to just see Lauderdale go; he had nothing more to discuss with him after their conversation that afternoon, and if Maitland had things to say to Douglas, well they'd already agreed to talk after church. If the Duke needed the Highlander sooner, he knew where to find him. 

Far better that he clear the place without being recognised, and Douglas could focus on managing the second half of the evening. "She's up in my rooms, fussin' wi her hair." He said to the unspoken question as the two men waded towards the private dining room through the crowded common room. It was most probably true, after what Douglas suspected had happened. "She didnae want tae sit in the common room." That was most likely true given the company. What lady would want to hang around with a bunch of drunken commoners? Well off commoners certainly, the Hen's Toes was beyond the means of the average labourer, but commoners never the less. "I'll gie fetch her once we're sure we hae the room." Douglas had the same suspicions as Charles, that those who had been using it as overflow might be reluctant to relinquish it, booking or no. 

He hoped that Fiona was alright and at least enjoyed seeing Langdon again. 

* "She's up in my rooms, fussing with her hair. She didn't want to sit in the common room. I'll go fetch her once we're sure we have the room."

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Fiona sighed in relief as the door shut behind Lauderdale. He had stayed far too long and now there wasn’t time to have a bath drawn before she was to meet with Charles. She had hoped to be able to wash the disgust and shame away like she usually did after a tryst with the nasty old codger. Now she would have to make do with a basin of water, some soap, and a few washcloths. The maids brought them promptly and as she began her ablutions, they changed the sheets on the bed. She also insisted that the window be opened to air the room out a bit.


Why hadn’t Douglas told her about Lauderdale before they were on their way? Had she known, she would have brought an extra set of clothes. So that the Duke would not rip them in his impatience to swive her, Fiona had put on a show, divesting herself of her gown while performing a sensual dance. That had pleased him and might have been the reason that it didn’t take him very long to climax. To her delight, he had not been able to get it up again, though he continued to linger. He seemed to think that his wife was behind the attempts on her life too and had told her that he would deal with it.


He had given her another gift … a beautiful ring with a cairngorn stone that was said to bring the wearer good luck. She felt a bit guilty that she hated him so much when he clearly cared for her. The ring had been his, but he had given it to her for protection and warned her to be especially careful. She had, of course, promised that she would be.  The emerald bracelet and the ring had been hidden under the clothes in Douglas' trunk so that Charles wouldn't see them.


After drying herself off, she paid one of the maids to help her dress. The woman wasn’t a trained maidservant, but she did an adequate job, though Fiona had to admonish her when she tried to pull her laces too tight. Ordering the window to be closed again, she used it as a mirror to fix her hair, which was currently a tangled mass of auburn curls.





The private dining room had been reserved by a group of merchants earlier in the evening. Though a few of them grumbled when Mr Clarke bustled them out at 8:30, they left quietly, knowing that if they put up a fuss, they wouldn’t be welcome back at the inn. As they filed out, a group of maids filed in to clean it up for the customers who would use it next.  The soiled tablecloth had to be changed, the floor mopped, and new tableware set out. It was close to 9 when Mr Clarke inspected the room and proclaimed it ready.


He had seen the tall Scot who had reserved the dining room come downstairs and didn’t want to keep him waiting overlong. Now he had been joined by another Life Guard, this one wearing his uniform. Mr Clarke hurried over to the gentlemen and bowed. “The dining room is ready for you, my lord,” he said to Douglas. “Will you want dinner immediately or would you prefer to have drinks first?”

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It was something of a surprise to Charles that the private dining table was vacant.  His own experience in pubs was colored by encounters with unruly patrons.  The table was also tidy, surprisingly.  "This is a quality inn," Charles observed as he moved to sit.

"You spoke about dinner as I recall.  Have you and Fiona eaten yet?"  Charles had merely snacked on some bread to hold him for a late meal.

The talk of Fiona playing with her hair caused Charles to give Douglas the knowing smile that all men gave each other when confronted with delays for ladies attempting to get their hair just right.  One could not be angry because ladies were judged on beauty, so the male gender had learned to become indulgent of delay as being a regular occurrence.  "I will wait here then.  You can assure her that her natural beauty transcends the condition or style of her hair,"  he offered in a jovial fashion.

