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Your Stories Await Telling

To Lord Langdon | arrives 30/12- Xmas 1677


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Dear Lord Langdon,


I would like to thank you again for rescuing me when I was robbed the other day. If you and your friend had not come to my assistance, I fear they might have killed me. I have enclosed sketches of two of the thieves. I hope that they might help you find them and bring them to justice. My jewelry and money are probably long gone, but I don't think that was what they were after.


While they were taking my valuables, they asked me several times: 'Where is it?' I was so frightened that all I could do was shake my head. I had no idea what they were talking about. Eventually one of them said that I didn't have it and that their master was not going to be pleased. It was at that time that the third thief ran back with the news that you were coming. They shoved me to the ground and ran through the shop.


I would still love to sketch the roses on your dagger so that I can have them engraved upon my father's gift. I will have to go back to the weapon shop eventually and commission a weapon, but I don't know if I should return until the thieves have been caught.


Thank you again for saving my life.




Lady Thomasina Alasia Faraday


Two drawings on separate sheets of paper accompanied the letter, both of rough-looking young men. The sketches were so realistic they almost seemed to jump off the page. Despite her youth, Lady Tamsin was no amateur when it came to art.

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  • 1 month later...

Charles reviewed the letter with interest. This lady characterized the Earl of Chichester as 'his friend." He found that rather odd, but thought little of it.


Rather, the drawings of the two men that attacked her were of greater interest. He tried to remember if he had seen someone with their likeness before. It was certainly a warning to show the sketches to those in his household that very evening. If anyone came calling looking like that, they should not admit them.


Of greater interest in that moment was the fact that the two had been looking for something in her possession. What could it have been? Surely it was not her sketchbook. He thought of his own dagger but dismissed it, since the thieves could not have known he planned to lend it to her. No, it had to be some note or heirloom. Rubbing his chin as he read the letter, no ready answer came to light. He supposed he would need to answer her letter. Should he offer to escort her back to the weapon shop? It was the gallant thing to do surely, but did he need to get involved further with this mystery lady? The circumstances of the attack were most peculiar. Chichester felt the same. It seemed staged somehow, yet he had little proof of it.


Taking a quill in hand, the Earl drafted a reply:


Dear Lady Tamsin,


I regret the outcome of our first encounter, yet I am heartened that you are well. Money and jewels can be replaced. You have my word that we will seek justice for your loss. The sketches you included shall be shown to the men of my regiment, which patrol the Strand. If these villains are identified and arrested, I shall see that justice shall be served swiftly.


I should be happy to let you sketch the roses. In the meantime, however, it may be best to stay safe until you can surmise what these brigands were after. It must be something precious in your possession. Make certain that you have a stout manservant. If you wish, I shall ask one of my soldiers to come by your house daily to inquire after your safety. At some point soon I should be honored to escort you to the weaponsmith. If I can be of service, do not hesitate to call upon me.




Charles Whitehurst

Earl of Langdon

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