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Langdon Scratchpad

Charles Whitehurst

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  • 1 year later...

A problem will be solved, though not in the way you expect. A clue will be revealed by somebody close to you. I see a baby with a silver spoon in its mouth, crying inconsolably, as well as a dog that keeps barking. I also see a new acquaintance who could be either a blessing or a curse.


The fortune teller leaned across the table and lowered her voice so that only he could hear it. “I sense danger from a beautiful angry widow with a tooth in her hand, and from a man separated from his family by bars who counts money and consults a lawyer.”


Her voice lowered to a whisper. “I sense those mystical influences you spoke of too. The Romani are closer to the spiritual world than most. Be careful how you deal with the supernatural.  It is often not what it seems. An unexpected source could help or hinder your efforts.”


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