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Douglas nodded in agreement with Charles' comment that this was a quality inn. "Aye tis." Fit for those who couldn't get a room in Windsor and hadn't wanted or needed to rend a house. The Hen's Toes was certainly working well for him, and he was pleased indeed to see that the private dining room had been cleared, cleaned and re-set for them and gave Mr Clarke a nod of appreciation. "Dinner wi' drinks, I think. That bottle o' French wine I haed set aside if ye please."* Truth was there had been two bottles but the first had gone up to his room earlier. 

"Fiona an' I haed a wee somethin' a couple o' hoors agie at Cat's." Was Douglas' comment on whether or not they'd eaten. "But I allus find m'sel luikin' forrard tae dinner here."** He said as the proprietor hurried out. The food was really very good. 

Truth was of course that he'd eaten at The White and Fiona had presumably eaten here with her paramour, but Douglas was always up for another meal and in her current condition Fiona seemed to be as well. 

"Let me gie get her. I wilnae be lang."*** Douglas assured Charles, before leaving the poor fellow all alone in the dining room and hurrying up the stairs.


A quick, gentle tap on his own door and Douglas let himself into his rooms to find Fiona was indeed fixing her hair, and looked clean and passably dressed. "Are ye alricht lassie?" Douglas asked, automatically grabbing his own brush and moving to help Fiona with her hair, assuming she'd let him. "Langdon's doonstairs."+ He added. Her real reward for the evening's work. 

* "Yes it is. Dinner with drinks, I think. The bottle of French wine I had set aside if you please."
** "Fiona and I had a little something a couple of hours ago at Cat's. But I always find myself looking forward to dinner here."
*** "Let me go get her. I won't be long."
+ "Are you alright girl?"

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The two gentlemen seemed happy with the private dining room and Mr Clarke beamed when Lord Dundarg complimented his establishment. The tall Scot asked for the (second) bottle of wine he had reserved and the proprietor bowed again. “As you wish, my lord.” After bowing again, he hurried out.





Fiona jumped when she heard the tap on the door, dislodging the curl she had just fastened in place. Through the window’s reflection, she saw Douglas walk in. “I’m fine now that he’s gone.” She made a face when she mentioned Lauderdale.


Douglas took his brush and began working on the back of her hair. “Thank you, Dougie. I was wondering what I would do about the back. One of the maids helped me dress but she was clumsy. If I had asked her to fix my hair, it would have been in worse shape than it was when he finished with it.”


Her heart skipped a beat at the news that Charles was downstairs.  She smiled brightly. “Then let’s not keep him waiting,"   Fiona turned away from the window so that Douglas could see the front of her gown and her hair. Reaching into her petticoat pocket, she removed a vial of perfume and spritzed some on. “Do I look okay?”


If he said yes, she was ready to go downstairs and have a second meal with her handsome lover. This time, he would be dessert.

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Charles watched Douglas retreat to fetch his half sister.  His eyes scanned the common room to see who might be paying attention.  Anyone who he knew?

The wine arrived and the Earl gave a polite thank you and was happy to take a sip while waiting.  He imagined that Fiona would be nervous now that she had a patron.  It was the perfect move for her and he needed to flatter and support her dramatically.  Charles was prepared to do that.

His mind wondered which powerful lover she had wooed.  It would be outrageous if it was York, he thought to himself.  If it was York, he could not touch her.  Anyone else, that was not a royal, there might be opportunities if they were discreet.  Of course, Charles might be married in the new year and that could change everything, or not.  He rather enjoyed the attention of his lovers, past and present, and felt a desire to keep in contact with them all. As for the level of contact, that would remain to be seen.

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Douglas felt a certain amount of empathy for Fiona when she stated she was fine now that her lover was gone. Lauderdale had little to recommend him personally. But it was also the path she'd chosen. They were all likely to benefit from it and he would support her as best he could. So he simply gave her a faint, grim smile and set to work with the hair brush, straightening out her auburn curls in the sections she couldn't see or easily reach. Like Cat, she did have beautiful hair. "D'ye need me tae help straighten oot yer dress?"* He asked when Fiona said the maid hadn't been very good. It was a purely practical question. 

