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Eleanor's Plans

Eleanor Bayning

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Investigate the young men of court for possible marriage prospects.
* Charles Whitehurst, Earl of Langdon - Handsome, young, reputation as a ladies man
* Francis Kirke, Lord Kingston - Young, Villiers blood, considered Buckingham's protegee. 
* Cesare D'Este - scion of the Dukes of Modena, jeweller and diamond trader. Cousin to Maria de Gonzaga. Presumably related to Mary of Modena. Probably Catholic. Also Foreign. 

Investigate the younger girls associated with court, looking for a potential betrothee for her brother John, now 11.

Maintain her good reputation.
* Avoided Langdon's offer to accompany her to her room, 'to ensure she doesn't get lost'. 

Meet interesting people of like minds.
* Charles Blount, Viscount Mountjoy. Eleanor met him at the opening reception, Autumn season 1678. Both he and his wife have positions in the Queen's household! He lost his father young, but is well established at court and buys his very fine clothes from Mr Delliard's atelier
* Lady Anne-Elizabeth Devereaux.

Find out more about the Bayning family connections and why her father and mother won't talk about some of them. 

Collect rare flowering plants.

Improve her prospects if possible.

Obtain fine things, and enjoy life. 

Eventually make as good a marriage as she can, looking for a fellow of good breeding (her parents’ goal) and who can keep her in the manner to which she’d like to become accustomed (her goal).

Once she has one, help her husband (and thereby herself and her children) to gain as much advantage at court as possible.

Edited by Eleanor Bayning
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