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To Catriona Macgregor, By Hand Arrives Late Afternoon Sept. 16th.

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A Footman delivers a basket secured by a yellow ribbon to the Servants entrance of the house rented by Catriona. Inside packed in straw is a rabbit (dead), a large assortment of wild mushrooms and a pair of leeks. Accompanying the basket is a card on court stationary which reads in small precise handwriting.


My dear Lady Alyth,

Please accept this cony, freshly shot this very morning, these mushrooms, picked the same from a secluded dell by your humble admirer and these leeks, purloined from Windsor’s kitchen garden, (Rupert will not know and the King will not begrudge them).

If you pleased, lightly dusted with flour and sautéed in butter with the mushrooms and leeks, it would not fail to provide a comforting and satisfying supper.


You may remain assured, Madam, of my profound and constant regard.


Edited by Charles Blount
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  • Charles Blount changed the title to To Catriona Macgregor, By Hand Arrives Late Afternoon Sept. 16th.
  • 3 weeks later...

Delivered in the late afternoon on Sept. 17th.  The stationary was cream colored with an embossed Scottish thistle in the bottom left corner.  It smelled of the tea sent along with the note.  The bag of tea should be good for 2-3 pots full.



My dear Lord Mountjoy,

Thank you so much for the lovely cony and it's accoutrements.  It was delicious, as you likely expected and thus greatly appreciated.  I'm including with this note some tea.  It is an herbal tea made with dried apples and figs, with some added dried lemon peel and cinnamon.  I hope you and the Margavina enjoy.  

Lady Catriona MacGregor

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