At least she got some sort of reward on the same night, in the form of her friend and erstwhile lover. Fiona's face lit up in a smile when Douglas told her that Charles was downstairs. In response to her question her brother looked her up and down critically, before nodded. "Ye luik stunnin'." He assured her. And she did. The MacBain girls were natural beauties, even slightly tousled Fiona looked lovely. "Put yer cloak on thou'." He advised. "Langdon arrived in his bluidy uniform an' we dinnae need Cat er His Grace findin' oot yer meetin' wi' him."** Just in case. 

Once her identity was suitably obscured, Douglas offered his sister his arm and led her down the stairs towards the private dining room.

* "Do you need me to help straighten out your dress?"
** "You look stunning. Put your cloak on though. Langdon arrived in his bloody uniform and we don't need Cat or His Grace finding out you're meeting with him."

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“The maid pulled my laces too tight. I made her do it over, but they’re still a bit snug. If you can loosen them a bit, I’ll be able to breathe easier.” Fiona didn’t plan on keeping her gown on for very long, but she was still hungry and a tight dress would make her meal less enjoyable.


She grinned at Douglas’ comment. “We make a fine-looking pair,” she said. Hopefully, Charles would think she looked stunning too. She didn’t want to wear the cloak but understood the need to conceal her identity. If Lauderdale found out she was dining with a gentleman after he left her, it could put Charles in danger. Maybe he was still downstairs having a drink.


She didn’t even want to think about what Cat would do.


With a sigh, Fiona wrapped the cloak around her and pulled up the hood to hide her face. “I’m ready,” she informed him before taking his arm so he could escort her to the private dining room. Her eyes lit up when she saw Charles, resplendent in his scarlet uniform. Douglas might not approve, but she liked it, though she often wondered what he looked like in civilian clothes. She already knew how he looked in nothing at all.


He couldn’t see her expression behind her hood. As soon as the door closed behind them, she pushed it back so that it pooled around her shoulders. Letting go of Douglas arm, she walked over to Charles and held up her hand to be kissed. “It is a pleasure to see you again, Lord Langdon,” she said politely.  Maybe playing hard to get was the best way to woo him back to her.  All men wanted what they couldn't have.

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As brother and sister approached the table, Charles took to his feet and directed his full attention to Fiona, who held out her hand.  They would play at formality in a semi-formal setting.

"My lady," he replied as he reached for her hand, mindful not to disclose her identity.  Their eyes met.  "How lovely you look this evening," he flattered, "as always."  His kissed her hand with but a light dancing brush, almost as a tease, since she seemed to want to tease him.  He pulled out her chair so that she might be seated, looking away from the crowd to help preserve her anonymity.  "It has been far too long since we have been together," he added lightly, it having a more important meaning than the phrase typically meant.

He then moved to take the seat opposite her and observed where Douglas might sit.  With luck, the Captain would leave them to their privacy.

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All too aware of additional reasons that Fiona's gown not be laced too tight, Douglas was more than happy to oblige, if not entirely confident of his ability to improve the situation. Still, Fiona seemed more satisfied following his efforts, and with the cloak at least tolerated the two were able to head downstairs and join Lord Langdon in the private dining room. Charles of course made every effort to be charming to Fiona; that was expected of a gentleman greeting a lady but Douglas viewed the interaction through a rather different lens and wondered whether Langdon remembered his request during their conversation that afternoon.

Possibly to the other man's annoyance Douglas did join them for dinner, but he didn't linger over his food, rather eating with the haste of one with an eternal appetite. Once he'd cleared his plate he looked from one of his companions to the other. "I need tae see tae my horse, I think he micht hae a stane in his shoe, an' I dinnae need him giein' lame." He declared, apropos of nothing. Charles would no doubt remember Douglas's black Arab stallion and the fact that it had a feral temper and disinclination to submit to any other than it's master. "Lassie, we need tae leave in aboot an hoor. Cat weel hae my guts fer garters if we're back late. I'll cam back whin tis time tae gie." He said, knowing full well that Fiona would like him to clear off, thank you, now that he'd done his show of brotherly supervision. 

"I'll leave ye twa tae tawk. Langon, if ye weel excuse me." The last was an acknowledgement to Charles, accompanied by a bow to the table generally. After all, Langdon had looked after Fiona before, he theoretically should be able to be trusted with her. It was more Fiona that Douglas didn't trust. 

Unless there were any objections, Douglas would take himself elsewhere for said hour, and trust the pair he was leaving behind. 

