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To Lady Beverley - by hand, afternoon of the 16th

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She'd had to ask just whom Lady Beverley was, and still felt a little nervous writing to her without an introduction, but Eleanor reassured herself with the knowledge that it had been a Royal command. The letter was written on creamy cotton rag into which dried flowers had been pressed at intervals. She'd looked for one with Hydrangeas in it, for Understanding, but she seemed to use them all. Bluebells didn't press well, so she'd settled for a sheet with white rose petals in it. Innocence was always a safe bet.


Unto Mary Somerset Saint-Leger, Lady Beverley

Does Eleanor Bayning, daughter if Viscount Bayning and niece of Baron Grey,

Send Greetings.

Dear Lady Beverley, 

I hope that you and yours are well and that this season's high mood reflects well on your family.

I can only hope that you will be kind enough to forgive me writing to you without a prior introduction. During the opening Reception I was most kindly introduced to Their Majesties by Lord Mountjoy, a true highlight. Her Majesty and I spoke, and she asked to see my embroidery, and that I contact you to arrange a time to do so. I write, obedient to Her Majesty's wish, in the hope that your kind self, being familiar with her schedule and preferences, might guide and facilitate me in doing as Her Majesty has requested.

I look forward to hearing from you at your leisure.

Yours Faithfully

Eleanor Bayning

The letter was delivered by hand, accompanied by two pieces of the exotic nut and honey pastry called baklava.

Edited by Eleanor Bayning
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