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Veritas - 21st of May


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Veritas 21 May

The truth shall make ye free


Master CB & Mistress ED last seen riding a single horse in St James'. The gentleman is reported to have returned home to marry: the lady is an heiress, her whereabouts unknown to her friends. Wedding bells?


On the subject of matrimony, another Mistress ED is reported to have suffered a grave disappoint in this arena. The lady's family have considerable pastoral holdings and are noted producers of wool but have recently turned their attention to cattle.


Much confusion in London in the days running up to the Royal Hunt as several invitations were delivered into the hands of the wrong persons. Was it foul play or simply lazy palace servants?


It seems that a certain Scotswoman of noble birth has caught the attention of our sovereign. He reportedly expressed admiration for certain particulars of the lady’s person at the culmination of the Royal Hunt. Could it be that His royal tastes are at last turning to Protestant ladies? It seems that more than one foreign dignitary believes it to be possible.


And more from the Royal Hunt…. A certain Lord L had occasion to admire, and some say a touch more, a Royal favourite’s reputedly fine legs. It seems that a bolting horse is to thank for this, and the young lord to thank for those fine legs, not to mention the rest of the lady, remaining intact!


A blond lady of quality is letting herself be painted by a roguish painter. The paintings are quite racy and expose her beauty for all to see. We wonder what her father thinks of that.


A German lady of quality has been seen with several gentlemen. She's rumored to have a lot of money. Who will be the first to propose?


A rising trend.. more and more ladies are seen attending Kemp's. Puritans are outraged, but gents rejoice. We of the Veritas heartily agree with this new fashion, for the stories they make...


A guard of the French Ambassador was killed in an alley during skirmishes between the French and the Dutch, a spill over from the War. However the killing stroke is rumored to be of a Scot!


A racing fox has been seen with a flame-haired companion above his station. Is the lady victim or vixen?


A beautiful young servant girl was stabbed in East End. Where it not for the doctors present it is unlikely she would have survived. It is said the girl is in the employ at Mansion of the duke of M. Yet there are whispers she's staying at another mansion, of the Irish racing fox. Does his flame haired companion approve?


Her Majesty the Queen, completely against protocol, invited several younger members of Court to a well visited tea. It is said the normally so shy Queen looked positively glowing and recommended Portuguese Eggs, even going as far as considering Scottish fare. What sets the Queen to such strange tastes? Dare the kingdom hope... for a heir?


The East End has seen several houses boarded up. The numbers of dead listed for the Plague are on the rise. Shall we see a return of that great black disaster?


A Lady well sought after by many gets has been primarily in the company of Lord B. We wonder at the sudden return of her brother to London. Might we hope for a duel?


Three Life Guards were brutally slain at St. Marks by an escaping prisoner. Perhaps now the dark Turk, who is followed every where by one of their number, will grow more confident of his chances.


A certain Lord D was seen purchasing an engagement ring with a large blue sparkler in the middle of it. Could it be that Sir C's efforts to marry his daughters are finally beginning to pay off? How big a dowry do you think Sir C had to offer to secure the match?


Jewelry is certainly on the rise. The previously charming but ill dressed redheaded lady from the countryside is now seen frequently bedecked with glittering jewelry in fashionably cut gowns. The roguish young earl Lord B. has been seen buying a pricey tiara to grace another lady with. No doubt all the young ladies will now look to their gents to make sure they keep up. Who will receive the diamond necklace and earring set that was bought at auction we wonder?

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