* "I need to see to my horse, I think he might have a stone in his shoe, and I don't need him going lame. Girl, we need to leave in about in hour. Cat will have my guts for garters if we're back late. I'll come back when it's time to goe."
** "I'll leave you two to talk. Langdon, if you will excuse me."

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Seeing that Douglas was to join them for dinner, Charles needed to adopt a more gentile way to discuss the topic of her new lover.  As the food was coming, Charles hoped to use the time at the table well to learn more about Fiona's lover and the identity of the wife that was likely the culprit behind the attempts to kill the young beauty.  "Your brother tells me that you have acquired an ... admirer, but told me none of the details.  Frankly, you should have a dozen admirers, of which I am a fortunate member, so it does not surprise me.  I am interested in how this person fits into the threats on your life, however."  It had been the great mystery of 1678 for the couple.  He had protected her at Somerset Palace for almost six months. "I am grateful that you look well."


OOC~  I took the liberty of posting again because Douglas stayed and I thought it right that Charles should start the conversation with an invitation to reveal what she was comfortable with.  I did not add anything in connection with Douglas departing.  I assume Fiona and Charles can work up to that, and then decide how to spend that hour together. I am fine if you choose to summarize what they discussed during dinner and then they can have a more detailed private conversation after Douglas leaves.  I am flexible either way.

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Just the sight of Charles sent a delectable heat shimmering through Fiona’s body. He kissed her hand in a playful manner which made it tingle pleasantly. He missed me, she thought, and he wants to resume our relationship. His compliment pleased her, even if it was the expected response from a gentleman to a lady.


She sat down in the chair he pulled out for her. “It’s been far too long,” she agreed with a sultry smile. Fiona didn’t care if Douglas saw it. He knew how she and Charles felt about each other, and had even given her the key to his room when they had arrived.


They had barely moved past the formalities when servants entered with trays of food and set the mouthwatering dishes on the table. She had already eaten a hearty meal but she was still famished. Sadly, there was no haggis.  She had been craving it lately. Perhaps that was fortunate, though, so Charles wouldn’t be disgusted when she ate it.


He asked about her ‘admirer’ and claimed to be one himself. Fiona wished that Douglas hadn’t told him that she had another lover, but he’d probably had no choice when explaining his theory on the identity of her stalker. Luckily, he had not named names. She didn’t want Charles to know that she was shagging a powerful Duke (who was also a dirty old man).


“I don’t want to talk about that now. Douglas can tell you about it some other time.” She looked over at her brother, hoping he would be agree. It was better if Charles didn’t learn about Lauderdale and she would rather not discuss one lover with another.


They conversed amiably during their meal. Douglas wolfed down his food, but that wasn’t unusual for him. As she had expected, he made up an excuse to leave so she and Charles could have some privacy. An hour didn’t seem long enough but she would rather not face Cat’s wrath when they got home.


“I wish you could stay, but I understand,” she said with a pretty pout. Would Charles have any objections to being left alone with her? She certainly hoped not.

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I don’t want to talk about that now. Douglas can tell you about it some other time.

Douglas met Fiona's gaze and nodded, not particularly wanting Langdon to know the identity of her lover either. No doubt Lauderdale would make it known when he was good and ready and until then they did not need rumours circulating. It was bad enough that Charles knew, but Douglas had felt that was the best way to stop other questions about Fiona's stalker. Time would tell if he had misjudged. 

No objections were raised, so Douglas cleared off. He did genuinely want to check on his horse, but beyond that he would give the pair the time he had indicated. How they used that was up to them. 

(OOC: Exit Douglas, he'll be back in slightly over an hour, unless something interrupts him.)

Edited by Douglas FitzJames
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Charles had not eaten since breakfast, so he was quite hungry.  It seemed that all three diners were in a hurry to eat.

The fact that Fiona did not wish to discuss the topic of her admirer was something of a surprise to the Earl.  Why did she want to have dinner with him then?  He imagined that she wanted to thank him for taking care of her, more ways than one, and now wanted to celebrate the passing of the danger, and her good fortune in becoming a mistress to a powerful man.  None of that was discussed.

As he finished his meal, Douglas excused himself, which was to be expected.  He had wanted Charles to caution his half sister against resuming their affair because it could jeopardize her continued support by this mystery man.  That was understandable. Curiously, Douglas seemed to have no objection to a resumption for other reasons, escept perhaps that it jeopardized her ability to get an alternative admirer.

