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To Lord Basildon - Saturday the 17th, delivered early evening

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A handwritten invitation using lampblack soot ink on parchment, embossed with the three-crowned royal coat of arms of the Tsardom of Moscow.




Dear Lord Basildon,


The Honourable Pyotr Fedorovich Sheremetev, Ambassador from the Tsardom of Moscow to the English Court, requests the honour of your company at a private gathering The Ambassador will host for gentlemen interested in trade, to present opportunities to be found in Russian markets.

The event will be held at the temporary embassy in Windsor Town on the evening of Thursday, September the 22nd, of the year of Our Lord 1678.


Your most humble and obedient servant,

Aleksandr Andreievich Potemkin

Ambassador’s Secretary


Along the invitation a Barguzinsky sable muff was delivered, large enough to be used by a man. 

Edited by Pyotr Fedorovich
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