Bidding farewell to Douglas, Charles noted that he had an hour alone with Fiona.  What did she wish to discuss that she did not discuss before?  Maybe there were things she did not want Douglas to hear.  Was the common room of a tavern the place to discuss the most sensitive scandalous secrets?

"Now that he is gone," Charles said softly as he moved his head closer to Fiona to lessen the chance of others overhearing them, "what shall we do?" He was not naive enough to not think that Fiona might want them to jump into bed, but surely they needed to have a serious talk first.  "Let us talk privately," he suggested softly.  "Do you have a key to his room?"  He was prepared to follow quickly as he pushed his plates away.  His curiosity was burning to know the identity of her lover.  It was critical to know which wife tried to kill her.  They would also need to discuss the risk of carrying on their affair.  Fiona was like a prisoner anyway, so they would not be able to see each other again any time soon.

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Her brother’s nod assured Fiona that he understood her reluctance to give Charles more information about her ‘admirer.’ Douglas had told her to leave the investigation to him, and she had agreed. If he needed Charles’ help in catching her stalker, he could reveal what he must.


Doug left after a round of farewells. Finally, she and Charles were alone, though they didn’t have much time to themselves. Silvery thrills meandered down her spine as he leaned forward and asked her what they should do. Fiona had thought that she would need to coax him upstairs, but he suggested that they go to Douglas’ room so they could ‘talk.’ She knew what he really wanted to do. It seemed like a lifetime since they had slept together.  He must be as amorous as she was.


“Yes, I have the key,” she confirmed. Pulling up her hood again, she stood up and led him up the stairs and into her brother’s room. At the moment, it held disgusting memories for her, but that was about to change.


As soon as she shut and locked the door, she ripped off her cloak and launched herself into Charles’ arms, capturing his lips in a sensual kiss. “We only have an hour,” she purred.  “Let’s make it count.”

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As soon as the door shut, he expected Fiona to start chattering away about all sorts of topics, trying to rush through explanations before trying to seduce him, time permitting.  He only got it half right, or perhaps reversed.

She flung herself in his arms with hungry kisses. This was not going to be the time for talking. If he wanted to learn more, he would either need to get it from Douglas, or from Fiona in the afterglow.  There really wasn't time to think.  He returned her kisses fervently and then picked her up to carry her to the bed.  This gave him a moment to speak.  "You lovely minx, If you are sleeping with York or a royal, I cannot touch you," he quizzed.  "I promised York I would not toy with his mistresses in the future," he explained with a laugh.  It could not be Cumberland because he was not married, and it could not be the King, or Douglas would have said so.

He tossed her on the bed playfully.  Ladies had such an advantage in swiving, they merely needed to raise their skirts.  Men had breeches and jackets.  As he took off his jacket, "Cat promised to kill me if we swived again.  Douglas had me promise to tell you that we should not sleep together, lest it jeopardize your relationship with your ... lover."  The jacket was off, as was the belt and he was unbuttoning his breeches hurriedly.  The rest of his clothing would need to remain.  "I have done my duty in warning you, and now we are both going to do something foolish, but fated."  It would likely be the last time they could get together during the season, so there was more pressure to enjoy the moment that might never come again.  Perhaps, more importantly, he could get her talking afterwards.

He threw himself beside her and attempted to resume the passionate kissing. If she showed any sign of caution, he was willing to stop; but, Fiona was the hottest lady for lovemaking that he knew.  All ladies enjoyed it, but Fiona thrilled to it.  Charles could only hope it was because she was crazy about him, as opposed to just being an indiscriminate light skirt. 

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Charles returned her kisses with the same enthusiasm with which they were given. He must be mad with lust for her. Fiona laughed when he picked her up and carried her to the bed. “My admirer is neither York nor a royal, so there’s no need to worry.” Maybe that answer would satisfy him and he would not pry further.


She bounced when he tossed her on the bed and she watched with growing ardor as he partially disrobed. She untied her voluminous skirt and slipped it off, tossing it onto the floor.  There was nothing she could do about her bodice unless she had help to unlace it, but it was low-cut and could be pushed down to reveal her bosom. She had no intention of removing her corset. That sometimes annoying article of clothing was great at hiding pregnancy in its early stages and she wasn’t sure yet whether she wanted to tell him that she was with child.


Her eyes narrowed when Charles disclosed the promise Doug had coerced him into making. Fiona had been under the impression that her brother was going to give Charles permission to continue their affair. She would have it out with him later, perhaps on their way back home. However, he had trusted her with his room key, which he would not have done if he was dead set against it. 


“Foolish, no. Fated, yes,” she replied as he joined her on the bed. His mouth met hers and there was no time to say any more. When she sensed he was ready, she pounced on top of him, sitting down hard on his cock so that he wouldn’t be able to pull out, and prepared to enjoy the ride.


~fade to black~


And what a gloriously wild ride it had been! They had poured all of their frustrated longing and passion into their rough but joyful lovemaking, and now Fiona lay entwined with Charles, completely exhausted and basking in the afterglow. She hoped that they would be able to have another go before their hour was up. “This was definitely meant to be,” she whispered in his ear. “I have missed you so much.”


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Sometimes passion overcomes reason.  They each wanted it badly and Charles knew that they would not likely be able to see each other privately again until next court season, most likely, and then only infrequently.  So, this was likely their swan song for 1678 and it would take careful planning to meet privately again.  As such, he let his fury consume him.

She rolled atop him, which afforded him a better view of the beauty of her face and form.  Was it misplaced to think she had added some weight since the spring and summer?  That only added to her beauty.  When she was atop him, it was a signal that she wanted him to spend inside her.  In their previous torrid affair, he had been good about withdrawing before climaxing.  There were occasional mishaps as one would expect, but she knew to cleanse herself afterwards.  When atop, she had convinced him that his seed would come out naturally and she could clean the rest so there would be no chance of pregnancy.  Though wary of doing it too often, he made exceptions upon her later pledge to take care of the rest.  As for now, there was less need for protection, since she had a powerful lover.  She could claim the pregnancy was his.  Thus, Charles let loose as he knew she wanted, and then allowed her to fall to his side, still somewhat engulphed.  It was a sign that they would try again soon enough.  There was plenty of time left, as the couple had been so excited that their first bout ended rather quickly.

They had a few minutes to engage in pillow talk and Charles planned to use it to his advantage to learn more.  "Aye, fated," he agreed readily.  "You spent a year or two to break down my defenses, you minx," he smiled.  "And you are so exciting and beautiful that I cannot resist you," he added, knowing that flattery was his best weapon to get her speaking.  "Unfortunately, we will not be able to be together again unless your brother brings you again, which is unlikely. Otherwise, you are a prisoner until the next court season," he sighed.  "If I am to plan how we can secretly meet in the future, I need to know the identity of your admirer, so I can discover his weaknesses in watching you, unless he is fine with you having another lover.  If he is, then we can arrange regular meetings."  It was a false hope.  "If he forbids you, then we need to have a story to claim we ended our affair long ago."  That seemed technically true.  "Tonight was but a happenstance, not an affair."  He paused to kiss her and see if she agreed.  "But I need to know what lord to avoid if he might come looking for me."  This seemed to be a strong argument for her to share the identity.

As for the next topic, he asked, "if you tell me that we shall be forever fated to be lovers, then so shall it be, secretly at least.  Even should you have powerful lovers, marry, or merely hide from others," he chuckled at the last circumstance, "we shall get together secretly when we can.  As for me, I will need to marry some duke's daughter or earl's sister because I am the first born and expected to ally with a powerful family.   But, even married, if we are fated, I shall find a way back to you when I can."  It was all aspirational, of course, and he had a secondary reason for speaking of his marriage because there was always the lingering question of why the two of them had not married.  It was not solely because she was libertine, but the McBain family was not a powerful family in England, despite Cat's royal favor.  Such favor was often fleeting.  The Herberts, in contrast, had significant favor that would not fade.

The couple might never be together again, but one could not tell a lover that.   Charles felt a bond with all of his past lovers and would always entertain episodic resumptions if they were still friends.  His upcoming marriage would likely complicate such things, but he hoped to keep such things secret.  Time would tell if he would abandon such foolish notions.  Yet, at present, the primary thought was having another go with Fiona before the hour expired.

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  • 2 weeks later...

“And I would do it all over again.” Fiona replied, basking in Charles’ compliments as well as the afterglow of their lovemaking. “You are worth it.” Had it really been fate that had drawn her to him after that half-remembered night at Brighton that had started it all? It seemed likely. Why else would she have pursued him for so long? True, she was a young lady who went after what she wanted and didn’t stop until she got it, but why Charles and not some other handsome and titled lord? It was impossible to explain, but she knew that she was never happier than when she was with him.


Their connection had once been purely physical, but she felt that now it was emotional as well. If he felt nothing for her, then he would have fled when he found out she was the mistress of a powerful man. But here he was beside her, speaking of his desire to meet with her again. He wanted to know who her other lover was, but Fiona needed to protect him from Lauderdale’s wrath should he discover that she wasn’t faithful to him.


“I can’t tell you who he is, Charles,” she sighed. “I trust you with my life, but it is better for both of us if his identity remains a secret.” She returned his kiss with ardor . “Yes, a chance encounter, not an affair.” Fiona grinned mischievously. “I can see many more chance encounters in our future. Maybe my brother can arrange another meeting between us soon. After the season ends, I’ll be staying in Scotland until the next one begins. We will not be able to see each other then.” She hoped that absence did, indeed, make the heart grow fonder. “I wish I could stay in Somerset Palace again, but it will not be possible.”


Her grin softened as the topic turned back to fate. “Yes.” There was a note of determination in her voice. “We are fated to be together forever, but not as husband and wife. If we married, I think we would make each other miserable. You need a wife who is not as … adventurous … as I am, one who will be content to bear your heirs and look the other way when you keep returning to me. And I need a husband that I can control.”


She would marry Lauderdale if his wife died or he set her aside, but only because an alliance with him would benefit her family and she would achieve her dream of becoming a Duchess, therefore killing two birds with one stone. And she was already adept at manipulating him. If she gave birth to a son, the world would be her oyster.


Fiona kissed him again. “No matter what happens in the future, you will always be first in my heart.”

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"I am a lucky man to have had such a persistent and irresistible admirer," he chuckled as they continued to exchange kisses.  Given the awkwardness of having a powerful lover, it was important for him to stoke her ego with flattery, because it was the path best for the both of them if they wanted to sneak trysts occasionally in the future.

Charles was surprised that she kept her lover secret, claiming it was to protect him.  At first, it seemed the reverse.  Should their affair be discovered, he would not know which lord would be confronting him.  That created some internal disquiet, but he accepted her judgment, for now.  Perhaps he could claim that he did not know she had another lover, when confronted.  Maybe she was correct.

He was glad to hear that she acknowledged that marriage was not the answer for the two of them.  Love was the better course.  "Aye, fated, my Scottish love," he replied softly.  There was pressure to respond to her declaration.  Charles had several loves, to tell the truth, including Darlene and Davina, but both were necessarily relegated to the past.  Catherine Sedley was more mistress than love. 

"Douglas disapproves of us being together.  He will not likely aid us again.  He prefers that you stay true to your patron, no doubt to keep the gifts coming, especially if you have the man's child," he sighed.  Charles did not need to be clairvoyant about Fiona's condition.  Having a child with a great lord was the only way to assure a lifetime of support, as opposed to the fickleness of fancy alone.

"Write to me during the offseason by pretending you are writing Douglas and sending the letter to the Life Guard Major, on his behalf.  You can use the name Douglas and I know it will be meant to be me.  I am not sure how I can get letters to you, unless I pretend to be one of your sisters," he laughed   "Know that I would send you letters to wherever you are hidden later this year, but I likely will be unable.  Next court season we will devise a system for meeting.  If you take a room at Dorchester House in London, it would be perfect, as I can arrange secret meetings with you there because I control the property and the servants."  They did not have much time to speak, as Douglas would be back before long and Charles was dying to have another go, especially since it might be their last for many months.

He attempted to roll her on her back so that he could have a powerful swive with her in the remaining time.  He recalled how Catherine favored the robust rounds because York was too old to offer the same vigor.  It might be that Fiona's lover was old as well.

He gave her a good rumble, in whatever positions she might enjoy.  When the moment of crisis was near, Charles whispered "I will not withdraw this time.  I will sear you with my seed in the hope that the Fates will forever link us with a child."  It was the sort of thing one uttered when crazed with desire, rather than reason, and he prepared to plant as much as he could inside her, ignorant of the fact that it was too late.  Still, it added a bit of spice he had not anticipated prior to their declarations of love.


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